RSpeechSynthesis Class Reference

class RSpeechSynthesis : public RSessionBase

Speech synthesis client side interface

        // Simple example how to use synthesis server synchronously
 _LIT( KText, "This is a text sample" );
 RSpeechSynthesis s;
 TRequestStatus status;

 // Open connection

 // Initialise
 s.InitialiseSynthesis( KText, status );
 User::WaitForRequest( status );

 // Start synthesis when initialisation is ready
 s.Synthesise( status );
 User::WaitForRequest( status );

 // Close connection
        // Another example how to use synthesis server synchronously
 _LIT( KText, "Second text sample" );
 RSpeechSynthesis s;
 TRequestStatus status;

 // Open connection

 // Set volume to maximum value    
 s.SetVolumeL( * s.MaxVolumeL() );

 // Set speaking rate to half of maximum value
 s.SetSpeakingRateL( * s.MaxSpeakingRateL() / 2 );
 // Set synthesis language but leave voice name open
 TVoice voice;
 voice.iLanguage = User::Language();
 s.SetVoiceL( voice );

 // Initialise
 s.InitialiseSynthesis( KText, status );
 User::WaitForRequest( status );
 // Ask estimated duration of synthesis. 
 // Note: Leaves if current TVoice doesn't support duration
 TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds duration = s.DurationL();

 // Start synthesis when initialisation is ready
 s.Synthesise( status );
 User::WaitForRequest( status );

 // Close connection

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
RSpeechSynthesis ()
IMPORT_C void Close ()
IMPORT_C void CustomCommandL ( TInt , TInt )
IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds DurationL ()
IMPORT_C void GetLanguagesL ( RArray < TLanguage > &)
IMPORT_C void GetVoicesL ( RArray < TVoice > &, TLanguage )
IMPORT_C void InitialiseSynthesis (const TDesC &, TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C void InitialiseSynthesis (const TDesC &, const TFileName &, TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C void InitialiseSynthesis (const TDesC &, TDes8 &, TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C TInt MaxSpeakingRateL ()
IMPORT_C TInt MaxVolumeL ()
IMPORT_C TInt Open ()
IMPORT_C void PauseL ()
IMPORT_C void SetAudioOutputL ( TTtsAudioOutput )
IMPORT_C void SetAudioPriorityL ( TInt , TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetSpeakingRateL ( TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetVoiceL (const TVoice &)
IMPORT_C void SetVolumeL ( TInt )
IMPORT_C TInt SpeakingRateL ()
IMPORT_C void StopL ()
IMPORT_C void Synthesise ( TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C TVoice VoiceL ()
IMPORT_C TInt VolumeL ()
Private Member Functions
void DoInitialiseSynthesisL (const TDesC &, const TFileName &, TRequestStatus &)
Inherited Functions
RHandleBase::Duplicate(const RThread &,TOwnerType)
RHandleBase::FullName(TDes &)const
RHandleBase::HandleInfo(THandleInfo *)
RHandleBase::NotifyDestruction(TRequestStatus &)
RHandleBase::Open(const TFindHandleBase &,TOwnerType)
RHandleBase::OpenByName(const TDesC &,TOwnerType,TInt)
RSessionBase::CreateSession(RServer2,const TVersion &)
RSessionBase::CreateSession(RServer2,const TVersion &,TInt)
RSessionBase::CreateSession(RServer2,const TVersion &,TInt,TIpcSessionType,const TSecurityPolicy *,TRequestStatus *)
RSessionBase::CreateSession(const TDesC &,const TVersion &)
RSessionBase::CreateSession(const TDesC &,const TVersion &,TInt)
RSessionBase::CreateSession(const TDesC &,const TVersion &,TInt,TIpcSessionType,const TSecurityPolicy *,TRequestStatus *)
RSessionBase::CreateSession(const TDesC &,const TVersion &,TInt,TRequestStatus *)
RSessionBase::Open(RMessagePtr2,TInt,const TSecurityPolicy &,TOwnerType)
RSessionBase::Open(TInt,const TSecurityPolicy &,TOwnerType)
RSessionBase::Send(TInt,const TIpcArgs &)const
RSessionBase::SendReceive(TInt,TRequestStatus &)const
RSessionBase::SendReceive(TInt,const TIpcArgs &)const
RSessionBase::SendReceive(TInt,const TIpcArgs &,TRequestStatus &)const
RSessionBase::SetReturnedHandle(TInt,RHandleBase &)
RSessionBase::SetReturnedHandle(TInt,const TSecurityPolicy &)
Public Member Enumerations
enum TTtsAudioOutput { ETtsOutputDefault  = 0, ETtsOutputAll  = 1, ETtsOutputNoOutput  = 2, ETtsOutputPrivate  = 3, ETtsOutputPublic  = 4 }
Inherited Enumerations
Inherited Attributes

