TCmAttribConvTable Struct Reference

struct TCmAttribConvTable

Structure of conversion table between CM attributes and CommsDat ids. The first element must indicate the range of the conversion table. iAttribId is the lowest Id, iCommsDatId is the highest one. The last element is a terminator. e.g. Proxy table: static const TCmAttribConvTable SProxyConvTbl[] = { { ECMProxyUsageEnabled, ECMProxyRangeMax, NULL } { ECMProxyUseProxyServer, KCDTIdUseProxyServer, NULL }, { ECmProxyPortNumber, KCDTIdPortNumber, &CheckPortNumberValidityL }, ... { 0, 0 } }

Member Data Documentation

TUint32 iAttribFlags

TUint32 iAttribFlags

TInt iAttribId

TInt iAttribId

TInt iCommsDatId

TInt iCommsDatId

TInt iDefSettingResId

TInt iDefSettingResId

TInt iDefValueResId

TInt iDefValueResId

TInt iEditorResId

TInt iEditorResId

TInt iMaxLength

TInt iMaxLength

TAny * iNotUsed1

TAny * iNotUsed1

TAny * iNotUsed2

TAny * iNotUsed2

TInt iTitleId

TInt iTitleId

TValidationFunctionL iValidFuncL

TValidationFunctionL iValidFuncL