CSurfaceStream Class Reference

class CSurfaceStream : public CBase

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
~CSurfaceStream ()
SymbianStreamBuffer AcquireReadBuffer ()
SymbianStreamBuffer AcquireWriteBuffer ()
int AddObserver ( SymOwfStreamCallback , void *, MultipleSymbianStreamEventBits )
int AddObserver ( SymbianStreamCallback , TInt32 , TInt32 , void *)
void AddReference ()
TInt BufferHandleToIndex ( SymbianStreamBuffer )
TInt BytesPerPixel ( TUidPixelFormat )
TInt CheckBufferNumber ( TInt , TRequestStatus *, TRequestStatus *, TRequestStatus *)
CSurfaceStream * FromHandle ( SymbianStreamType )
void * GetBufferPtrL ( SymbianStreamBuffer )
void GetHeader ( khronos_int32_t *, khronos_int32_t *, khronos_int32_t *, SymOwfPixelFormat *, khronos_int32_t *)
CSurfaceStream * NewL (const TSurfaceId &)
CSurfaceStream * NewLC (const TSurfaceId &)
int NotifyObservers ( TInt32 )
void ProcessNotifications ( TInt32 , TInt32 , TInt32 , TInt32 , TInt32 *)
TInt ReleaseReadBuffer ( SymbianStreamBuffer )
void ReleaseReference ()
void ReleaseWriteBuffer ( SymbianStreamBuffer )
TBool RemainingReference ()
int RemoveObserver ( SymOwfStreamCallback , void *, MultipleSymbianStreamEventBits )
int RemoveObserver ( TInt32 , void *)
void SetAllNotifications ( TInt , TRequestStatus *, TUint32 *, TRequestStatus *, TInt *, TRequestStatus *, const TRegion *)
void SetFlipState ( TBool )
void SetNewNotifications ( TInt , TRequestStatus *, TUint32 *, TRequestStatus *, TInt *, TRequestStatus *, const TRegion *, TInt32 )
void SetProtectionFlag ( TBool )
const TSurfaceId & SurfaceId ()
SymbianStreamType ToHandle ()
Private Member Functions
CSurfaceStream ()
TInt AddNewGlobalNotification ( TRequestStatus *, TInt )
void Available ( TInt32 , TInt32 , ContentUpdatedParams *, void *, TInt32 *)
void CancelNotifications ()
void ConstructL (const TSurfaceId &)
void Displayed ( TInt32 , TInt32 , ContentUpdatedParams *, void *, TInt32 *)
void DisplayedXTimes ( TInt32 , TInt32 , ContentUpdatedParams *, void *, TInt32 *)
TBool EndUpdateNotifications ( TInt , TInt , TInt32 , const TRegion *)
TInt GetReadBufferIndex ()
COpenWfcStreamMap & GetSingletonL ()
TInt GetWriteBufferIndex ()
SymbianStreamBuffer IndexToReadHandle ( TInt )
SymbianStreamBuffer IndexToWriteHandle ( TInt )
TBool NotifyComposerContext ( TInt32 , TInt , SYMOWF_CONTENT_UPDATED_PARAM *)
void RequestComplete ( TThreadId &, TRequestStatus *&, TInt &, TInt )
void ResetCallBackData (void *, TInt32 )
void SetNotifications ( TInt , TRequestStatus *, TUint32 *, TRequestStatus *, TInt *, TRequestStatus *, const TRegion *, TInt32 , const TNewGlobalNotifications &)
void SetReadBufferIndex ( TInt )
TBool StartUpdateNotifications ( TInt , SYMOWF_CONTENT_UPDATED_PARAM &)
TInt Stride ( TInt , TUidPixelFormat )
void SurfaceInfoL (const TSurfaceId &, RSurfaceManager::TInfoBuf &)
TBool UpdateNotifications ( TInt , TInt , TInt32 , const TRegion *)
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Public Member Enumerations
enum CallBackOperations { EDefaultOperation , ECheckVisibleOperation }
Private Member Enumerations
enum FlippedTarget { EFlipNotSet , EFlippedTargetNormal , EFlippedTargetFlipped }
Private Attributes
TInt iAcquiredWriteBuffer
RChunk iBufferChunk
TBufferInfo * iBufferInfo
TAny * iCallBackHighestPriority
RArray < TCallBackEntry > iCallBacks
RFastLock iCallBacksMutex
FlippedTarget iFlipState
RArray < TGlobalNotification > iGlobalNotifications
RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceInfoV01 iInfo
FlippedTarget iNewFlip
TInt iNumberOfScreenAttachedAvailableNotif
TInt iNumberOfScreenAttachedDisplayedNotif
TInt iNumberOfScreenAttachedDisplayedXNotif
TBool iProtected
TInt iReadBuffer
TInt iRefCount
RFastLock iRefCountMutex
TSurfaceId iStreamProxySurfaceId
TSurfaceId iSurfaceId

