CMsvPlainBodyText Class Reference

class CMsvPlainBodyText : public CMsgActive

This class encapsulates plainbody text information for storage within the Message Store.It also populates a CRichText object with the 8 bit data decoded to the specified character set.If a character set is not specified, then the default character set is used.

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
~CMsvPlainBodyText ()
IMPORT_C TUint CharacterSet ()
IMPORT_C void CommitL ()
IMPORT_C TUint DefaultCharacterSet ()
CMsvPlainBodyText * NewL ( MMsvStoreManager &, CMsvStore &, TBool , TUint , TUint , TMsvId , RFs &)
CMsvPlainBodyText * NewL ( MMsvStoreManager &, CMsvStore &, TMsvId , RFs &, TInt )
IMPORT_C void NextChunkL ( TDes8 &, TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C void NextChunkL ( TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C void NextChunkL ( TDes16 &, TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C void NextChunkL ( TDes16 &)
IMPORT_C void PreviousChunkL ( TDes8 &, TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C void PreviousChunkL ( TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C void PreviousChunkL ( TDes16 &, TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C void PreviousChunkL ( TDes16 &)
IMPORT_C void SetCharacterSetL (const TUint )
IMPORT_C TInt Size ()
IMPORT_C void StoreChunkL (const TDesC8 &, TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C void StoreChunkL (const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C void StoreChunkL (const TDesC16 &, TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C void StoreChunkL (const TDesC16 &)
IMPORT_C void StoreRichTextAsPlainTextL ( CRichText &)
Private Member Functions
CMsvPlainBodyText ( MMsvStoreManager &, CMsvStore &, TBool , TUint , TUint , TMsvId , RFs &)
CMsvPlainBodyText ( MMsvStoreManager &, CMsvStore &, TMsvId , RFs &, TInt )
void ConstructReadL ()
void ConstructWriteL ()
TInt ConvertChunkToUnicodeForRestoreL ()
void ConvertChunkToUnicodeForStoreL (const TDesC8 &)
void DoCancel ()
void DoComplete ()
void DoRunL ()
void ExtractNextChunkFromRichText ( TDes16 &)
void ExtractPreviousChunkFromRichText ( TDes16 &)
void PrepareToConvertL ()
void RevertL ()
Inherited Functions
CActive::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
CMsgActive::Queue(TRequestStatus &)
Inherited Enumerations
Private Attributes
CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TAvailability iAvailable
CCharFormatLayer * iCharLayer
TUint iCharsetId
TDes16 * iChunk16
TDes8 * iChunk8
TInt iChunkMaxLength
CCnvCharacterSetConverter * iConverter
TInt iCurrentFilePos
TUint iDefaultCharsetId
RFs & iFSession
RFile iFile
HBufC * iFilePath
TBool iIs8Bit
TBool iIsCommitted
TBool iIsLastChunk
TMsvId iMessageId
enum CMsvPlainBodyText::@70 iMsvFileStatus
MMsvStoreManager & iMsvStoreManager
CParaFormatLayer * iParaLayer
TInt iPos
TBool iPrevChunk
TInt iReadChunkLength
RBuf16 iRemainingConvertedData
HBufC8 * iRemainingUnConvertedData
TBool iRetrieving8bit
RBuf8 iRfileReadBuf8
TPtrC8 iRfileWritePtr8
CRichText * iRichText
RArray < TInt > iStartPosOfEachChunkInFile
TInt iStartPosOfNextChunk
CMsvStore & iStore
RBuf16 iTempChunk16
Inherited Attributes

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CMsvPlainBodyText(MMsvStoreManager &, CMsvStore &, TBool, TUint, TUint, TMsvId, RFs &)

CMsvPlainBodyText ( MMsvStoreManager & aMsvStoreManager,
CMsvStore & aStore,
TBool aIs8Bit,
TUint aCharsetId,
TUint aDefaultCharsetId,
TMsvId aMessageId,
RFs & aFs
) [private]

Default Constructor for write operation.


MMsvStoreManager & aMsvStoreManager
CMsvStore & aStore
TBool aIs8Bit
TUint aCharsetId
TUint aDefaultCharsetId
TMsvId aMessageId
RFs & aFs

CMsvPlainBodyText(MMsvStoreManager &, CMsvStore &, TMsvId, RFs &, TInt)

CMsvPlainBodyText ( MMsvStoreManager & aMsvStoreManager,
CMsvStore & aStore,
TMsvId aMessageId,
RFs & aFs,
TInt aChunkLength
) [private]

Default Constructor called for Read operation..


