TCTKeyAttributeFilter Struct Reference

struct TCTKeyAttributeFilter

A filter to specify which keys should be returned from the store by MCTKeyStore::List.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


IMPORT_C TCTKeyAttributeFilter ( )


Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TPolicyFilter



Member Data Documentation

CCTKeyInfo::EKeyAlgorithm iKeyAlgorithm

CCTKeyInfo::EKeyAlgorithm iKeyAlgorithm

The algorithm. EInvalidAlgorithm indicates 'don't care

TKeyIdentifier iKeyId

TKeyIdentifier iKeyId

The hash of the key we're looking for. A zero-length descriptor means 'don't care

TPolicyFilter iPolicyFilter

TPolicyFilter iPolicyFilter

Filter returned keys by the operations the calling process is allowed to perform on them (as determined by the security policies set on them).

The default is EUsableKeys. Note that if this is to set to KAllKeys, all keys will be returned, including those that are unusable by the calling process.

TKeyUsagePKCS15 iUsage

TKeyUsagePKCS15 iUsage

The required usage of the key. A key must match any of the usages specified. Use EAllUsages to return all usages.