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


CSurfaceStream ( ) [private]

Constructor for performing 1st stage construction


~CSurfaceStream ( )


Member Functions Documentation


SymbianStreamBuffer AcquireReadBuffer ( )

Acquires read buffer for stream. For > 1 buffer streams this function doesn't block, but simply returns WFC_INVALID_HANDLE if no buffer is available for reading. For 1 buffer stream the caller is blocked until the buffer is ready for reading (the reader has committed the buffer, that is.)

An example sequence for 3 buffer stream where producer produces frames approx. after every ~5th time unit. Consumer consumes buffers at constant rate of 1buf/time unit. Pframe is the number/handle of buffer that is being written by the producer (let's assume that it takes 2 time units for producer to produce a frame/buffer.) Cframe is the number/ handle of the buffer the consumer receives from AcquireReadBuffer() . "i" stands for WFC_INVALID_HANDLE:

Time : 0 5 10 15 20 25 Pframe: 0 1 2 0 1 ... Cframe: ii00000111112222200000111...

An example sequence for 3 buffer stream where producer produces frames approx. after every ~5th time unit. Consumer consumes buffers at constant rate of 1buf/time unit. Pframe is the number/handle of buffer that is being written by the producer (let's assume that it takes 2 time units for producer to produce a frame/buffer.) Cframe is the number/ handle of the buffer the consumer receives from AcquireReadBuffer() . "i" stands for WFC_INVALID_HANDLE:

         Time:   0    5    10   15   20   25
 Pframe: 0    1    2    0    1    ...
 Cframe: ii00000111112222200000111...


SymbianStreamBuffer AcquireWriteBuffer ( )

Acquires write buffer for stream.

Returns handle to a buffer that can be used to write data into stream. If no clean buffer is available, invalid handle is returned.

Returns handle to a buffer that can be used to write data into stream. If no clean buffer is available, invalid handle is returned.

AddNewGlobalNotification(TRequestStatus *, TInt)

TInt AddNewGlobalNotification ( TRequestStatus * aStatusDisplayed,
TInt aAssociatedScreens
) [private]


TRequestStatus * aStatusDisplayed
TInt aAssociatedScreens

AddObserver(SymOwfStreamCallback, void *, MultipleSymbianStreamEventBits)

int AddObserver ( SymOwfStreamCallback observer,
void * data,
MultipleSymbianStreamEventBits aEvents

Add event observer for stream. Observers are served in first-come-first-serve fashion. That is, newest observer is always placed at the end of the chain. If the observer is already in the chain, it's popped out and moved to the end of the chain.


SymOwfStreamCallback observer Observer (callback function) who should be notified when something interesting happens in the stream.
void * data Additional data to pass to callback function
MultipleSymbianStreamEventBits aEvents

AddObserver(SymbianStreamCallback, TInt32, TInt32, void *)

int AddObserver ( SymbianStreamCallback aObserver,
TInt32 aEvent,
TInt32 aScreenNumber,
void * aData

Add event observer for stream. Observers are served in first-come-first-serve fashion. That is, newest observer is always placed at the end of the chain.


SymbianStreamCallback aObserver
TInt32 aEvent
TInt32 aScreenNumber
void * aData


void AddReference ( )

Increase stream's reference count by one.

Available(TInt32, TInt32, ContentUpdatedParams *, void *, TInt32 *)

void Available ( TInt32 aEvent,
TInt32 aSerialNumber,
ContentUpdatedParams * aParams,
void * aCallBackData,
TInt32 * aReturnMask
) [private]

Processes the available observer


TInt32 aEvent Events map to identify the operation to be executed.
TInt32 aSerialNumber A number used to identify the composition operation
ContentUpdatedParams * aParams
void * aCallBackData The observer data stored in the container of observers
TInt32 * aReturnMask Parameter to be retrieved by composer, representing the event to be processed


TInt BufferHandleToIndex ( SymbianStreamBuffer aBuff )


