CAlfVisual Class Reference

class CAlfVisual : public CAlfPropertyOwner

Visual base class

All visuals and layout are derived from this. Usage:
        // #1 Visual object usage
    CAlfVisual* newVisual = CAlfVisual::AddNewL( *myMainControl, mMainGridLayout );
    newVisual->Brushes->AppendL( borderBrush, EAlfHasOwnership );
   // #2 as a base class
   class CMyVisual : public CAlfVisual
       // allocation function
       CMyVisual(CAlfControl& aOwnerControl, CAlfLayout* aParentLayout = 0);  
       // Function documentation
       void MyVisualSpecificFunction();

       TInt mMyPrivateData;    
S60 v3.2

Inherits from

Nested Classes and Structures

Public Member Functions
CAlfVisual ()
~CAlfVisual ()
IMPORT_C void AlignByOrigin ( TAlfRealRect &)
IMPORT_C CAlfBrushArray * Brushes ()
IMPORT_C void ClearFlag ( TAlfVisualFlags )
IMPORT_C void ClearFlags ( TUint )
IMPORT_C TBool Clipping ()
IMPORT_C CAlfGenComponent * Comms ()
IMPORT_C void ConstructL ( CAlfControl &)
IMPORT_C void ConstructL ( CAlfControl &, TInt , TInt , const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C TInt CopyValues (const CAlfVisual &, TInt , TInt )
IMPORT_C TAlfTimedValue DepthOffset ()
IMPORT_C CAlfDisplay * Display ()
IMPORT_C TAlfRealRect DisplayRect ()
IMPORT_C TAlfRealRect DisplayRectTarget ()
IMPORT_C TPoint DisplayToLocal (const TPoint &)
IMPORT_C TAlfRealPoint DisplayToLocal (const TAlfRealPoint &)
IMPORT_C void DoRemoveAndDestroyAllD ()
IMPORT_C CAlfDropShadow * DropShadowHandler ()
IMPORT_C TReal32 EffectiveOpacity ()
IMPORT_C void EnableBrushesL ( TBool )
IMPORT_C void EnableDropShadowL ( TBool )
IMPORT_C void EnableTransformationL ( TBool )
IMPORT_C CAlfEnv & Env ()
IMPORT_C CAlfVisual * FindTag (const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C TUint Flags ()
IMPORT_C TBool HasTactileFeedback ( TInt )
IMPORT_C TAlfVisualHOrigin HorizontalOrigin ()
IMPORT_C TInt HorizontalPadding ()
IMPORT_C TInt Identifier ()
IMPORT_C TBool IsTagged ()
IMPORT_C CAlfLayout * Layout ()
IMPORT_C TPoint LocalToDisplay (const TPoint &)
IMPORT_C TAlfRealPoint LocalToDisplay (const TAlfRealPoint &)
IMPORT_C TSize MaxSize ()
IMPORT_C TAlfRealSize MaxSizeInBaseUnits ()
IMPORT_C void Mimic ( CAlfVisual &, TInt )
IMPORT_C TSize MinSize ()
IMPORT_C TAlfRealSize MinSizeInBaseUnits ()
IMPORT_C void Move (const TPoint &, TInt )
IMPORT_C void Move (const TAlfRealPoint &, TInt )
IMPORT_C void MoveToFront ( TInt )
IMPORT_C const TAlfTimedValue & Opacity ()
IMPORT_C CAlfControl & Owner ()
IMPORT_C TPoint Padding ()
IMPORT_C const TAlfBoxMetric & PaddingAsMetric ()
IMPORT_C TAlfRealRect PaddingInPixels ()
IMPORT_C void Pause ( TInt )
IMPORT_C TAlfTimedPoint Pos ()
IMPORT_C void RemoveAndDestroyAllD ()
IMPORT_C void RemoveTactileFeedback ( TInt )
IMPORT_C void Resume ( TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetCenteredPosAndSize (const TPoint &, const TSize &, TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetCenteredPosAndSize (const TAlfRealPoint &, const TAlfRealSize &, TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetClipping ( TBool )
IMPORT_C void SetDepthOffset (const TAlfTimedValue &)
void SetDisplay (CAlfDisplay *)
IMPORT_C void SetEffectL (const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void SetFlag ( TAlfVisualFlags )
IMPORT_C void SetFlags ( TUint )
IMPORT_C void SetGroupEffectL (const TDesC &, TInt )
void SetLayout ( CAlfLayout *)
IMPORT_C void SetMaxSize (const TSize &)
IMPORT_C void SetMaxSize (const TAlfRealSize &)
IMPORT_C void SetMinSize (const TSize &)
IMPORT_C void SetMinSize (const TAlfRealSize &)
IMPORT_C void SetOpacity (const TAlfTimedValue &)
IMPORT_C void SetOrigin ( TAlfVisualHOrigin , TAlfVisualVOrigin )
IMPORT_C void SetOwner ( CAlfControl &)
IMPORT_C void SetPadding ( TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetPadding (const TPoint &)
IMPORT_C void SetPadding (const TAlfBoxMetric &)
IMPORT_C void SetPos (const TAlfRealPoint &, TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetPos (const TAlfTimedPoint &)
IMPORT_C void SetRect (const TAlfRealRect &, TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetSize (const TAlfRealSize &, TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetSize (const TAlfTimedPoint &)
IMPORT_C void SetTactileFeedbackL ( TInt , TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetTagL (const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C const TAlfTimedPoint Size ()
IMPORT_C const TDesC8 & Tag ()
TBool TagMatches (const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C CAlfTransformation & Transformation ()
IMPORT_C void UpdateChildrenLayout ( TInt )
IMPORT_C TAlfVisualVOrigin VerticalOrigin ()
IMPORT_C TInt VerticalPadding ()
Protected Member Functions
IMPORT_C void PropertyOwnerExtension (const TUid &, TAny **)
Inherited Functions
CAlfPropertyOwner::CopyProperty(const CAlfPropertyOwner &,const TDesC8 &)
CAlfPropertyOwner::PropertyFindInteger(const TDesC8 &,TInt *)const
CAlfPropertyOwner::PropertyFindString(const TDesC8 &,TDesC **)const
CAlfPropertyOwner::PropertyRemove(const TDesC8 &)
CAlfPropertyOwner::PropertySetIntegerL(const TDesC8 &,TInt,TInt,TInt)
CAlfPropertyOwner::PropertySetStringL(const TDesC8 &,const TDesC &)
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Private Attributes
TPrivateData * iData

