CLbtSessionTrigger Class Reference

class CLbtSessionTrigger : public CLbtTriggerEntry

Concrete class representing session trigger entries.

Session triggers are not stored in persistent storage. They are deleted by Location Triggering Server if the client application's subsession to the server is closed or if the client calls RLbt::DeleteTriggerL() .

Client application shall make request to Location Triggering Server to receive session trigger firing event.

RLbt lbt.lib

S60 5.1

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
~CLbtSessionTrigger ()
IMPORT_C CLbtSessionTrigger * NewL ()
IMPORT_C CLbtSessionTrigger * NewL (const TDesC &, TLbtTriggerState , CRequestor::TRequestorType , CRequestor::TRequestorFormat , const TDesC &, TUid , CLbtTriggerConditionBase *)
IMPORT_C CLbtSessionTrigger * NewL (const TDesC &, TLbtTriggerState , const RRequestorStack &, TUid , CLbtTriggerConditionBase *)
IMPORT_C CLbtSessionTrigger * NewLC ()
IMPORT_C TType Type ()
Protected Member Functions
void DoExternalizeL ( RWriteStream &)
void DoInternalizeL ( RReadStream &)
Private Member Functions
CLbtSessionTrigger ()
CLbtSessionTrigger ( CLbtSessionTrigger &)
void ConstructL (const TDesC &, TLbtTriggerState , CRequestor::TRequestorType , CRequestor::TRequestorFormat , const TDesC &, TUid , CLbtTriggerConditionBase *)
void ConstructL (const TDesC &, CLbtTriggerEntry::TLbtTriggerState , const RRequestorStack &, TUid , CLbtTriggerConditionBase *)
void ConstructL ()
CLbtSessionTrigger & operator= (const CLbtSessionTrigger &)
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
CLbtTriggerEntry::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream &)const
CLbtTriggerEntry::GetRequestorsL(RRequestorStack &)const
CLbtTriggerEntry::InternalizeL(RReadStream &)
CLbtTriggerEntry::SetCondition(CLbtTriggerConditionBase *)
CLbtTriggerEntry::SetNameL(const TDesC &)
CLbtTriggerEntry::SetRequestorL(CRequestor::TRequestorType,CRequestor::TRequestorFormat,const TDesC &)
CLbtTriggerEntry::SetRequestorsL(const RRequestorStack &)
Inherited Enumerations

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


CLbtSessionTrigger ( ) [private]

Default constructor

CLbtSessionTrigger(CLbtSessionTrigger &)

CLbtSessionTrigger ( CLbtSessionTrigger & aEntry ) [private]

By default, prohibit copy constructor


CLbtSessionTrigger & aEntry


IMPORT_C ~CLbtSessionTrigger ( )


Member Functions Documentation

ConstructL(const TDesC &, TLbtTriggerState, CRequestor::TRequestorType, CRequestor::TRequestorFormat, const TDesC &, TUid, CLbtTriggerConditionBase *)

void ConstructL ( const TDesC & aName,
TLbtTriggerState aState,
CRequestor::TRequestorType aRequestorType,
CRequestor::TRequestorFormat aRequestorFormat,
const TDesC & aRequestorData,
TUid aManagerUi,
CLbtTriggerConditionBase * aCondition
) [private]

Symbian 2nd phase constructor.


const TDesC & aName The name of the trigger entry.
TLbtTriggerState aState The state of trigger entry.
CRequestor::TRequestorType aRequestorType Identifies the type of requestor, a service or a contact.
CRequestor::TRequestorFormat aRequestorFormat Determines the type of data held in aRequestorData
const TDesC & aRequestorData Requestor data. Can be a telephone number, a URL etc.
TUid aManagerUi The UID of the manager UI application.
CLbtTriggerConditionBase * aCondition Pointer to the new trigger condition object.

ConstructL(const TDesC &, CLbtTriggerEntry::TLbtTriggerState, const RRequestorStack &, TUid, CLbtTriggerConditionBase *)

void ConstructL ( const TDesC & aName,
CLbtTriggerEntry::TLbtTriggerState aState,
const RRequestorStack & aRequestors,
TUid aManagerUi,
CLbtTriggerConditionBase * aCondition
) [private]

Symbian 2nd phase constructor.


const TDesC & aName The name of the trigger entry.
CLbtTriggerEntry::TLbtTriggerState aState The state of trigger entry.
const RRequestorStack & aRequestors
TUid aManagerUi The UID of manager UI application.
CLbtTriggerConditionBase * aCondition Pointer to the new trigger condition object.


void ConstructL ( ) [private]

Symbian 2nd phase constructor.