SymbianStreamBuffer aBuff


TInt BytesPerPixel ( TUidPixelFormat aPixelFormat ) [static]

A helper function that returns the bytes per pixel for a given pixel format UID


TUidPixelFormat aPixelFormat Pixel format UID to convert


void CancelNotifications ( ) [private]

Cancels all active notifications by completeting the associated requests

CheckBufferNumber(TInt, TRequestStatus *, TRequestStatus *, TRequestStatus *)

TInt CheckBufferNumber ( TInt aBuffer,
TRequestStatus * aStatusDisplayed,
TRequestStatus * aStatusDispXTimes,
TRequestStatus * aStatusConsumed

A function that checks the validity of the new buffer provided by SUS

When the contents of a surface change, this function gets called by the MCompositionSurfaceUpdate implementation. If the buffer is invalid all request statuses will be completed with KErrArgument


TInt aBuffer The buffer of the surface to be used in composition. Integer starting from 0.
TRequestStatus * aStatusDisplayed A request status object or NULL.
TRequestStatus * aStatusDispXTimes A request status object or NULL.
TRequestStatus * aStatusConsumed A request status object or NULL.

ConstructL(const TSurfaceId &)

void ConstructL ( const TSurfaceId & aId ) [private]

Symbian's default constructor for performing 2nd stage construction


const TSurfaceId & aId

Displayed(TInt32, TInt32, ContentUpdatedParams *, void *, TInt32 *)

void Displayed ( TInt32 aEvent,
TInt32 aSerialNumber,
ContentUpdatedParams * aParams,
void * aCallBackData,
TInt32 * aReturnMask
) [private]

Processes the available observer


TInt32 aEvent Events map to identify the operation to be executed.
TInt32 aSerialNumber A number used to identify the composition operation
ContentUpdatedParams * aParams
void * aCallBackData The observer data stored in the container of observers
TInt32 * aReturnMask Parameter to be retrieved by composer, representing the event to be processed

DisplayedXTimes(TInt32, TInt32, ContentUpdatedParams *, void *, TInt32 *)

void DisplayedXTimes ( TInt32 aEvent,
TInt32 aSerialNumber,
ContentUpdatedParams * aParams,
void * aCallBackData,
TInt32 * aReturnMask
) [private]

Processes the available observer


TInt32 aEvent Events map to identify the operation to be executed.
TInt32 aSerialNumber A number used to identify the composition operation
ContentUpdatedParams * aParams
void * aCallBackData The observer data stored in the container of observers
TInt32 * aReturnMask Parameter to be retrieved by composer, representing the event to be processed

EndUpdateNotifications(TInt, TInt, TInt32, const TRegion *)

TBool EndUpdateNotifications ( TInt aScreenNum,
TInt aBufferNum,
TInt32 aUpdatedFlags,
const TRegion * aRegion
) [private]

Notifies the composer that process of updating the content has finisshed

The composer releases the content mutex and triggers a new composition


TInt aScreenNum
TInt aBufferNum The buffer number to be updated
TInt32 aUpdatedFlags The events that triggers this function call
const TRegion * aRegion The sub-area that has the updates. If NULL, the whole surface is considered changed.


CSurfaceStream * FromHandle ( SymbianStreamType aNativeStreamHandle ) [static]

Helper to resolve handle to stream object


SymbianStreamType aNativeStreamHandle


void * GetBufferPtrL ( SymbianStreamBuffer buffer )

Returns pointer to pixel buffer.


SymbianStreamBuffer buffer Handle of buffer

GetHeader(khronos_int32_t *, khronos_int32_t *, khronos_int32_t *, SymOwfPixelFormat *, khronos_int32_t *)

void GetHeader ( khronos_int32_t * width,
khronos_int32_t * height,
khronos_int32_t * stride,
SymOwfPixelFormat * format,
khronos_int32_t * pixelSize

Get stream "frame header". Can be used to query all or some of the frame properties.

Passing a NULL pointer implies that particular value is of no interest to caller. E.g. GetHeader(stream, &w, &h, NULL, NULL, NULL); would only fetch width & height parameters.

