CPosLmCompositeCriteria Class Reference

class CPosLmCompositeCriteria : public CPosLmSearchCriteria

Class used to combine multiple search criterion.

For instance, to search for all restaurants in the area, this class can be used to combine a CPosLmAreaCriteria and a CPosLmCategoryCriteria .

If a CPosLmNearestCriteria is used and no sort preference is specified, the result will be sorted by distance. If more than one CPosLmNearestCriteria are combined using a CPosLmCompositeCriteria , the sort order will be undefined unless a sort preference is specified.

Nested CPosLmCompositeCriteria are not allowed.

This criterion only supports searching for landmarks, e.g. if it is passed to CPosLandmarkSearch::StartCategorySearchL , the function will fail with error code KErrNotSupported .

S60 3.0

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


CPosLmCompositeCriteria ( TCompositionType aType ) [private]


TCompositionType aType

CPosLmCompositeCriteria(const CPosLmCompositeCriteria &)

CPosLmCompositeCriteria ( const CPosLmCompositeCriteria & ) [private]


const CPosLmCompositeCriteria &


~CPosLmCompositeCriteria ( ) [virtual]


Member Functions Documentation

AddArgument(CPosLmSearchCriteria *)

IMPORT_C TInt AddArgument ( CPosLmSearchCriteria * aCriteria )

Adds a criterion to this composition.

The composite criterion must contain at least one argument, otherwise CPosLandmarkSearch::StartLandmarkSearchL will fail with error code KErrArgument .

If this function returns without an error code, ownership of the added criterion object is transferred to the composite object.

CPosLmCompositeCriteria are not supported when composition type is ECompositionAND . Only CPosLmTextCriteria is supported in the case of ECompositionOR

Searching for landmark categories using CPosLmCompositeCriteria is not supported in the case of ECompositionAND.


CPosLmSearchCriteria * aCriteria The criterion to add to the composition.


IMPORT_C const CPosLmSearchCriteria & Argument ( TUint aIndex ) const

Returns a criterion argument contained in this object.

This overload returns a const reference to the criterion argument. There is another overload which returns a non-const reference.


TUint aIndex The argument to read. Must be in the interval [0, NumOfArguments - 1], or this function will raise a USER-130 panic.


IMPORT_C CPosLmSearchCriteria & Argument ( TUint aIndex )

Returns a criterion argument contained in this object.

This overload returns a non-const reference to the criterion argument. There is another overload which returns a const reference.


TUint aIndex The argument to read. Must be in the interval [0, NumOfArguments - 1], or this function will raise a USER-130 panic.


IMPORT_C void ClearArguments ( )

Removes and deletes all contained criterion objects.

The composite criterion must contain at least one argument, otherwise CPosLandmarkSearch::StartLandmarkSearchL will fail with error code KErrArgument .


IMPORT_C TCompositionType CompositionType ( ) const

Returns the type of this composite criterion.


void ConstructL ( ) [private]


IMPORT_C CPosLmCompositeCriteria * NewLC ( TCompositionType aType ) [static]

Two-phased constructor.


TCompositionType aType The composition type to use.


IMPORT_C TUint NumOfArguments ( ) const

Returns the number of criteria this object contains.


IMPORT_C CPosLmSearchCriteria * RemoveArgument ( TUint aIndex )

Removes a criterion from this composition.

Note: This function does not delete the criterion object. Instead, the ownership of the object is passed to the caller.


TUint aIndex The argument to remove. Must be in the interval [0, NumOfArguments - 1], or this function will raise a USER-130 panic.


IMPORT_C void SetCompositionType ( TCompositionType aType )

Set the type of this composite criterion.


TCompositionType aType

operator=(const CPosLmCompositeCriteria &)

CPosLmCompositeCriteria & operator= ( const CPosLmCompositeCriteria & ) [private]


const CPosLmCompositeCriteria &

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TCompositionType

Specifies the type of the composite criterion. ECompositionOR - is supported only when all the contained critarias are CPosLmTextCriteria . it is not supported for other criteria.


ECompositionAND = 0

Search results must match all contained criteria.

ECompositionOR = 1

Search result must match one of the contained criteria

ECompositionOR - is supported only when all the contained critarias are CPosLmTextCriteria . it is not supported for other criteria

Member Data Documentation

RPointerArray< CPosLmSearchCriteria > iArguments

RPointerArray < CPosLmSearchCriteria > iArguments [private]

TCompositionType iCompositionType

TCompositionType iCompositionType [private]