CMdaAudioToneUtility Class Reference

class CMdaAudioToneUtility : public CBase

Generates tones on an audio capable EPOC device.

The class offers an interface for generating tones on all audio capable EPOC devices.

To use the tone utility:

1. Create an instance by calling NewL() .

2. Call the appropriate PrepareToPlay variant for the required tone type and wait for the callback indicating success.

3. Call Play and either wait for the callback to indicate completion, or call CancelPlay to end playback early.

4. Delete the instance.

It is possible to call Play before calling any PrepareToPlay variant. This will result in a default fixed sequence tone being played.


Inherits from

Public Member Functions
~CMdaAudioToneUtility ()
void CancelPlay ()
void CancelPrepare ()
IMPORT_C TAny * CustomInterface ( TUid )
TInt FixedSequenceCount ()
const TDesC & FixedSequenceName ( TInt )
IMPORT_C TInt GetBalanceL ()
TInt MaxVolume ()
IMPORT_C CMdaAudioToneUtility * NewL ( MMdaAudioToneObserver &, CMdaServer *)
IMPORT_C CMdaAudioToneUtility * NewL ( MMdaAudioToneObserver &, CMdaServer *, TInt , TInt )
IMPORT_C TInt Pause ()
void Play ()
void PrepareToPlayDTMFString (const TDesC &)
void PrepareToPlayDesSequence (const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C void PrepareToPlayDualTone ( TInt , TInt , const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds &)
void PrepareToPlayFileSequence (const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void PrepareToPlayFileSequence ( RFile &)
void PrepareToPlayFixedSequence ( TInt )
void PrepareToPlayTone ( TInt , const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds &)
IMPORT_C void RegisterPlayStartCallback ( MMdaAudioTonePlayStartObserver &)
IMPORT_C TInt Resume ()
IMPORT_C void SetBalanceL ( TInt )
void SetDTMFLengths ( TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 , TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 , TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 )
void SetPriority ( TInt , TInt )
void SetRepeats ( TInt , const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds &)
void SetVolume ( TInt )
void SetVolumeRamp (const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds &)
TMdaAudioToneUtilityState State ()
TInt Volume ()
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Protected Attributes
CMMFMdaAudioToneUtility * iProperties

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


~CMdaAudioToneUtility ( )

Destructor. Frees any resources held by the tone player


Member Functions Documentation


void CancelPlay ( ) [virtual]

Cancels the tone playing operation.

The observer callback function MMdaAudioToneObserver::MatoPlayComplete() is not called.



void CancelPrepare ( ) [virtual]

Cancels the configuration operation.

The observer callback function MMdaAudioToneObserver::MatoPrepareComplete() is not called.



IMPORT_C TAny * CustomInterface ( TUid aInterfaceId )

Retrieves a custom interface to the underlying device.


TUid aInterfaceId The interface UID, defined with the custom interface.


TInt FixedSequenceCount ( ) [virtual]

Returns the number of available pre-defined tone sequences.



const TDesC & FixedSequenceName ( TInt aSequenceNumber ) [virtual]

Returns the name assigned to a specific pre-defined tone sequence.


TInt aSequenceNumber The index identifying the specific pre-defined tone sequence. Index values are relative to zero. This can be any value from zero to the value returned by a call to FixedSequenceCount() - 1. The function raises a panic if sequence number is not within this range.


IMPORT_C TInt GetBalanceL ( )

Returns The current playback balance.This function may not return the same value as passed to SetBalanceL depending on the internal implementation in the underlying components.



TInt MaxVolume ( ) [virtual]

Returns the maximum volume supported by the device. This is the maximum value which can be passed to CMdaAudioToneUtility::SetVolume() .


NewL(MMdaAudioToneObserver &, CMdaServer *)

IMPORT_C CMdaAudioToneUtility * NewL ( MMdaAudioToneObserver & aObserver,
CMdaServer * aServer = NULL
) [static]

Creates a new instance of the tone player utility. The default volume is set to MaxVolume() / 2.



MMdaAudioToneObserver & aObserver A class to receive notifications from the tone player.
CMdaServer * aServer = NULL This parameter is no longer used and should be NULL.

NewL(MMdaAudioToneObserver &, CMdaServer *, TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C CMdaAudioToneUtility * NewL ( MMdaAudioToneObserver & aObserver,
CMdaServer * aServer,
TInt aPriority,
TInt aPref = EMdaPriorityPreferenceTimeAndQuality
) [static]

Creates a new instance of the tone player utility. The default volume is set to MaxVolume() / 2.

