CHeaderFooter Class Reference

class CHeaderFooter : public CBase

A document header or footer.

The header is located in the top page margin and the footer in the bottom page margin. No more than one header or footer can exist in a document.

CHeaderFooter derives from MTextFieldFactory . This allows the insertion of various fields, including page number, current date or time and filename.

Rich text manipulation and formatting functions can be accessed through the rich text object which is owned by the header/footer.

The header and footer are retrieved using the CPrintSetup::Header() and Footer() functions and they are stored and restored together with the rest of the print setup information.

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
~CHeaderFooter ()
IMPORT_C CCharFormatLayer * CharFormat ()
IMPORT_C void CreateTextL ()
IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL ( RWriteStream &)
MFieldFileNameInfo * FileNameFieldInfo ()
TInt FirstPageToPrintTo ()
IMPORT_C void InternalizeL ( RReadStream &)
IMPORT_C CHeaderFooter * NewL ()
MFieldNumPagesInfo * NumPagesFieldInfo ()
IMPORT_C CParaFormatLayer * ParaFormat ()
IMPORT_C void RestoreComponentsL (const CStreamStore &, MPictureFactory *)
IMPORT_C void RestoreL (const CStreamStore &, TStreamId , MPictureFactory *)
IMPORT_C void SetCharFormat ( CCharFormatLayer *)
IMPORT_C void SetFileNameInfo (const MFieldFileNameInfo &)
IMPORT_C void SetFirstPageToPrintTo ( TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetNumPagesInfo (const MFieldNumPagesInfo &)
void SetPageNumInfo (const MFieldPageNumInfo &)
IMPORT_C void SetParaFormat ( CParaFormatLayer *)
IMPORT_C void SetText ( CRichText *)
IMPORT_C void StoreComponentsL ( CStreamStore &, CStoreMap &)
IMPORT_C TStreamId StoreL ( CStreamStore &)
IMPORT_C CRichText * Text ()
Private Member Functions
CHeaderFooter ()
void CreateFormatLayersL ()
CTextField * NewFieldL ( TUid )
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Private Attributes
CCharFormatLayer * iCharLayer
MFieldFileNameInfo * iFileNameInfo
TInt iFirstPageToPrintTo
MFieldNumPagesInfo * iNumPagesInfo
MFieldPageNumInfo * iPageNumInfo
CParaFormatLayer * iParaLayer
CRichText * iText

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


CHeaderFooter ( ) [private]


IMPORT_C ~CHeaderFooter ( ) [virtual]


This frees all resources owned by the CHeaderFooter object, prior to its destruction.

Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C CCharFormatLayer * CharFormat ( ) const

Gets the character format layer upon which the header or footer's character formatting is based.


void CreateFormatLayersL ( ) [private]


IMPORT_C void CreateTextL ( )

Allocates and constructs the rich text object owned by the header or footer.

The object's formatting is based on default values. If the header or footer's rich text object has already been allocated, the object is deleted and replaced by the one created by this function. So, calling this function causes a header or footer to lose all its existing text content, fields and formatting.

ExternalizeL(RWriteStream &)

IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL ( RWriteStream & aStream ) const

Externalises this object's text content and global format layers to a write stream.

The object's components are not externalised. The presence of this function means that the standard templated operator<<() (defined in s32strm.h) is available to externalise objects of this class.

This function does not store any fields, pictures or rich text-specific formatting, so may need to be accompanied by a call to StoreComponentsL() .


RWriteStream & aStream Stream to which the object should be externalised.


MFieldFileNameInfo * FileNameFieldInfo ( ) const [inline]

Gets the object which implements the MFieldFileNameInfo interface, as set by SetFileNameInfo() .


TInt FirstPageToPrintTo ( ) const [inline]

Gets the first page on which the header or footer is to be printed.

Page numbering begins at zero.

InternalizeL(RReadStream &)

IMPORT_C void InternalizeL ( RReadStream & aStream )

Internalises this object's text content and global format layers from a read stream.

The presence of this function means that the standard templated operator>>() (defined in s32strm.h) is available to internalise objects of this class.

This function does not restore any fields, pictures or rich text-specific formatting, so may need to be accompanied by a call to RestoreComponentsL() .


RReadStream & aStream Stream from which the object should be internalised.


CTextField * NewFieldL ( TUid aFieldType ) [private]


TUid aFieldType


IMPORT_C CHeaderFooter * NewL ( ) [static]

Allocates and constructs an uninitialised CHeaderFooter object.


MFieldNumPagesInfo * NumPagesFieldInfo ( ) const [inline]

Gets the object which implements the MFieldNumPagesInfo interface, as set by SetNumPagesInfo() .


IMPORT_C CParaFormatLayer * ParaFormat ( ) const

Gets the paragraph format layer which is owned by the header or footer.

The header or footer's paragraph formatting is based upon this layer.

RestoreComponentsL(const CStreamStore &, MPictureFactory *)

IMPORT_C void RestoreComponentsL ( const CStreamStore & aStore,
MPictureFactory * aFactory

Restores this object's components from a stream store.

Components include fields and pictures.

This function does not restore the text content or global formatting of the header and footer, so it may need to be accompanied by a call to InternalizeL() .


const CStreamStore & aStore Stream store from which the components are restored.
MPictureFactory * aFactory Picture factory. Must be supplied if the header or footer contains pictures which should be restored.

