CVCFolderInfo Class Reference

class CVCFolderInfo : public CBase

Container for the voice command folder information. Note that every command can have its own folder information

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CVCFolderInfo(TUint32, TUint)

CVCFolderInfo ( TUint32 aHelpTopicId,
TUint aIconIndex
) [protected]


TUint32 aHelpTopicId
TUint aIconIndex


CVCFolderInfo ( ) [protected, inline]


IMPORT_C ~CVCFolderInfo ( )

Member Functions Documentation

ConstructL(const TDesC &, const TDesC &, const TDesC &)

void ConstructL ( const TDesC & aTitle,
const TDesC & aListedName,
const TDesC & aIconFile
) [private]

NewL Second-phase constructor


const TDesC & aTitle
const TDesC & aListedName
const TDesC & aIconFile

ConstructL(RReadStream &)

void ConstructL ( RReadStream & aStream ) [private]


RReadStream & aStream

ExternalizeL(RWriteStream &)

IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL ( RWriteStream & aStream ) const

Saves the folder information to stream. Descriptor components are saved as <length><descriptor> pairs, where <length> is TInt32 and <descriptor> is the default descriptor represetation

Saves the command to stream. Descriptor components are saved as <length><descriptor> pairs, where <length> is TInt32 and <descriptor> is the default descriptor represetation TBools are saved as TInt32 either


RWriteStream & aStream


IMPORT_C TUint32 HelpTopicId ( ) const


TDesC & IconFile ( ) const [protected]

Full file name of the file name, where the folder icon is obtained from Is always no longer, than KMaxFileName If KNullDesC is returned, the default icon file is used


TUint IconIndex ( ) const [protected]

Zero based index of the folder icon in the icon file IconFile


IMPORT_C CGulIcon * IconLC ( ) const

Creates an icon to represent this folder. Works only if CEikonEnv is available


IMPORT_C const TDesC & ListedName ( ) const

Version of a title shown when the folder is is displayed in the list of VCommands in the VCommand app

NewL(const TDesC &, const TDesC &, TUint32, TUint, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C CVCFolderInfo * NewL ( const TDesC & aTitle,
const TDesC & aListedName,
TUint32 aHelpTopicId,
TUint aIconIndex,
const TDesC & aIconFile =  KNullDesC
) [static]

This object does not take an ownership of the passed descriptors, but makes own copies.

This object does not take an ownership of the passed descriptors, but makes own copies.


const TDesC & aTitle Folder title. It is shown at the top of the screen, when the folder is opened in the VCommand application
const TDesC & aListedName Version of a title shown when the folder is is displayed in the list of VCommands in the VCommand app
TUint32 aHelpTopicId Topic to open when help is requested for the given folder
TUint aIconIndex Index of the folder icon in the folder icons mbm file each index correspods to two images - the actual icon and its mask
const TDesC & aIconFile =  KNullDesC Mbm file where the icons are obtained from. If KNullDesC, the default icon file is used

NewL(RReadStream &)

IMPORT_C CVCFolderInfo * NewL ( RReadStream & aStream ) [static]
Constructs the folder information from stream
KErrNotSupported if the stream data format is unsupported


RReadStream & aStream

NewL(const CVCFolderInfo &)

IMPORT_C CVCFolderInfo * NewL ( const CVCFolderInfo & aOriginal ) [static]

Cloning constructor

Copy the existing CVCFolderInfo


const CVCFolderInfo & aOriginal


IMPORT_C const TDesC & Title ( ) const

Returns folder title. It is shown at the top of the screen, when the folder is opened in the VCommand application

operator==(const CVCFolderInfo &)

IMPORT_C TBool operator== ( const CVCFolderInfo & aFolderInfo ) const


const CVCFolderInfo & aFolderInfo

Member Data Documentation

TUint32 iHelpTopicId

TUint32 iHelpTopicId [private]

HBufC * iIconFile

HBufC * iIconFile [private]

TUint iIconIndex

TUint iIconIndex [private]

HBufC * iListedName

HBufC * iListedName [private]

HBufC * iTitle

HBufC * iTitle [private]