CRegistryData Class Reference

class CRegistryData : public CBase

class CRegistryData . This class manages the entire data of the registry.

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
~CRegistryData ()
void AddDllDataL (const TDriveUnit &, TInt , CDllData *)
void DiscoveriesBeginning ()
void DiscoveriesCompleteL ( TBool , TPluginProcessingTypeIdentifier , TBool &)
TInt FindDriveL (const TDriveUnit &, CDriveData *&)
TInt GetImplementationDllInfoForClientL (const TClientRequest &, const TUid , const TUid , TEntry &, CImplementationInformation *&, TBool )
TInt GetImplementationDllInfoForServer (const TCapabilitySet &, const TUid , const TUid , TEntry &, CImplementationInformation *&, TBool &)
TBool HasLanguageChanged ()
TBool IndexValid ()
TBool InsertIntoIndexL ( CImplementationData *, TBool )
TBool IsAnyDllRegisteredWithDriveL (const TDriveUnit &)
TBool IsRegisteredWithDate ( TUid , const TTime &, TBool &, CDriveData *)
void LanguageChangedL ( TBool &)
void ListImplementationsL ( TUid , RImplDataArray &)
CRegistryData * NewL ( RFs &)
CRegistryData * NewL ( RFs &, TInt , TInt )
void RemoveFromIndexL ( CDllData *)
void SetDiscoveryFlagL (const TDriveUnit &)
TInt SetEnabledState ( TUid , TBool )
void SetImplUpgradeCallBack (const TCallBackWithArg &)
void TemporaryUninstallL (const TDriveUnit &)
void UndoTemporaryUninstallL (const TDriveUnit &)
void UpdateDllDataL (const TDriveUnit &, TInt , CDllData *)
Private Member Functions
CRegistryData ( RFs &, TInt , TInt )
void AddImplDataL ( CDriveData *)
void ConstructL ()
void DeleteDllL ( CDllData *)
void DriveChanged (const TDriveUnit &, TBool )
void FilterForLatestLegitimateImplL ( TImplContainerArray &, CImplementationData *, TInsertImplMode &, TInt &, TBool &, TBool )
TInt FindImplementation (const TUid , const TUid , CImplementationData *&)
TInt IndexedFind ( TUid )
void InsertImplInIndexesL ( TInsertImplMode , TInt , TInterfaceIndex &, TInt , CImplementationData *, TBool )
TInt InsertImplIntoImplIndex ( CImplementationData *)
TBool MatchOnDrive (const CRegistryData::CDriveData &, const CRegistryData::CDriveData &)
TBool RemoveImplByAddrFromImplIndex ( CImplementationData *)
void RemoveImplFromImplIndexCleanUp ( TAny *)
void ResetTInterfaceIndex ( TAny *)
CImplementationData * SelectDuplicatedImpl (const CImplementationData *, const CImplementationData *)
CImplementationData * SelectPreferredImplL ( CImplementationData *, CImplementationData *, TBool &, TBool )
void ValidateRegistryL ()
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Public Member Enumerations
enum TInsertImplMode { EInsertImplUndefinedMode , EInsertImplAsNewcomerOfInterface , EInsertImplAsUpgradeOfExistingImpl , EInsertImplAsUnusedImpl }
Public Member Type Definitions
typedef CRegistryData::CImplementationData * CImplementationDataPtr
typedef RArray < CImplementationDataPtr > RImplDataArray
Private Member Type Definitions
typedef struct CRegistryData::TImplStruct TImplContainer
typedef RArray < TImplContainer > TImplContainerArray
typedef struct CRegistryData::TInterfaceStruct TInterfaceIndex
typedef RPointerArray < CDriveData > TRegistration
Public Attributes
CEComCachedDriveInfo * iCachedDriveInfo
TDriveNumber iSystemDrive
Private Attributes
TBool iCurrentlyDiscovering
RFs & iFs
RPointerArray < CImplementationData > iImplIndex
TCallBackWithArg iImplUpgradeCallBack
RArray < TInterfaceIndex > iInterfaceImplIndex
TBool iLanguageChanged
TRegistration * iRegistrations
TInt iRemovedDrives

