CMsvScheduleSettings Class Reference

class CMsvScheduleSettings : public CBase

Stores the MTM-specific (general) settings for scheduling messages on the Task Scheduler.

These settings include the latency (minimum amount of time between now and when the message is scheduled for), the intervals (short, long or variable) to wait for before attempting to re-send the message and the timout value for messages pending conditions to be met.

The other MTM scheduling releated settings are stored in CMsvOffPeakTimes and CMsvSendErrorActions .

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
~CMsvScheduleSettings ()
IMPORT_C TIntervalType IntervalType ()
IMPORT_C const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 & Latency ()
IMPORT_C const TTimeIntervalSeconds & LongInterval ()
IMPORT_C CMsvScheduleSettings * NewL ()
IMPORT_C CMsvScheduleSettings * NewLC ()
IMPORT_C const TTimeIntervalMinutes & PendingConditionsTimeout ()
IMPORT_C TInt Priority ()
IMPORT_C void Reset ()
IMPORT_C void SetIntervalType (const TIntervalType )
IMPORT_C void SetLatency (const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 &)
IMPORT_C void SetLongInterval (const TTimeIntervalSeconds &)
IMPORT_C void SetPendingConditionsTimeout (const TTimeIntervalMinutes &)
IMPORT_C void SetPriority (const TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetShortInterval (const TTimeIntervalSeconds &)
IMPORT_C void SetValidityPeriod (const TTimeIntervalMinutes &)
IMPORT_C void SetVariableIntervalsL (const CArrayFixFlat < TTimeIntervalSeconds > &)
IMPORT_C const TTimeIntervalSeconds & ShortInterval ()
IMPORT_C const TTimeIntervalMinutes & ValidityPeriod ()
IMPORT_C const CArrayFixFlat < TTimeIntervalSeconds > & VariableIntervals ()
Private Member Functions
CMsvScheduleSettings ()
void ConstructL ()
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Public Member Enumerations
enum anonymous {
EDefaultPriority  = 27, EDefaultValidityPeriod  = 10080, EDefaultIntervalType  = 3, EDefaultShortInterval  = 5, EDefaultLongInterval  = 120, EDefaultLatency  = 1500000, EDefaultPendingConditionsTimeout  = 0
Private Attributes
TIntervalType iIntervalType
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iLatency
TTimeIntervalSeconds iLongInterval
TTimeIntervalMinutes iPendingConditionsTimeout
TInt iPriority
TTimeIntervalSeconds iShortInterval
TTimeIntervalMinutes iValidityPeriod
CArrayFixFlat < TTimeIntervalSeconds > * iVariableIntervals

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


CMsvScheduleSettings ( ) [private]


IMPORT_C ~CMsvScheduleSettings ( )


Member Functions Documentation


void ConstructL ( ) [private]


IMPORT_C TIntervalType IntervalType ( ) const

Gets the schedule interval type.


IMPORT_C const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 & Latency ( ) const

Gets the minimum message sending latency.

This is the minimum amount of time from the current time that must elapse before the message is sent. This must be greater than or equal to zero.

If the client specifies that the message should be scheduled in the past, then CMsvScheduleSend will actually schedule the message in Latency() seconds from the current time.

ScheduleSend-DLL 25 The latency is invalid (negative).


IMPORT_C const TTimeIntervalSeconds & LongInterval ( ) const

Gets the long retry interval value.

ScheduleSend-DLL 18 The long interval is out of range (negative or null).


IMPORT_C CMsvScheduleSettings * NewL ( ) [static]

Allocates and creates a new CMsvScheduleSettings object.


IMPORT_C CMsvScheduleSettings * NewLC ( ) [static]

Allocates and creates a new CMsvScheduleSettings object.


IMPORT_C const TTimeIntervalMinutes & PendingConditionsTimeout ( ) const

Gets the timeout interval when re-scheduling messages for pending conditions to be met.

A value of zero indicates that there is no timeout when pending conditions to be met. The default value is zero.


IMPORT_C TInt Priority ( ) const

Gets the priority of the messages on the Task Scheduler.


IMPORT_C void Reset ( )

Resets the object.

This sets all data members to their default values.

SetIntervalType(const TIntervalType)

IMPORT_C void SetIntervalType ( const TIntervalType aIntervalType )

Sets the schedule interval type.


const TIntervalType aIntervalType The schedule interval type.

SetLatency(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 &)

IMPORT_C void SetLatency ( const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 & aLatency )

Sets the minimum message sending latency.

ScheduleSend-DLL 25 The latency is invalid (negative).


const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 & aLatency Minimum message sending latency.

