CPosLandmark Class Reference

class CPosLandmark : public CBase

This is a container class for a landmark.

A landmark is principally a location with a name.

The landmark object can either be created by a client or retrieved from CPosLandmarkDatabase .

A landmark consists of a number of landmark attributes, e.g. landmark name, landmark position, coverage area, etc.

A landmark may also contain generic position fields. These position fields are defined in LbsFieldIds.h. Only text fields are supported.If the client wants to store a non-text field, the value must first be converted to a textual representation. EPositionPlaceId position field added in extension of TPositionFieldId to support Place id EPositionTimeStamp position field added in extension of TPositionFieldId to support TimeStamp

CPosLandmark contains functions for setting and getting landmark attributes and position fields.

Note: CPosLandmark is only a local representation of the landmark. To update the database, call CPosLandmarkDatabase::UpdateLandmarkL (or CPosLandmarkDatabase::AddLandmarkL for a new landmark).

S60 3.0

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
~CPosLandmark ()
IMPORT_C void AddCategoryL ( TPosLmItemId )
IMPORT_C TPositionFieldId FirstPositionFieldId ()
IMPORT_C void GetCategoriesL ( RArray < TPosLmItemId > &)
IMPORT_C TInt GetCoverageRadius ( TReal32 &)
IMPORT_C TInt GetIcon ( TPtrC &, TInt &, TInt &)
IMPORT_C TInt GetLandmarkDescription ( TPtrC &)
IMPORT_C TInt GetLandmarkName ( TPtrC &)
IMPORT_C TInt GetPlaceId ( TPtrC &)
IMPORT_C TInt GetPosition ( TLocality &)
IMPORT_C TInt GetPositionField ( TPositionFieldId , TPtrC &)
IMPORT_C TInt GetTimeStamp ( TTime &)
IMPORT_C TBool IsPartial ()
IMPORT_C TBool IsPositionFieldAvailable ( TPositionFieldId )
IMPORT_C TPosLmItemId LandmarkId ()
IMPORT_C CPosLandmark * NewL ()
IMPORT_C CPosLandmark * NewL (const CPosLandmark &)
IMPORT_C CPosLandmark * NewLC ()
IMPORT_C CPosLandmark * NewLC (const CPosLandmark &)
IMPORT_C TPositionFieldId NextPositionFieldId ( TPositionFieldId )
IMPORT_C TUint NumOfAvailablePositionFields ()
IMPORT_C void RemoveCategory ( TPosLmItemId )
IMPORT_C void RemoveLandmarkAttributes ( TAttributes )
IMPORT_C void RemovePositionField ( TPositionFieldId )
IMPORT_C void SetCoverageRadius ( TReal32 )
IMPORT_C void SetIconL (const TDesC &, TInt , TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetLandmarkDescriptionL (const TDesC &)
void SetLandmarkIdL ( TPosLmItemId )
IMPORT_C void SetLandmarkNameL (const TDesC &)
void SetPartialL ( TBool )
IMPORT_C void SetPlaceIdL (const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void SetPositionFieldL ( TPositionFieldId , const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void SetPositionL (const TLocality &)
IMPORT_C void SetTimeStampL (const TTime )
Private Member Functions
CPosLandmark ()
CPosLandmark (const CPosLandmark &)
void ConstructL ()
void ConstructL (const CPosLandmark &)
CPosLandmark & operator= (const CPosLandmark &)
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Public Member Enumerations
enum _TAttributes {
ENoAttribute  = 0x0000, ELandmarkName  = 0x0001, EPosition  = 0x0002, ECoverageRadius  = 0x0004, ECategoryInfo  = 0x0008, EIcon  = 0x0010, EDescription  = 0x0020, EPlaceId  = 0x0040, ETimeStamp  = 0x0080, EAllAttributes  = 0xFFFF
Public Member Type Definitions
typedef TUint32 TAttributes
Private Attributes
RArray < TPosLmItemId > iCategoryArray
TReal32 iCoverageRadius
HBufC * iIconFileName
TInt iIconIndex
TInt iIconMaskIndex
TPosLmItemId iId
TBool iIsPartial
HBufC * iLandmarkDescription
HBufC * iLandmarkName
TLocality * iPosition
RArray < TUint > iPositionFieldIds
CDesCArray * iPositionFieldStrings

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


CPosLandmark ( ) [private]

CPosLandmark(const CPosLandmark &)

CPosLandmark ( const CPosLandmark & ) [private]


const CPosLandmark &


~CPosLandmark ( ) [virtual]


Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C void AddCategoryL ( TPosLmItemId aCategoryId )

Adds a category to the landmark.

