ContentAccess::CManager Class Reference

class ContentAccess::CManager : public CBase

Manages files and content access agents

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
~CManager ()
IMPORT_C TInt AgentSpecificCommand ( TAgent &, TInt , const TDesC8 &, TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C void AgentSpecificCommand ( TAgent &, TInt , const TDesC8 &, TDes8 &, TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C TInt CancelNotifyStatusChange (const TDesC &, TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C TInt CopyFile (const TDesC &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TInt CopyFile ( RFile &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C CRightsManager * CreateRightsManagerL ( TAgent &)
IMPORT_C TInt DeleteFile (const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void DeleteFileL (const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void DisplayInfoL ( TDisplayInfo , const TVirtualPathPtr &)
IMPORT_C void DisplayInfoL ( TDisplayInfo , RFile &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void DisplayManagementInfoL ( TAgent &)
IMPORT_C TInt GetAttribute ( TInt , TInt &, const TVirtualPathPtr &)
IMPORT_C TInt GetAttribute ( TInt , TInt &, RFile &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TInt GetAttributeSet ( RAttributeSet &, const TVirtualPathPtr &)
IMPORT_C TInt GetAttributeSet ( RAttributeSet &, RFile &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TInt GetDir (const TDesC &, TUint , TUint , CDir *&)
IMPORT_C TInt GetDir (const TDesC &, TUint , TUint , CDir *&, CDir *&)
IMPORT_C TInt GetDir (const TDesC &, const TUidType &, TUint , CDir *&)
IMPORT_C TInt GetStringAttribute ( TInt , TDes &, const TVirtualPathPtr &)
IMPORT_C TInt GetStringAttribute ( TInt , TDes &, RFile &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TInt GetStringAttributeSet (RStringAttributeSet &, const TVirtualPathPtr &)
IMPORT_C TInt GetStringAttributeSet (RStringAttributeSet &, RFile &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void ListAgentsL ( RArray < TAgent > &)
IMPORT_C TInt MkDir (const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TInt MkDirAll (const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C CManager * NewL ()
IMPORT_C CManager * NewLC ()
IMPORT_C void NotifyStatusChange (const TDesC &, TEventMask , TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C TInt RenameDir (const TDesC &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TInt RenameFile (const TDesC &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TInt RmDir (const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TInt SetProperty ( TAgentProperty , TInt )
Private Member Functions
CManager ()
void ConstructL ()
void DoCancelNotifyStatusChangeL (const TDesC &, TRequestStatus &)
void DoCopyFileL (const TDesC &, const TDesC &)
void DoCopyFileL ( RFile &, const TDesC &)
void DoDeleteFileL (const TDesC &)
void DoGetAttributeL ( TInt , TInt &, const TVirtualPathPtr &)
void DoGetAttributeL ( TInt , TInt &, RFile &, const TDesC &)
void DoGetAttributeSetL ( RAttributeSet &, const TVirtualPathPtr &)
void DoGetAttributeSetL ( RAttributeSet &, RFile &, const TDesC &)
void DoGetDirL (const TDesC &, TUint , TUint , CDir *&)
void DoGetDirL (const TDesC &, TUint , TUint , CDir *&, CDir *&)
void DoGetDirL (const TDesC &, const TUidType &, TUint , CDir *&)
void DoGetStringAttributeL ( TInt , TDes &, const TVirtualPathPtr &)
void DoGetStringAttributeL ( TInt , TDes &, RFile &, const TDesC &)
void DoGetStringAttributeSetL (RStringAttributeSet &, const TVirtualPathPtr &)
void DoGetStringAttributeSetL (RStringAttributeSet &, RFile &, const TDesC &)
void DoMkDirAllL (const TDesC &)
void DoMkDirL (const TDesC &)
void DoNotifyStatusChangeL (const TDesC &, TEventMask , TRequestStatus &)
void DoRenameDirL (const TDesC &, const TDesC &)
void DoRenameFileL (const TDesC &, const TDesC &)
void DoRmDirL (const TDesC &)
void DoSetPropertyL ( TAgentProperty , TInt )
void GetListOfAgentPrivateDirectoriesL ( CDir *&)
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Private Attributes
CAgentResolver * iResolver