Passing a NULL pointer implies that particular value is of no interest to caller. E.g. owfNativeStreamGetHeader(stream, &w, &h, NULL, NULL, NULL); would only fetch width & height parameters.


khronos_int32_t * width Pointer to location where width parameter should be saved
khronos_int32_t * height Pointer to location where height parameter should be saved
khronos_int32_t * stride Pointer to location where stride (row size in bytes) parameter should be saved
SymOwfPixelFormat * format
khronos_int32_t * pixelSize Pointer to location where pizelSize (pixel size in bytes) if the format has more than 8 bits. For the formats with fewer than 8 bits per pixel, or ones that do not use packed pixel the parameter is a negative number parameter should be saved


TInt GetReadBufferIndex ( ) [private]


COpenWfcStreamMap & GetSingletonL ( ) [private, static]


TInt GetWriteBufferIndex ( ) [private]


SymbianStreamBuffer IndexToReadHandle ( TInt aIndex ) [private, static]


TInt aIndex


SymbianStreamBuffer IndexToWriteHandle ( TInt aIndex ) [private, static]


TInt aIndex

NewL(const TSurfaceId &)

CSurfaceStream * NewL ( const TSurfaceId & aId ) [static]

Two-phased constructor.


const TSurfaceId & aId

NewLC(const TSurfaceId &)

CSurfaceStream * NewLC ( const TSurfaceId & aId ) [static]

Two-phased constructor.


const TSurfaceId & aId

NotifyComposerContext(TInt32, TInt, SYMOWF_CONTENT_UPDATED_PARAM *)

TBool NotifyComposerContext ( TInt32 aScreenNumber,
TInt aOp,
) [private]

Notifies the composer that the content has been updated.


TInt32 aScreenNumber Screen ID used to identify the target composer
TInt aOp The Operation expected the callback to execute
SYMOWF_CONTENT_UPDATED_PARAM * aParam Parameter containing aaditional information to push/pop from targetet composer


int NotifyObservers ( TInt32 aEvent )

Notifies the observers not associated with a context. The aim is to support legacy SI behavior.


TInt32 aEvent Observer identifier

ProcessNotifications(TInt32, TInt32, TInt32, TInt32, TInt32 *)

void ProcessNotifications ( TInt32 aEvent,
TInt32 aScreenNumber,
TInt32 aOperation,
TInt32 aSerialNumber,
TInt32 * aReturnMask

Process the notifications by accessing the information stored in the observer container.

This method is expected to be called from the observer context every time composer has finished processing a stream and the rigger condition is met.


TInt32 aEvent Events map to identify the observer to be processed.
TInt32 aScreenNumber Screen ID used to identify the target composer that invokes the method
TInt32 aOperation The Operation expected to be executed
TInt32 aSerialNumber A number used to identify the composition operation
TInt32 * aReturnMask Parameter to be retrieved by composer, representing the event to be processed when composed next time. A new composition is automatically triggered.


TInt ReleaseReadBuffer ( SymbianStreamBuffer buf )

Releases read buffer.

When read buffer is released, it is marked as clean to be written again, unless it is the only committed buffer in which case it is recycled so that the same buffer can be read again (as long as no new buffers are committed by the producer)

When read buffer is released, it is marked as clean to be written again, unless it is the only committed buffer in which case it is recycled so that the same buffer can be read again (as long as no new buffers are committed by the producer)


SymbianStreamBuffer buf Buffer handle. Must be valid read buffer handle for given stream.


void ReleaseReference ( )

Decrease stream's reference count by one and destroy the stream, if the reference count goes to zero.

All acquired read & write buffers must be released before calling WFC_Native_Destroy.

All acquired read & write buffers must be released before calling WFC_Native_Destroy.


void ReleaseWriteBuffer ( SymbianStreamBuffer buf )

Releases write buffer to stream. Released buffer is made new front buffer, i.e., producer is expected to release buffer is the same order they were acquired.


SymbianStreamBuffer buf Buffer handle. Must be valid write buffer handle for given stream.


TBool RemainingReference ( )


RemoveObserver(SymOwfStreamCallback, void *, MultipleSymbianStreamEventBits)

int RemoveObserver ( SymOwfStreamCallback observer,
void * aData,
MultipleSymbianStreamEventBits aEvents

Remove stream event observer. Observer is removed from the stream's event nofitication chain and won't receive any events from the stream afterwards.


SymOwfStreamCallback observer Observer (callback function)
void * aData
MultipleSymbianStreamEventBits aEvents

RemoveObserver(TInt32, void *)

int RemoveObserver ( TInt32 aEvents,
void * aData

Remove stream event observer. Observer is removed from the stream's event nofitication chain and won't receive any events from the stream afterwards.


