es_sock.h File Reference

const TLitC8< sizeof("ESock_Main")> SOCKET_SERVER_MAIN_MODULE_NAME

const TLitC8 < sizeof("ESock_Main")> SOCKET_SERVER_MAIN_MODULE_NAME [static]

Canonical names for the core ESOCKSVR modules

const TLitC8< sizeof("ESock_IP")> SOCKET_SERVER_IP_MODULE_NAME

const TLitC8 < sizeof("ESock_IP")> SOCKET_SERVER_IP_MODULE_NAME [static]

const TLitC8< sizeof("ESock_Bt")> SOCKET_SERVER_BT_MODULE_NAME

const TLitC8 < sizeof("ESock_Bt")> SOCKET_SERVER_BT_MODULE_NAME [static]

const TLitC8< sizeof("ESock_Ir")> SOCKET_SERVER_IR_MODULE_NAME

const TLitC8 < sizeof("ESock_Ir")> SOCKET_SERVER_IR_MODULE_NAME [static]

const TLitC8< sizeof("ESock_SmsWap")> SOCKET_SERVER_SMSWAP_MODULE_NAME

const TLitC8 < sizeof("ESock_SmsWap")> SOCKET_SERVER_SMSWAP_MODULE_NAME [static]

const TUint KConnectionUp

const TUint KConnectionUp

Progress Notification to inform clients Connection is up This event has the same numerical values as KLinkLayerOpen which is deprecated

const TUint KConnectionDown

const TUint KConnectionDown

Progress Notification to inform clients Connection is up This event has the same numerical values as KLinkLayerClosed which is deprecated

const TUint KESockDefaultMessageSlots

const TUint KESockDefaultMessageSlots

Default number of message slots.

const TUint KMaxSubConnectionEventSize

const TUint KMaxSubConnectionEventSize

Size of Maximum SubConnection event


If you allocate this on the heap, remember to delete through the pointer to the buffer and not any pointers to the events held inside it if you change this value, you will alter the function signature and break the .def file

Typedef TSubConnectionUniqueId

typedef TUint TSubConnectionUniqueId

SubConnection Unique Id


Typedef TSubConnectionNotificationBuf

typedef TBuf8 < KMaxSubConnectionEventSize > TSubConnectionNotificationBuf

Buffer for notification of any change in the state of SubConnection.


const TUint KUseEmbeddedUniqueId

const TUint KUseEmbeddedUniqueId

const TUint KConnProgressDefault

const TUint KConnProgressDefault

Typedef TNifProgressBuf

typedef TPckgBuf < TNifProgress > TNifProgressBuf

Buffer for Network Interface Progress

const TUint KMaxSockAddrSize

const TUint KMaxSockAddrSize

Maximum sockets address size.

const TUint KAFUnspec

const TUint KAFUnspec

Default (unspecified) protocol module.

const TUint KSockStream

const TUint KSockStream

Stream socket.

const TUint KSockDatagram

const TUint KSockDatagram

Datagram socket.

const TUint KSockSeqPacket

const TUint KSockSeqPacket

Datagrams with sequence numbers.

const TUint KSockRaw

const TUint KSockRaw

Raw socket.

const TInt KSOLSocket

const TInt KSOLSocket

Generic socket options/commands.

const TInt KLevelUnspecified

const TInt KLevelUnspecified

Unspecified level.

const TUint KSODebug

const TUint KSODebug

Debugging enabled or disabled . Values are:

(TInt)0. Disabled

(TInt)1. Enabled

const TUint KSORecvBuf

const TUint KSORecvBuf

Socket receive buffer size. Values are:


1 to KMaxTUint: explicit buffer size, supplied as a TPckgBuf<TUint>

const TUint KSOSendBuf

const TUint KSOSendBuf

Socket send buffer size. Values are:


1 to KMaxTUint: explicit buffer size, supplied as a TPckgBuf<TUint>

const TUint KSONonBlockingIO

const TUint KSONonBlockingIO

Socket nonblocking mode. To set, no option values are required. For getting, values are:

