wlanmgmtcommon.h File Reference

const TUint KWlanMaxSsidLength

const TUint KWlanMaxSsidLength

The maximum SSID length.

const TUint KWlanMaxBssidLength

const TUint KWlanMaxBssidLength

The maximum BSSID length.

const TUint KWlanWpaPskMaxLength

const TUint KWlanWpaPskMaxLength

The maximum length of WPA preshared key data.

const TUint KWlanWepKeyMaxLength

const TUint KWlanWepKeyMaxLength

The maximum length of WEP key data.

const TUint KWlanInfiniteScanDelay

const TUint KWlanInfiniteScanDelay

Infinite max delay to be used in GetScanResults and GetAvailableIaps

const TUint KWlanCallbackInterfaceVersion

const TUint KWlanCallbackInterfaceVersion

Current version of WLAN callback interface.

Typedef TWlanSsid

typedef TBuf8 < KWlanMaxSsidLength > TWlanSsid

Data structure for storing the SSID of a WLAN network.

Typedef TWlanBssid

typedef TBuf8 < KWlanMaxBssidLength > TWlanBssid

Data structure for storing the BSSID of a BSS.

Typedef TWlanWepKey

typedef TBuf8 < KWlanWepKeyMaxLength > TWlanWepKey

Data structure for storing a WEP key.

Typedef TWlanWpaPresharedKey

typedef TBuf8 < KWlanWpaPskMaxLength > TWlanWpaPresharedKey

Data structure for storing either a WPA preshared key or passphrase.

The WPA-PSK key can be represented either as a passphrase or as the actual preshared key.

A passphrase can contain from 8 to 63 ASCII characters where each character MUST have a decimal encoding in the range of 32 to 126, inclusive.

A preshared key is stored as 64 character hex string.