c32comm.h File Reference

const TUint KCommBufferFull

const TUint KCommBufferFull

Use full buffering. Used by RComm::SetMode() .

const TUint KCommBufferPartial

const TUint KCommBufferPartial

Use partial buffering. Used by RComm::SetMode() .

Typedef TCommServerConfig

typedef TPckgBuf < TCommServerConfigV01 > TCommServerConfig

Package buffer for a server configuration object. TCommServerConfig is used as an argument to RComm::Mode() and RComm::SetMode() .

const TInt KMaxPortDescription

const TInt KMaxPortDescription

Maximum length of port full name, TPortDescription (48 characters).

const TInt KMaxPortName

const TInt KMaxPortName

Maximum length of the Port Prefix format name, as used by TPortName (16 characters).

const TUint KCommResetRx

const TUint KCommResetRx

Reset the receive buffer

const TUint KCommResetTx

const TUint KCommResetTx

Reset the transmit buffer

Typedef TPortName

typedef TBuf < KMaxPortName > TPortName

Port name. Used by TSerialInfo::iName .

Typedef TPortDescription

typedef TBuf < KMaxPortDescription > TPortDescription

Full port name/description. Used by TSerialInfo::iDescription .