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CRegistryData(RFs &, TInt, TInt)

CRegistryData ( RFs & aFs,
TInt aInterfaceImplIndexGranularity,
TInt aImplIndexGranularity
) [private, explicit]


RFs & aFs A handle to a connected file server.
TInt aInterfaceImplIndexGranularity
TInt aImplIndexGranularity


~CRegistryData ( ) [virtual]

Member Functions Documentation

AddDllDataL(const TDriveUnit &, TInt, CDllData *)

void AddDllDataL ( const TDriveUnit & aDrive,
TInt aFoundDriveIndex,
CDllData * aDllData
Adds data on a specific dll to the registry. The data to be added is parsed by CRegistryParser.
KErrNoMemory If the item could not be appended to the registry
KEComErrDriveNotFound If aDrive is not a valid drive
This object is fully constructed and there is also a valid drive entry in the registry for aDrive
The new data is added to the registry


const TDriveUnit & aDrive The drive the registry data has been found on
TInt aFoundDriveIndex The index of the registry data for the drive the interface implementation collection data has been found on.
CDllData * aDllData The dll data to add. CRegistryData takes ownership of this object so it should not be on the CleanupStack.

AddImplDataL(CDriveData *)

void AddImplDataL ( CDriveData * aDriveData ) [private]
This method inserts implementations into the index
This object is fully constructed.
all implemementations found, have been inserted into the index.


CDriveData * aDriveData Drive data in which we are searching the implementations


void ConstructL ( ) [private]
Completes the safe construction of the CRegistryData object.
This object is constructed
This object is fully initialized

DeleteDllL(CDllData *)

void DeleteDllL ( CDllData * aDllData ) const [private]
This method removes all implementations of This Dll from the iInterfaceImplIndex, then delete this Dll from its parent Dll list.
CRegistrar is fully constructed


CDllData * aDllData the Dll to be cleaned.


void DiscoveriesBeginning ( ) const
The cue that newly discovered Dlls are about to be registered, and, therefore, the registry index will be out of date until DiscoveriesCompleteL is called.
CRegistrar is fully constructed
iCurrentlyDiscovering is set and the index list is cleared.

DiscoveriesCompleteL(TBool, TPluginProcessingTypeIdentifier, TBool &)

void DiscoveriesCompleteL ( TBool aSuccessful,
TPluginProcessingTypeIdentifier aProcessingType,
TBool & aHasRegistryChanged
The cue to rebuild the registry indexes
CRegistrar is fully constructed
The internal access indexes have been rebuilt


TBool aSuccessful Indicates whether discovery completed fully or not
TPluginProcessingTypeIdentifier aProcessingType indicates the type of processing for plugins for ensuring that plugins are not processed multiple times during start-up phase
TBool & aHasRegistryChanged The flag to indicate whether registry data has been changed

DriveChanged(const TDriveUnit &, TBool)

void DriveChanged ( const TDriveUnit & aDrive,
TBool aDriveRemoved
) [private]

Store change in drive state - addition or removal

Update the staus of drives in the system
CRegistry is fully constructed.
The state of the drive has been stored


const TDriveUnit & aDrive The drive that has changed
TBool aDriveRemoved Indicates whether a drive has been removed or added

FilterForLatestLegitimateImplL(TImplContainerArray &, CImplementationData *, TInsertImplMode &, TInt &, TBool &, TBool)

void FilterForLatestLegitimateImplL ( TImplContainerArray & aIdxArray,
CImplementationData * aNewImpl,
TInsertImplMode & aInsertMode,
TInt & aPosOfImplInArray,
TBool & aLigitimateImpl,
TBool aCheckIsNeeded
) [private]
This functions checks if a given implementation already exists in the indexes. If it does exist, determine if the given implementation should replace the existing one or not.
This object is fully constructed.