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


IMPORT_C CAlfVisual ( )



IMPORT_C ~CAlfVisual ( ) [virtual]


Member Functions Documentation

AlignByOrigin(TAlfRealRect &)

IMPORT_C void AlignByOrigin ( TAlfRealRect & aRect ) const

Aligns the rectangle using the visual's origin position.


TAlfRealRect & aRect A rectangle (origin at top left). Modified to suit the visual's origin.


IMPORT_C CAlfBrushArray * Brushes ( )

Returns the brushes of the visual.


IMPORT_C void ClearFlag ( TAlfVisualFlags aFlag )

Unset flags that affect the visual's behaviour.


TAlfVisualFlags aFlag Flag to clear.


IMPORT_C void ClearFlags ( TUint aAnyFlags )

Clear one or more flags that affect the visual's behaviour.


TUint aAnyFlags One or more flags to clear.


IMPORT_C TBool Clipping ( ) const

Determines whether the visual is clipping its contents.


IMPORT_C CAlfGenComponent * Comms ( ) const

ConstructL(CAlfControl &)

IMPORT_C void ConstructL ( CAlfControl & aOwner ) [virtual]



CAlfControl & aOwner

ConstructL(CAlfControl &, TInt, TInt, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C void ConstructL ( CAlfControl & aOwner,
TInt aImplementationId,
TInt aImplementationUid,
const TDesC8 & aConstructionParams


CAlfControl & aOwner Who owns this new control.
TInt aImplementationId
TInt aImplementationUid
const TDesC8 & aConstructionParams

CopyValues(const CAlfVisual &, TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C TInt CopyValues ( const CAlfVisual & aSourceVisual,
TInt aBitmask = AlfVisualProperties::EAll,
TInt aTransitionTime = 0

Copies selected, basic types of properties from another visual If another visual is in the middle of interpolating selected value(s), target value is used with given transition time.

For dynamic properties, use CAlfPropertyOwner::CopyProperty()


const CAlfVisual & aSourceVisual Visual, from which the values are copied
TInt aBitmask = AlfVisualProperties::EAll Defines what properties to copy
TInt aTransitionTime = 0 Number of milliseconds for transitioning to new values.


