802dot11.h File Reference

const TUint16 KTU

const TUint16 KTU

A measurement of time equal to 1024 s.

const TUint8 KMacHeaderLength

const TUint8 KMacHeaderLength

Length of MAC header

const TUint8 KQoSMacHeaderLength

const TUint8 KQoSMacHeaderLength

Length of QoS MAC header

const TUint32 KHtControlFieldLength

const TUint32 KHtControlFieldLength

Length of HT Control field in bytes

const TUint8 KHtQoSMacHeaderLength

const TUint8 KHtQoSMacHeaderLength

Length of QoS MAC header with HT Control field in bytes

const TUint8 KMaxNumberOfDot11bRates

const TUint8 KMaxNumberOfDot11bRates

Maximum number of 802.11b supported rates 1, 2, 5.5, 11 MBit/s

const TUint8 KMaxNumberOfRates

const TUint8 KMaxNumberOfRates

Maximum number of actual supported rate elements in supported rates information element

const TUint8 KMaxNumberOfExtendedRates

const TUint8 KMaxNumberOfExtendedRates

Maximum number of actual 802.11 supported rate elements in extended supported rates information element

const TUint8 KMaxNumberOfDot11bAndgRates

const TUint8 KMaxNumberOfDot11bAndgRates

Maximum number of 802.11b plus 802.11g supported rates

const TUint8 KBasicRateMask

const TUint8 KBasicRateMask

Bit mask for checking is supported rate element part of BSS Basic Rate Set (MSB bit is set)

const TUint32 KMaxWEPKeyLength

const TUint32 KMaxWEPKeyLength

Maximum length for a WEP key in BYTES

const TUint8 KTKIPKeyLength

const TUint8 KTKIPKeyLength

Length of TKIP key;

const TUint8 KWepIVLength

const TUint8 KWepIVLength

Length of WEP Init.Vector in BYTES

const TUint8 KWEPICVLength

const TUint8 KWEPICVLength

Length of WEP ICV in BYTES

const TUint8 KWepExtendedIVLength

const TUint8 KWepExtendedIVLength

Length of Extended IV field in bytes.

const TUint8 KCcmpHeaderLength

const TUint8 KCcmpHeaderLength

Length of CCMP header in bytes.

const TUint8 KWapiHeaderLength

const TUint8 KWapiHeaderLength

Length of WAPI header in bytes.

const TUint8 KWapiMicLength

const TUint8 KWapiMicLength

Length of WAPI MIC in bytes.

const TUint32 KWepExtendedIvMask

const TUint32 KWepExtendedIvMask

Mask to determine is Ext IV bit up in WEP IV

const TUint8 KUseProtectionMask

const TUint8 KUseProtectionMask

Mask for Use Protection bit in ERP Information IE

const TUint8 KMicLength

const TUint8 KMicLength

Length of MIC in BYTEs

const TUint8 KMicKeyLength

const TUint8 KMicKeyLength

Length of the MIC key in BYTEs

const TUint8 KInfoElementHeaderLength

const TUint8 KInfoElementHeaderLength

Length of ID and Length fields of an information element.

const TUint8 KChallengeTextLength

const TUint8 KChallengeTextLength

Length of the challenge text in BYTES used in shared key authentication

const TUint16 KBounceType

const TUint16 KBounceType

Ethernet header type field identifier for Bounce type packet

const TUint16 KEapolType

const TUint16 KEapolType

Ethernet header type field identifier for EAPOL type packet (IEEE 802.1X)

const TUint16 KWaiType

const TUint16 KWaiType

Ethernet header type field identifier for WAPI authentication, i.e. WAI, type packet

const TUint16 KIpType

const TUint16 KIpType

Ethernet header type field identifier for IP type packet

const TUint16 KIpv6Type

const TUint16 KIpv6Type

Ethernet header type field identifier for IPv6 type packet

const TUint16 KArpType

const TUint16 KArpType

Ethernet header type field identifier for ARP type packet

const TUint8 KOIULength

const TUint8 KOIULength

Length of OUI field in SNAP header

const TUint16 KMaxDot11MsduLength

const TUint16 KMaxDot11MsduLength

Maximum length of 802.11 MSDU in bytes

const TUint16 KMaxDot11AmsduLength

const TUint16 KMaxDot11AmsduLength

Maximum length of 802.11 A-MSDU in bytes

const TUint32 KFcsLength

const TUint32 KFcsLength

Length of trailing FCS in bytes

const TUint16 KMaxDot11SecurityHeaderLength

const TUint16 KMaxDot11SecurityHeaderLength

Maximum length in bytes of security encapsulation header in a 802.11 MPDU

const TUint16 KMaxDot11SecurityTrailerLength

const TUint16 KMaxDot11SecurityTrailerLength

Maximum length in bytes of security encapsulation trailer in a 802.11 MPDU

const TUint16 KMaxDot11SecurityEncapsulationLength

const TUint16 KMaxDot11SecurityEncapsulationLength

Maximum length in bytes of security encapsulation header and trailer in a 802.11 MPDU