TImplContainerArray & aIdxArray The container array of the interface to hold the implementation.
CImplementationData * aNewImpl The implementation to filter.
TInsertImplMode & aInsertMode whether aNewIMpl is a newcomer of the interface, or an update of an existing implementation, or a older version of an existing implementation.
TInt & aPosOfImplInArray return the index of aNewImpl in aIdxArray,
TBool & aLigitimateImpl Flag,indicating whether current implementation is secure
TBool aCheckIsNeeded

FindDriveL(const TDriveUnit &, CDriveData *&)

TInt FindDriveL ( const TDriveUnit & aDrive,
CDriveData *& aDriveData
) const


const TDriveUnit & aDrive
CDriveData *& aDriveData

FindImplementation(const TUid, const TUid, CImplementationData *&)

TInt FindImplementation ( const TUid aImplUid,
const TUid aInterfaceUid,
CImplementationData *& aImplData
) const [private]

Finds the instance of CImplementationData for given impl uid and interface uid if known.


const TUid aImplUid The uid of the impl to find
const TUid aInterfaceUid The uid of the interface associated with the impl to find or less than 0 if uid is unknown
CImplementationData *& aImplData Set to the instance CImplementationData found in the index or if not found set to NULL. This argument is always overwritten.

GetImplementationDllInfoForClientL(const TClientRequest &, const TUid, const TUid, TEntry &, CImplementationInformation *&, TBool)

TInt GetImplementationDllInfoForClientL ( const TClientRequest & aClientRequest,
const TUid aImplUid,
const TUid aInterfaceUid,
TEntry & aEntry,
CImplementationInformation *& aImplInfo,
TBool aSecurityCheckNeeded
) const
CRegistrar is fully constructed


const TClientRequest & aClientRequest A client request
const TUid aImplUid The Uid of the implementation for which info is required
const TUid aInterfaceUid The uid of the interface associated with aImplUid to find or less than 0 if uid is unknown.
TEntry & aEntry Output parameter which will contain the dll information
CImplementationInformation *& aImplInfo An output parameter. If the call succeeds it will point to the found implementation information, NULL otherwise.
TBool aSecurityCheckNeeded The bool value to identify whether the security check is needed here. The default value is false.

GetImplementationDllInfoForServer(const TCapabilitySet &, const TUid, const TUid, TEntry &, CImplementationInformation *&, TBool &)

TInt GetImplementationDllInfoForServer ( const TCapabilitySet & aCapabilitySet,
const TUid aImplUid,
const TUid aInterfaceUid,
TEntry & aEntry,
CImplementationInformation *& aImplInfo,
TBool & aIsOnRWDrive
) const
CRegistrar is fully constructed


const TCapabilitySet & aCapabilitySet A capability set
const TUid aImplUid The Uid of the implementation for which info is required
const TUid aInterfaceUid The uid of the interface associated with aImplUid to find or less than 0 if uid is unknown.
TEntry & aEntry Output parameter which will contain the dll information
CImplementationInformation *& aImplInfo An output parameter. If the call succeeds it will point to the found implementation information, NULL otherwise.
TBool & aIsOnRWDrive an output parameter. If the call is successful, this will be set to ETrue if the implementation is on RW drive. EFalse if the implementation is on ReadOnly drive.


TBool HasLanguageChanged ( ) const
Indicates whether the language downgrade path has changed. This means we need to call NearestLanguageFile again
CRegistrar is fully constructed


TBool IndexValid ( ) const
Indicates whether the registry index is currently valid. The index will not be valid if discoveries are currently taking place. If the index is not currently valid then calls to ListImplementationsL() cannot be serviced.
CRegistrar is fully constructed


TInt IndexedFind ( TUid aInterfaceUid ) const [private]
To find the index entry for aImplementationUid.
This object is fully constructed


TUid aInterfaceUid

InsertImplInIndexesL(TInsertImplMode, TInt, TInterfaceIndex &, TInt, CImplementationData *, TBool)

void InsertImplInIndexesL ( TInsertImplMode aInsertMode,
TInt aIfPosInInterfaceImplIndex,
TInterfaceIndex & aNewIfIndexEl,
TInt aImplPosInContainerArray,
CImplementationData * aNewImpl,
TBool aLegitimateImpl
) [private]

Handle inserting a CImplementationData in iInterfaceImplIndex and iImplIndex.

