CCamera::CCameraOverlay Class Reference

class CCamera::CCameraOverlay : public CBase

This class provides support for image overlays. The client can use it to overlay an image onto the viewfinder, snapshots, still images and video. A client can create multiple overlays, where each overlay can be in a different format. The properties of an overlay can be changed after it has been created.


This class provides a standardised client interface for the camera overlay. Classes cannot be derived from it.

If the class methods leave, the output type parameter value is not guaranteed to be valid.

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
~CCameraOverlay ()
IMPORT_C TUint CreateOverlayL (const TOverlayParameters &, CFbsBitmap *)
IMPORT_C void GetAllOverlaysInZOrderL ( RArray < TUint > &)
IMPORT_C void GetAllOverlaysInZOrderL ( TOverlayCameraMode , TInt , RArray < TUint > &)
IMPORT_C void GetOverlayBitmapL ( TUint , CFbsBitmap *)
IMPORT_C void GetOverlayParametersL ( TUint , TOverlayParameters &)
IMPORT_C void GetOverlaySupport ( TOverlaySupportInfo &)
IMPORT_C CCameraOverlay * NewL ( CCamera &)
IMPORT_C void ReleaseOverlay ( TUint )
IMPORT_C void SetAllOverlaysInZOrderL (const RArray < TUint > &)
IMPORT_C void SetAllOverlaysInZOrderL ( TOverlayCameraMode , TInt , const RArray < TUint > &)
IMPORT_C void SetModifiableOverlayBitmapL ( TUint , CFbsBitmap *)
IMPORT_C void SetOverlayBitmapL ( TUint , const CFbsBitmap *)
IMPORT_C void SetOverlayParametersL ( TUint , const TOverlayParameters &)
Private Member Functions
CCameraOverlay ( CCamera &)
void ConstructL ()
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Public Member Enumerations
enum TBlendingType { EBlendNone , EBinary , EFullRange , EBinaryDynamic , EFullRangeDynamic }
enum TOverlayCameraMode {
EModeNone  = 0x00, EModeStillImage  = 0x01, EModeSnapshot  = 0x02, EModeViewfinder  = 0x04, EModeVideo  = 0x08, EModeDirectViewfinder  = 0x00010, EModeClientViewfinder  = 0x00020, EModeStillImageContinuous  = 0x00080, EModeStillImageBracket  = 0x00100, EModeStillImageBracketMerge  = 0x00200, EModeStillImageTimed  = 0x00400, EModeStillImageTimeLapse  = 0x00800, EModeStillImageBurst  = 0x01000
enum TOverlayType { EOverlayNone  = 0x00, EPerPixel  = 0x01, EPerPlane  = 0x02 }
Private Attributes
MCameraOverlay * iImpl
MCameraOverlay2 * iImpl2
CCamera & iOwner

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CCameraOverlay(CCamera &)

CCameraOverlay ( CCamera & aOwner ) [private]

Constructor for the CCamera::CCameraOverlay class.


CCamera & aOwner A reference to the camera object for which a camera overlay object is to be created.


IMPORT_C ~CCameraOverlay ( )

Destructor for the CCamera::CCameraOverlay class.

Member Functions Documentation


void ConstructL ( ) [private]

CCameraOverlay second phase constructor.

This function used to initialise internal state of the object. It uses reference to the camera to retrieve overlay interface pointer.

KErrNotSupported if this functionality is not supported; also any system wide error.

CreateOverlayL(const TOverlayParameters &, CFbsBitmap *)

IMPORT_C TUint CreateOverlayL ( const TOverlayParameters & aParameters,
CFbsBitmap * aBitmap

Creates an image overlay object on the ECam implementation, returning a handle to the newly created object.

KErrNoMemory if out of memory; also any system wide error.
KErrArgument if the member variables in TOverlayParameters are such that they create mutual exclusion.


const TOverlayParameters & aParameters The parameters characterizing the overlay to be created.
CFbsBitmap * aBitmap The image that is to become the overlay. By default this is set to NULL, allowing the client to provide the image at some point after the overlay object has been created, by using SetOverlayBitmapL().

