TPositionModuleInfo Class Reference

class TPositionModuleInfo : public TPositionModuleInfoBase

The standard class for storing information on position modules

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
TPositionModuleInfo ()
IMPORT_C TCapabilities Capabilities ()
IMPORT_C TUint32 ClassesSupported ( TPositionClassFamily )
IMPORT_C TDeviceLocation DeviceLocation ()
IMPORT_C void GetModuleName ( TDes &)
IMPORT_C void GetPositionQuality ( TPositionQuality &)
IMPORT_C TBool IsAvailable ()
IMPORT_C TPositionModuleId ModuleId ()
IMPORT_C void SetCapabilities ( TCapabilities )
IMPORT_C void SetClassesSupported ( TPositionClassFamily , TUint32 )
IMPORT_C void SetDeviceLocation ( TDeviceLocation )
IMPORT_C void SetIsAvailable ( TBool )
IMPORT_C void SetModuleId ( TPositionModuleId )
IMPORT_C void SetModuleName (const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void SetPositionQuality (const TPositionQuality &)
IMPORT_C void SetTechnologyType ( TTechnologyType )
IMPORT_C void SetVersion ( TVersion )
IMPORT_C TTechnologyType TechnologyType ()
IMPORT_C TVersion Version ()
Inherited Functions
Public Member Enumerations
enum _TCapabilities {
ECapabilityNone  = 0, ECapabilityHorizontal  = 0x0001, ECapabilityVertical  = 0x0002, ECapabilitySpeed  = 0x0004, ECapabilityDirection  = 0x0008, ECapabilitySatellite  = 0x0010, ECapabilityCompass  = 0x0020, ECapabilityNmea  = 0x0040, ECapabilityAddress  = 0x0080, ECapabilityBuilding  = 0x0100, ECapabilityMedia  = 0x0200
enum _TDeviceLocation { EDeviceUnknown  = 0, EDeviceInternal  = 0x01, EDeviceExternal  = 0x02 }
enum _TTechnologyType { ETechnologyUnknown  = 0, ETechnologyTerminal  = 0x01, ETechnologyNetwork  = 0x02, ETechnologyAssisted  = 0x04 }
Public Member Type Definitions
typedef TUint32 TCapabilities
typedef TUint32 TDeviceLocation
typedef TUint32 TTechnologyType
Protected Attributes
TCapabilities iCapabilities
TDeviceLocation iDeviceLocation
TBool iIsAvailable
TPositionModuleId iModuleId
TBuf < KPositionMaxModuleName > iModuleName
TPositionQuality iPosQuality
TFixedArray < TUint32 , EPositionLastFamily > iSupportedClassTypes
TTechnologyType iTechnologyType
TVersion iVersion
Private Attributes
TUint8 iReserved
Inherited Attributes

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


IMPORT_C TPositionModuleInfo ( )

Default constructor for TPositionModuleInfo

Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C TCapabilities Capabilities ( ) const



IMPORT_C TUint32 ClassesSupported ( TPositionClassFamily aClassType ) const

Classes Supported


TPositionClassFamily aClassType Classes Supported


IMPORT_C TDeviceLocation DeviceLocation ( ) const

Device Location

GetModuleName(TDes &)

IMPORT_C void GetModuleName ( TDes & aModuleName ) const

Gets Module Name


TDes & aModuleName The descriptor where the module's name will be placed

GetPositionQuality(TPositionQuality &)

IMPORT_C void GetPositionQuality ( TPositionQuality & aPosQuality ) const

Gets Position Quality


TPositionQuality & aPosQuality The quality of the position


IMPORT_C TBool IsAvailable ( ) const

Returns Availablity


IMPORT_C TPositionModuleId ModuleId ( ) const

Module Id


IMPORT_C void SetCapabilities ( TCapabilities aDeviceCapabilities )

Sets capabilities


TCapabilities aDeviceCapabilities Bitfield of the capabilities of this module to set

SetClassesSupported(TPositionClassFamily, TUint32)

IMPORT_C void SetClassesSupported ( TPositionClassFamily aClassType,
TUint32 aSupportedClasses

Sets supported classes


TPositionClassFamily aClassType The class type
TUint32 aSupportedClasses The supported classes


IMPORT_C void SetDeviceLocation ( TDeviceLocation aDeviceLocation )

Sets device location


TDeviceLocation aDeviceLocation The positioning device location to set


IMPORT_C void SetIsAvailable ( TBool aIsAvailable )

Sets module availablity


TBool aIsAvailable Whether or not the module is available for use


IMPORT_C void SetModuleId ( TPositionModuleId aModuleId )

Sets module Id


TPositionModuleId aModuleId The module ID to set

SetModuleName(const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C void SetModuleName ( const TDesC & aModuleName )

