RFrameXferBlock Class Reference

class RFrameXferBlock : public RFrameXferBlockBase

Ethernet frame transfer context block between user and kernel space for the Management Client

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


RFrameXferBlock ( ) [private]

Prohibit default constructor

RFrameXferBlock(const RFrameXferBlock &)

RFrameXferBlock ( const RFrameXferBlock & ) [private]

Prohibit copy constructor


const RFrameXferBlock &

Member Functions Documentation

AppendTxDataBuffer(const TUint8 *, TUint32, TDataBuffer::TFrameType, TUint8, TBool, const TMacAddress *)

TInt AppendTxDataBuffer ( const TUint8 * aData,
TUint32 aLength,
TDataBuffer::TFrameType aFrameType =  TDataBuffer::KEthernetFrame ,
TUint8 aUserPriority = 0,
TBool aMustNotBeEncrypted = EFalse,
const TMacAddress * aDestinationAddress = NULL
) [inline]

Appends data to iTxDataBuffer

S60 3.1


const TUint8 * aData data to be apended
TUint32 aLength length of data in BYTEs
TDataBuffer::TFrameType aFrameType =  TDataBuffer::KEthernetFrame frame type idenitifier
TUint8 aUserPriority = 0 802.1D User Priority of the frame
TBool aMustNotBeEncrypted = EFalse If EFalse it is allowed to encrypt the frame if a valid encryption key exists. This is the default behavior. If ETrue, the frame must not be encrypted even if a valid encryption key existed.
const TMacAddress * aDestinationAddress = NULL If not NULL, specifies the destination MAC address for the frame to be transmitted


void ClearTxDataBuffer ( ) [inline]

Clears TxDataBuffer, makes it zero length size

S60 3.1


void SetTxDataBufferField ( TLinAddr aUserAddr ) [inline]

Set data buffer address

Note! This method is executed in user mode context by the user mode client interface, i.e. not the client itself!
S60 3.1


TLinAddr aUserAddr user address of the buffer

operator=(const RFrameXferBlock &)

RFrameXferBlock & operator= ( const RFrameXferBlock & ) [private]

Prohibit assigment operator


const RFrameXferBlock &

Member Data Documentation

TUint32 iTxBufLength

TUint32 iTxBufLength [private]

stores the total capacity (length) of the Tx buffer (iTxDataBuffer) associated with this object instance

TDataBuffer * iTxDataBuffer

TDataBuffer * iTxDataBuffer [private]

Tx-data buffer