GetAllOverlaysInZOrderL(RArray< TUint > &)

IMPORT_C void GetAllOverlaysInZOrderL ( RArray < TUint > & aOverlayHandles )

Gets all the overlay handles maintained by the ECam implementation, in order of their Z-Value.

KErrNoMemory if out of memory; also any system wide error.

Implementation shall give preference to the sequence in which the client has passed the overlay handles in case of any mis-match with the 'z-order' of each such overlay. Implementation shall amend the 'z-order' of the overlays if required to remove any ambiguity.


RArray < TUint > & aOverlayHandles Returned list, in Z-Value order, of all the overlay handles maintained on the ECam implementation. The topmost overlay is the first element of the array.

GetAllOverlaysInZOrderL(TOverlayCameraMode, TInt, RArray< TUint > &)

IMPORT_C void GetAllOverlaysInZOrderL ( TOverlayCameraMode aOverlayCameraMode,
TInt aViewFinderHandle,
RArray < TUint > & aOverlayHandles
) const

Gets all the overlay handles maintained by the ECam implementation, in order of their z-value, for a particular camera mode. If for viewfinder, then the handle number is used to get the z-value for the viewfinder whose handle number is passed.

May leave with any error code.

Implementation shall give preference to the sequence in which the client has passed the overlay handles in case of any mis-match with the 'z-order' of each such overlay. Implementation shall amend the 'z-order' of the overlays if required to remove any ambiguity.


TOverlayCameraMode aOverlayCameraMode The specific camera mode whose overlays' z-value information is required.
TInt aViewFinderHandle The specific viewfinder handle, if overlays' z-value information is required for viewfinder camera mode.
RArray < TUint > & aOverlayHandles Returned list, in z-value order, of all the overlay handles maintained on the ECam implementation. The topmost overlay is the first element of the array.

GetOverlayBitmapL(TUint, CFbsBitmap *)

IMPORT_C void GetOverlayBitmapL ( TUint aOverlayHandle,
CFbsBitmap * aBitmap

Gets the overlay image data for a specified overlay.

KErrArgument if aOverlayHandle is out of range; also any system wide error.
KErrNotSupported if a sharing client (which did not create the given overlay) tries to retrieve the overlay bitmap and the implementation may not be interested in providing the overlay.

The ECam implementation will transfer the ownership of the aBitmap to the client.


TUint aOverlayHandle The handle of the overlay whose overlay image data is to be obtained.
CFbsBitmap * aBitmap A CFbsBitmap that will receive the returned image data for the overlay.

GetOverlayParametersL(TUint, TOverlayParameters &)

IMPORT_C void GetOverlayParametersL ( TUint aOverlayHandle,
TOverlayParameters & aInfo

Gets the parameters that characterize a given overlay.

KErrArgument if aOverlayHandle is out of range; also any system wide error.


TUint aOverlayHandle The handle of the overlay whose parameters are required.
TOverlayParameters & aInfo Reference to TOverlayParameters object that will contain the returned overlay parameters.

GetOverlaySupport(TOverlaySupportInfo &)

IMPORT_C void GetOverlaySupport ( TOverlaySupportInfo & aInfo )

Gets information on the overlay functionality supported by the ECam implementation.


TOverlaySupportInfo & aInfo A reference to a TOverlaySupportInfo object that will receive the overlay support information.

NewL(CCamera &)

IMPORT_C CCameraOverlay * NewL ( CCamera & aCamera ) [static]

Factory function that creates a new camera overlay object on the heap.

KErrNoMemory if out of memory; also any system wide error.

Clients using MCameraObserver are not recommended to use this extension class since they cannot handle events.


CCamera & aCamera A reference to the camera object for which a camera overlay object is to be created.


IMPORT_C void ReleaseOverlay ( TUint aOverlayHandle )

Releases the specified overlay handle.


