CLbtTriggerConditionArea Class Reference

class CLbtTriggerConditionArea : public CLbtTriggerConditionBase

Data class for the trigger condition based on the geographical area and movement of the terminal.

The trigger condition specifies where and when a location trigger shall be fired.

Trigger area defines where the trigger shall be fired. It is a geographical area. Currently, only geographical circular area is supported by the system.

Direction of movement defines when the trigger shall be fired. It specifies if the trigger shall be fired wether the terminal enters or exits the trigger area.

When a trigger has been fired, it will not be ready to be fired again until the terminal has moved a certain distance ( "hysteresis distance" ) outside of the trigger area.

Hysteresis distance is defined by system and can't be accessed by client applications.

S60 5.1

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


CLbtTriggerConditionArea ( ) [private]

Default constructor.

Trigger area is set as NULL and default direction is EFireOnEnter .

CLbtTriggerConditionArea(const CLbtTriggerConditionArea &)

CLbtTriggerConditionArea ( const CLbtTriggerConditionArea & ) [private]

By default, prohibit copy constructor


const CLbtTriggerConditionArea &


IMPORT_C ~CLbtTriggerConditionArea ( ) [virtual]


Member Functions Documentation


void ConstructL ( ) [private]

Symbian 2nd phase constructor.

ConstructL(CLbtGeoAreaBase *, TDirection)

void ConstructL ( CLbtGeoAreaBase * aArea,
TDirection aDirection
) [private]

Symbian 2nd phase constructor.


CLbtGeoAreaBase * aArea
TDirection aDirection


IMPORT_C TDirection Direction ( ) const

Gets the direction that defines when a trigger shall be fired.

If no direction has been set for the trigger, it will return EFireOnEnter .

DoExternalizeL(RWriteStream &)

void DoExternalizeL ( RWriteStream & aStream ) const [protected, virtual]

Externalize method that subclass must implement.


RWriteStream & aStream Stream to which the object should be externalized.

DoInternalizeL(RReadStream &)

void DoInternalizeL ( RReadStream & aStream ) [protected, virtual]

Internalize method that subclass must implement.


RReadStream & aStream Stream from which the object should be internalized.

NewL(CLbtGeoAreaBase *, TDirection)

IMPORT_C CLbtTriggerConditionArea * NewL ( CLbtGeoAreaBase * aArea,
TDirection aDirection
) [static]

Constructs a new instance of trigger condition class based on the geographical area and movement of the terminal.

ELbtErrArgument If the input trigger area is a class of CLbtGeoRect .


CLbtGeoAreaBase * aArea The trigger area. Only pointer to CLbtGeoCircle object is supported. Ownership is transferred to the returned CLbtTriggerConditionArea object.
TDirection aDirection The direction( enter/exit ) of when a trigger shall be fired.


IMPORT_C CLbtTriggerConditionArea * NewL ( ) [static]

Constructs a new instance of trigger condition class.

If construction is successful, it returns s a pointer to the trigger condition object. The returned object has no trigger area set, and the direction is EFireOnEnter .


IMPORT_C CLbtTriggerConditionArea * NewLC ( ) [static]

Constructs a new instance of trigger condition class and pushes it onto cleanup stack.

If construction is successful, it returns s a pointer to the trigger condition object. The returned object has no trigger area set, and the direction is EFireOnEnter .


IMPORT_C void SetDirection ( TDirection aDirection )

Sets the direction that defines when a trigger shall be fired.


TDirection aDirection The trigger direction. It defines when a trigger shall be fired.

SetTriggerArea(CLbtGeoAreaBase *)

IMPORT_C void SetTriggerArea ( CLbtGeoAreaBase * aArea )

Sets trigger area.

ELbtErrArgument If the input trigger area is a class of CLbtGeoRect .


CLbtGeoAreaBase * aArea The trigger area. Only pointer to CLbtGeoCircle class is supported by current system. Ownership is transferred to this object.


IMPORT_C CLbtGeoAreaBase * TriggerArea ( ) const

Gets trigger area.

If the trigger area is not set before, NULL is returned. Ownership of the returned trigger area is not transferred to the client.


TType Type ( ) const [virtual]

operator=(const CLbtTriggerConditionArea &)

CLbtTriggerConditionArea & operator= ( const CLbtTriggerConditionArea & ) [private]

Prohibit assigment operator


const CLbtTriggerConditionArea &

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TDirection

Specifies in which direction the location trigger is fired.


EFireOnEnter = 1

The trigger is fired when the terminal is entering the trigger area.

EFireOnExit = 2

The trigger is fired when the terminal is exiting the trigger area.

Member Data Documentation

CLbtGeoAreaBase * iArea

CLbtGeoAreaBase * iArea [private]


TDirection iDirection

TDirection iDirection [private]


TAny * iReserved

TAny * iReserved [private]

Reserved pointer for future extension