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


CManager ( ) [private]


~CManager ( ) [virtual]


Member Functions Documentation

AgentSpecificCommand(TAgent &, TInt, const TDesC8 &, TDes8 &)

IMPORT_C TInt AgentSpecificCommand ( TAgent & aAgent,
TInt aCommand,
const TDesC8 & aInputBuffer,
TDes8 & aOutputBuffer

Allows extended synchronous calls to an agent

DRM Access to extended DRM agent functions is not permitted for processes without DRM capability


TAgent & aAgent The agent.
TInt aCommand The agent defined command.
const TDesC8 & aInputBuffer Non modifyable input data buffer.
TDes8 & aOutputBuffer Modifyable output buffer to hold the result of the command.

AgentSpecificCommand(TAgent &, TInt, const TDesC8 &, TDes8 &, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void AgentSpecificCommand ( TAgent & aAgent,
TInt aCommand,
const TDesC8 & aInputBuffer,
TDes8 & aOutputBuffer,
TRequestStatus & aStatus

Allows extended asynchronous calls to an agent. NB: It is important that the descriptor passed to aOutputBuffer remains in scope until the request has completed.

DRM Access to extended DRM agent functions is not permitted for processes without DRM capability


TAgent & aAgent The agent.
TInt aCommand The agent defined command.
const TDesC8 & aInputBuffer Non modifyable input data buffer.
TDes8 & aOutputBuffer Modifyable output buffer to hold the result of the command.
TRequestStatus & aStatus Asynchronous request status. On completion this will contain one of the following error codes: KErrNone if the command was successful. KErrCANotSupported if the agent does not recognize the command. KErrPermissionDenied if the agent does not permit the client to execute this command. Otherwise one of the other CAF error codes defined in caferr.h or one of the other system-wide error codes for any other errors.

CancelNotifyStatusChange(const TDesC &, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C TInt CancelNotifyStatusChange ( const TDesC & aURI,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
Cancel a previous notification request
DRM Access to DRM protected content is not permitted for processes without DRM capability. Access to unprotected content is unrestricted


const TDesC & aURI The URI supplied in the call to NotifyStatusChange().
TRequestStatus & aStatus The TRequestStatus supplied in the call to NotifyStatusChange().


void ConstructL ( ) [private]

CopyFile(const TDesC &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TInt CopyFile ( const TDesC & aSource,
const TDesC & aDestination
) const

Make a copy of a file (eg to removable media)

Access to the agents private directory is permitted at the agents discretion.

DRM Copying DRM protected files is not permitted for processes without DRM capability. Copying unprotected files is permitted


const TDesC & aSource The full pathname of the source file.
const TDesC & aDestination The full pathname of the destination file.

CopyFile(RFile &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TInt CopyFile ( RFile & aSourceFile,
const TDesC & aDestination
) const

Make a copy of a file (eg to removable media) using a file handle

Access to the agents private directory is permitted at the agents discretion.

DRM Copying DRM protected files is not permitted for processes without DRM capability. Copying unprotected files is permitted


RFile & aSourceFile The handle the source file.
const TDesC & aDestination The full pathname of the destination file.

CreateRightsManagerL(TAgent &)

IMPORT_C CRightsManager * CreateRightsManagerL ( TAgent & aAgent ) const

Allow clients to list, view and delete the rights contained by an agent in a generic manner.

This function is only relevant for agents implementing a DRM scheme. Other agents will leave with KErrCANotSupported if an application attempts to invoke the rights manager.

To manage the rights in a more comprehensive manner the application should use the DisplayManagementInfoL() function where the agent can present its own management information.