DoExternalizeL(RWriteStream &)

void DoExternalizeL ( RWriteStream & aStream ) const [protected, virtual]

Externalize method that subclass must implement.


RWriteStream & aStream Stream to which the object should be externalized.

DoInternalizeL(RReadStream &)

void DoInternalizeL ( RReadStream & aStream ) [protected, virtual]

Internalize method that subclass must implement.


RReadStream & aStream Stream from which the object should be internalized.


IMPORT_C CLbtSessionTrigger * NewL ( ) [static]

Allocates and constructs a new session trigger entry.

In returned object, default values are set to the attributes of the trigger. The default values are
  • Trigger Id is KLbtNullTriggerId.

  • Trigger Name is an empty string.

  • Requestors are not set.

  • Manager UI is not set(KNullUid).

  • Trigger condition is not set.

NewL(const TDesC &, TLbtTriggerState, CRequestor::TRequestorType, CRequestor::TRequestorFormat, const TDesC &, TUid, CLbtTriggerConditionBase *)

IMPORT_C CLbtSessionTrigger * NewL ( const TDesC & aName,
TLbtTriggerState aState,
CRequestor::TRequestorType aRequestorType,
CRequestor::TRequestorFormat aRequestorFormat,
const TDesC & aRequestorData,
TUid aManagerUi,
CLbtTriggerConditionBase * aCondition
) [static]

Allocates and constructs a new session trigger entry with specified attribute values.

S60 5.1
KErrArgument If the name of the trigger is longer than KLbtMaxNameLength .
Other standard symbian error code, such as KErrNoMemory, KErrGeneral, etc.


const TDesC & aName The name of the trigger entry.
TLbtTriggerState aState The state of trigger entry.
CRequestor::TRequestorType aRequestorType Identifies the type of requestor, a service or a contact.
CRequestor::TRequestorFormat aRequestorFormat Determines the type of data held in aRequestorData
const TDesC & aRequestorData Requestor data. Can be a telephone number, a URL etc.
TUid aManagerUi The UID of the manager UI application.
CLbtTriggerConditionBase * aCondition Pointer to the new trigger condition object. This object takes the ownership of aCondition.

NewL(const TDesC &, TLbtTriggerState, const RRequestorStack &, TUid, CLbtTriggerConditionBase *)

IMPORT_C CLbtSessionTrigger * NewL ( const TDesC & aName,
TLbtTriggerState aState,
const RRequestorStack & aRequestors,
TUid aManagerUi,
CLbtTriggerConditionBase * aCondition
) [static]

Allocates and constructs a new session trigger entry with specified attribute values.

KErrArgument If the name of the trigger is longer than KLbtMaxNameLength .
Other standard symbian error code, such as KErrNoMemory, KErrGeneral, etc.


const TDesC & aName The name of the trigger entry.
TLbtTriggerState aState The state of trigger entry.
const RRequestorStack & aRequestors The requestor for the service. This object does not take ownership of aRequestors.
TUid aManagerUi The UID of manager UI application.
CLbtTriggerConditionBase * aCondition Pointer to the new trigger condition object. This object takes the ownership of aCondition.


IMPORT_C CLbtSessionTrigger * NewLC ( ) [static]

Allocates and constructs a new session trigger entry. The constructed object is pushed onto cleanup stack.

In returned object, default values are set to the attributes of the trigger. The default values are
  • Trigger Id is KLbtNullTriggerId.

  • Trigger Name is an empty string.

  • Requestors are not set.

  • Manager UI is not set(KNullUid).

  • Trigger condition is not set.


IMPORT_C TType Type ( ) const [virtual]

Get the type of the trigger entry, CLbtTriggerEntry::ESession.

operator=(const CLbtSessionTrigger &)

CLbtSessionTrigger & operator= ( const CLbtSessionTrigger & ) [private]

Prohibit assigment operator


const CLbtSessionTrigger &