TInt32 aEvents
void * aData Data must uniquely identify the observer

RequestComplete(TThreadId &, TRequestStatus *&, TInt &, TInt)

void RequestComplete ( TThreadId & aThreadId,
TRequestStatus *& aRequestStatus,
TInt & aGlobalIndexArray,
TInt aStatus
) [private]


TThreadId & aThreadId
TRequestStatus *& aRequestStatus
TInt & aGlobalIndexArray
TInt aStatus

ResetCallBackData(void *, TInt32)

void ResetCallBackData ( void * aCallBackData,
TInt32 aEvent
) [private]

Function used to reset observer data fields


void * aCallBackData The observer data stored in the container of observers
TInt32 aEvent Event identifier for whis the operation is to be executed.

SetAllNotifications(TInt, TRequestStatus *, TUint32 *, TRequestStatus *, TInt *, TRequestStatus *, const TRegion *)

void SetAllNotifications ( TInt aBuffer,
TRequestStatus * aStatusDisplayed,
TUint32 * aTimeStamp,
TRequestStatus * aStatusDispXTimes,
TInt * aDisplayedXTimes,
TRequestStatus * aStatusConsumed,
const TRegion * aRegion

Implements surface content notifications.

When the contents of a surface change, this function gets called MCompositionSurfaceUpdate implementation.


TInt aBuffer The buffer of the surface to be used in composition. Integer starting from 0.
TRequestStatus * aStatusDisplayed This is signaled after the composited frame is posted the to display for the first time after the update. After this the value in aTimeStamp is valid, if the value in the status object is KErrNone. Can be NULL, if no signal is desired.
TUint32 * aTimeStamp Value of the User::FastCounter() right after the display refresh that signaled aStatusDisplayed.
TRequestStatus * aStatusDispXTimes This is signaled when the surface has been on the screen for aDisplayedXTimes refreshes, including the update that signaled aStatusDisplayed. Can be NULL, if no signal is wanted.
TInt * aDisplayedXTimes The number of refreshes after which aStatusDispXTimes is signaled or NULL. If values is provided, it must be >= 1.
TRequestStatus * aStatusConsumed A request status object or NULL. If not NULL, then the request status is completed once the backend does not anymore need the contents of the surface to render the update. This may happen before actually displaying the finished frame.
const TRegion * aRegion The sub-area that has the updates. If NULL, the whole surface is considered changed.


void SetFlipState ( TBool aFlip )


Sets flipped state.


TBool aFlip

SetNewNotifications(TInt, TRequestStatus *, TUint32 *, TRequestStatus *, TInt *, TRequestStatus *, const TRegion *, TInt32)

void SetNewNotifications ( TInt aBuffer,
TRequestStatus * aStatusDisplayed,
TUint32 * aTimeStamp,
TRequestStatus * aStatusDispXTimes,
TInt * aDisplayedXTimes,
TRequestStatus * aStatusConsumed,
const TRegion * aRegion,
TInt32 aScreenNumber

Implements surface content notifications.

When the contents of a surface change, this function gets called MCompositionSurfaceUpdate implementation.


TInt aBuffer The buffer of the surface to be used in composition. Integer starting from 0.
TRequestStatus * aStatusDisplayed This is signaled after the composited frame is posted the to display for the first time after the update. After this the value in aTimeStamp is valid, if the value in the status object is KErrNone. Can be NULL, if no signal is desired.
TUint32 * aTimeStamp Value of the User::FastCounter() right after the display refresh that signaled aStatusDisplayed.
TRequestStatus * aStatusDispXTimes This is signaled when the surface has been on the screen for aDisplayedXTimes refreshes, including the update that signaled aStatusDisplayed. Can be NULL, if no signal is wanted.
TInt * aDisplayedXTimes The number of refreshes after which aStatusDispXTimes is signaled or NULL. If values is provided, it must be >= 1.
TRequestStatus * aStatusConsumed A request status object or NULL. If not NULL, then the request status is completed once the backend does not anymore need the contents of the surface to render the update. This may happen before actually displaying the finished frame.
const TRegion * aRegion The sub-area that has the updates. If NULL, the whole surface is considered changed.
TInt32 aScreenNumber Uniquelly identifies the context (composer)

SetNotifications(TInt, TRequestStatus *, TUint32 *, TRequestStatus *, TInt *, TRequestStatus *, const TRegion *, TInt32, const TNewGlobalNotifications &)

void SetNotifications ( TInt aBuffer,
TRequestStatus * aStatusDisplayed,
TUint32 * aTimeStamp,
TRequestStatus * aStatusDispXTimes,
TInt * aDisplayedXTimes,
TRequestStatus * aStatusConsumed,
const TRegion * aRegion,
TInt32 aScreenNumber,
const TNewGlobalNotifications & aGlobalNotifications
) [private]