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


IMPORT_C RSpeechSynthesis ( )


Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C void Close ( )

Close connection to synthesis server

CustomCommandL(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C void CustomCommandL ( TInt aCommand,
TInt aValue

Send custom command to the server. By using this function it is possible to make adjustments to the synthesis process. Note: Currently there is no supported commands.

KErrNotSupported aCommand is not supported.
KErrArgument if aValue is not valid.


TInt aCommand A custom command
TInt aValue Parameter value for aCommand

DoInitialiseSynthesisL(const TDesC &, const TFileName &, TRequestStatus &)

void DoInitialiseSynthesisL ( const TDesC & aText,
const TFileName & aFileName,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
) [private]

Internal function used for handling initialisation.


const TDesC & aText
const TFileName & aFileName
TRequestStatus & aStatus


IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds DurationL ( )

Returns estimated duration of synthesis. This function returns valid duration only after synthesis is initialised and before synthesis has completed.

KErrNotReady if state is incorrect
KErrNotSupported if current voice settings doesn't support duration information

GetLanguagesL(RArray< TLanguage > &)

IMPORT_C void GetLanguagesL ( RArray < TLanguage > & aLanguages )

Get supported synthesis languages


RArray < TLanguage > & aLanguages Contains supported languages after function call

GetVoicesL(RArray< TVoice > &, TLanguage)

IMPORT_C void GetVoicesL ( RArray < TVoice > & aVoices,
TLanguage aLanguage

Get available voices


RArray < TVoice > & aVoices Contains supported voices in TVoice structure after the function call.
TLanguage aLanguage Defines a language that returned voices can speak.

InitialiseSynthesis(const TDesC &, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void InitialiseSynthesis ( const TDesC & aText,
TRequestStatus & aStatus

Initialise text to be synthesised. If there is synthesis already ongoing aStatus will be completed with KErrInUse.


const TDesC & aText Text to be synthesized. Text has to be valid until aStatus is completed because this function is asynchronous and the request that it represents may not complete until some time after the call to the function has returned. It is important, therefore, that this descriptor remain valid, or remain in scope, until you have been notified that the request is complete.
TRequestStatus & aStatus Status of priming.

InitialiseSynthesis(const TDesC &, const TFileName &, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void InitialiseSynthesis ( const TDesC & aText,
const TFileName & aFileName,
TRequestStatus & aStatus

Initialise text to be synthesised to the file. If there is synthesis already ongoing aStatus will be completed with KErrInUse.


const TDesC & aText Text to be synthesized. Text has to be valid until aStatus is completed because this function is asynchronous and the request that it represents may not complete until some time after the call to the function has returned. It is important, therefore, that this descriptor remain valid, or remain in scope, until you have been notified that the request is complete.
const TFileName & aFileName Output is written to this file. File name has to be valid until aStatus is completed. Client should have capabilities needed for writing location defined in aFileName, otherwise aStatus will be completed by KErrPermissionDenied.
TRequestStatus & aStatus Status of priming

InitialiseSynthesis(const TDesC &, TDes8 &, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void InitialiseSynthesis ( const TDesC & aText,
TDes8 & aDataBuffer,
TRequestStatus & aStatus

TodoNot supported. aStatus will be always completed with KErrNotSupported.