(TInt)0. Disabled

(TInt)1. Enabled

const TUint KSOBlockingIO

const TUint KSOBlockingIO

Socket blocking mode. To set, no values are required. For getting, values are:

(TInt)0. Disabled

(TInt)1. Enabled

const TUint KSOSelectPoll

const TUint KSOSelectPoll

Getting only: gets a bitmask of flags describing the read/write/exception status of the socket. Value is a TInt containing a bitmask of socket status (KSockSelectExcept etc.) constants.

const TUint KSOReadBytesPending

const TUint KSOReadBytesPending

Getting only: retrieve the number of bytes currently available for reading. Value is a TInt.

const TUint KSOUrgentDataOffset

const TUint KSOUrgentDataOffset

Getting only: retrieve the urgent data offset (only for stream protocols that support urgent data). Value is a TInt.

const TUint KSOSelectLastError

const TUint KSOSelectLastError

Getting only: retrieves the last error. Errors are normally reported by the called method and behaviour is protocol dependent. KSOSelectLastError does not return such errors. Value is a TInt.

const TUint KSOEnableTransfer

const TUint KSOEnableTransfer

Setting only. Enables socket to be transferred to the process with given capabilities. The capabilities set should be supplied as TPckgBuf<TSecurityPolicy>. Each RSocket::Transfer() call must be enabled by setting this option.

const TUint KSODisableTransfer

const TUint KSODisableTransfer

Setting only. Disables a socket's possibility to be transferred. No option required.

const TInt KSocketBufSizeUndefined

const TInt KSocketBufSizeUndefined

Use default buffer size.

const TInt KSocketDefaultBufferSize

const TInt KSocketDefaultBufferSize

Default buffer size.

const TUint KSocketInternalOptionBit

const TUint KSocketInternalOptionBit

const TUint KIOctlSelect

const TUint KIOctlSelect

The aDesc parameter of RSocket::Ioctl() specifies a TUint containing a bitmask of Socket status constants. The completion status will be the subset of those conditions which is now true for the socket.

Used through RSocket::Ioctl() , with aLevel set to KSOLSocket.

KSOSelectPoll parameter to RSocket::GetOpt() , which allows the current select state of the socket to be read synchronously, and KSOSelectLastError , which returns the error code.

const TUint KSockSelectRead

const TUint KSockSelectRead

Data is available to be read; for listening sockets, a connect is pending.

const TUint KSockSelectWrite

const TUint KSockSelectWrite

Writing to the socket is not currently blocked by flow-control.

const TUint KSockSelectExcept

const TUint KSockSelectExcept

An error has occurred.

const TUint KSockSelectReadContinuation

const TUint KSockSelectReadContinuation

Include tail of prior read datagram as available data (ie indicates next read will be with read continuation)

const TUint KSockWriteUrgent

const TUint KSockWriteUrgent

The data to be sent is urgent and is given a higher priority than ordinary data in the send queue. KSockWriteUrgent may only be provided as a flag to Send() if the protocol's information flag is marked with KSIUrgentData, otherwise Send() will return with KErrNotSupported. AKA: Out of band or unit data.

const TUint KSocketInternalWriteBit

const TUint KSocketInternalWriteBit

Must not be set for client requests.

const TUint KSockWriteSystemMask

const TUint KSockWriteSystemMask

The top 8 bits are reserved for system purposes; protocols must not define these bits.

const TUint KSockReadPeek

const TUint KSockReadPeek

Read data without consuming it, data remains in the receive queue. KSockReadPeek may only be provided as a flag to Recv() if the protocol's information flag is marked with KSIPeekData, otherwise Recv() will return with KErrNotSupported.

const TUint KSocketInternalReadBit

const TUint KSocketInternalReadBit

Must not be set for client requests.

const TUint KSockReadContinuation

const TUint KSockReadContinuation

Read from datagram in a stream-like fashion (not discarding tails).