MMsvStoreManager & aMsvStoreManager
CMsvStore & aStore
TMsvId aMessageId
RFs & aFs
TInt aChunkLength


IMPORT_C ~CMsvPlainBodyText ( )


Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C TUint CharacterSet ( )

Returns the charset for the plain text part


IMPORT_C void CommitL ( )

Commit the file and the store after it is written and and also closes the file.


void ConstructReadL ( ) [private]

ConstructL for Read operation.


void ConstructWriteL ( ) [private]

ConstructWriteL for creating and writing to the plain bodytext file.


TInt ConvertChunkToUnicodeForRestoreL ( ) [private]

Converts the 8 bit chunk to unicode.When this is called iRfileReadBuf8 will have the 8-bit data that needs to be converted to unicode.8 bit data that is not converted is copied to iRemainingUnConvertedData, which is used in conversion when this is called again.

ConvertChunkToUnicodeForStoreL(const TDesC8 &)

void ConvertChunkToUnicodeForStoreL ( const TDesC8 & aChunk ) [private]

Converts the 8 bit chunk to Unicode.


const TDesC8 & aChunk The 8bit chunk to be converted.


IMPORT_C TUint DefaultCharacterSet ( )

Returns the default charset for the plain text part


void DoCancel ( ) [private, virtual]

Cancel the file read operation and set the filepointer to the current position of the file so that next call to NextChunkL() will attempt to read the same chunk that was cancelled


void DoComplete ( ) [private]


void DoRunL ( ) [private, virtual]

Asynchronously retrives the body text chunks.If body is stored as 8bit, converts the chunk to Unicode.

ExtractNextChunkFromRichText(TDes16 &)

void ExtractNextChunkFromRichText ( TDes16 & aChunk ) [private]

Extracts a chunk of iChunkMaxLength or less, from the CRichText object.


TDes16 & aChunk

ExtractPreviousChunkFromRichText(TDes16 &)

void ExtractPreviousChunkFromRichText ( TDes16 & aChunk ) [private]

Extracts a chunk of iChunkMaxLength or less, from the CRichText object.


TDes16 & aChunk

NewL(MMsvStoreManager &, CMsvStore &, TBool, TUint, TUint, TMsvId, RFs &)

CMsvPlainBodyText * NewL ( MMsvStoreManager & aMsvStoreManager,
CMsvStore & aStore,
TBool aIs8Bit,
TUint aCharsetId,
TUint aDefaultCharsetId,
TMsvId aMessageId,
RFs & aFs
) [static]

The NewL factory function for Write operation.


MMsvStoreManager & aMsvStoreManager The MMsvStoreManager reference to call Store related RFile APIs
CMsvStore & aStore The CMsvStore object.
TBool aIs8Bit TBool indicating whether to store bdy text as 8/16 bit.
TUint aCharsetId The charset of the body part.
TUint aDefaultCharsetId The default charset of the system.
TMsvId aMessageId The Id of the message that is to be stored.
RFs & aFs The RFs for handling RFile related operations.

NewL(MMsvStoreManager &, CMsvStore &, TMsvId, RFs &, TInt)

CMsvPlainBodyText * NewL ( MMsvStoreManager & aMsvStoreManager,
CMsvStore & aStore,
TMsvId aMessageId,
RFs & aFs,
TInt aChunkLength
) [static]

Overloaded NewL for Read operation.


MMsvStoreManager & aMsvStoreManager The MMsvStoreManager reference to call Store related RFile APIs
CMsvStore & aStore The CMsvStore object.
TMsvId aMessageId The Id of the message that is to be stored.
RFs & aFs The RFs for handling RFile related operations.
TInt aChunkLength The length of the chunk that will be stored/restored in single operaion

NextChunkL(TDes8 &, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void NextChunkL ( TDes8 & aChunk,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
Retrieve the next chunk of the plain body text.
KErrAccessDenied If CMsvStore was opened in Write mode.
KErrNotSupported If 16-bit storage is enabled.
KErrUnderflow If aChunk MaxLength is less than iChunkMaxLength.
Other Standard system-wide error codes.


TDes8 & aChunk The output parameter contains the requested chunk.
TRequestStatus & aStatus

NextChunkL(TDes8 &)

IMPORT_C void NextChunkL ( TDes8 & aChunk )
Retrieve the next chunk of the plain body text.
KErrNotSupported If CMsvStore was opened in Write mode.
KErrNotSupported If 16-bit storage is enabled.
KErrUnderflow If aChunk MaxLength is less than iChunkMaxLength.
Other Standard system-wide error codes.


TDes8 & aChunk The output parameter contains the requested chunk.