KErrCANotSupported If the agent does not implement DRM or support rights management.
KErrPermissionDenied If the agent does not allow the client to create a rights manager.
DRM Access to DRM rights is not permitted for processes without DRM capability.


TAgent & aAgent The agent to create a rights manager object.

DeleteFile(const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TInt DeleteFile ( const TDesC & aFileName ) const

Delete a file on the device

The agent who manages the file will be used to delete it.

In the case of a DRM agent implementation it may delete rights that were associated with the file at the same time. If an agent deletes rights at the same time as the content it will display a confirmation dialog that makes it clear that the rights will be also deleted.

Access to the agent private directories is permitted at the agents discretion.

DRM Deleting DRM protected content is not permitted for processes without DRM capability.


const TDesC & aFileName The full pathname of the file to delete.

DeleteFileL(const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C void DeleteFileL ( const TDesC & aFileName ) [static]

Delete a file Use DeleteFile() instead.


const TDesC & aFileName The file to delete.

DisplayInfoL(TDisplayInfo, const TVirtualPathPtr &)

IMPORT_C void DisplayInfoL ( TDisplayInfo aInfo,
const TVirtualPathPtr & aVirtualPath

View information associated with a single content object

This call blocks execution and only returns once the display is dismissed by the user

KErrCANotSupported if agent cannot display the requested information.
... One of the other CAF error codes defined in caferr.h or one of the system-wide error codes for any other errors.
DRM Access to DRM protected content is not permitted for processes without DRM capability. Access to unprotected content is unrestricted.


TDisplayInfo aInfo The information to display.
const TVirtualPathPtr & aVirtualPath The content object.

DisplayInfoL(TDisplayInfo, RFile &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C void DisplayInfoL ( TDisplayInfo aInfo,
RFile & aFile,
const TDesC & aUniqueId

View information associated with a single content object in a file specified by file handle. Can be used when the source file is in the client's private directory.

This call blocks execution and only returns once the display is dismissed by the user.

KErrCANotSupported if the feature not supported or if agent cannot display the requested information.
... One of the other CAF error codes defined in caferr.h or one of the system-wide error codes for any other errors.
DRM Access to DRM protected content is not permitted for processes without DRM capability. Access to unprotected content is unrestricted.


TDisplayInfo aInfo The information to display.
RFile & aFile The file handle for the file containing the content object.
const TDesC & aUniqueId The unique id of the content object.

DisplayManagementInfoL(TAgent &)

IMPORT_C void DisplayManagementInfoL ( TAgent & aAgent )

Allows a client to display management information for a particular agent

This allows a user to see all the specific information associated with a particular agent. In the case of an agent implementing DRM this could include the ability to list, view or delete DRM rights objects.

KErrCANotSupported If the specified agent does not support the display of management information.
DRM Agents implementing DRM may not display their management dialog to processes without DRM capability


TAgent & aAgent The agent.

DoCancelNotifyStatusChangeL(const TDesC &, TRequestStatus &)

void DoCancelNotifyStatusChangeL ( const TDesC & aURI,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
) [private]


const TDesC & aURI
TRequestStatus & aStatus

DoCopyFileL(const TDesC &, const TDesC &)

void DoCopyFileL ( const TDesC & aSource,
const TDesC & aDestination
) const [private]


const TDesC & aSource
const TDesC & aDestination

DoCopyFileL(RFile &, const TDesC &)

void DoCopyFileL ( RFile & aSourceFile,
const TDesC & aDestination
) const [private]


RFile & aSourceFile
const TDesC & aDestination

DoDeleteFileL(const TDesC &)

void DoDeleteFileL ( const TDesC & aFileName ) const [private]


const TDesC & aFileName

DoGetAttributeL(TInt, TInt &, const TVirtualPathPtr &)

void DoGetAttributeL ( TInt aAttribute,
TInt & aValue,
const TVirtualPathPtr & aVirtualPath
) const [private]