TInt aBuffer
TRequestStatus * aStatusDisplayed
TUint32 * aTimeStamp
TRequestStatus * aStatusDispXTimes
TInt * aDisplayedXTimes
TRequestStatus * aStatusConsumed
const TRegion * aRegion
TInt32 aScreenNumber
const TNewGlobalNotifications & aGlobalNotifications


void SetProtectionFlag ( TBool flag )

Undocumented protection flag


TBool flag enable disable protection


void SetReadBufferIndex ( TInt aIndex ) [private]


TInt aIndex

StartUpdateNotifications(TInt, SYMOWF_CONTENT_UPDATED_PARAM &)

TBool StartUpdateNotifications ( TInt aScreenNumber,
) [private]

Notifies the composer that the content is in process to be updated. The composer will have to not access observer related information

Note that while calling the callback the context update mutex is acquired.


TInt aScreenNumber Screen ID used to identify the target composer

Stride(TInt, TUidPixelFormat)

TInt Stride ( TInt aWidth,
TUidPixelFormat aPixelFormat
) [private]


TInt aWidth
TUidPixelFormat aPixelFormat


const TSurfaceId & SurfaceId ( ) const

Returns internal surface ID.

SurfaceInfoL(const TSurfaceId &, RSurfaceManager::TInfoBuf &)

void SurfaceInfoL ( const TSurfaceId & aSurface,
RSurfaceManager::TInfoBuf & aInfo
) [private]


const TSurfaceId & aSurface
RSurfaceManager::TInfoBuf & aInfo


SymbianStreamType ToHandle ( )

Helper to resolve handle to stream object

UpdateNotifications(TInt, TInt, TInt32, const TRegion *)

TBool UpdateNotifications ( TInt aScreenNum,
TInt aBufferNum,
TInt32 aUpdatedFlags,
const TRegion * aRegion
) [private]

Notifies the composer that content has been updated

It is used to support old SI behaviour. The content update mutex is acuired and released while a new composition is triggered


TInt aScreenNum
TInt aBufferNum The buffer number to be updated
TInt32 aUpdatedFlags The events that triggers this function call
const TRegion * aRegion The sub-area that has the updates. If NULL, the whole surface is considered changed.

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum CallBackOperations



Enum FlippedTarget



Member Data Documentation


const TInt BUFFER_READ_HANDLE_BASE [private, static]


const TInt BUFFER_WRITE_HANDLE_BASE [private, static]


const TInt BUFFER_WRITE_UPDATE_OVERWRITE [private, static]

TInt iAcquiredWriteBuffer

TInt iAcquiredWriteBuffer [private]

RChunk iBufferChunk

RChunk iBufferChunk [private]

TBufferInfo * iBufferInfo

TBufferInfo * iBufferInfo [private]

TAny * iCallBackHighestPriority

TAny * iCallBackHighestPriority [private]

RArray< TCallBackEntry > iCallBacks

RArray < TCallBackEntry > iCallBacks [private]

RFastLock iCallBacksMutex

RFastLock iCallBacksMutex [private]

FlippedTarget iFlipState

FlippedTarget iFlipState [private]

RArray< TGlobalNotification > iGlobalNotifications

RArray < TGlobalNotification > iGlobalNotifications [private]

RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceInfoV01 iInfo

RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceInfoV01 iInfo [private]

FlippedTarget iNewFlip

FlippedTarget iNewFlip [private]

TInt iNumberOfScreenAttachedAvailableNotif

TInt iNumberOfScreenAttachedAvailableNotif [private]

TInt iNumberOfScreenAttachedDisplayedNotif

TInt iNumberOfScreenAttachedDisplayedNotif [private]

TInt iNumberOfScreenAttachedDisplayedXNotif

TInt iNumberOfScreenAttachedDisplayedXNotif [private]

TBool iProtected

TBool iProtected [private]

TInt iReadBuffer

TInt iReadBuffer [private]

TInt iRefCount

TInt iRefCount [private]

RFastLock iRefCountMutex

RFastLock iRefCountMutex [private]

TSurfaceId iStreamProxySurfaceId

TSurfaceId iStreamProxySurfaceId [private]

TSurfaceId iSurfaceId

TSurfaceId iSurfaceId [private]