CSession2 Class Reference

class CSession2 : public CBase

Represents a session (version 2) for a client thread on the server-side.

A session acts as a channel of communication between the client and the server. A client thread can have multiple concurrent sessions with a server.

A session can be:
  • restricted to the creating thread

  • can be shared with other threads in the same process

  • can be shared by all threads in the system.

A server must define and implement a derived class. In particular, it must provide an implementation for the ServiceL() virtual function.

(Note that this class should be used instead of CSession)

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


IMPORT_C CSession2 ( ) [protected]

Default constructor.

This constructor is empty.


IMPORT_C ~CSession2 ( ) [pure virtual]


It frees resources prior to destruction of the object. Specifically, it removes this session object from the server active object s list of sessions.

Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C TInt CountResources ( ) [virtual]

Gets the number of resources currently in use.

Derived classes must provide a suitable implementation. The meaning of a resource depends on the design intent of the server.

The default implementation panics the calling thread (CSession 1) before returning KErrGeneral.

CSession2::ResourceCountmarkStart() CSession2::ResourceCountmarkEnd()


IMPORT_C void CreateL ( ) [private, virtual]

Completes construction of this server-side client session object.

The function is called by the server active object, the CServer2 derived class instance, when a client makes a connection request.

The connection request results in the creation of this session object, followed by a call to this function.

The default implementation is empty.


Disconnect(const RMessage2 &)

IMPORT_C void Disconnect ( const RMessage2 & aMessage ) [protected, virtual]

Called by a server when it receives a disconnect message for the session.

This message is sent by the kernel when all client handles to the session have been closed. This method deletes the session object and completes the disconnect message.

A derived session implementation may overide this virtual method if it needs to perform any asynchronous cleanup actions, these actions must end with a call to the base class implementation of this method, which will delete the session object and complete the disconnect message

'this' session object has been deleted.


const RMessage2 & aMessage The disconnect message.

Extension_(TUint, TAny *&, TAny *)

IMPORT_C TInt Extension_ ( TUint aExtensionId,
TAny *& a0,
TAny * a1
) [protected, virtual]

Extension function


TUint aExtensionId
TAny *& a0
TAny * a1

ResourceCountMarkEnd(const RMessage2 &)

IMPORT_C void ResourceCountMarkEnd ( const RMessage2 & aMessage )

Marks the end of resource count checking.

The function takes the current resource count by calling CSession2::CountResources() , and compares it with the resource count value saved when CSession2::ResourceCountMarkStart() was called. If the resource counts differ, then the client thread is panicked (CSession 2)".

The client/server framework does not call this function (nor does it call CSession2::ResourceCountMarkStart() ), but the function is available for servers to use, if appropriate.

CSession2::CountResources() CSession2::ResourceCountMarkStart()


const RMessage2 & aMessage Represents the details of the client request that is requesting this resource check.


IMPORT_C void ResourceCountMarkStart ( )

Marks the start of resource count checking.

It sets up a starting value for resource count checking.

The function sets up a starting value for resource count checking by using the value returned by a call to CSession2::CountResources() , and is the value that will be used for comparison if CSession2::ResourceCountMarkEnd() is called at some later time.

The client/server framework does not call this function (nor does it call CSession2::ResourceCountMarkEnd() ), but is available for servers to use, if appropriate.

CSession2::CountResources() CSession2::ResourceCountMarkEnd()


const CServer2 * Server ( ) const [inline]

Gets the server active object that handles messages for this session.

This is the instance of the CServer2 derived class that created this session object.

ServiceError(const RMessage2 &, TInt)

IMPORT_C void ServiceError ( const RMessage2 & aMessage,
TInt aError
) [virtual]

Handles the situation when a call to CSession2::ServiceL() , which services a client request, leaves.

Servers are active objects, and the call to CSession2::ServiceL() to handle a client request is executed as part of the server's active object RunL() function. If the RunL() leaves, the active object framework calls the active object's RunError() function. The server framework implements this as a call to ServiceError()

The default behaviour of this function is to complete the message, using the leave value, if it has not already been completed.

Servers can re-implement this as appropriate.

CActive::RunL() CActive::RunError()


const RMessage2 & aMessage The message containing the details of the client request that caused the leave.
TInt aError The leave code.

ServiceL(const RMessage2 &)

void ServiceL ( const RMessage2 & aMessage ) [pure virtual]

Handles the servicing of a client request that has been passed to the server.

This function must be implemented in a derived class. The details of the request are contained within the message.


const RMessage2 & aMessage The message containing the details of the client request.

SetServer(const CServer2 *)

IMPORT_C void SetServer ( const CServer2 * aServer )

Designates the (master or slave) server that is to service this session.

This may be called from the NewSessionL() method of the CServer2-derived class or from the CreateL() method of the CSession2-derived class.

It must not be called after CreateL() has finished, as this is the point at which the session binding become irrevocable.



const CServer2 * aServer

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TPanicNo


ESesCountResourcesNotImplemented = 1

Member Data Documentation

TDblQueLink iLink

TDblQueLink iLink [private]

TInt iResourceCountMark

TInt iResourceCountMark [private]

const CServer2 * iServer

const CServer2 * iServer [private]

TAny * iSpare

TAny * iSpare [private]