Note: The Priority Value and Priority Preference are used primarily when deciding what to do when several audio clients attempt to play or record simultaneously. In addition to the Priority Value and Preference, the adaptation may consider other parameters such as the SecureId and Capabilities of the client process. Whatever, the decision as to what to do in such situations is up to the audio adaptation, and may vary between different phones. Portable applications are advised not to assume any specific behaviour.


MMdaAudioToneObserver & aObserver A class to receive notifications from the tone player
CMdaServer * aServer This parameter is no longer used and should be NULL
TInt aPriority The Priority Value - this client's relative priority. This is a value between EMdaPriorityMin and EMdaPriorityMax and represents a relative priority. A higher value indicates a more important request.
TInt aPref = EMdaPriorityPreferenceTimeAndQuality The Priority Preference - an additional audio policy parameter. The suggested default is EMdaPriorityPreferenceNone. Further values are given by TMdaPriorityPreference, and additional values may be supported by given phones and/or platforms, but should not be depended upon by portable code.


IMPORT_C TInt Pause ( )


void Play ( ) [virtual]

Plays the tone.

The tone played depends on the current configuration.This function is asynchronous. On completion, the observer callback function MMdaAudioToneObserver::MatoPlayComplete() is called, indicating the success or failure of the play operation.The play operation can be cancelled by calling CMdaAudioToneUtility::CancelPlay() .


PrepareToPlayDTMFString(const TDesC &)

void PrepareToPlayDTMFString ( const TDesC & aDTMF ) [virtual]

Configures the audio tone utility player to play a DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency) string.

This function is asynchronous. On completion, the observer callback function MMdaAudioToneObserver::MatoPrepareComplete() is called, indicating the success or failure of the configuration operation. The configuration operation can be cancelled by calling CMdaAudioToneUtility::CancelPrepare() . The configuration operation cannot be started if a play operation is in progress.



const TDesC & aDTMF A descriptor containing the DTMF string.

PrepareToPlayDesSequence(const TDesC8 &)

void PrepareToPlayDesSequence ( const TDesC8 & aSequence ) [virtual]

Configures the audio tone player utility to play a tone sequence contained in a descriptor.

This function is asynchronous. On completion, the observer callback function MMdaAudioToneObserver::MatoPrepareComplete() is called, indicating the success or failure of the configuration operation. The configuration operation can be cancelled by calling CMdaAudioToneUtility::CancelPrepare() . The configuration operation cannot be started if a play operation is in progress.



const TDesC8 & aSequence The descriptor containing the tone sequence. The format of the data is unspecified but is expected to be platform dependent. A device might support more than one form of sequence data.

PrepareToPlayDualTone(TInt, TInt, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds &)

IMPORT_C void PrepareToPlayDualTone ( TInt aFrequencyOne,
TInt aFrequencyTwo,
const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds & aDuration

Configures the audio tone player utility to play a dual tone. The generated tone consists of two sine waves of different frequencies summed together.

This function is asynchronous. On completion, the observer callback function MMdaAudioToneObserver::MatoPrepareComplete() is called, indicating the success or failure of the configuration operation. The configuration operation can be cancelled by calling CMdaAudioToneUtility::CancelPrepare() . The configuration operation cannot be started if a play operation is in progress.



TInt aFrequencyOne The first frequency (pitch) of the tone.
TInt aFrequencyTwo The second frequency (pitch) of the tone.
const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds & aDuration The duration of the tone in microseconds.

PrepareToPlayFileSequence(const TDesC &)

void PrepareToPlayFileSequence ( const TDesC & aFileName ) [virtual]

Configures the audio tone player utility to play a tone sequence contained in a file.

This function is asynchronous. On completion, the observer callback function MMdaAudioToneObserver::MatoPrepareComplete() is called, indicating the success or failure of the configuration operation. The configuration operation can be cancelled by calling CMdaAudioToneUtility::CancelPrepare() . The configuration operation cannot be started if a play operation is in progress.



const TDesC & aFileName The full path name of the file containing the tone sequence. The format of the data is unspecified but is expected to be platform dependent. A device might support more than one form of sequence data.

PrepareToPlayFileSequence(RFile &)

IMPORT_C void PrepareToPlayFileSequence ( RFile & aFile )

Configures the audio tone player utility to play a tone sequence contained in a file.

This function is asynchronous. On completion, the observer callback function MMdaAudioToneObserver::MatoPrepareComplete() is called, indicating the success or failure of the configuration operation. The configuration operation can be cancelled by calling CMdaAudioToneUtility::CancelPrepare() . The configuration operation cannot be started if a play operation is in progress.