NextChunkL(TDes16 &, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void NextChunkL ( TDes16 & aChunk,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
Retrieve the next chunk of the plain body text. If body is stored as 8bit, the chunk is converted to unicode.Unconverted bytes will be converted while reading the next chunk.
KErrAccessDenied If CMsvStore was opened in Write mode.
KErrUnderflow If aChunk MaxLength is less than iChunkMaxLength.
Other Standard system-wide error codes.


TDes16 & aChunk The output parameter contains the requested chunk.If no more data is in Store this contains NULL descriptor.
TRequestStatus & aStatus The TRequestStatus for this request.

NextChunkL(TDes16 &)

IMPORT_C void NextChunkL ( TDes16 & aChunk )
Retrieve the next chunk of the plain body text. If body is stored as 8bit, convert the chunk to Unicode. Unconverted bytes will be converted while reading the next chunk.
KErrAccessDenied If CMsvStore was opened in Write mode.
KErrUnderflow If aChunk MaxLength is less than iChunkMaxLength.
Other Standard system-wide error codes.


TDes16 & aChunk The output parameter contains the requested chunk.If no more data is in Store this contains NULL descriptor.


void PrepareToConvertL ( ) [private]

Creates the character converter and specifies the character set to convert to or from. Leaves if the specified or default character set is not available.

PreviousChunkL(TDes8 &, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void PreviousChunkL ( TDes8 & aChunk,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
Retrieve the previous chunk of the plain body text asynchronously.
KErrNotSupported If 16-bit storage is enabled.
KErrAccessDenied If CMsvStore was opened in Write mode.
KErrUnderflow If aChunk MaxLength is less than iChunkMaxLength.
Other Standard system-wide error codes.


TDes8 & aChunk The output parameter containing the requested chunk on completion.
TRequestStatus & aStatus The TRequestStatus for this request.

PreviousChunkL(TDes8 &)

IMPORT_C void PreviousChunkL ( TDes8 & aChunk )
Retrieve the previous chunk of the plain body text.
KErrNotSupported If 16-bit storage is enabled.
KErrAccessDenied If CMsvStore was opened in Write mode.
KErrUnderflow If aChunk MaxLength is less than iChunkMaxLength.
Other Standard system-wide error codes.


TDes8 & aChunk The output parameter containing the requested chunk.

PreviousChunkL(TDes16 &, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void PreviousChunkL ( TDes16 & aChunk,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
Retrieve the previous chunk of the plain body text asynchronously.DoRunl converts the chunk to unicode.
KErrNotSupported If CMsvStore was opened in Write mode.
KErrUnderflow If aChunk MaxLength is less than iChunkMaxLength.
Other Standard system-wide error codes.


TDes16 & aChunk The output parameter containing the requested chunk on completion.
TRequestStatus & aStatus The TRequestStatus for this request.

PreviousChunkL(TDes16 &)

IMPORT_C void PreviousChunkL ( TDes16 & aChunk )
Retrieve the Previouschunk of the plain body text. If body is stored as 8bit, convert the chunk to Unicode.
KErrNotSupported If CMsvStore was opened in Write mode.
KErrUnderflow If aChunk MaxLength is less than iChunkMaxLength.
Other Standard system-wide error codes.


TDes16 & aChunk The output parameter contains the requested chunk.


void RevertL ( ) [private]

Revert/Delete the file if it is not committed.

SetCharacterSetL(const TUint)

IMPORT_C void SetCharacterSetL ( const TUint aCharset )

Set iCharsetId to aCharset if body text of the message was downloaded as 8 bit. This can be used to override the charset with which a message was downloaded, when the body text is opened for reading.


const TUint aCharset The new charset with which it needs to be converted.


IMPORT_C TInt Size ( )

Returns the size of body text in bytes.

StoreChunkL(const TDesC8 &, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void StoreChunkL ( const TDesC8 & aChunk,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
Store the plain body text part in chunks.
KErrAccessDenied. If CMsvStore was opened in Read mode or If CommitL is already called.
Other Standard system-wide error codes.


const TDesC8 & aChunk
TRequestStatus & aStatus

StoreChunkL(const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C void StoreChunkL ( const TDesC8 & aChunk )
Store the plain body text part in chunks,synchronous version.
KErrAccessDenied. If CMsvStore was opened in Read mode or If CommitL is already called.
Other Standard system-wide error codes.


const TDesC8 & aChunk

StoreChunkL(const TDesC16 &, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void StoreChunkL ( const TDesC16 & aChunk,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
Store the body part in chunks(16 bit version).
KErrNotSupported If the 8-bit storage was enabled.
KErrAccessDenied If CMsvStore was opened in Read mode or IfCommitL is already called.
Other Standard system-wide error codes.


const TDesC16 & aChunk The 16 bit chunk that is to be stored.
TRequestStatus & aStatus The TRequestStatus parameter for this request.