IMPORT_C TAlfTimedValue DepthOffset ( ) const

Gets the depth offset.


IMPORT_C CAlfDisplay * Display ( ) const

Returns the display of the visual (if shown).


IMPORT_C TAlfRealRect DisplayRect ( ) const

Calculates the visual's bounding rectangle in display coordinates. Display coordinates are defined relative to the display's visible area. Uses the current values of the position and size. Only calculated once per frame.


IMPORT_C TAlfRealRect DisplayRectTarget ( ) const

Calculates the visual's bounding rectangle in display coordinates. Display coordinates are defined relative to the display's visible area. Uses the target values of the position and size, which means transitions are always immediate in the returned rectangle.

DisplayToLocal(const TPoint &)

IMPORT_C TPoint DisplayToLocal ( const TPoint & aPoint ) const


const TPoint & aPoint

DisplayToLocal(const TAlfRealPoint &)

IMPORT_C TAlfRealPoint DisplayToLocal ( const TAlfRealPoint & aPoint ) const

Convert display coordinates to local coordinate. Display coordinates are defined relative to the display's visible area.


const TAlfRealPoint & aPoint Point in display coordinates.


IMPORT_C void DoRemoveAndDestroyAllD ( ) [virtual]

! Deletes the visual


IMPORT_C CAlfDropShadow * DropShadowHandler ( ) const

Returns the drop shadow parameter handler.


IMPORT_C TReal32 EffectiveOpacity ( ) const

Returns the opacity of the visual, taking into account the opacity of parent visuals.


IMPORT_C void EnableBrushesL ( TBool aEnabled = ETrue )

Enables or disables brushes for the visual.


TBool aEnabled = ETrue


IMPORT_C void EnableDropShadowL ( TBool aEnable = ETrue )

Enables the drop shadow. Currently implemented for the image and text visuals.


TBool aEnable = ETrue ETrue to enable, EFalse to disable.


IMPORT_C void EnableTransformationL ( TBool aIsTransformed = ETrue )

Enables or disables transformation of the control group.


TBool aIsTransformed = ETrue ETrue for enabling.


IMPORT_C CAlfEnv & Env ( ) const

Returns the environment where this visual belongs into.

FindTag(const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C CAlfVisual * FindTag ( const TDesC8 & aTag ) [virtual]

Finds a visual whose tag descriptor contains a specific tag.

CAlfVisual::FindTag() is the basic implementation that checks if this visual's tag matches the specified tag. CAlfLayout::FindTag() extends the search into child visuals, covering recursively entire visual hierarchies.

Todo: how should several visuals with matching tag to be handled ??

CAlfVisual::Tag() CAlfVisual::SetTagL() CAlfVisual::IsTagged() CAlfLayout::FindTag()


const TDesC8 & aTag Tag to look for. If this tag is found as a part of a visual's colon-separated tag descriptor, it is treated as a match and the visual is returned. The tag to look for cannot contain separator characters (:).


IMPORT_C TUint Flags ( ) const

Returns the flags of the visual.


IMPORT_C TBool HasTactileFeedback ( TInt aEventType =  KAlfTactileFeedbackEventTypeNone ) const

Checks whether a tactile feedback has been assigned. Eventhough, this returns EFalse the layout may have feedback defined.


TInt aEventType =  KAlfTactileFeedbackEventTypeNone Event type which needs to match If KAlfTactileFeedbackEventTypeNone, the event type is irrelevant.


IMPORT_C TAlfVisualHOrigin HorizontalOrigin ( ) const

Determines the horizontal origin.


IMPORT_C TInt HorizontalPadding ( ) const

Returns the horizontal padding pixels. Visuals can use this to determine the amount of padding that should be applied to the content.

this will return correct pixel values only if paddings were set using deprecated pixel based APIs, so migrate to using metrics instead


IMPORT_C TInt Identifier ( ) const

Return the server side handle


IMPORT_C TBool IsTagged ( ) const


IMPORT_C CAlfLayout * Layout ( ) const

Returns the layout this visual belongs to.

LocalToDisplay(const TPoint &)

IMPORT_C TPoint LocalToDisplay ( const TPoint & aPoint ) const

Convert local coordiantes to display coordinates. Display coordinates are defined relative to the display's visible area.


const TPoint & aPoint

LocalToDisplay(const TAlfRealPoint &)

IMPORT_C TAlfRealPoint LocalToDisplay ( const TAlfRealPoint & aPoint ) const

Convert local coordinates to display coordinates. Display coordinates are defined relative to the display's visible area.


const TAlfRealPoint & aPoint Point in local coordinates.


