RDbNotifier Class Reference

class RDbNotifier

Provides notification of database changes to clients.

This is useful for shared databases.

Public Member Functions
IMPORT_C void Cancel ()
IMPORT_C void Close ()
IMPORT_C void NotifyChange ( TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C void NotifyUnlock ( TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C TInt Open ( RDbDatabase &)
Public Member Enumerations
enum TEvent { EClose , EUnlock , ECommit , ERollback , ERecover }
Private Attributes
RDbHandle < CDbNotifier > iNotifier

Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C void Cancel ( )


IMPORT_C void Close ( )

NotifyChange(TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void NotifyChange ( TRequestStatus & aStatus )


TRequestStatus & aStatus

NotifyUnlock(TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void NotifyUnlock ( TRequestStatus & aStatus )

Makes an asynchronous request for notification of a database event. All events, including the release of all read locks, are reported.

When a database event occurs, the request completes and the TRequestStatus objectcontains one of the enumerators defined by the TEvent enumeration member.

Alternatively, if an outstanding request is cancelled by a call to the Cancel() member function of this class, then the request completes with KErrCancel.

Only one notification request can be outstanding on this notifier at any one time.

Note that if further database events occur while a client is handling a request completion, the notifier records the most significant database event and this is signalled as soon as the client issues the next NotifyUnlock() or NotifyChange() request.


TRequestStatus & aStatus The request status object. If the request is cancelled, this is set to KErrCancel. If the request completes normally, this is set to one of the enumerator values defined by the TEvent enumeration member.

Open(RDbDatabase &)

IMPORT_C TInt Open ( RDbDatabase & aDatabase )

Opens a DBMS change notifier on a database.

Note that a notifier cannot be opened on a client side database.


RDbDatabase & aDatabase The database to be observed.

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TEvent

Defines the events which may be reported by a DBMS change notifier through this RDbNotifier object.

Each enumerator corresponds to a distinct event type.

The changes are reported through a TRequestStatus object when an outstanding notification request completes.


If further database events occur while a client is handling the completion of a previous event, the notifier remembers the most significant event. The order of importance is:

ERecover > ERollback > ECommit

where the symbol > means "is more important than"



The database has been closed.


All read locks have been removed.


A transaction has been committed.


A transaction has been rolled back


The database has been recovered

Member Data Documentation

RDbHandle< CDbNotifier > iNotifier

RDbHandle < CDbNotifier > iNotifier [private]