If the handle specified in aOverlayHandle is invalid (out of range) the function call is ignored and no error is reported.


TUint aOverlayHandle The handle of the overlay that is to be released.

SetAllOverlaysInZOrderL(const RArray< TUint > &)

IMPORT_C void SetAllOverlaysInZOrderL ( const RArray < TUint > & aOverlayHandles )

Sets the Z-Order of all the overlay handles known by this CCameraOverlay object.

KErrNoMemory if out of memory; also any system wide error.

Implementation shall give preference to the sequence in which the client has passed the overlay handles in case of any mis-match with the 'z-order' of each such overlay. Implementation shall amend the 'z-order' of the overlays if required to remove any ambiguity.


const RArray < TUint > & aOverlayHandles The overlay handles in aOverlayHandles array. This must be the complete current set of handles known to this CCameraOverlay object. The client specifies the desired order by placing the topmost overlay in the first element of the array.

SetAllOverlaysInZOrderL(TOverlayCameraMode, TInt, const RArray< TUint > &)

IMPORT_C void SetAllOverlaysInZOrderL ( TOverlayCameraMode aOverlayCameraMode,
TInt aViewFinderHandle,
const RArray < TUint > & aOverlayHandles

Sets all the overlay handles maintained by the ECam implementation, in order of their z-value for a particular camera mode. If for viewfinder, then the handle number is used to set the z-value for the viewfinder whose handle number is passed.

May leave with any error code.

Implementation shall give preference to the sequence in which the client has passed the overlay handles in case of any mis-match with the 'z-order' of each such overlay. Implementation shall amend the 'z-order' of the overlays if required to remove any ambiguity.


TOverlayCameraMode aOverlayCameraMode The specific camera mode whose overlays' z-value is to be set.
TInt aViewFinderHandle The specific viewfinder handle, if overlays' z-value is required to be set for viewfinder camera mode.
const RArray < TUint > & aOverlayHandles The overlay handles in aOverlayHandles array. This must be the complete current set of handles known to this CCameraOverlay object for the given camera mode (and for the given viewfinder, if applicable). The client specifies the desired order by placing the topmost overlay in the first element of the array.

SetModifiableOverlayBitmapL(TUint, CFbsBitmap *)

IMPORT_C void SetModifiableOverlayBitmapL ( TUint aOverlayHandle,
CFbsBitmap * aBitmap

Allows the overlay image data to be changed for a specified overlay. Ownership of the bitmap is passed to the implementation. Use this function to set the overlay image data if it was not specified when the overlay was created using CreateOverlayL() .

May leave with any error code.

If required, implementation is free to modify the overlay bitmap passed to it.

SetOverlayParametersL should not be called after this method for the given overlay since it may change the overlay parameters considerably. In such a case, SetOverlayParametersL may leave with error KErrArgument.


TUint aOverlayHandle The handle of the overlay whose overlay image data is to be changed.
CFbsBitmap * aBitmap The new image data for the overlay.

SetOverlayBitmapL(TUint, const CFbsBitmap *)

IMPORT_C void SetOverlayBitmapL ( TUint aOverlayHandle,
const CFbsBitmap * aBitmap

Allows the overlay image data to be changed for a specified overlay. Use this function to set the overlay image data if it was not specified when the overlay was created using CreateOverlayL() .

KErrArgument if aOverlayHandle is out of range; also any system wide error.

Once this method is called, overlay size should not be changed for the given overlay. Hence, SetOverlayParametersL should not be called after this method.


TUint aOverlayHandle The handle of the overlay whose overlay image data is to be changed.
const CFbsBitmap * aBitmap The new image data for the overlay.

SetOverlayParametersL(TUint, const TOverlayParameters &)

IMPORT_C void SetOverlayParametersL ( TUint aOverlayHandle,
const TOverlayParameters & aParameters

Sets new parameters that characterize a given overlay.

KErrNotSupported if TOverlayCameraMode passed in TOverlayParameters is not supported; also any system wide error.
KErrArgument if the member variables in TOverlayParameters are such that they create mutual exclusion.


