const TUint | KWlanWpaPskMaxLength |
The maximum length of WPA preshared key data.
const TUint | KWlanWepKeyMaxLength |
The maximum length of WEP key data.
const TUint | KWlanInfiniteScanDelay |
Infinite max delay to be used in GetScanResults and GetAvailableIaps
const TUint | KWlanCallbackInterfaceVersion |
Current version of WLAN callback interface.
typedef TBuf8 < KWlanMaxSsidLength > | TWlanSsid |
Data structure for storing the SSID of a WLAN network.
typedef TBuf8 < KWlanMaxBssidLength > | TWlanBssid |
Data structure for storing the BSSID of a BSS.
typedef TBuf8 < KWlanWepKeyMaxLength > | TWlanWepKey |
Data structure for storing a WEP key.
typedef TBuf8 < KWlanWpaPskMaxLength > | TWlanWpaPresharedKey |
Data structure for storing either a WPA preshared key or passphrase.
The WPA-PSK key can be represented either as a passphrase or as the actual preshared key.
A passphrase can contain from 8 to 63 ASCII characters where each character MUST have a decimal encoding in the range of 32 to 126, inclusive.
A preshared key is stored as 64 character hex string.
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