Title pane

The Title pane displays a context-dependent application title or state name.

Figure 1. Title pane
  • Typically, the title text is the descriptive name of the current main pane view.

  • In an application idle state, the title text is typically the application name.

  • In the idle state, the Title pane may contain an operator logo (left-aligned in the area available) instead of the operator name as text.

Using the title pane in C++ applications

The API to use for the title pane component is the Title pane API . For observing title pane touch events, use the Title Pane Touch Observer API .

To use a title pane in your application, create an instance of the class CAknTitlePane .

Use the method SetTextL() in the class CAknTitlePane to set the title pane text and display it. To set the text to scroll if it does not fit the title pane text area, set the flag aScroll to ETrue . To set the text to the default (name of the application), use the method SetTextToDefault() .

Use the method SetPicture() to display a picture in the title pane. To set the icon from a file, use the method SetPictureFromFileL() . Alternatively, to set a small icon to be displyed together with text, use the method SetSmallPicture() .

To set the title pane contents from a resource file, use the method SetFromResourceL() .