SetLongInterval(const TTimeIntervalSeconds &)

IMPORT_C void SetLongInterval ( const TTimeIntervalSeconds & aInterval )

Sets the long retry interval value.

This is used by CMsvScheduleSend to determine when to next send the message, if the TMsvSendErrorAction::iAction equals ESendActionRetryLater and TMsvSendErrorAction::iRetrySpacing equals ESendRetriesFixed.

ScheduleSend-DLL 18 The long interval is out of range (negative or null).


const TTimeIntervalSeconds & aInterval Long interval value.

SetPendingConditionsTimeout(const TTimeIntervalMinutes &)

IMPORT_C void SetPendingConditionsTimeout ( const TTimeIntervalMinutes & aTimeout )

Sets the timeout interval when re-scheduling messages for pending conditions to be met.

A value of zero indicates that there is no timeout when pending conditions to be met. The default value is zero.

ScheduleSend-DLL 25 The timeout interval is invalid (negative).


const TTimeIntervalMinutes & aTimeout The timeout interval in minutes.

SetPriority(const TInt)

IMPORT_C void SetPriority ( const TInt aPriority )

Sets the priority of the messages on the Task Scheduler.


const TInt aPriority Priority value.

SetShortInterval(const TTimeIntervalSeconds &)

IMPORT_C void SetShortInterval ( const TTimeIntervalSeconds & aInterval )

Sets the short retry interval value.

This is used by CMsvScheduleSend to determine when to next send the message, if the TMsvSendErrorAction::iAction equals ESendActionRetryImmediately.

ScheduleSend-DLL 19 The short interval is out of range (negative or null).


const TTimeIntervalSeconds & aInterval Short interval value.

SetValidityPeriod(const TTimeIntervalMinutes &)

IMPORT_C void SetValidityPeriod ( const TTimeIntervalMinutes & aValidityPeriod )

Sets the time period for which the messages are valid on the Task Scheduler.

This is ignored if a message has to be sent off-peak.

ScheduleSend-DLL 10 The validity period is invalid (negative or null).


const TTimeIntervalMinutes & aValidityPeriod Validity period.

SetVariableIntervalsL(const CArrayFixFlat< TTimeIntervalSeconds > &)

IMPORT_C void SetVariableIntervalsL ( const CArrayFixFlat < TTimeIntervalSeconds > & aIntervals )

Sets variable retry intervals.

One of the system wide error codes One of the intervals could not be appended to the array holding the variable intervals.
ScheduleSend-DLL 20 At least one of the intervals is out of range (negative or null).


const CArrayFixFlat < TTimeIntervalSeconds > & aIntervals Variable retry intervals.


IMPORT_C const TTimeIntervalSeconds & ShortInterval ( ) const

Gets the short retry interval value.

ScheduleSend-DLL 19 The short interval is out of range (negative or null).


IMPORT_C const TTimeIntervalMinutes & ValidityPeriod ( ) const

Gets the time period for which the messages are valid on the Task Scheduler.


IMPORT_C const CArrayFixFlat < TTimeIntervalSeconds > & VariableIntervals ( ) const

Gets variable retry intervals.

This is used by CMsvScheduleSend to determine when to next send the message. It is only used if TMsvSendErrorAction::iAction equals ESendActionRetryLater and TMsvSendErrorAction::iRetrySpacing equals ESendRetrySpacingVariable.

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum anonymous

Default scheduler settings values.


EDefaultPriority = 27

Default priority.

EDefaultValidityPeriod = 10080

Default validity period: 10080 Minutes in 1 week.

EDefaultIntervalType = 3

Default interval type: EYearly

EDefaultShortInterval = 5

Default short retry interval.

EDefaultLongInterval = 120

Default long retry interval.

EDefaultLatency = 1500000

Default latency.

EDefaultPendingConditionsTimeout = 0

Default timeout. Zero minutes - no timeout.

Member Data Documentation

TIntervalType iIntervalType

TIntervalType iIntervalType [private]

TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iLatency

TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iLatency [private]

TTimeIntervalSeconds iLongInterval

TTimeIntervalSeconds iLongInterval [private]

TTimeIntervalMinutes iPendingConditionsTimeout

TTimeIntervalMinutes iPendingConditionsTimeout [private]

TInt iPriority

TInt iPriority [private]

TTimeIntervalSeconds iShortInterval

TTimeIntervalSeconds iShortInterval [private]

TTimeIntervalMinutes iValidityPeriod

TTimeIntervalMinutes iValidityPeriod [private]

CArrayFixFlat< TTimeIntervalSeconds > * iVariableIntervals

CArrayFixFlat < TTimeIntervalSeconds > * iVariableIntervals [private]