Sets module name


const TDesC & aModuleName The module name to set

SetPositionQuality(const TPositionQuality &)

IMPORT_C void SetPositionQuality ( const TPositionQuality & aPosQuality )

Sets position quality


const TPositionQuality & aPosQuality The position quality to set


IMPORT_C void SetTechnologyType ( TTechnologyType aTechnologyType )

Sets technology type


TTechnologyType aTechnologyType The technology type to set


IMPORT_C void SetVersion ( TVersion aVersion )

Sets Version


TVersion aVersion The version to set


IMPORT_C TTechnologyType TechnologyType ( ) const

Technology Type


IMPORT_C TVersion Version ( ) const

Module Version

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum _TCapabilities

Module Capabilities


ECapabilityNone = 0

No Capabilities

ECapabilityHorizontal = 0x0001

Positioning modules with this capability will support the TPositionInfo class and are able to provide latitude and longitude related information

ECapabilityVertical = 0x0002

Positioning modules with this capability will support the TPositionInfo class and are able to provide height related information

ECapabilitySpeed = 0x0004

Positioning modules with this capability will support the TPositionCourseInfo class and are able to provide information related to the current horizontal speed

ECapabilityDirection = 0x0008

Positioning modules with this capability will support the TPositionCourseInfo class and are able to provide heading related information

ECapabilitySatellite = 0x0010

Positioning modules with this capability will support the TPositionSatelliteInfo class. Such a module will be able to return at least some satellite data - but the extent of the information could vary. Applications must ensure that any value returned is valid before it is used

ECapabilityCompass = 0x0020

This value is reserved for future expansion. Positioning modules with this capability will be able to return information related to a magnetic compass. The API does not currently define an extended class that encapsulates this type of information

ECapabilityNmea = 0x0040

This value is reserved for future expansion. Positioning modules with this capability will be able to return location information using NMEA formatted text strings. The API does not currently define an extended class that encapsulates this type of information

ECapabilityAddress = 0x0080

This value is reserved for future expansion. Positioning modules with this capability will be able to return information related to the postal address of the current location

ECapabilityBuilding = 0x0100

This value is reserved for future expansion. Positioning modules with this capability will be able to return the current position in terms of where within a building it is. For example, this may include the floor and the room name. The API does not currently define an extended class that encapsulates this type of information

ECapabilityMedia = 0x0200

This value is reserved for future expansion. Positioning modules with this capability will be able to return provide a link to further information about the location. The standard mechanism is via a URL. The API does not currently define an extended class that encapsulates this type of information

Enum _TDeviceLocation

Device location


EDeviceUnknown = 0

The positioning module is unaware of the hardware used to supply positioning information

EDeviceInternal = 0x01

The positioning hardware is integral to the terminal

EDeviceExternal = 0x02

The positioning hardware is separate from the terminal

Enum _TTechnologyType

Technology Type


ETechnologyUnknown = 0

Indicates that the positioning module is unaware of the technology used to obtain position information

ETechnologyTerminal = 0x01

The primary positioning technology is handset based. For example standard GPS

ETechnologyNetwork = 0x02

The primary positioning technology is network based. For example, E-OTD

ETechnologyAssisted = 0x04

The primary positioning mechanism receives assistance in some form. Generally to obtain a quicker or more accurate fix

Member Type Definitions Documentation

Typedef TCapabilities

typedef TUint32 TCapabilities

Position module capabilities

Typedef TDeviceLocation

typedef TUint32 TDeviceLocation

Device locations

Typedef TTechnologyType

typedef TUint32 TTechnologyType

Technology types

Member Data Documentation

TCapabilities iCapabilities

TCapabilities iCapabilities [protected]

The capabilities of this module

TDeviceLocation iDeviceLocation

TDeviceLocation iDeviceLocation [protected]

The location of the device associated with this module

TBool iIsAvailable

TBool iIsAvailable [protected]

Whether or not the module is available

TPositionModuleId iModuleId

TPositionModuleId iModuleId [protected]

The module ID

TBuf< KPositionMaxModuleName > iModuleName

TBuf < KPositionMaxModuleName > iModuleName [protected]

The module name

TPositionQuality iPosQuality

TPositionQuality iPosQuality [protected]

The position quality

TUint8 iReserved

TUint8 iReserved [private]

Unused variable for future expansion.

TFixedArray< TUint32, EPositionLastFamily > iSupportedClassTypes

TFixedArray < TUint32 , EPositionLastFamily > iSupportedClassTypes [protected]

The array of supported classes for the different class types

TTechnologyType iTechnologyType

TTechnologyType iTechnologyType [protected]

The technology type

TVersion iVersion

TVersion iVersion [protected]

The version of this module