const TUint16 KMaxDot11RxMpduLength

const TUint16 KMaxDot11RxMpduLength

Maximum length of 802.11 MPDU we will receive. This excludes the tailing FCS ( HW strips it ) and Address4 field in the MPDU header ( AP-to-AP mode frames are filtered out )

const TUint16 KMaxDot11TxMpduLength

const TUint16 KMaxDot11TxMpduLength

Maximum length of 802.11 MPDU we will transmit. This excludes the tailing FCS ( HW strips it ) and Address4 field in the MPDU header ( AP-to-AP mode frames are filtered out ) Additionally we don't currently support A-MSDU Tx

const TUint16 KMaxEthernetFrameLength

const TUint16 KMaxEthernetFrameLength

Maximum length of ethernet frame

const TUint16 KMaxEthernetLengthFieldvalue

const TUint16 KMaxEthernetLengthFieldvalue

Maximum value in ethernet length field

const TUint8 KTkIpKeyLength

const TUint8 KTkIpKeyLength

Length of the TKIP key in BYTEs

const TUint8 KIpv4AddrLength

const TUint8 KIpv4AddrLength

Length of IPv4 address field in BYTEs

const TUint32 KWpaPriorityVecLen

const TUint32 KWpaPriorityVecLen

Length of the priority field used in WPA MIC calculation

const TUint8 KWpaPriorityVec

const TUint8 KWpaPriorityVec

WPA priority field used in MIC calculation

const TUint32 K802Dot11FrameTypeMask

const TUint32 K802Dot11FrameTypeMask

Mask for frame type for frame control field.

const TUint8 KUapsdQosInfoMask

const TUint8 KUapsdQosInfoMask

Mask to determine if U-APSD bit is up in QoS info field of WMM IE

const TUint8 KParamSetCountQosInfoMask

const TUint8 KParamSetCountQosInfoMask

Mask for parameter set count in QoS info field of WMM IE

const TUint8 KWmmInfoElemLen

const TUint8 KWmmInfoElemLen

Length of WMM Information Element

const TUint8 KIeOuiLength

const TUint8 KIeOuiLength

Length of OUI field in Information Elements

Typedef TIeOui

typedef TUint8 TIeOui

const TIeOui KWmmElemOui

const TIeOui KWmmElemOui

OUI value of WMM Information Element and WMM Parameter Element

const TUint8 KWmmElemOuiType

const TUint8 KWmmElemOuiType

OUI Type value of WMM Information Element and WMM Parameter Element

const TUint8 KWmmInfoElemOuiSubType

const TUint8 KWmmInfoElemOuiSubType

OUI Subtype value of WMM Information Element

const TUint8 KWmmParamElemOuiSubtype

const TUint8 KWmmParamElemOuiSubtype

OUI Subtype value of WMM Parameter Element

const TUint8 KWmmInfoElemVersion

const TUint8 KWmmInfoElemVersion

Version of WMM Information Element

const TUint8 KWmmParamElemVersion

const TUint8 KWmmParamElemVersion

Version of WMM Parameter Element

const TUint8 K802Dot11AccessCategoryMask

const TUint8 K802Dot11AccessCategoryMask

const TUint8 KNumOfWmmACs

const TUint8 KNumOfWmmACs

Number of WMM Access Categories

const TUint8 KWmmAdmissionCtrlMandatoryMask

const TUint8 KWmmAdmissionCtrlMandatoryMask

Mask for the Admission Control Mandatory flag in ACI/AIFSN field of AC parameter Record of WMM Parameter Element

const TUint8 KWmmAifsnMask

const TUint8 KWmmAifsnMask

Mask for the AIFSN subfiled in ACI/AIFSN field of AC parameter Record of WMM Parameter Element