IMPORT_C TSize MaxSize ( ) const

Use base unit version instead

Returns the maximum size of the visual.


IMPORT_C TAlfRealSize MaxSizeInBaseUnits ( ) const

Returns the maximum size of the visual in base units.

Mimic(CAlfVisual &, TInt)

IMPORT_C void Mimic ( CAlfVisual & aVisual,
TInt aTransitionTime = 0

Positions and sizes this visual to match another.


CAlfVisual & aVisual Visual whose position and size to copy.
TInt aTransitionTime = 0


IMPORT_C TSize MinSize ( ) const

Use base unit version instead

Returns the minimum size of the visual.


IMPORT_C TAlfRealSize MinSizeInBaseUnits ( ) const

Returns the minimum size of the visual in base units.

Move(const TPoint &, TInt)

IMPORT_C void Move ( const TPoint & aOffset,
TInt aTransitionTime = 0

Use base unit version instead

Moves the visual's position.


const TPoint & aOffset Offset from the current target.
TInt aTransitionTime = 0 Transition time in milliseconds.

Move(const TAlfRealPoint &, TInt)

IMPORT_C void Move ( const TAlfRealPoint & aOffset,
TInt aTransitionTime = 0

Moves the visual's position.


const TAlfRealPoint & aOffset Offset from the current target in base units.
TInt aTransitionTime = 0 Transition time in milliseconds.


IMPORT_C void MoveToFront ( TInt aTransitionTime = 0 )

Moves the visual to the front inside its parent layout. In other words, the visual becames the last child of the parent. Causes layout recalculation.


TInt aTransitionTime = 0


IMPORT_C const TAlfTimedValue & Opacity ( ) const

Returns the overall opacity affecting the owner's visuals. All visuals owned by this object are affected by this opacity.


IMPORT_C CAlfControl & Owner ( ) const

Returns the owner of the visual.


IMPORT_C TPoint Padding ( ) const

Returns the padding pixels. Visuals can use this to determine the amount of padding that should be applied to the content.

this will return correct pixel values only if paddings were set using deprecated pixel based APIs, so migrate to using metrics instead


IMPORT_C const TAlfBoxMetric & PaddingAsMetric ( ) const

Returns the padding of the visual.


IMPORT_C TAlfRealRect PaddingInPixels ( ) const

Returns the padding of the visual, in pixels.


IMPORT_C void Pause ( TInt aPropertiesBitmask = AlfVisualProperties::EAll )

Pauses selected, basic types of timed properties of this visual


TInt aPropertiesBitmask = AlfVisualProperties::EAll defines what properties are paused, combination of AlfVisualProperties


IMPORT_C TAlfTimedPoint Pos ( ) const

Returns the position of the visual. This is set by UpdateLayout().

PropertyOwnerExtension(const TUid &, TAny **)

IMPORT_C void PropertyOwnerExtension ( const TUid & aExtensionUid,
TAny ** aExtensionParams
) [protected, virtual]

! future proofing


const TUid & aExtensionUid
TAny ** aExtensionParams


IMPORT_C void RemoveAndDestroyAllD ( ) [virtual]

Destroys a hierarchy of visuals, along with this visual. The visuals are first removed from their owner.


IMPORT_C void RemoveTactileFeedback ( TInt aEventType =  KAlfTactileFeedbackEventTypeNone )

Removes tactile feedback for the visual.


TInt aEventType =  KAlfTactileFeedbackEventTypeNone Event type which feedback to remove. If KAlfTactileFeedbackEventTypeNone, all the feedbacks are removed.


IMPORT_C void Resume ( TInt aPropertiesBitmask = AlfVisualProperties::EAll )

Resumes selected basic types of timed properties of this visual that were paused using CAlfVisual::Pause() . If a property was not paused before calling Resume, call does not have effect


TInt aPropertiesBitmask = AlfVisualProperties::EAll defines what properties are paused, combination of AlfVisualProperties

SetCenteredPosAndSize(const TPoint &, const TSize &, TInt)

IMPORT_C void SetCenteredPosAndSize ( const TPoint & aCenterPoint,
const TSize & aSize,
TInt aTransitionTime = 0

Use base unit version instead

Sets the position and size of the visual.


const TPoint & aCenterPoint New center point of the visual.
const TSize & aSize New size of the visual.
TInt aTransitionTime = 0 Number of milliseconds for transitioning to new values.