KErrNoMemory operation fails because the system is out of memory.
KErrGeneral any non-specific programming error.
KErrAlreadyExists the indexes already have an entry with the same Impl. UID and Interface UID.


TInsertImplMode aInsertMode indicates whether the implementation is a newcover of the interface, or is an update of existing implementation or is an older version of an existing implementation.
TInt aIfPosInInterfaceImplIndex is the index of the interface in iInterfaceImplIndex.
TInterfaceIndex & aNewIfIndexEl the TInterfaceIndex object containing the implementation.
TInt aImplPosInContainerArray is the index of the implementation in the iImpData member of aNewIfIndexEl.
CImplementationData * aNewImpl the implementation to add to the indexes.
TBool aLegitimateImpl indicate if the implementation passed security check or not.

InsertImplIntoImplIndex(CImplementationData *)

TInt InsertImplIntoImplIndex ( CImplementationData * aNewImpl ) const [private]

Insert aNewImpl into iImplIndex.

This method inserts the entry aNewImpl into iImplIndex.

aNewImpl is fully constructed.


CImplementationData * aNewImpl the item to add to iImplIndex.

InsertIntoIndexL(CImplementationData *, TBool)

TBool InsertIntoIndexL ( CImplementationData * aImplPtr,
TBool aCheckIsNeeded
This method retrieves the data for security checks from the iInterfaceImplIndex
This object is fully constructed.
aImplPtr has been checked and added to the index, or not, depending on the outcome of the checks.


CImplementationData * aImplPtr The new item to be checked
TBool aCheckIsNeeded Boolean indicating, whether a filename check is needed

IsAnyDllRegisteredWithDriveL(const TDriveUnit &)

TBool IsAnyDllRegisteredWithDriveL ( const TDriveUnit & aDrive ) const
Find if any Dll is regsitered in the drive unit.
CRegistry is fully constructed.
If any Dll is registered in the drive is returned if successfully.


const TDriveUnit & aDrive The identifier of the drive to find if any Dll is registered.

IsRegisteredWithDate(TUid, const TTime &, TBool &, CDriveData *)

TBool IsRegisteredWithDate ( TUid aDllUid,
const TTime & aModified,
TBool & aUpdate,
CDriveData * aDriveData
Determine if the specified implementation grouping already registered, but needs an update.
This object is fully constructed and there is also a valid drive entry in the registry for aDrive
The new data is added to the registry


TUid aDllUid The interface implementation collection data to add. CRegistryData takes ownership of this object so it should not be on the CleanupStack.
const TTime & aModified The date of the last modification of the Interface Implementation Collection.
TBool & aUpdate An output to indicate if the registry entry requires an update. (Only valid if the return is ETrue).
CDriveData * aDriveData The drive data used to find DLL.

LanguageChangedL(TBool &)

void LanguageChangedL ( TBool & aLanguageChanged )

This method checks whether the language downgrade path has been changed. If it is, save language downgrade path information and set related flag true.


TBool & aLanguageChanged the returned value to indicate language changed.

ListImplementationsL(TUid, RImplDataArray &)

void ListImplementationsL ( TUid aInterfaceUid,
RImplDataArray & aImplementationData
) const

Lists the implementations given the interface UID. The filtered list is returned in the client provided RImplDataArray parameter.


TUid aInterfaceUid The Uid of the interface which the implementations should provide
RImplDataArray & aImplementationData Return value. The filtered list.

MatchOnDrive(const CRegistryData::CDriveData &, const CRegistryData::CDriveData &)

TBool MatchOnDrive ( const CRegistryData::CDriveData & aIndexOne,
const CRegistryData::CDriveData & aIndexTwo
) [private, static]

Used by a TIdentityRelation to decide if two CDriveData match.


const CRegistryData::CDriveData & aIndexOne The first CDriveData to compare
const CRegistryData::CDriveData & aIndexTwo The second CDriveData to compare

NewL(RFs &)

CRegistryData * NewL ( RFs & aFs ) [static]
Standardized safe construction which leaves nothing on the cleanup stack. This overload uses default granularities for the two indexes. These default values were found to provide reasonably good performance at the time of testing.
CRegistryData is fully constructed, and initialized.