TUint aOverlayHandle The handle of the overlay whose parameters are to be changed.
const TOverlayParameters & aParameters The new overlay parameters.

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TBlendingType

Blending types

Type of supported blending.



Does not support blending.


Supports only binary blending. If alpha value is 0xFF, it is opaque, otherwise transparent.


Full support for blending - all values in the range [0:255].


Supports only dynamic binary blending - allows values to be changed when overlay is being displayed. If alpha value is 0xFF, it is opaque, otherwise transparent. Since the blending is dynamic, SetModifiableOverlayBitmapL shall be used such that the bitmap could be changed by the implementation.

Full support for dynamic blending - all values in the range [0:255]
  • allows values to be changed when overlay is being displayed. Since the blending is dynamic, SetModifiableOverlayBitmapL shall be used such that the bitmap could be changed by the implementation.

Enum TOverlayCameraMode

Overlay camera mode types

Represents the possible camera modes in which the overlay could be used. Several types can be combined when returning ECam implementation support for various modes.


EModeNone = 0x00

Overlays are not supported for any camera mode.

EModeStillImage = 0x01

The image can be overlaid on captured images. The camera is in still image mode. This effectively means all the still image drive modes and its interpretation may be implementation-specific. Explicit definition of drive modes is recommended instead.

EModeSnapshot = 0x02

The image can be overlaid on a snapshot. The camera has snapshot functionality set on.

EModeViewfinder = 0x04
The image can be overlaid on a viewfinder. The camera is displaying directly to viewfinder. This mode shall not be used if any of the viewfinder submodes is specified.

Overlay visibility for different viewfinder modes (direct/client-based) is implementation-specific; viewfinder modes should be explicitly specified by clients instead.

EModeVideo = 0x08

The image can be overlaid on a video frame. The camera is in video mode.

EModeDirectViewfinder = 0x00010
The image is to be overlaid on direct viewfinder

This value is available only to the API clients using CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L()

EModeClientViewfinder = 0x00020
The image is to be overlaid on client-based viewfinder

This value is available only to the API clients using CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L()

EModeStillImageContinuous = 0x00080
The image is to be overlaid when Continuous Still Image driving mode is active.

This value is available only to the API clients using CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L()

EModeStillImageBracket = 0x00100
The image is to be overlaid when Still Image Bracketing driving mode is active.

This value is available only to the API clients using CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L()

EModeStillImageBracketMerge = 0x00200
The image is to be overlaid when Still Image Bracketing with Merge option driving mode is active.

This value is available only to the API clients using CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L()

EModeStillImageTimed = 0x00400
The image is to be overlaid when Timed Still Image driving mode is active.

This value is available only to the API clients using CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L()

EModeStillImageTimeLapse = 0x00800
The image is to be overlaid when Timed Still Image with Lapse option driving mode is active.

This value is available only to the API clients using CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L()

EModeStillImageBurst = 0x01000
The image is to be overlaid when Still Image Burst driving mode is active.

This value is available only to the API clients using CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L()

Enum TOverlayType

Overlay types

Type in which alpha value will be provided.


EOverlayNone = 0x00

Does not support overlays.

EPerPixel = 0x01

Blending is on a per pixel basis, where the alpha value information is provided in the overlay bitmap itself. The alpha value is specified in each pixel of the bitmap (it is the alpha componenet of the TRgb object). The display mode of the bitmap should be such that alpha value is supported. TOverlayParameters::iAlphaValue is neglected in this case.

EPerPlane = 0x02

Blending is on a per plane basis, where all pixels are affected by the same alpha value. The alpha value is provided through TOverlayParameters::iAlphaValue .

Member Data Documentation

MCameraOverlay * iImpl

MCameraOverlay * iImpl [private]

MCameraOverlay2 * iImpl2

MCameraOverlay2 * iImpl2 [private]

CCamera & iOwner

CCamera & iOwner [private]