SetCenteredPosAndSize(const TAlfRealPoint &, const TAlfRealSize &, TInt)

IMPORT_C void SetCenteredPosAndSize ( const TAlfRealPoint & aCenterPoint,
const TAlfRealSize & aSize,
TInt aTransitionTime = 0

Sets the position and size of the visual.


const TAlfRealPoint & aCenterPoint New center point of the visual in base units.
const TAlfRealSize & aSize New size of the visual in base units.
TInt aTransitionTime = 0 Number of milliseconds for transitioning to new values.


IMPORT_C void SetClipping ( TBool aClipping = ETrue )

Sets the clipping mode of the layout.


TBool aClipping = ETrue ETrue to hide children that are outside the layout's real size.

SetDepthOffset(const TAlfTimedValue &)

IMPORT_C void SetDepthOffset ( const TAlfTimedValue & aDepthOffset )

Sets the depth offset.


const TAlfTimedValue & aDepthOffset Depth offset.

SetDisplay(CAlfDisplay *)

void SetDisplay ( CAlfDisplay * aDisplay )

Sets the display on which the visual is being shown.


CAlfDisplay * aDisplay Pointer to display onto which to attach the visual

SetEffectL(const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C void SetEffectL ( const TDesC & aEffectFile )


const TDesC & aEffectFile


IMPORT_C void SetFlag ( TAlfVisualFlags aFlag )

Set a flag that affects the visual's behaviour.


TAlfVisualFlags aFlag Flag to set.


IMPORT_C void SetFlags ( TUint aAnyFlags )

Sets one or more flags that affect the visual's behaviour.


TUint aAnyFlags One or more flags to set.

SetGroupEffectL(const TDesC &, TInt)

IMPORT_C void SetGroupEffectL ( const TDesC & aEffectFile,
TInt aGroupHandle


const TDesC & aEffectFile
TInt aGroupHandle

SetLayout(CAlfLayout *)

void SetLayout ( CAlfLayout * aLayout )

Sets the layout this visual belongs to.


CAlfLayout * aLayout Parent layout

SetMaxSize(const TSize &)

IMPORT_C void SetMaxSize ( const TSize & aMaxSize )

Use base unit version instead

Sets the maximum size of the visual.


const TSize & aMaxSize Maximum size of the visual.

SetMaxSize(const TAlfRealSize &)

IMPORT_C void SetMaxSize ( const TAlfRealSize & aMaxSize )

Sets the maximum size of the visual.


const TAlfRealSize & aMaxSize Maximum size of the visual.

SetMinSize(const TSize &)

IMPORT_C void SetMinSize ( const TSize & aMinSize )

Use base unit version instead

Sets the minimum size of the visual.


const TSize & aMinSize Minimum size of the visual.

SetMinSize(const TAlfRealSize &)

IMPORT_C void SetMinSize ( const TAlfRealSize & aMinSize )

Sets the minimum size of the visual.


const TAlfRealSize & aMinSize Minimum size of the visual in base units.

SetOpacity(const TAlfTimedValue &)

IMPORT_C void SetOpacity ( const TAlfTimedValue & aOpacity )

Set opacity


const TAlfTimedValue & aOpacity Opacity value.

SetOrigin(TAlfVisualHOrigin, TAlfVisualVOrigin)

IMPORT_C void SetOrigin ( TAlfVisualHOrigin aHoriz,
TAlfVisualVOrigin aVert

Sets the origin of the visual. The origin defines the location of the visual's position in relation to its DisplayRect. By default the visual's position defines its top left corner.

Calling this method is equivalent to setting/clearing the corresponding flags.

SetOwner(CAlfControl &)

IMPORT_C void SetOwner ( CAlfControl & aOwner )

Sets the owner of the visual.


CAlfControl & aOwner New owner of the visual.


IMPORT_C void SetPadding ( TInt aPadding )

Sets the number of pixels that the visual uses for padding its contents. Sets both the horizontal and vertical padding.


that the left and right paddings will be the same, and the top and bottom paddings will be the same.

migrate to using metrics instead


TInt aPadding Number of padding pixels.