RFs & aFs The open file session.

NewL(RFs &, TInt, TInt)

CRegistryData * NewL ( RFs & aFs,
TInt aInterfaceImplIndexGranularity,
TInt aImplIndexGranularity
) [static]
This overload is provided for ECom performance test to find the optimum granularity settings. CEComImplIndexPerfTestStandardized safe construction which leaves nothing on the cleanup stack. This overload is used by CEComImplIndexPerfTest which plots discovery time vs. granularity settings.
CRegistryData is fully constructed, and initialized.


RFs & aFs The open file session.
TInt aInterfaceImplIndexGranularity granularity of main index.
TInt aImplIndexGranularity granularity of auxiliary index.

RemoveFromIndexL(CDllData *)

void RemoveFromIndexL ( CDllData * aDllData ) const
This method takes removes all implementations of a plugin from the iInterfaceImplIndex
This object is constructed
All implementations of the CDllData object, have been removed from the index


CDllData * aDllData Reference to a fully constructed CDllData object

RemoveImplByAddrFromImplIndex(CImplementationData *)

TBool RemoveImplByAddrFromImplIndex ( CImplementationData * aPtr ) const [private]

Remove the pointer from iImplIndex based on the impl address

This method does a search by address and removes the specified entry from iImplIndex.


CImplementationData * aPtr is the entry to remove

RemoveImplFromImplIndexCleanUp(TAny *)

void RemoveImplFromImplIndexCleanUp ( TAny * aPtr ) [private, static]

Used to restore the impIndex sanity in case of a leave


TAny * aPtr

ResetTInterfaceIndex(TAny *)

void ResetTInterfaceIndex ( TAny * aObject ) [private, static]


TAny * aObject

SelectDuplicatedImpl(const CImplementationData *, const CImplementationData *)

CImplementationData * SelectDuplicatedImpl ( const CImplementationData * aImpl1,
const CImplementationData * aImpl2
) const [private]

This function helps FindImplementation() to decide which of two implementations with duplicated implementation UID to choose. The selection rules are: 1. ROM based plugins > non-ROM based. 2. Higher drive letter > lower drive letter 3. Lower I/F UID > Higher I/F UID (for backward compatibility reason)


const CImplementationData * aImpl1 - one of the two implementations to compare.
const CImplementationData * aImpl2 - the other implementation to compare.

SelectPreferredImplL(CImplementationData *, CImplementationData *, TBool &, TBool)

CImplementationData * SelectPreferredImplL ( CImplementationData * aOldImpl,
CImplementationData * aNewImpl,
TBool & aLigitimateImpl,
TBool aCheckIsNeeded
) const [private]
Determines whether the new implmentation should be preferred over the existing implementation. Validates later version implementations from R/W drives.
This object is fully constructed.


CImplementationData * aOldImpl The array to append to
CImplementationData * aNewImpl The item to append
TBool & aLigitimateImpl Flag, indicating whether current implementation is secure
TBool aCheckIsNeeded

SetDiscoveryFlagL(const TDriveUnit &)

void SetDiscoveryFlagL ( const TDriveUnit & aDriveUnit )


const TDriveUnit & aDriveUnit

SetEnabledState(TUid, TBool)

TInt SetEnabledState ( TUid aImplementationUid,
TBool aState
Enables or disables the specified interface implementation within the registry.
CRegistry is fully constructed,
The implementation is now enabled or disabled as described by aState.


TUid aImplementationUid The interface implementation to change.
TBool aState ETrue to enable the implementation, EFalse to disable it

SetImplUpgradeCallBack(const TCallBackWithArg &)

void SetImplUpgradeCallBack ( const TCallBackWithArg & aCallBack )

setter If need to unset the callback, use a TCallBackWithArg constructed with no arguments.


const TCallBackWithArg & aCallBack

TemporaryUninstallL(const TDriveUnit &)

void TemporaryUninstallL ( const TDriveUnit & aDrive )
Temporarily uninstalls the interface implementation groups upon the specified drive. (ie this can be undone later).
CRegistry is fully constructed
The registered implementation groupings stored upon the specified drive are no longer available for use.


const TDriveUnit & aDrive The identifier of the drive to uninstall.