TInt aAttribute
TInt & aValue
const TVirtualPathPtr & aVirtualPath

DoGetAttributeL(TInt, TInt &, RFile &, const TDesC &)

void DoGetAttributeL ( TInt aAttribute,
TInt & aValue,
RFile & aFile,
const TDesC & aUniqueId
) const [private]


TInt aAttribute
TInt & aValue
RFile & aFile
const TDesC & aUniqueId

DoGetAttributeSetL(RAttributeSet &, const TVirtualPathPtr &)

void DoGetAttributeSetL ( RAttributeSet & aAttributeSet,
const TVirtualPathPtr & aVirtualPath
) const [private]


RAttributeSet & aAttributeSet
const TVirtualPathPtr & aVirtualPath

DoGetAttributeSetL(RAttributeSet &, RFile &, const TDesC &)

void DoGetAttributeSetL ( RAttributeSet & aAttributeSet,
RFile & aFile,
const TDesC & aUniqueId
) const [private]


RAttributeSet & aAttributeSet
RFile & aFile
const TDesC & aUniqueId

DoGetDirL(const TDesC &, TUint, TUint, CDir *&)

void DoGetDirL ( const TDesC & aName,
TUint aEntryAttMask,
TUint aEntrySortKey,
CDir *& aEntryList
) const [private]


const TDesC & aName
TUint aEntryAttMask
TUint aEntrySortKey
CDir *& aEntryList

DoGetDirL(const TDesC &, TUint, TUint, CDir *&, CDir *&)

void DoGetDirL ( const TDesC & aName,
TUint aEntryAttMask,
TUint anEntrySortKey,
CDir *& aEntryList,
CDir *& aDirList
) const [private]


const TDesC & aName
TUint aEntryAttMask
TUint anEntrySortKey
CDir *& aEntryList
CDir *& aDirList

DoGetDirL(const TDesC &, const TUidType &, TUint, CDir *&)

void DoGetDirL ( const TDesC & aName,
const TUidType & aEntryUid,
TUint aEntrySortKey,
CDir *& aFileList
) const [private]


const TDesC & aName
const TUidType & aEntryUid
TUint aEntrySortKey
CDir *& aFileList

DoGetStringAttributeL(TInt, TDes &, const TVirtualPathPtr &)

void DoGetStringAttributeL ( TInt aAttribute,
TDes & aValue,
const TVirtualPathPtr & aVirtualPath
) const [private]


TInt aAttribute
TDes & aValue
const TVirtualPathPtr & aVirtualPath

DoGetStringAttributeL(TInt, TDes &, RFile &, const TDesC &)

void DoGetStringAttributeL ( TInt aAttribute,
TDes & aValue,
RFile & aFile,
const TDesC & aUniqueId
) const [private]


TInt aAttribute
TDes & aValue
RFile & aFile
const TDesC & aUniqueId

DoGetStringAttributeSetL(RStringAttributeSet &, const TVirtualPathPtr &)

void DoGetStringAttributeSetL ( RStringAttributeSet & aStringAttributeSet,
const TVirtualPathPtr & aVirtualPath
) const [private]


RStringAttributeSet & aStringAttributeSet
const TVirtualPathPtr & aVirtualPath

DoGetStringAttributeSetL(RStringAttributeSet &, RFile &, const TDesC &)

void DoGetStringAttributeSetL ( RStringAttributeSet & aStringAttributeSet,
RFile & aFile,
const TDesC & aUniqueId
) const [private]


