COMASuplPosition Class Reference

class COMASuplPosition : public COMASuplInfoRequest
COMASuplPosition describes the position of the terminal. It holds the following values
  • Time when Position fix was calculated

  • Position Estimate and

  • Optionally Velocity

Series 60 3.1u

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


COMASuplPosition ( ) [private]

C++ default constructor.


IMPORT_C ~COMASuplPosition ( )


Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C COMASuplInfoRequest * CloneL ( ) const [virtual]

CloneL method clones the position object and creates a new position object with the same values. SUPL Framework invokes this method to create a copy of the position information before terminating the POS Session in POS Message plug-in.


void ConstructL ( ) [private]

By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.

GetPosition(TOMASuplUtcTime &, TOMASuplPositionEstimate &)

IMPORT_C void GetPosition ( TOMASuplUtcTime & aUtcTime,
TOMASuplPositionEstimate & aPosEstimate
) const
GetPosition retrieves values for
  • Time when the position was calculated and

  • Position Estimate


TOMASuplUtcTime & aUtcTime A reference Parameter of type TOMASuplUtcTime
TOMASuplPositionEstimate & aPosEstimate A refernce parameter of type TOMASuplPositionEstimate

GetVelocity(COMASuplVelocity *&)

IMPORT_C TInt GetVelocity ( COMASuplVelocity *& aSuplVelocity ) const

GetVelocity retrieves values for velocity


COMASuplVelocity *& aSuplVelocity A reference Parameter of type COMASuplVelocity*


IMPORT_C COMASuplPosition * NewL ( ) [static]

Creates a new instance of a COMASuplPosition and sets the type in COMASuplInfoRequest to EOMASuplPosition

SetPosition(const TOMASuplUtcTime &, const TOMASuplPositionEstimate &)

IMPORT_C void SetPosition ( const TOMASuplUtcTime & aUtcTime,
const TOMASuplPositionEstimate & aPosEstimate
SetPosition sets values for
  • Time when the position was calculated and

  • Position Estimate


const TOMASuplUtcTime & aUtcTime Parameter of type TOMASuplUtcTime aPosEstimate Parameter of type TOMASuplPositionEstimate
const TOMASuplPositionEstimate & aPosEstimate

SetSuplVelocity(COMASuplVelocity *)

IMPORT_C void SetSuplVelocity ( COMASuplVelocity * aSuplVelocity )

SetSuplVelocity sets values for velocity. It is the resposnsibility of the caller of the method to allocate memory to COMASuplVelocity . Ownership is then transfered to Positiona and on deletion of position, Velocity is also deleted.


COMASuplVelocity * aSuplVelocity parameter of type COMASuplVelocity* KErrArgument if any of the parameters in aSuplVelocity is not within the specified range. KErrNone otherwise.

Member Data Documentation

TOMASuplPositionEstimate iPosEstimate

TOMASuplPositionEstimate iPosEstimate [private]

TOMASuplUtcTime iUtcTime

TOMASuplUtcTime iUtcTime [private]

COMASuplVelocity * iVelocity

COMASuplVelocity * iVelocity [private]

TBool iVelocityPresent

TBool iVelocityPresent [private]