If the specified category has already been added, nothing happens.


TPosLmItemId aCategoryId The category to add.


void ConstructL ( ) [private]

ConstructL(const CPosLandmark &)

void ConstructL ( const CPosLandmark & aLandmark ) [private]


const CPosLandmark & aLandmark


IMPORT_C TPositionFieldId FirstPositionFieldId ( ) const

Returns the first position field contained in the landmark.

This function is used to initiate iteration over the position fields. NextPositionFieldId() is called to continue the iteration.

GetCategoriesL(RArray< TPosLmItemId > &)

IMPORT_C void GetCategoriesL ( RArray < TPosLmItemId > & aCategoryIdArray ) const

Retrieves the database item IDs for the categories contained in this landmark.


RArray < TPosLmItemId > & aCategoryIdArray On return contains the list of this landmark's categories.

GetCoverageRadius(TReal32 &)

IMPORT_C TInt GetCoverageRadius ( TReal32 & aCoverageRadius ) const

Reads the landmark coverage radius.

Coverage radius is set if the landmark is big, e.g. a city. It defines the size of the area which the landmark represents.


TReal32 & aCoverageRadius On return contains the coverage radius.

GetIcon(TPtrC &, TInt &, TInt &)

IMPORT_C TInt GetIcon ( TPtrC & aIconFileName,
TInt & aIconIndex,
TInt & aIconMaskIndex
) const

Returns the link to the icon associated with the landmark.

Icons are found in icon files. It is referenced by the name of the icon file and the index of the icon within the file.

The landmark is not affected if the icon file is changed or removed. It only contains a link to the icon. This means that the link could be invalid.


TPtrC & aIconFileName The full icon file name.
TInt & aIconIndex The index of the icon within the icon file.
TInt & aIconMaskIndex The index of the icon mask within the icon file. If no icon mask index is defined KPosLmIconMaskNotUsed is returned.

GetLandmarkDescription(TPtrC &)

IMPORT_C TInt GetLandmarkDescription ( TPtrC & aLandmarkDescription ) const

Reads the description of the landmark.

This function returns error code KErrNotFound if the landmark description is not set in this landmark object. This will be the case if the landmark is read from the database using partial read and landmark description is excluded. Note that if a landmark is fully read from the database, the landmark description is always included. If no description has been set for the landmark in the database, it is set to an empty string "".


TPtrC & aLandmarkDescription On return contains the landmark description.

GetLandmarkName(TPtrC &)

IMPORT_C TInt GetLandmarkName ( TPtrC & aLandmarkName ) const

Reads the name of the landmark.

This function returns error code KErrNotFound if the landmark name is not set in this landmark object. This will be the case if the landmark is read from the database using partial read and landmark name is excluded. Note that if a landmark is fully read from the database, the landmark name will always be included. If no name has been set for the landmark in the database, it will have an empty name string "".


TPtrC & aLandmarkName On return contains the landmark name.

GetPlaceId(TPtrC &)

IMPORT_C TInt GetPlaceId ( TPtrC & aPId ) const

Gets the PlaceId of the landmark


TPtrC & aPId On return contains the place id of the landmark

GetPosition(TLocality &)

IMPORT_C TInt GetPosition ( TLocality & aPosition ) const

Reads the landmark position.


TLocality & aPosition On return contains the landmark position.

GetPositionField(TPositionFieldId, TPtrC &)

IMPORT_C TInt GetPositionField ( TPositionFieldId aFieldId,
TPtrC & aFieldValue
) const

Reads the value of a position field.


TPositionFieldId aFieldId The position field to read.
TPtrC & aFieldValue On return contains the value of the position field.

