CTNEVideoClipInfo Class Reference

class CTNEVideoClipInfo : public CBase

Utility class for getting information about video clip.

Inherits from

Member Functions Documentation


void CancelThumb ( ) [pure virtual]

Cancels frame generation. If no frame is currently being generated, the function does nothing.


TPtrC FileName ( ) const [pure virtual]

Returns the file name of the clip. Panics if there is no file associated with this clip or info is not yet ready for reading.

GetThumbL(MTNEVideoClipThumbObserver &, TInt, TSize *const, TDisplayMode, TBool, TInt)

void GetThumbL ( MTNEVideoClipThumbObserver & aObserver,
TInt aIndex = KBestThumbIndex,
TSize *const aResolution = 0,
TDisplayMode aDisplayMode = ENone,
TBool aEnhance = EFalse,
TInt aPriority = CActive::EPriorityIdle
) [pure virtual]

Generates a bitmap of the given frame from video clip. The frame bitmap is scaled to the specified resolution and converted to the specified display mode. This method is asynchronous. The frame is generated in background and the observer is notified when the frame is complete. This method panics if info is not yet ready for reading or the resolution is illegal.

Possible leave codes:
  • KErrNoMemory if memory allocation fails

  • KErrNotSupported , if the specified combination of parameters is not supported


MTNEVideoClipThumbObserver & aObserver observer to be notified when the frame is completed
TInt aIndex = KBestThumbIndex index of frame, or KFrameIndexBestThumb to look for most suitable thumbnail frame.
TSize *const aResolution = 0 resolution of the desired frame bitmap, or NULL if the frame should be in the original resolution
TDisplayMode aDisplayMode = ENone desired display mode; or ENone if any display mode is acceptable
TBool aEnhance = EFalse apply image enhancement algorithms to improve frame quality; note that this may considerably increase the processing time needed to prepare the frame
TInt aPriority = CActive::EPriorityIdle priority of the frame generation

NewL(const TDesC &, MTNEVideoClipInfoObserver &)

IMPORT_C CTNEVideoClipInfo * NewL ( const TDesC & aFileName,
MTNEVideoClipInfoObserver & aObserver
) [static]

Constructs a new CTNEVideoClipInfo object to get information about the specified video clip file. The specified observer is notified when info is ready for reading. This method may leave if no resources are available to construct a new object. The file will be opened in EFileShareReadersOnly mode by default, and the same mode should be used by the client too if it need to open the file at the same time.

Possible leave codes:
  • KErrNoMemory if memory allocation fails


const TDesC & aFileName name of video clip file
MTNEVideoClipInfoObserver & aObserver observer to notify when info is ready for reading

NewL(const RFile &, MTNEVideoClipInfoObserver &)

IMPORT_C CTNEVideoClipInfo * NewL ( const RFile & aFileName,
MTNEVideoClipInfoObserver & aObserver
) [static]


const RFile & aFileName
MTNEVideoClipInfoObserver & aObserver

NewLC(const TDesC &, MTNEVideoClipInfoObserver &)

IMPORT_C CTNEVideoClipInfo * NewLC ( const TDesC & aFileName,
MTNEVideoClipInfoObserver & aObserver
) [static]

Constructs a new CTNEVideoClipInfo object to get information about the specified video clip file. The constructed object is left in the cleanup stack. The specified observer is notified when info is ready for reading. This method may leave if no resources are available to construct a new object. The file will be opened in EFileShareReadersOnly mode by default, and the same mode should be used by the client too if it need to open the file at the same time.

Possible leave codes:
  • KErrNoMemory if memory allocation fails


const TDesC & aFileName name of video clip file
MTNEVideoClipInfoObserver & aObserver observer to notify when info is ready for reading

NewLC(const RFile &, MTNEVideoClipInfoObserver &)

IMPORT_C CTNEVideoClipInfo * NewLC ( const RFile & aFileName,
MTNEVideoClipInfoObserver & aObserver
) [static]


const RFile & aFileName
MTNEVideoClipInfoObserver & aObserver


TInt VideoFrameCount ( ) const [pure virtual]

Returns the number of video frames in this clip. Panics if info is not yet ready for reading.