CommsFW::TCFCommsMessage Class Reference

class CommsFW::TCFCommsMessage : public CommsFW::TCFMessage

Comms messages used by the Comms Framework.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


TCFCommsMessage ( TCodes aCode ) [inline]

Constructor for basic comms message type. TCodes


TCodes aCode Code identifying the specific message type.

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TCodes

Message types defined by the framework.


ECodeInvalid = 0

Invalid, not a message.

ECodeBind = 10

Bind two sub-modules with a set of channels.

ECodeBindComplete = 11

Binding completed; response to ECodeBind.

ECodeUnbind = 12

Unbind two sub-modules and close the corresponding channels.

ECodeUnbindComplete = 13

Unbind completed; response to ECodeUnBind.

ECodeDiscover = 14

Request information such as names of sub-modules.

ECodeDiscoverResp = 15

Reply to discover request.

ECodeShutdown = 16

Request for module to shutdown.

ECodeForward = 17

Message from the root server client forwarder to a module TCFForwardMsg

ECodePrivateFlag = 128

Private message flag; CF channel is being used to convey a message specific to the binding end-points.