GetTimeStamp(TTime &)

IMPORT_C TInt GetTimeStamp ( TTime & aTimeStamp ) const

Gets the timestamp of the landmark


TTime & aTimeStamp On return contains the timestamp of the landamrk


IMPORT_C TBool IsPartial ( ) const

Checks if the landmark is partial.

A client can read partial information about a landmark from the database. This function checks if only partial information is included in the landmark object. Partial landmark can not be used with CPosLandmarkDatabase::UpdateLandmarkL() .

For more about partial landmarks, see CPosLandmarkDatabase::ReadPartialLandmarkLC() .


IMPORT_C TBool IsPositionFieldAvailable ( TPositionFieldId aFieldId ) const

Checks if the landmark contains a specific position field.


TPositionFieldId aFieldId The position field.


IMPORT_C TPosLmItemId LandmarkId ( ) const

Reads the ID of the landmark entry in the database.


IMPORT_C CPosLandmark * NewL ( ) [static]

Two-phased constructor.

NewL(const CPosLandmark &)

IMPORT_C CPosLandmark * NewL ( const CPosLandmark & aLandmark ) [static]

Two-phased copy constructor.


const CPosLandmark & aLandmark The landmark to copy.


IMPORT_C CPosLandmark * NewLC ( ) [static]

Two-phased constructor.

NewLC(const CPosLandmark &)

IMPORT_C CPosLandmark * NewLC ( const CPosLandmark & aLandmark ) [static]

Two-phased copy constructor.


const CPosLandmark & aLandmark The landmark to copy.


IMPORT_C TPositionFieldId NextPositionFieldId ( TPositionFieldId aFieldId ) const

Returns the next position field contained in the landmark.

This function is used to iterate the position fields in the landmark. FirstPositionFieldId() is called to get the first ID. This ID is passed to NextPositionFieldId() to obtain the second ID, etc.

If the client specifies an ID which is not contained in the landmark, this function will panic with code EPosInvalidPositionFieldId . It is therefore important that the client does not remove the current field while iterating. If the client still removes the current field, the client must pass the previous field.

"Landmarks Client"-EPosInvalidPositionFieldId Client specified a field ID, which is not contained in the landmark.


TPositionFieldId aFieldId The last position field which was read.


IMPORT_C TUint NumOfAvailablePositionFields ( ) const

Returns the number of position fields set in the landmark.


IMPORT_C void RemoveCategory ( TPosLmItemId aCategoryId )

Removes a category from the landmark.

If the specified category is not in the landmark, nothing happens.


TPosLmItemId aCategoryId The category to remove


IMPORT_C void RemoveLandmarkAttributes ( TAttributes aAttributes )

Removes landmark attributes from the landmark.


TAttributes aAttributes A bitmap specifying which landmark attributes to remove.


IMPORT_C void RemovePositionField ( TPositionFieldId aFieldId )

Removes a position field from the landmark.

If the specified position field is not contained in the landmark, nothing will happen.


TPositionFieldId aFieldId The position field to remove.


IMPORT_C void SetCoverageRadius ( TReal32 aCoverageRadius )

Sets the landmark coverage radius.

Coverage radius is set if the landmark is big, e.g. a city. It defines the size of the area which the landmark represents.

If coverage radius is set to NaN, then the coverage radius will be removed.


TReal32 aCoverageRadius The coverage radius.

SetIconL(const TDesC &, TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C void SetIconL ( const TDesC & aIconFileName,
TInt aIconIndex,
TInt aIconMaskIndex

Associates the landmark with an icon.

Icons are found in icon files. To set an icon, the client must specify the name of the icon file and the index of the icon within the file.

The landmark is not affected if the icon file is changed or removed. It only contains a link to the icon.

KErrArgument The icon file name is longer than KMaxFileName .
"Landmarks Client"-EPosLmInvalidArgument The icon index is negative or the icon mask index is negative and not equal to KPosLmIconMaskNotUsed .


const TDesC & aIconFileName The full icon file name.
TInt aIconIndex The index of the icon within the icon file.
TInt aIconMaskIndex The index of the icon mask within the icon file.