SetPadding(const TPoint &)

IMPORT_C void SetPadding ( const TPoint & aPadding )

Sets the number of pixels that the visual uses for padding its contents. Sets the horizontal and vertical padding separately.


that the left and right paddings will be the same, and the top and bottom paddings will be the same.

migrate to using metrics instead


const TPoint & aPadding Number of padding pixels.

SetPadding(const TAlfBoxMetric &)

IMPORT_C void SetPadding ( const TAlfBoxMetric & aPadding )

Sets the amount of padding that the visual uses for padding its contents. The box metric can have a different amount on all sides.


as paddings are relative to the layout visual, if relative units are required, it is advisable to use EAlfUnitRelativeToMySize so that the paddings are relative to the size of this layout visual


const TAlfBoxMetric & aPadding Amount of padding.

SetPos(const TAlfRealPoint &, TInt)

IMPORT_C void SetPos ( const TAlfRealPoint & aPos,
TInt aTransitionTime = 0

Sets the position of the visual.


const TAlfRealPoint & aPos
TInt aTransitionTime = 0

SetPos(const TAlfTimedPoint &)

IMPORT_C void SetPos ( const TAlfTimedPoint & aPos )

Sets the position of the visual.


const TAlfTimedPoint & aPos

SetRect(const TAlfRealRect &, TInt)

IMPORT_C void SetRect ( const TAlfRealRect & aRect,
TInt aTransitionTime = 0

Sets the position and size of the visual.


const TAlfRealRect & aRect Target rectangle.
TInt aTransitionTime = 0 Transition timein milliseconds.

SetSize(const TAlfRealSize &, TInt)

IMPORT_C void SetSize ( const TAlfRealSize & aSize,
TInt aTransitionTime = 0

Sets the size of the visual.


const TAlfRealSize & aSize
TInt aTransitionTime = 0

SetSize(const TAlfTimedPoint &)

IMPORT_C void SetSize ( const TAlfTimedPoint & aSize )

Sets the size of the visual.


const TAlfTimedPoint & aSize

SetTactileFeedbackL(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C void SetTactileFeedbackL ( TInt aEventType,
TInt aFeedbackType

Sets an automatic tactile feedback. If this visual is a layout, the feedback affects to the child visuals as well. This can be overridden in child visuals.

TTouchEventType from touchlogicalfeedback.h TTouchLogicalFeedback from touchlogicalfeedback.h


TInt aEventType Event which triggers the automatic feedback.
TInt aFeedbackType Feedback type.

SetTagL(const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C void SetTagL ( const TDesC8 & aTag )

Sets the tag of the visual.

The tag is a descriptor, in the form of one or more colon-separated character sequences. By default, visuals have no tag (""). Normally, a visual could have a single tag, for example ("caption"). The tag descriptor of the visual may contain multiple tags, for example: "tag1:tag2:tag3".

Tags can be used for identifying visuals. In a typical use case, a control could identify which of its visuals represent certain elements of the control based on the tag descriptors. In this case, the tags would be set by an outside party that also sets the tags of the visuals.

CAlfVisual::Tag() CAlfVisual::IsTagged() CAlfVisual::FindTag()


const TDesC8 & aTag Tag descriptor for the visual.


IMPORT_C const TAlfTimedPoint Size ( ) const

Returns the size of the visual. This is set by UpdateLayout().


IMPORT_C const TDesC8 & Tag ( ) const

TagMatches(const TDesC8 &)

TBool TagMatches ( const TDesC8 & aTag ) const


const TDesC8 & aTag


IMPORT_C CAlfTransformation & Transformation ( )

Returns the transformation of the control group.


IMPORT_C void UpdateChildrenLayout ( TInt aTransitionTime = 0 ) [virtual]

Update the layout of all children. Subclasses can call this to recalculate the layout of all children.


TInt aTransitionTime = 0 Time for layout transition in milliseconds. Any negative value uses value given in CAlfEnv::StaticSetLayoutTransitionTime()


IMPORT_C TAlfVisualVOrigin VerticalOrigin ( ) const

Determines the vertical origin.


IMPORT_C TInt VerticalPadding ( ) const

Returns the vertical padding pixels. Visuals can use this to determine the amount of padding that should be applied to the content.

this will return correct pixel values only if paddings were set using deprecated pixel based APIs, so migrate to using metrics instead

Member Data Documentation

TPrivateData * iData

TPrivateData * iData [private]