const TUint KSIConnectionLess

const TUint KSIConnectionLess

The protocol is connectionless.

const TUint KSIReliable

const TUint KSIReliable

The protocol is reliable.

const TUint KSIInOrder

const TUint KSIInOrder

The protocol guarantees in-order delivery.

const TUint KSIMessageBased

const TUint KSIMessageBased

The protocol is message based.

const TUint KSIDatagram

const TUint KSIDatagram

The same as message based.

const TUint KSIStreamBased

const TUint KSIStreamBased

The protocol is stream based.

const TUint KSIPseudoStream

const TUint KSIPseudoStream

The protocol supports a stream like interface but maintains datagram boundaries.

const TUint KSIUrgentData

const TUint KSIUrgentData

The protocol offers an expedited data service.

const TUint KSIConnectData

const TUint KSIConnectData

The protocol can send user data on a connection request.

const TUint KSIDisconnectData

const TUint KSIDisconnectData

The protocol can send user data on a disconnect request.

const TUint KSIBroadcast

const TUint KSIBroadcast

The protocol supports broadcast addresses.

const TUint KSIMultiPoint

const TUint KSIMultiPoint

The protocol supports point to multi-point connections.

const TUint KSIQOS

const TUint KSIQOS

The protocol supports a quality of service metric.

const TUint KSIWriteOnly

const TUint KSIWriteOnly

The protocol is write only.

const TUint KSIReadOnly

const TUint KSIReadOnly

The protocol is read only.

const TUint KSIGracefulClose

const TUint KSIGracefulClose

The protocol supports graceful close.

const TUint KSICanReconnect

const TUint KSICanReconnect

The same socket can be reconnected if it disconnects (for whatever reason).

const TUint KSIPeekData

const TUint KSIPeekData

Protocol supports peeking (looking at the data without removing it from the protocol).

const TUint KSIRequiresOwnerInfo

const TUint KSIRequiresOwnerInfo

Protocol is to be informed of the identity of the client (i.e. process ID, thread ID and UID) of each SAP (i.e. Socket Service Provider) created. Note that this value has no meaningful interpretation on the client side. KSoOwnerInfo and TSoOwnerInfo

const TUint KSIReserved

const TUint KSIReserved

const TUint KNSNameResolution

const TUint KNSNameResolution

Protocol supports resolving human readable entity names into network addresses (like DNS).

const TUint KNSHierarchicalNaming

const TUint KNSHierarchicalNaming

Network naming is hierarchical.

const TUint KNSHeirarchicalNaming

const TUint KNSHeirarchicalNaming

Use KNSHierarchicalNaming instead.

const TUint KNSRemoteDiscovery

const TUint KNSRemoteDiscovery

Addressing is dynamic and should be attempted every time before connecting (like IrDA).

const TUint KNSServiceResolution

const TUint KNSServiceResolution

Protocol supports service name to port number resolution. (For example, you can look up TCP to get port 48.)

const TUint KNSNameRegistration

const TUint KNSNameRegistration

Protocol supports additions to the name database.

const TUint KNSServiceRegistration

const TUint KNSServiceRegistration

Protocol supports additions to the service database.

const TUint KNSDynamicAddressing

const TUint KNSDynamicAddressing

Addressing is dynamic - i.e. name to address mapping may change (like IrDA which randomly chooses machine addresses.)

const TUint KNSInfoDatabase

const TUint KNSInfoDatabase

Protocol has another database which is defined by the protocol.

const TUint KNSRequiresConnectionStartup

const TUint KNSRequiresConnectionStartup

Protocol may request Socket Server to startup a connection on its behalf (via the KErrCompletion error code) Note that this value has no meaningful interpretation on the client side.

const TUint KNSReserved

const TUint KNSReserved

const TUint KSocketNoSecurity

const TUint KSocketNoSecurity

No security

const TUint KSecureSockets

const TUint KSecureSockets

Secure Sockets Layer.