StoreChunkL(const TDesC16 &)

IMPORT_C void StoreChunkL ( const TDesC16 & aChunk )
Store the body part in chunks(16 bit synchronous version).
KErrNotSupported If the 8-bit storage was enabled.
KErrAccessDenied If CMsvStore was opened in Read mode or If CommitL is already called.
Other Standard system-wide error codes.


const TDesC16 & aChunk The 16 bit chunk that is to be stored.

StoreRichTextAsPlainTextL(CRichText &)

IMPORT_C void StoreRichTextAsPlainTextL ( CRichText & aRichText )
Converts and stores the CRichText contents to a plain text.
KErrNotSupported If CMsvStore was opened in Read mode or If CommitL is already called.
Other Standard system-wide error codes.


CRichText & aRichText The CRichText object that will be stored as plain body text.

Member Data Documentation

CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TAvailability iAvailable

CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TAvailability iAvailable [private]

CCharFormatLayer * iCharLayer

CCharFormatLayer * iCharLayer [private]

TUint iCharsetId

TUint iCharsetId [private]

The charset of the body text

TDes16 * iChunk16

TDes16 * iChunk16 [private]

Pointer to a 16 bit chunk that is being read from the store.

TDes8 * iChunk8

TDes8 * iChunk8 [private]

Pointer to a 8 bit chunk that is being read from the store.

TInt iChunkMaxLength

TInt iChunkMaxLength [private]

Contains the size of the chunk that will be read or write in the RFile

CCnvCharacterSetConverter * iConverter

CCnvCharacterSetConverter * iConverter [private]

Character converter for 8 to 16 bit conversion.

TInt iCurrentFilePos

TInt iCurrentFilePos [private]

TUint iDefaultCharsetId

TUint iDefaultCharsetId [private]

RFs & iFSession

RFs & iFSession [private]

RFile iFile

RFile iFile [private]

The RFile to which body text is written.

HBufC * iFilePath

HBufC * iFilePath [private]

The RFile Path.

TBool iIs8Bit

TBool iIs8Bit [private]

Indicates whether to store text as 8 bit or 16 bit.

TBool iIsCommitted

TBool iIsCommitted [private]

Indicates whether the Rfile is commited or not.

TBool iIsLastChunk

TBool iIsLastChunk [private]

Indicates whether the chunk being read is last.

TMsvId iMessageId

TMsvId iMessageId [private]

enum CMsvPlainBodyText::@70 iMsvFileStatus

enum CMsvPlainBodyText::@70 iMsvFileStatus [private]

Enum indicating if RFile is being written or read

MMsvStoreManager & iMsvStoreManager

MMsvStoreManager & iMsvStoreManager [private]

To access APIs related to RFile operations.

CParaFormatLayer * iParaLayer

CParaFormatLayer * iParaLayer [private]

TInt iPos

TInt iPos [private]

The position from where to extract data in CRichText

TBool iPrevChunk

TBool iPrevChunk [private]

Indicates whether call to DoRunl was initiated by PreviousChunkL method.

TInt iReadChunkLength

TInt iReadChunkLength [private]

RBuf16 iRemainingConvertedData

RBuf16 iRemainingConvertedData [private]

Contains the remaining converted Unicode Data

HBufC8 * iRemainingUnConvertedData

HBufC8 * iRemainingUnConvertedData [private]

Contains the remaining unconverted Unicode Data

TBool iRetrieving8bit

TBool iRetrieving8bit [private]

Indicates whether call to DoRunl was initiated by 8 bit PreviousChunkL and NextChunkL methods.

RBuf8 iRfileReadBuf8

RBuf8 iRfileReadBuf8 [private]

Buffer used to read data from RFile .

TPtrC8 iRfileWritePtr8

TPtrC8 iRfileWritePtr8 [private]

Pointer to 8-bit buffer that needs to be written to RFile .

CRichText * iRichText

CRichText * iRichText [private]

RArray< TInt > iStartPosOfEachChunkInFile

RArray < TInt > iStartPosOfEachChunkInFile [private]

Array that stores the start positions of each chunk,in Rfile

TInt iStartPosOfNextChunk

TInt iStartPosOfNextChunk [private]

Contains the start position of the next chunk

CMsvStore & iStore

CMsvStore & iStore [private]

RBuf16 iTempChunk16

RBuf16 iTempChunk16 [private]

Temporary buffer created to Store chunk while it is being written aynchronously.