CMusManager Class Reference

class CMusManager : public CBase

Class to manager MultimediaSharing application.

Class CMusManager provides an interface to monitor the system's ability to initiate a MultimediaSharing session. Also, MultimediaSharing application can be started via this interface. Application can be ordered to close itself by calling the stop application function.

MultimediaSharing availability is a variable of a system that describes that is a MultimediaSharing session currently possible, or not. It depends on call state, network state, SIP profiles and SIP OPTIONS.


Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


CMusManager ( ) [private]

Example usage:

         // replace <featureUID> with a real UID 

 #include <featmgr/featmgr.h>
 #include <bldvariant.hrh> // for feature definitions

     // Sets up TLS, must be done before FeatureManager is used.
     // Used in destructor. 
     iFeatMgrInitialized = ETrue;

     if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( <featureUID> ) )
         // Feature supported, show menu item associated with it.

     // Do not call UnInitializeLib() if InitalizeLib() leaves.
     if ( iFeatMgrInitialized )
	      // Frees the TLS. Must be done after FeatureManager is used.


~CMusManager ( ) [virtual]

Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C MultimediaSharing::TMusAvailabilityStatus AvailabilityL ( )

Returns the current availability status.

S60 v3.2


void ConstructL ( ) [private]

ConstructL(MMusAvailabilityObserver *)

void ConstructL ( MMusAvailabilityObserver * aAvailabilityObserver ) [private]


MMusAvailabilityObserver * aAvailabilityObserver


IMPORT_C void ExamineAvailabilityL ( )
This function causes following things:
  • MS manager starts to monitor call and network state

  • In case of active call, MS manager
    • resolves the SIP address of the remote host

    • makes a capability query (SIP OPTIONS)

This function must be called before a MultimediaSharing session is tried to be established. Otherwise, the internal state of MultimediaSharing will remain as undefined. In that state, MultimediaSharing Manager will not start the application.

S60 v3.2


IMPORT_C void HandleCommandL ( MultimediaSharing::TCommandType aCommandType )

This function allows clients to request coomand's to be executed by the MUS manager server.

In erroneous cases, this function will leave with an error code that describes the error. Positive leave codes are defined in MultimediaSharing::TMusAvailabilityStatus.


MultimediaSharing::TCommandType aCommandType


IMPORT_C void HandleSipRequestL ( TRequestType aRequestType )

Orders MultimediaSharing subsystem to handle a SIP request. In some cases, this function call starts the application.

In erroneous cases, this function will leave with an error code that describes the error. Positive leave codes are defined in MultimediaSharing::TMusAvailabilityStatus.


TRequestType aRequestType


IMPORT_C CMusManager * NewL ( ) [static]

NewL(MMusAvailabilityObserver *)

IMPORT_C CMusManager * NewL ( MMusAvailabilityObserver * aAvailabilityObserver ) [static]

Creates Mus Manager instance allowing the clients to pass an observer interface through which the clients will be capable to listen for the availability state of Multimedia Sharing

S60 v5.0


MMusAvailabilityObserver * aAvailabilityObserver pointer to the implementation of availabilty observer interface


IMPORT_C CMusManager * NewLC ( ) [static]

NewLC(MMusAvailabilityObserver *)

IMPORT_C CMusManager * NewLC ( MMusAvailabilityObserver * aAvailabilityObserver ) [static]

Creates Mus Manager instance allowing the clients to pass an observer interface through which the clients will be capable to listen for the availability state of Multimedia Sharing Mus Manager instance is left on cleanup stack.

S60 v5.0


MMusAvailabilityObserver * aAvailabilityObserver pointer to the implementation of availabilty observer interface


IMPORT_C void StartApplicationL ( MultimediaSharing::TMusUseCase aUseCase )

Starts the MultimediaSharing application

If the application can't be started, this function will leave with an error code that describes the error. Positive leave codes are defined in MultimediaSharing::TMusAvailabilityStatus.


MultimediaSharing::TMusUseCase aUseCase Describes the desired use case and affects the default view.


IMPORT_C void StopApplicationL ( )

This function causes the application to get a stop signal. Application will close itself smoothly.

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TRequestType


ESipOptions = 0x1028238D
ESipInviteDesired = 0x10282391
ESipInviteNotDesired = 0x1028238D

Member Data Documentation

CMusManagerImpl * iImpl

CMusManagerImpl * iImpl [private]

The actual implementation of the interface. Own.