RestoreL(const CStreamStore &, TStreamId, MPictureFactory *)

IMPORT_C void RestoreL ( const CStreamStore & aStore,
TStreamId aStreamId,
MPictureFactory * aFactory

Restores this object and all associated components from a stream store.

Components include fields and pictures.


const CStreamStore & aStore Stream store from which to restore the CHeaderFooter.
TStreamId aStreamId ID of the stream containing the external representation of the CHeaderFooter object.
MPictureFactory * aFactory Picture factory. Must be supplied if the header or footer contains pictures which should be restored.

SetCharFormat(CCharFormatLayer *)

IMPORT_C void SetCharFormat ( CCharFormatLayer * aCharFormat )

Sets the format layer upon which the header or footer's character formatting is based.

Ownership of aCharFormat is transferred to this object.

Any existing character format layer is replaced, but not deleted by this function.


CCharFormatLayer * aCharFormat The format layer upon which the header or footer's character formatting is based.

SetFileNameInfo(const MFieldFileNameInfo &)

IMPORT_C void SetFileNameInfo ( const MFieldFileNameInfo & aFileNameInfo )

Sets an object to update the document's filename.

If the header or footer supports filename fields, use this function to set an object that implements the MFieldFileNameInfo interface.


const MFieldFileNameInfo & aFileNameInfo Provides a filename update function.


IMPORT_C void SetFirstPageToPrintTo ( TInt aPageNum )

Sets the first page on which the header or footer is to be printed, allowing headers and footers to be omitted from the beginning of a document.

Page numbering begins at zero.


TInt aPageNum The number of the first page on which the header or footer is to be printed. The first page is numbered zero. If less than zero, a panic occurs.

SetNumPagesInfo(const MFieldNumPagesInfo &)

IMPORT_C void SetNumPagesInfo ( const MFieldNumPagesInfo & aNumPagesInfo )

Sets an object to update the total number of pages.

If the header or footer supports total number of pages fields, use this function to set up an object that implements the MFieldNumPagesInfo interface.


const MFieldNumPagesInfo & aNumPagesInfo Provides a function that updates the total number of pages in the document.

SetPageNumInfo(const MFieldPageNumInfo &)

void SetPageNumInfo ( const MFieldPageNumInfo & aPageNumInfo )

This function is used internally by the CPrintSetup class.


const MFieldPageNumInfo & aPageNumInfo

SetParaFormat(CParaFormatLayer *)

IMPORT_C void SetParaFormat ( CParaFormatLayer * aParaFormat )

Sets the format layer upon which the header or footer's paragraph formatting is based.

Ownership of aParaFormat is transferred to this object.

Any existing paragraph format layer is replaced, but not deleted by this function.


CParaFormatLayer * aParaFormat The format layer upon which the header or footer's paragraph formatting is based.

SetText(CRichText *)

IMPORT_C void SetText ( CRichText * aText )

Sets the rich text object which is owned by the header or footer.

The character and paragraph format layers upon which the header or footer's formatting is based are not updated by this function, so you may also need to call SetParaFormat() and SetCharFormat() , specifying the paragraph and character format layers referenced by aText.

Ownership of aText is transferred to this object.

Any existing rich text object is replaced, but is not deleted by this function.


CRichText * aText The rich text object to set as the header or footer's rich text object.

StoreComponentsL(CStreamStore &, CStoreMap &)

IMPORT_C void StoreComponentsL ( CStreamStore & aStore,
CStoreMap & aMap
) const

Stores this object's components to a stream store, specifying a stream store and store map.

Components include fields and pictures.

This function does not store the text content or global formatting of the header and footer, so it may need to be accompanied by a call to ExternalizeL() .


CStreamStore & aStore The store to which the components are stored
CStoreMap & aMap Table of swizzles. Supports the deferred loading of the rich text components of the header or footer.

StoreL(CStreamStore &)

IMPORT_C TStreamId StoreL ( CStreamStore & aStore ) const

Stores a CHeaderFooter object and all associated components to a stream store.

Components include rich text-specific formatting, fields and pictures.

KErrNoMemory Out of memory.


CStreamStore & aStore The store to which the CHeaderFooter should be stored.


IMPORT_C CRichText * Text ( ) const

Gets the rich text object owned by this header or footer.

Through this object, rich text, fields and pictures can be inserted. This function can also be used to find out whether the rich text component is NULL, in which case a call to CreateTextL() or SetText() may be necessary.

Member Data Documentation

CCharFormatLayer * iCharLayer

CCharFormatLayer * iCharLayer [private]

MFieldFileNameInfo * iFileNameInfo

MFieldFileNameInfo * iFileNameInfo [private]

TInt iFirstPageToPrintTo

TInt iFirstPageToPrintTo [private]

MFieldNumPagesInfo * iNumPagesInfo

MFieldNumPagesInfo * iNumPagesInfo [private]

MFieldPageNumInfo * iPageNumInfo

MFieldPageNumInfo * iPageNumInfo [private]

CParaFormatLayer * iParaLayer

CParaFormatLayer * iParaLayer [private]

CRichText * iText

CRichText * iText [private]