RStringAttributeSet & aStringAttributeSet
RFile & aFile
const TDesC & aUniqueId

DoMkDirAllL(const TDesC &)

void DoMkDirAllL ( const TDesC & aPath ) const [private]


const TDesC & aPath

DoMkDirL(const TDesC &)

void DoMkDirL ( const TDesC & aPath ) const [private]


const TDesC & aPath

DoNotifyStatusChangeL(const TDesC &, TEventMask, TRequestStatus &)

void DoNotifyStatusChangeL ( const TDesC & aURI,
TEventMask aMask,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
) [private]


const TDesC & aURI
TEventMask aMask
TRequestStatus & aStatus

DoRenameDirL(const TDesC &, const TDesC &)

void DoRenameDirL ( const TDesC & aOldName,
const TDesC & aNewName
) const [private]


const TDesC & aOldName
const TDesC & aNewName

DoRenameFileL(const TDesC &, const TDesC &)

void DoRenameFileL ( const TDesC & aSource,
const TDesC & aDestination
) const [private]


const TDesC & aSource
const TDesC & aDestination

DoRmDirL(const TDesC &)

void DoRmDirL ( const TDesC & aPath ) const [private]


const TDesC & aPath

DoSetPropertyL(TAgentProperty, TInt)

void DoSetPropertyL ( TAgentProperty aProperty,
TInt aValue
) [private]


TAgentProperty aProperty
TInt aValue

GetAttribute(TInt, TInt &, const TVirtualPathPtr &)

IMPORT_C TInt GetAttribute ( TInt aAttribute,
TInt & aValue,
const TVirtualPathPtr & aVirtualPath
) const

Get an attribute from a content object


         TInt value = 0;
		CManager* manager = CManager::NewL();
		err = manager->GetAttribute(EIsProtected, value, aVirtualPath);
		if(err == KErrNone && value)
DRM Access to DRM protected content is not permitted for processes without DRM capability. Access to unprotected content is unrestricted.


TInt aAttribute The attribute to retrieve, from ContentAccess::TAttribute.
TInt & aValue Used to return the value of the attribute.
const TVirtualPathPtr & aVirtualPath The content object whose attributes are to be queried.

GetAttribute(TInt, TInt &, RFile &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TInt GetAttribute ( TInt aAttribute,
TInt & aValue,
RFile & aFile,
const TDesC & aUniqueId

Get a content's attribute from a file specified by file handle. Can be used when the source file is in the client's private directory.

DRM Access to DRM protected content is not permitted for processes without DRM capability. Access to unprotected content is unrestricted.


TInt aAttribute The attribute to retrieve, from ContentAccess::TAttribute.
TInt & aValue Used to return the value of the attribute.
RFile & aFile The file handle for the file containing the content object.
const TDesC & aUniqueId The unique id of the content object.

GetAttributeSet(RAttributeSet &, const TVirtualPathPtr &)

IMPORT_C TInt GetAttributeSet ( RAttributeSet & aAttributeSet,
const TVirtualPathPtr & aVirtualPath
) const

Get a set of attributes from a content object

ContentAccess::TAttributeThe following example determines whether the content object is protected and has rights that will enable it to be viewed by the user

         TInt err = KErrNone;
		TInt value = 0;
		// The manager		
		CManager* manager = CManager::NewLC();

		// Prepare the RAttributeSet object with the attributes to query		
		RAttributeSet attributeSet;
		// Retrieve the attributes from the agent
		User::LeaveIfError(manager->GetAttributeSet(attributeSet, aVirtualPath));
		// Check if the content object is protected
		err =attributeSet.GetValue(EProtected, value);
		if(err == KErrNone && value)
			// content object is DRM protected
		// Check if the content object can be display on screen
		err = attributeSet.GetValue(ECanView, value);
		if(err == KErrNone && value)
			// content object is DRM protected
  		// Can reuse the RAttributeSet if necessary
		User::LeaveIfError(manager->GetAttributeSet(attributeSet, aVirtualPath));
		// Finished
		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);		// manager, attributeSet.Close()
DRM Access to DRM protected content is not permitted for processes without DRM capability. Access to unprotected content is unrestricted.


RAttributeSet & aAttributeSet The set of attributes to query and update.
const TVirtualPathPtr & aVirtualPath The content object to retrieve attributes from.

GetAttributeSet(RAttributeSet &, RFile &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TInt GetAttributeSet ( RAttributeSet & aAttributeSet,
RFile & aFile,
const TDesC & aUniqueId

Get a content's set of attributes from a file specified by file handle. Can be used when the source file is in the client's private directory.