const TUint8 KWmmEcwMinMask

const TUint8 KWmmEcwMinMask

Mask for the ECWmin field of AC parameter Record of WMM Parameter Element

const TUint8 KWmmEcwMaxMask

const TUint8 KWmmEcwMaxMask

Mask for the ECWmax field of AC parameter Record of WMM Parameter Element

const TUint16 K802Dot11AuthModeOpen

const TUint16 K802Dot11AuthModeOpen

Supported authentication modes

const TUint16 K802Dot11AuthModeShared

const TUint16 K802Dot11AuthModeShared

const TUint KTimeStampFixedFieldLength

const TUint KTimeStampFixedFieldLength

802.11 management frame fixed field and IE lengths in bytes

const TUint KBeaconIntervalFixedFieldLength

const TUint KBeaconIntervalFixedFieldLength

const TUint KCapabilityInformationFixedFieldLength

const TUint KCapabilityInformationFixedFieldLength

const TUint K802Dot11ErpInformationIeDataLen

const TUint K802Dot11ErpInformationIeDataLen

const TUint K802Dot11SupportedRatesIeDataMinLen

const TUint K802Dot11SupportedRatesIeDataMinLen

802.11 management frame IE data part min/max lengths in bytes

const TUint K802Dot11TimIeDataMinLen

const TUint K802Dot11TimIeDataMinLen

const TUint K802Dot11TimIeDataMaxLen

const TUint K802Dot11TimIeDataMaxLen

const TUint K802Dot11ExtendedRatesIeDataMinLen

const TUint K802Dot11ExtendedRatesIeDataMinLen

struct SInformationElementHeader __PACKED

struct SInformationElementHeader __PACKED

802.11 information element header

802.11 SSID information element

802.11 supported rates information element

802.11 extended supported rates information element

Inbound WMM information element without IE header

Outbound WMM information element

AC parameters record of WMM parameter element

WMM Parameter Element without element header

HT capabilities element without IE header

HT capabilities element

HT Operation element without IE header

HT Operation element

802.11 management frame body capability information fixed-field

802.11 management frame body listen interval fixed-field

802.11 Frame Control field

802.11 data frame MAC header

802.11 QoS data frame MAC header

802.11 QoS data frame MAC header with HT Control field

802.11 A-MSDU subframe header

802.11 management frame MAC header

802.11 management frame MAC header with HT Control field

802.11 fixed fields of beacon and probe response frames

S60 v3.2
802.11 fixed length components required in authentication request management frame

802.11 authentication management frame

802.11 authentication management frame with HT Control field

802.11 fixed length components required in association request management frame

802.11 association request management frame excluding variable length information elements
  • SSID

  • supported rates

802.11 association request management frame with HT Control field excluding variable length information elements
  • SSID

  • supported rates

802.11 association response frame fixed fields

802.11 fixed length components required in deauthenticate frame

802.11 deauthenticate management frame

802.11 deauthenticate management frame with HT Control field

802.11 fixed length components required in disassociate frame

802.11 disassociate management frame

802.11 disassociate management frame with HT Control field

802.11 fixed length components required in reassociation request management frame

802.11 reassociation request management frame excluding variable length information elements

802.11 reassociation request management frame with HT Control field excluding variable length information elements

802.11 reassociation response frame fixed fields

SNAP header

802.11 data frame encapsulation header

802.11 data frame and its encapsulation header combined

802.11 QoS data frame and its encapsulation header combined

Ethernet 14-byte Header (RFC 894)

Ethernet type field

const TUint K802Dot11DsParameterSetIeDataLen

const TUint K802Dot11DsParameterSetIeDataLen

const TUint K802Dot11IbssParameterSetIeDataLen

const TUint K802Dot11IbssParameterSetIeDataLen

const TUint K802Dot11HtCapabilitiesIeDataLen

const TUint K802Dot11HtCapabilitiesIeDataLen

const TUint K802Dot11HtOperationIeDataLen

const TUint K802Dot11HtOperationIeDataLen

Typedef SNullDataFrame

typedef SDataFrameHeader SNullDataFrame

Typedef Sdot11MacHeader

typedef SDataFrameHeader Sdot11MacHeader

Typedef T802Dot11QosControl

typedef TUint16 T802Dot11QosControl

const T802Dot11QosControl KWmmUserPriorityMask

const T802Dot11QosControl KWmmUserPriorityMask

Bits 0-2 of the QoS Control field of a QoS Data Frame determine the user priority of the frame. This is a mask for those bits

const T802Dot11QosControl KAmsduPresentMask

const T802Dot11QosControl KAmsduPresentMask

Bit 7 of the QoS Control field of a QoS Data Frame indicates the presence of an A-MSDU in the frame (1: present, 0: not present) (IEEE 802.11n/D6.04). This is the mask for that bit

Typedef SQosNullDataFrame

typedef SQosDataFrameHeader SQosNullDataFrame

Typedef SHtQosNullDataFrame

typedef SHtQosDataFrameHeader SHtQosNullDataFrame

const SSnapHeader KEncapsulatingRfc1042SnapHeader

const SSnapHeader KEncapsulatingRfc1042SnapHeader

RFC 1042 encapsulation SNAP header

const SSnapHeader KEncapsulating802_1hSnapHeader

const SSnapHeader KEncapsulating802_1hSnapHeader

802.1 h SNAP header

const TUint16 KUint16HiByteMask

const TUint16 KUint16HiByteMask