RFile & aFile A handle to an open file containing the tone sequence. The format of the data is unspecified but is expected to be platform dependent. A device might support more than one form of sequence data.


void PrepareToPlayFixedSequence ( TInt aSequenceNumber ) [virtual]

Configures the audio tone player utility to play the specified pre-defined tone sequence.

This function is asynchronous. On completion, the observer callback function MMdaAudioToneObserver::MatoPrepareComplete() is called, indicating the success or failure of the configuration operation. The configuration operation can be cancelled by calling CMdaAudioToneUtility::CancelPrepare() . The configuration operation cannot be started if a play operation is in progress.


TInt aSequenceNumber An index into the set of pre-defined tone sequences. This can be any value from zero to the value returned by a call to FixedSequenceCount() - 1. If the sequence number is not within this range, a panic will be raised when Play() is called later.

PrepareToPlayTone(TInt, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds &)

void PrepareToPlayTone ( TInt aFrequency,
const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds & aDuration
) [virtual]

Configures the audio tone player utility to play a single tone.

This function is asynchronous. On completion, the observer callback function MMdaAudioToneObserver::MatoPrepareComplete() is called, indicating the success or failure of the configuration operation.The configuration operation can be cancelled by calling CMdaAudioToneUtility::CancelPrepare() . The configuration operation cannot be started if a play operation is in progress.



TInt aFrequency The frequency (pitch) of the tone in Hz.
const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds & aDuration The duration of the tone in microseconds.

RegisterPlayStartCallback(MMdaAudioTonePlayStartObserver &)

IMPORT_C void RegisterPlayStartCallback ( MMdaAudioTonePlayStartObserver & aObserver )


MMdaAudioTonePlayStartObserver & aObserver


IMPORT_C TInt Resume ( )


IMPORT_C void SetBalanceL ( TInt aBalance =  KMMFBalanceCenter )

Sets the stereo balance for playback.



TInt aBalance =  KMMFBalanceCenter The balance. Should be between KMMFBalanceMaxLeft and KMMFBalanceMaxRight.

SetDTMFLengths(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32)

void SetDTMFLengths ( TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aToneLength,
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aToneOffLength,
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aPauseLength
) [virtual]

Changes the duration of DTMF tones, the gaps between DTMF tones and the pauses.


TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aToneLength The duration of the DTMF tone in microseconds.
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aToneOffLength The gap between DTFM tones in microseconds.
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aPauseLength Pauses in microseconds

SetPriority(TInt, TInt)

void SetPriority ( TInt aPriority,
TInt aPref
) [virtual]

Changes the clients priority.


TInt aPriority The Priority Value.
TInt aPref The Priority Preference.

SetRepeats(TInt, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds &)

void SetRepeats ( TInt aRepeatNumberOfTimes,
const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds & aTrailingSilence
) [virtual]

Sets the number of times the tone sequence is to be repeated during the play operation.

A period of silence can follow each playing of the tone sequence. The tone sequence can be repeated indefinitely.



TInt aRepeatNumberOfTimes The number of times the tone sequence, together with the trailing silence, is to be repeated. If this is set to KMdaRepeatForever, then the tone sequence, together with the trailing silence, is repeated indefinitely. The behaviour is undefined for values other than KMdaRepeatForever, zero and positive.
const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds & aTrailingSilence The time interval of the training silence. The behaviour is undefined for values other than zero and positive.


void SetVolume ( TInt aVolume ) [virtual]

Changes the volume of the audio device.

The volume can be changed before or during play and is effective immediately.



TInt aVolume The volume setting. This can be any value from zero to the value returned by a call to CMdaAudioToneUtility::MaxVolume(). Setting a zero value mutes the sound. Setting the maximum value results in the loudest possible sound.

SetVolumeRamp(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds &)

void SetVolumeRamp ( const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds & aRampDuration ) [virtual]

Defines the period over which the volume level is to rise smoothly from nothing to the normal volume level.



const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds & aRampDuration The period over which the volume is to rise. A zero value causes the tone to be played at the normal level for the full duration of the playback. A value which is longer than the duration of the tone sequence means that the tone never reaches its normal volume level.


TMdaAudioToneUtilityState State ( ) [virtual]

Returns the current state of the audio tone utility.



TInt Volume ( ) [virtual]

Returns an integer representing the current volume of the audio device.


Member Data Documentation

CMMFMdaAudioToneUtility * iProperties

CMMFMdaAudioToneUtility * iProperties [protected]

This member is internal and not intended for use.