DRM Access to DRM protected content is not permitted for processes without DRM capability. Access to unprotected content is unrestricted.


RAttributeSet & aAttributeSet The set of attributes to query and update.
RFile & aFile The file handle for the file containing the content object.
const TDesC & aUniqueId The unique id of the content object.

GetDir(const TDesC &, TUint, TUint, CDir *&)

IMPORT_C TInt GetDir ( const TDesC & aName,
TUint aEntryAttMask,
TUint aEntrySortKey,
CDir *& aEntryList
) const

Gets a filtered list of a directory's contents.

The bitmask determines which file and directory entry types should be listed. The sort key determines the order in which they are listed.

  1. If sorting by UID (as indicated when the ESortByUid bit is OR'ed with the sort key), then UID information will be included in the listing whether or not KEntryAttAllowUid is specified in aEntryAttMask.

  2. The function sets aFileList to NULL, and then allocates memory for it before appending entries to the list. Therefore, aFileList should have no memory allocated to it before this function is called, otherwise this memory will become orphaned.

  3. The caller of this function is responsible for deleting aFileList after the function has returned.

Access to agent private directories is permitted at the agents discretion.

DRM Required when attempting to access an agents private directory


const TDesC & aName The name of the directory for which a listing is required. Wildcards may be used to specify particular files.
TUint aEntryAttMask Bitmask indicating the attributes of interest. Only files and directories whose attributes match those specified here can be included in the listing. For more information, see KEntryAttMatchMask and the other directory entry details. Also see KEntryAttNormal and the other file or directory attributes
TUint aEntrySortKey The sort key. This is a set of flags indicating the order in which the entries are to be sorted. These flags are defined by TEntryKey.
CDir *& aEntryList On return contains a filtered list of directory and file entries.

GetDir(const TDesC &, TUint, TUint, CDir *&, CDir *&)

IMPORT_C TInt GetDir ( const TDesC & aName,
TUint aEntryAttMask,
TUint aEntrySortKey,
CDir *& aEntryList,
CDir *& aDirList
) const

Gets a filtered list of the directory and file entries contained in a directory and a list of the directory entries only

The bitmask determines which file and directory entry types should be listed in aFileList. The contents of the second list, aDirList are not affected by the bitmask; it returns all directory entries contained in directory aName. The sort key determines the order in which both lists are sorted.

  1. If sorting by UID (as indicated when the ESortByUid bit is OR'ed with the sort key), then UID information will be included in the listing whether or not KEntryAttAllowUid is specified in aEntryAttMask.

  2. The function sets both aFileList and aDirList to NULL, and then allocates memory to them before appending entries to the lists. Therefore, aFileList and aDirList should have no memory allocated to them before this function is called, otherwise the allocated memory will become orphaned.

  3. The caller of this function is responsible for deleting aFileList and aDirList after the function has returned.

Access to agent private directories is permitted at the agents discretion.

DRM Required when attempting to access an agents private directory.


const TDesC & aName The name of the directory for which a listing is required. Wildcards may be used to specify particular files.
TUint aEntryAttMask Bitmask indicating the attributes of interest. Only files and directories whose attributes match those specified here can be included in aFileList. aDirList is unaffected by this mask. For more information, see KEntryAttMatchMask and the other directory entry details. Also see KEntryAttNormal and the other file or directory attributes.
TUint aEntrySortKey The sort key. This is a set of flags indicating the order in which the entries in both lists are to be sorted. These flags are defined by TEntryKey.
CDir *& aEntryList On return contains a filtered list of directory and file entries.
CDir *& aDirList On return contains a filtered list of directory entries only.

GetDir(const TDesC &, const TUidType &, TUint, CDir *&)

IMPORT_C TInt GetDir ( const TDesC & aName,
const TUidType & aEntryUid,
TUint aEntrySortKey,
CDir *& aFileList
) const

Gets a filtered list of a directory's contents by UID

The aUidType parameter determines which file entry types should be listed. The sort key determines the order in which they are listed.