const TInt KSocketMessageSizeIsStream

const TInt KSocketMessageSizeIsStream

Reads and writes can be of any size: the data is treated as a stream.

const TInt KSocketMessageSizeUndefined

const TInt KSocketMessageSizeUndefined

Depends on lower layer or is dynamic.

const TInt KSocketMessageSizeNoLimit

const TInt KSocketMessageSizeNoLimit

Data is packet-oriented but packets can be of any size (i.e. the remote end must specify a Read of the same size as your Write, but there is no limit on this size.)

const TUint KUndefinedSockType

const TUint KUndefinedSockType

Undefined socket type.

const TUint KUndefinedProtocol

const TUint KUndefinedProtocol

Undefined socket type. Undefined Protocol

const TUint KUndefinedAddressFamily

const TUint KUndefinedAddressFamily

Undefined address family

Typedef TProtocolName

typedef TBuf < 0x20 > TProtocolName

Contains the name of a protocol in structure TProtocolDesc .

Typedef TServiceName

typedef TBuf < 0x20 > TServiceName

Defines a descriptor to hold a service name string.

Typedef THostName

typedef TBuf < 0x100 > THostName

Defines a descriptor to hold a host name string.

const TInt KErrWouldBlock

const TInt KErrWouldBlock

This error is returned from operations on non-blocking sockets that cannot be completed immediately, for example receive when no data is queued for reading. It is a non-fatal error, and the operation should be retried later.

const TInt KErrConnectionTerminated

const TInt KErrConnectionTerminated

socket errors

The value -17210 is taken from the range allocated for Esock (beginning at -17200) A gap has been left between the currently existing vals and this one.

const TInt KErrCannotFindProtocol

const TInt KErrCannotFindProtocol

const TInt KErrTierNotFound

const TInt KErrTierNotFound

const TInt KErrConnectionContention

const TInt KErrConnectionContention

const TInt KErrProtocolNotReady

const TInt KErrProtocolNotReady

The protocol requested for the socket was recognised but was not able to be used. This can happen with protocols that require specific settings to have been prepared prior to the socket being opened.

Typedef TSockXfrLength

typedef TPckgBuf < TInt > TSockXfrLength

Used in RSocket read and write calls to pass the length of data read and written.

Typedef TNameEntry

typedef TPckgBuf < TNameRecord > TNameEntry

Packages the TNameRecord class so that it can be passed between a client and the socket server.

Typedef TPortNum

typedef TPckgBuf < TInt > TPortNum

Port number on service

const TUint KConnectionTypeDefault

const TUint KConnectionTypeDefault

Default connection type

const TInt32 KSubConnParamsInterfaceUid

const TInt32 KSubConnParamsInterfaceUid

const TInt32 KSubConnEventInterfaceUid

const TInt32 KSubConnEventInterfaceUid

const TInt32 KSubConnGenericParamsImplUid

const TInt32 KSubConnGenericParamsImplUid

const TInt32 KSubConnGenericEventsImplUid

const TInt32 KSubConnGenericEventsImplUid

const TUint32 KSubConGlobalFamily

const TUint32 KSubConGlobalFamily

const TUint32 KSubConQoSFamily

const TUint32 KSubConQoSFamily

const TUint32 KSubConAuthorisationFamily

const TUint32 KSubConAuthorisationFamily

const TUint32 KSubConnCallDescrParamsFamily

const TUint32 KSubConnCallDescrParamsFamily

const TUint32 KSubConnContextDescrParamsFamily

const TUint32 KSubConnContextDescrParamsFamily

const TUint32 KSubConIPAddressInfoFamily

const TUint32 KSubConIPAddressInfoFamily

const TInt32 KProtocolExtensionFamily

const TInt32 KProtocolExtensionFamily

const TInt32 KFlowParametersFamily

const TInt32 KFlowParametersFamily

const TInt KNotificationEventMaxSize

const TInt KNotificationEventMaxSize