BSUL::CIniSecIter16 Class Reference

class BSUL::CIniSecIter16 : public CBase

Section iterator for 16 bit ini file. This class provides an iterator to navigate through the settings within a section inside an 16 bit ini file.

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


CIniSecIter16 ( ) [private]


IMPORT_C ~CIniSecIter16 ( )


Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C TBool End ( )

Look ahead in the section to check whether there is still any keyvalue pair in the section to be read

NewL(const TDesC16 &, const CIniDocument16 *)

IMPORT_C CIniSecIter16 * NewL ( const TDesC16 & aSectionName,
const CIniDocument16 * aIniDocument
) [static]
Creates a 16 bit section content iterator this iterator is used to navigate through the key value pairs within the section.Useful when the number of keys within the section is unknown.
KErrNoMemory if not enough memory KErrArgument if aIniDocument is NULL


const TDesC16 & aSectionName the name of the section to iterate
const CIniDocument16 * aIniDocument the document object containing the section

Next(TPtrC16 &, TPtrC16 &)

IMPORT_C TBool Next ( TPtrC16 & aKey,
TPtrC16 & aValue
Return the next key value pair within the section
the iterator points to the next available keyvalue pair the aKeyName points to the key name the aKeyValue points to the key value


TPtrC16 & aKey a pointer to contain the key name
TPtrC16 & aValue a pointer to contain the key value


IMPORT_C void Reset ( )
Reset the iterator to point to the first keypair value within the section.
the iterator now points to first keypair in the section

Member Data Documentation

CIniSecIter16Impl * iImpl

CIniSecIter16Impl * iImpl [private]