CEikApplication Class Reference

class CEikApplication : public CApaApplication

The base of all Uikon applications.

CEikApplication builds on CApaApplication , providing a basis for applications working within the framework provided by Uikon. It also contains an interface to the resource file and the document object belonging to the application.

Each Uikon application class is derived from CEikApplication . Application writers must provide at least an implementation of the pure virtual function CreateDocumentL() .

The application's resource file can be changed from the default by overriding ResourceFileName() .


Inherits from

Public Member Functions
~CEikApplication ()
const TApaAppCaption & AppCaption ()
IMPORT_C TFileName BitmapStoreName ()
IMPORT_C void Capability ( TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C void GetDefaultDocumentFileName ( TFileName &)
IMPORT_C CDictionaryStore * OpenIniFileLC ( RFs &)
CApaProcess * Process ()
IMPORT_C TFileName ResourceFileName ()
TInt ResourceFileOffset ()
IMPORT_C void SetToIniFileNameL ( TParse &)
Protected Member Functions
CEikApplication ()
IMPORT_C CApaDocument * CreateDocumentL ( CApaProcess *)
IMPORT_C void EnsureCaptionIsLocalisedL (const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void NewAppServerL ( CApaAppServer *&)
IMPORT_C void PreDocConstructL ()
Private Member Functions
IMPORT_C void CEikApplication_Reserved1 ()
IMPORT_C void CEikApplication_Reserved2 ()
CApaDocument * CreateDocumentL ()
void InitAppNameParserWithPathAndExt ( TParse &, const TDesC &, const TDesC &)
Inherited Functions
CApaApplication::GenerateFileName(RFs &,TFileName &)
CApaApplication::OpenIniFileL(RFs &)const
CApaApplication::SetAppFileNameRef(const RBuf &)
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Private Member Enumerations
enum anonymous { EFlagCaptionCorrectlyLocalised  = 0x00000001 }
Protected Attributes
CCoeEnv * iCoeEnv
TInt iResourceFileOffset
Private Attributes
TUint iAppFlags
TApaAppCapabilityBuf * iCapabilityBuf
TApaAppCaption iCaption
CApaProcess * iProcess
TInt iSpare

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


IMPORT_C CEikApplication ( ) [protected]

Default constructor.

The default constructor is empty, and there are no NewL() or NewLC() functions as Uikon applications are created automatically by the application DLL framework when applications are started.


IMPORT_C ~CEikApplication ( )


Deletes any resources acquired by this CEikApplication during its construction phases.

Member Functions Documentation


const TApaAppCaption & AppCaption ( ) const [inline]

Gets the caption for this application.

Captions are displayed in the task list.


IMPORT_C TFileName BitmapStoreName ( ) const [virtual]

Gets the localized name of the bitmap file used by this application.

By default, this file has an extension of .mbm and uses the same name as the application file in the same directory. Language variants are supported using BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile() .


IMPORT_C void CEikApplication_Reserved1 ( ) [private, virtual]


IMPORT_C void CEikApplication_Reserved2 ( ) [private, virtual]

Capability(TDes8 &)

IMPORT_C void Capability ( TDes8 & aInfo ) const [virtual]

Gets the application's capabilities.

Application developers should not need to override this function.


TDes8 & aInfo

CreateDocumentL(CApaProcess *)

IMPORT_C CApaDocument * CreateDocumentL ( CApaProcess * aProcess ) [protected, virtual]

Creates a new document.

This function is called by the application DLL framework during application startup to create a new instance of the document associated with this application. This implementation of the function makes a record of the CApaProcess argument, and returns a document created by the un-parameterised, private, overload.


CApaProcess * aProcess


CApaDocument * CreateDocumentL ( ) [private, pure virtual]

EnsureCaptionIsLocalisedL(const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C void EnsureCaptionIsLocalisedL ( const TDesC & aLocalisableResourceFile ) [protected]

Calling this method will ensure that the application Caption has been localized. This is called at the start of applications override of CEikApplication's CreateDocumentL, when application needs to started in Critical phase of Start-Up.


const TDesC & aLocalisableResourceFile Location of the localized resource file

GetDefaultDocumentFileName(TFileName &)

IMPORT_C void GetDefaultDocumentFileName ( TFileName & aDocumentName ) const [virtual]

Gets the default document name for this application.


TFileName & aDocumentName On return, contains the default document file name.

InitAppNameParserWithPathAndExt(TParse &, const TDesC &, const TDesC &)

void InitAppNameParserWithPathAndExt ( TParse & aParser,
const TDesC & aPath,
const TDesC & aExt
) const [private]

Initiates the aParser object with the name of the application and the aPath and aExt specified.


TParse & aParser
const TDesC & aPath
const TDesC & aExt

NewAppServerL(CApaAppServer *&)

IMPORT_C void NewAppServerL ( CApaAppServer *& aAppServer ) [protected, virtual]

Virtual function called by the framework when the application has been launched as a server application. Applications that wish to be used as server applications must override this function to return their implementation of the server.

Base class implementation of this function leaves with KErrNotSupported, to prevent non-server applications from being launched as server applications.


CApaAppServer *& aAppServer The server pointer to be set.

OpenIniFileLC(RFs &)

IMPORT_C CDictionaryStore * OpenIniFileLC ( RFs & aFs ) const [virtual]

Opens the application's .ini file, if one exists.

If a .ini file does not exist for this application, or if it is corrupt, this function creates one and opens that. .ini files are located on system drive, in the same directory as the application EXE.


RFs & aFs File server session to use.


IMPORT_C void PreDocConstructL ( ) [protected, virtual]

Prepares for document creation.

This function is called by the application DLL framework to complete construction and initialise the new application object. After this function has been called, the CEikApplication can create document objects. If there is a default resource file for this app, then it is added to the control environment.

If this function leaves, this should be treated as if construction had failed, and the object should be destroyed by the caller.


CApaProcess * Process ( ) const [inline]

Gets the managing process.


IMPORT_C TFileName ResourceFileName ( ) const [virtual]

Gets the localized name of the resource file used by this application.

By default, this file has an extension of .rsc and uses the same name as the application file located in the same directory. Language variants are supported through BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile() .


TInt ResourceFileOffset ( ) const [inline]

Gets the offset value defined for this application's default resource file.

As the resource file offset can also be accessed through iResourceFileOffset, this function should not be needed by any apps.

SetToIniFileNameL(TParse &)

IMPORT_C void SetToIniFileNameL ( TParse & aParser ) const

Sets a supplied file name parser to contain the path of this application's .ini file.


TParse & aParser A file name parser. On return, this contains the path of the application's ini file.

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum anonymous


EFlagCaptionCorrectlyLocalised = 0x00000001

Member Data Documentation

TUint iAppFlags

TUint iAppFlags [private]

TApaAppCapabilityBuf * iCapabilityBuf

TApaAppCapabilityBuf * iCapabilityBuf [private]

TApaAppCaption iCaption

TApaAppCaption iCaption [private]

CCoeEnv * iCoeEnv

CCoeEnv * iCoeEnv [protected]

CApaProcess * iProcess

CApaProcess * iProcess [private]

TInt iResourceFileOffset

TInt iResourceFileOffset [protected]

TInt iSpare

TInt iSpare [private]