CEmbeddedStore Class Reference

class CEmbeddedStore : public CPersistentStore

Encapsulates an embedded store.

The embedded store may contain an arbitrarily complex network of streams, but is viewed as simply another stream by the embedding store. This means that the embedded store can dealt with as a single stream for purposes of copying or deleting.

Once streams within the embedded store have been committed and closed, they cannot subsequently be changed, i.e. streams cannot be replaced, deleted, extended or changed in any way.


Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CEmbeddedStore(MStreamBuf *)

IMPORT_C CEmbeddedStore ( MStreamBuf * aHost )


MStreamBuf * aHost


IMPORT_C ~CEmbeddedStore ( )

Member Functions Documentation

ConstructL(RWriteStream &)

IMPORT_C void ConstructL ( RWriteStream & aStream )


RWriteStream & aStream


IMPORT_C void Detach ( )


IMPORT_C void DoCommitL ( ) [private, virtual]

DoCreateL(TStreamId &)

IMPORT_C MStreamBuf * DoCreateL ( TStreamId & anId ) [protected, virtual]

Creates a new stream in the store. The function gets the allocated stream id in the anId parameter. A stream buffer for the stream should be returned, ready to write into the new stream. This provides the implementation for the RStoreWriteStream::CreateL() functions.


TStreamId & anId On return, contains the allocated stream id.

DoNewLC(MStreamBuf *)

CEmbeddedStore * DoNewLC ( MStreamBuf * aHost ) [private, static]


MStreamBuf * aHost


IMPORT_C MStreamBuf * DoReadL ( TStreamId anId ) const [protected, virtual]

Opens the requested stream for reading. The function should return a stream buffer positioned at the beginning of this stream.

This function is called by the OpenL() and OpenLC() member functions of RStoreReadStream .

RStoreReadStream::OpenL() RStoreReadStream::OpenLC()


TStreamId anId The stream to be read.


IMPORT_C void DoSetRootL ( TStreamId anId ) [private, virtual]


TStreamId anId

FromL(RReadStream &)

IMPORT_C CEmbeddedStore * FromL ( RReadStream & aHost ) [static]


RReadStream & aHost

FromLC(RReadStream &)

IMPORT_C CEmbeddedStore * FromLC ( RReadStream & aHost ) [static]


RReadStream & aHost


MStreamBuf * Host ( ) const [inline]

Returns a pointer to the stream buffer which is acting as host to this embedded store. The embedded store retains ownership of the host stream buffer.

MarshalL(RReadStream &)

IMPORT_C void MarshalL ( RReadStream & aStream )


RReadStream & aStream

NewL(RWriteStream &)

IMPORT_C CEmbeddedStore * NewL ( RWriteStream & aHost ) [static]


RWriteStream & aHost

NewLC(RWriteStream &)

IMPORT_C CEmbeddedStore * NewLC ( RWriteStream & aHost ) [static]


RWriteStream & aHost


TStreamPos Position ( TStreamId anId ) [static, inline]

Returns the position of the specified stream, within the host stream.


TStreamId anId The stream id of the stream in the embedded store whose position within the host stream is to be returned.

Reattach(MStreamBuf *)

void Reattach ( MStreamBuf * aHost ) [inline]

Takes ownership of the specified stream buffer. On return from this function, the embedded store assumes this to be the host stream buffer.


MStreamBuf * aHost A pointer to the stream buffer over which the embedded store is to take ownership.


TStreamPos Start ( ) const [inline]

Returns the start position of this embedded store within the host stream.

Member Data Documentation

__MUTABLE TStreamExchange iHost

__MUTABLE TStreamExchange iHost [private]

TStreamPos iStart

TStreamPos iStart [private]