CICalContentLineReader Class Reference

class CICalContentLineReader : public CBase

Class for reading in content lines from a stream.

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CICalContentLineReader(RReadStream &)

CICalContentLineReader ( RReadStream & aStream ) [private]

Default constructor.


RReadStream & aStream A stream containing iCalendar information to import.


~CICalContentLineReader ( )


Member Functions Documentation


void ConstructL ( ) [private]

Second phase construction.

GetLineL(TPtr &)

void GetLineL ( TPtr & aPtr ) [private]
Reads from the stream to the next line feed.
With KErrEof when the end of the stream is reached or KErrCorrupt if the line is invalid.


TPtr & aPtr A modifiable pointer to a buffer to read the line into.

GetNextContentLine(TPtrC &)

TInt GetNextContentLine ( TPtrC & aPtr )

Reads the next content line from the stream into aPtr. If the content line has been folded, it will be unfolded. After completion aPtr will point to the new content line


TPtrC & aPtr TPtrC& to set to the new content line.


void GetNextContentLineL ( ) [private]
Reads the next content line from the stream into aPtr. If the content line has been folded, it will be unfolded. After completion aPtr will point to the new content line
Leaves with KErrEof when we reach the end of the stream.

NewL(RReadStream &)

CICalContentLineReader * NewL ( RReadStream & aStream ) [static]

Allocates and constructs a new CICalContentLineReader .


RReadStream & aStream A stream containing iCalendar information to import.

NewLC(RReadStream &)

CICalContentLineReader * NewLC ( RReadStream & aStream ) [static]

Allocates and constructs a new CICalContentLineReader . The pointer to the new object is left on the Cleanup Stack.


RReadStream & aStream A stream containing iCalendar information to import.

SkipComponentL(const TDesC &)

void SkipComponentL ( const TDesC & aName )
Reads from the stream discarding lines until a matching 'END:' directive is reached.
KErrCorrupt if a matching END is not found.


const TDesC & aName The name of the component we are skipping.

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum Flags


EEof = 1

Member Data Documentation

HBufC * iCurrentLine

HBufC * iCurrentLine [private]

TInt iFlags

TInt iFlags [private]

HBufC * iNextLine

HBufC * iNextLine [private]

RReadStream & iReadStream

RReadStream & iReadStream [private]