  1. The function sets aFileList to NULL, and then allocates memory for it before appending entries to the list. Therefore, aFileList should have no memory allocated to it before this function is called, otherwise this memory will become orphaned.

  2. The caller of this function is responsible for deleting aFileList after the function has returned.

Access to agent private directories is permitted at the agents discretion.

DRM Required when attempting to access an agents private directory.


const TDesC & aName The name of the directory for which a listing is required. Wildcards may be used to specify particular files.
const TUidType & aEntryUid Only those files whose UIDs match those specified within this UID type will be included in the file list. Any, or all, of the three UIDs within the UID type may be omitted. Any UID which is omitted acts in a similar manner to a wildcard character, matching to all UIDs.
TUint aEntrySortKey The sort key. This is a set of flags indicating the order in which the entries are to be sorted. These flags are defined by TEntryKey.
CDir *& aFileList On return contains a filtered list of directory and file entries.

GetListOfAgentPrivateDirectoriesL(CDir *&)

void GetListOfAgentPrivateDirectoriesL ( CDir *& aDir ) const [private]

Populate the list of agents in the CDirStreamable


CDir *& aDir Reference to a CDir pointer, this pointer must be set to NULL

GetStringAttribute(TInt, TDes &, const TVirtualPathPtr &)

IMPORT_C TInt GetStringAttribute ( TInt aAttribute,
TDes & aValue,
const TVirtualPathPtr & aVirtualPath
) const

Get text string attributes or meta-data from the file

         CManager* manager = CManager::NewLC();
		TBuf <MAX_PATH> previewUri;
		if(manager->GetStringAttribute(EPreviewURI, previewUri, uri) == KErrNone)
		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();	// manager


TInt aAttribute The attribute to retrieve, from ContentAccess::TStringAttribute.
TDes & aValue Used to return the value of the attribute.
const TVirtualPathPtr & aVirtualPath The content object whose attributes are to be retrieved.

GetStringAttribute(TInt, TDes &, RFile &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TInt GetStringAttribute ( TInt aAttribute,
TDes & aValue,
RFile & aFile,
const TDesC & aUniqueId

Get a content's text string attribute from a file specified by file handle. Can be used when the source file is in the client's private directory.

DRM Access to DRM protected content is not permitted for processes without DRM capability. Access to unprotected content is unrestricted.


TInt aAttribute The attribute to retrieve, from ContentAccess::TAttribute.
TDes & aValue Used to return the value of the attribute.
RFile & aFile The file handle for the file containing the content object.
const TDesC & aUniqueId The unique id of the content object whose attributes are to be retrieved.

GetStringAttributeSet(RStringAttributeSet &, const TVirtualPathPtr &)

IMPORT_C TInt GetStringAttributeSet ( RStringAttributeSet & aStringAttributeSet,
const TVirtualPathPtr & aVirtualPath
) const

Used to obtain a set of string attributes

         TInt err = KErrNone;
		TInt value = 0;
		CManager* manager = CManager::NewLC();
		// Prepare the RStringAttributeSet object with the attributes to query		
		RStringAttributeSet stringAttributeSet;
		// Retrieve the attributes from the agent
		User::LeaveIfError(manager->GetAttributeSet(stringAttributeSet, aVirtualPath));
		// display preview
		TBuf <MAX_PATH> previewUri;
		if(stringAttributeSet.GetValue(ECanView, previewUri))
		// Finished
		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);		// manager, stringAttributeSet.Close()
DRM Access to DRM protected content is not permitted for processes without DRM capability. Access to unprotected content is unrestricted.


RStringAttributeSet & aStringAttributeSet The set of attributes to query and update.
const TVirtualPathPtr & aVirtualPath The content object whose attributes are to be retrieved.