SetLandmarkDescriptionL(const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C void SetLandmarkDescriptionL ( const TDesC & aLandmarkDescription )

Sets a description for the landmark.

If no description is set for the landmark when it is written to the database, the landmark in the database will have an empty description string "".

KErrArgument The name of the landmark is longer than KPosLmMaxDescriptionLength .


const TDesC & aLandmarkDescription The landmark description.


void SetLandmarkIdL ( TPosLmItemId aId )


TPosLmItemId aId

SetLandmarkNameL(const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C void SetLandmarkNameL ( const TDesC & aLandmarkName )

Sets the name of the landmark.

If no name is set for the landmark when it is written to the database, the landmark in the database will have an empty name string "".

KErrArgument If the name of the landmark is longer than KPosLmMaxTextFieldLength


const TDesC & aLandmarkName The landmark name.


void SetPartialL ( TBool aPartial )


TBool aPartial

SetPlaceIdL(const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C void SetPlaceIdL ( const TDesC & aPId )
Sets the PlaceId for the landmark
Symbian error codes


const TDesC & aPId The place id of the landmark

SetPositionFieldL(TPositionFieldId, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C void SetPositionFieldL ( TPositionFieldId aFieldId,
const TDesC & aFieldValue

Sets a position field in the landmark.

KErrArgument If the position field text is longer than KPosLmMaxTextFieldLength .


TPositionFieldId aFieldId The position field to set.
const TDesC & aFieldValue The new value for the position field.

SetPositionL(const TLocality &)

IMPORT_C void SetPositionL ( const TLocality & aPosition )

Sets the landmark position.

Latitude and longitude must be set in the position.

Only WGS 84 coordinates are allowed. KPositionDatumWgs84 must be set as datum.

KErrArgument Latitude and/or longitude is not set or other datum than KPositionDatumWgs84 is used in aPosition .


const TLocality & aPosition The landmark position.

SetTimeStampL(const TTime)

IMPORT_C void SetTimeStampL ( const TTime aTimeStamp )
Sets the timestamp of the landmark.
KErrArgument If the full date & time have not been specified.


const TTime aTimeStamp Timestamp of the landmark(Full date & time)

operator=(const CPosLandmark &)

CPosLandmark & operator= ( const CPosLandmark & ) [private]


const CPosLandmark &

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum _TAttributes

Specifies a landmark attribute such as landmark name or landmark position.


ENoAttribute = 0x0000

No attribute specified.

ELandmarkName = 0x0001

The name of the landmark.

EPosition = 0x0002

The position of the landmark.

ECoverageRadius = 0x0004

The landmark coverage radius.

ECategoryInfo = 0x0008

The categories of the landmark.

EIcon = 0x0010

The icon that represents the landmark in a UI.

EDescription = 0x0020

A description of the landmark.

EPlaceId = 0x0040

PlaceId for the landmark

ETimeStamp = 0x0080

Timestamp associated with the landmark

EAllAttributes = 0xFFFF

Member Type Definitions Documentation

Typedef TAttributes

typedef TUint32 TAttributes

Bitmap for specifying a group of landmark attributes. Bit values are defined by _TAttributes .

Member Data Documentation

RArray< TPosLmItemId > iCategoryArray

RArray < TPosLmItemId > iCategoryArray [private]

TReal32 iCoverageRadius

TReal32 iCoverageRadius [private]

HBufC * iIconFileName

HBufC * iIconFileName [private]

TInt iIconIndex

TInt iIconIndex [private]

TInt iIconMaskIndex

TInt iIconMaskIndex [private]

TPosLmItemId iId

TPosLmItemId iId [private]

TBool iIsPartial

TBool iIsPartial [private]

HBufC * iLandmarkDescription

HBufC * iLandmarkDescription [private]

HBufC * iLandmarkName

HBufC * iLandmarkName [private]

TLocality * iPosition

TLocality * iPosition [private]

RArray< TUint > iPositionFieldIds

RArray < TUint > iPositionFieldIds [private]

CDesCArray * iPositionFieldStrings

CDesCArray * iPositionFieldStrings [private]