Initialise text to be synthesised to the descriptor. If there is synthesis already ongoing aStatus will be completed with KErrInUse.


const TDesC & aText Text to be synthesized. Text has to be valid until aStatus is completed because this function is asynchronous and the request that it represents may not complete until some time after the call to the function has returned. It is important, therefore, that this descriptor remain valid, or remain in scope, until you have been notified that the request is complete.
TDes8 & aDataBuffer Reference to a descriptor where output is stored after Synthesise() is called. If all the data does not fit into aDataBuffer Synthesise can be called several times.
TRequestStatus & aStatus Status of priming


IMPORT_C TInt MaxSpeakingRateL ( )

Returns maximum speaking rate.


IMPORT_C TInt MaxVolumeL ( )

Get maximum volume


IMPORT_C TInt Open ( )

Connect to synthesis server


IMPORT_C void PauseL ( )

Pause synthesis. Resuming can be done by calling Synthesize(). Ongoing synthesis request is completed with KErrCancel.

KErrNotSupported if trying to pause synthesis to file.
KErrNotReady if there is no synthesis ongoing.


IMPORT_C void SetAudioOutputL ( TTtsAudioOutput aAudioOutput )

Sets the audio output. Setting will be effective immediately and until new value is set or connection closed. Client needs WriteDeviceData capability if setting output to ETtsOutputAll

KErrPermissionDenied if client doesn't have WriteDeviceData when setting output to ETtsOutputAll.


TTtsAudioOutput aAudioOutput - where the audio is routed.

SetAudioPriorityL(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C void SetAudioPriorityL ( TInt aPriority,
TInt aPreference

Sets the playback priority and preference values. Setting will be effective after next InitialiseSynthesis() call and until new priority is set or Close() is called. Client needs Nokia VID to use this function.

KErrPermissionDenied if client doesn't have Nokia VID.


TInt aPriority Audio priority
TInt aPreference Audio preference


IMPORT_C void SetSpeakingRateL ( TInt aSpeakingRate )

Sets the speaking rate. Range is 1.. MaxSpeakingRateL() . Setting will be effective after next InitialiseSynthesis() call and until new rate is set or Close() is called. Note: All voices doesn't support speaking rate changes and in that case there is no audible change.

KErrArgument if speaking rate is out of range.


TInt aSpeakingRate Rate value

SetVoiceL(const TVoice &)

IMPORT_C void SetVoiceL ( const TVoice & aVoice )

Change voice. Change is effective after next InitialiseSynthesis() call is made and until new SetVoiceL() call is made or Close() is called.

KErrArgument if aVoice is not valid


const TVoice & aVoice New voice to be set. aVoice.iLanguage is the only mandatory parameter,others can be undefined and server may ignore those if invalid values are given.


IMPORT_C void SetVolumeL ( TInt aVolume )

Change volume. Will be effective until new volume is set or Close() is called.

KErrArgument if volume value is out of range,


TInt aVolume New volume, accepted values are in range from 0 to MaxVolumeL()


IMPORT_C TInt SpeakingRateL ( )

Returns the current speaking rate value.


IMPORT_C void StopL ( )

Stop ongoing synthesis. Ongoing synthesis request is completed with KErrAbort. Does nothing if there is no synthesis ongoing.

KErrInUse if request is made to stop other client's synthesis.

Synthesise(TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void Synthesise ( TRequestStatus & aStatus )

Synthesise the text or resume paused synthesis. InitialiseSynthesis() has to be called succesfully before call to this function will succeed. aStatus is completed with KErrNotReady if initialisation has not been done.

RSpeechSynthesis::InitialiseSynthesis() RSpeechSynthesis::PauseL()


TRequestStatus & aStatus Status of synthesis


IMPORT_C TVoice VoiceL ( )

Get current voice.


IMPORT_C TInt VolumeL ( )

Get current volume.

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TTtsAudioOutput


ETtsOutputDefault = 0
ETtsOutputAll = 1
ETtsOutputNoOutput = 2
ETtsOutputPrivate = 3
ETtsOutputPublic = 4