GetStringAttributeSet(RStringAttributeSet &, RFile &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TInt GetStringAttributeSet ( RStringAttributeSet & aStringAttributeSet,
RFile & aFile,
const TDesC & aUniqueId

Get a content's set of string attributes from a file specified by file handle. Can be used when the source file is in the client's private directory.

DRM Access to DRM protected content is not permitted for processes without DRM capability. Access to unprotected content is unrestricted.


RStringAttributeSet & aStringAttributeSet The set of attributes to query and update.
RFile & aFile The file handle for the file containing the content object.
const TDesC & aUniqueId The unique id of the content object whose attributes are to be retrieved

ListAgentsL(RArray< TAgent > &)

IMPORT_C void ListAgentsL ( RArray < TAgent > & aAgents )

List all the agents installed on the device (except F32Agent)

The caller must call RPointerArray::ResetAndDestroy() on the array when it has finished.


RArray < TAgent > & aAgents On completion this will contain a list of all the agents.

MkDir(const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TInt MkDir ( const TDesC & aPath ) const

Create a directory

This function can be used to create a directory within in the agent's private directory. Access to the agents private directory is permitted at the agents discretion.

DRM Required when attempting to access an agents private directory.


const TDesC & aPath The full pathname of the directory to create.

MkDirAll(const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TInt MkDirAll ( const TDesC & aPath ) const

Create all directories in the given path if they do not exist

This function can be used to create directories within in the agent's private directory. Access to the agents private directory is permitted at the agents discretion.

DRM Required when attempting to access an agents private directory.


const TDesC & aPath The full pathname of the directory to create.


IMPORT_C CManager * NewL ( ) [static]

Creates a CManager


IMPORT_C CManager * NewLC ( ) [static]

Creates a CManager

NotifyStatusChange(const TDesC &, TEventMask, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void NotifyStatusChange ( const TDesC & aURI,
TEventMask aMask,
TRequestStatus & aStatus

Notify the caller when the status of a DRM protected content object changes

DRM Deleting DRM protected content is not permitted for processes without DRM capability.


const TDesC & aURI The location of the file.
TEventMask aMask Bitmask of events the caller is interested in.
TRequestStatus & aStatus The TRequestStatus object to complete if the event occurs, or KErrCANotSupported if the agent does not support asynchronous notifications.

RenameDir(const TDesC &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TInt RenameDir ( const TDesC & aOldName,
const TDesC & aNewName
) const

Rename a directory

This function can be used to rename a directory from within the agent's private directory. Access to the agents private directory is permitted at the agents discretion.

DRM Required when attempting to access an agents private directory


const TDesC & aOldName The existing pathname of the directory to rename.
const TDesC & aNewName The new pathname of the directory.

RenameFile(const TDesC &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TInt RenameFile ( const TDesC & aSource,
const TDesC & aDestination
) const

Rename or move the content file (eg to removable media)

Access to the agent private directories is permitted at the agents discretion.

DRM Moving DRM protected files is not permitted for processes without DRM capability. Moving unprotected files is permitted


const TDesC & aSource The full pathname of the source file.
const TDesC & aDestination The full pathname of the destination file.

RmDir(const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TInt RmDir ( const TDesC & aPath ) const

Remove a directory

This function can be used to remove a directory from within the agent's private directory. Access to the agents private directory is permitted at the agents discretion.

DRM Required when attempting to access an agents private directory


const TDesC & aPath The full pathname of the directory to remove.

SetProperty(TAgentProperty, TInt)

IMPORT_C TInt SetProperty ( TAgentProperty aProperty,
TInt aValue

Request all agents to set a property value. If the property is set it is only set for this CManager session and does not impact other CAF users.

DRM Access to DRM protected content is not permitted for processes without DRM capability. Access to unprotected content is unrestricted


TAgentProperty aProperty The property to set.
TInt aValue The value of the property.

Member Data Documentation

CAgentResolver * iResolver

CAgentResolver * iResolver [private]