UndoTemporaryUninstallL(const TDriveUnit &)

void UndoTemporaryUninstallL ( const TDriveUnit & aDrive )
Undoes a temporary uninstall of the interface implementation groups upon the specified drive. (ie this can be undone later).
KErrNoMemory, KErrReinstallFailed.
CRegistry is fully constructed
The registered implementation groupings stored upon the specified drive are again made available for use.


const TDriveUnit & aDrive The identifier of the drive to reinstate.

UpdateDllDataL(const TDriveUnit &, TInt, CDllData *)

void UpdateDllDataL ( const TDriveUnit & aDrive,
TInt aFoundDriveIndex,
CDllData * aDllData
Updates the data for a dll in the registry.
KErrNoMemory If the indexes cannot be rebuilt
This object is fully constructed
The dll data is updated in the registry


const TDriveUnit & aDrive
TInt aFoundDriveIndex The index of the registry data for the drive the interface implementation collection data has been found on.
CDllData * aDllData The updated interface implementation collection data. CRegistryData takes ownership of this object so it should not be on the CleanupStack.


void ValidateRegistryL ( ) [private]
Checks each entry in the registry to ensure that both the RSC file and the corresponding dll exist. If not the dll branch is removed from the tree. If a drive branch is found which contains no dlls it is also removed.
This object is fully constructed.
Any out of date registry entries are removed from the tree.

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TInsertImplMode

whether the implementation to be added to the registry data is a newcomer, or upgrade of an existing implementation, or downgrade of an existing implementation.



Member Type Definitions Documentation

Typedef CImplementationDataPtr

typedef CRegistryData::CImplementationData * CImplementationDataPtr

Typedef RImplDataArray

typedef RArray < CImplementationDataPtr > RImplDataArray

Typedef TImplContainer

typedef struct CRegistryData::TImplStruct TImplContainer [private]

Implementation structure containing the current in use implementation and a list of unused implementations with the same uid held in the registry tree. The unused list is used to allow efficient rollback to previous impl in the event that the current impl is removed.

Typedef TImplContainerArray

typedef RArray < TImplContainer > TImplContainerArray [private]

Typedef TInterfaceIndex

typedef struct CRegistryData::TInterfaceStruct TInterfaceIndex [private]

Interface used by all implementation index

Typedef TRegistration

typedef RPointerArray < CDriveData > TRegistration [private]

Member Data Documentation

CEComCachedDriveInfo * iCachedDriveInfo

CEComCachedDriveInfo * iCachedDriveInfo

cached info on drivelist

TBool iCurrentlyDiscovering

TBool iCurrentlyDiscovering [private]

The flag to indicate that we are in the middle of discoveries and therefore the index list is probably out of date

RFs & iFs

RFs & iFs [private]

A reference to a connected file server instance

RPointerArray< CImplementationData > iImplIndex

RPointerArray < CImplementationData > iImplIndex [private]

Index of all implementations available to clients sorted by Implementation UID. Majority of clients do not specify the interface UID in their create requests. Thus ECOM needs this auxiliary index. Note that if multiple entries have the same Impl. UID, they are ordered by the interface UID.

TCallBackWithArg iImplUpgradeCallBack

TCallBackWithArg iImplUpgradeCallBack [private]

RArray< TInterfaceIndex > iInterfaceImplIndex

RArray < TInterfaceIndex > iInterfaceImplIndex [private]

The index of all registered implementations sorted by interface UID.

TBool iLanguageChanged

TBool iLanguageChanged [private]

A boolean, indicating if the language downgrade path has changed

TRegistration * iRegistrations

TRegistration * iRegistrations [private]

The entire registration data

TInt iRemovedDrives

TInt iRemovedDrives [private]

Bitmap indicating any drives removed

TDriveNumber iSystemDrive

TDriveNumber iSystemDrive

System Drive cache to allow access by CEComServer