CSecureServerSession Class Reference

Inherits CSession2.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void CreateL ()
void ServiceL (const RMessage2 &aMessage)
void NewCounterL (const RMessage2 &aMessage)
void CloseSession ()
void NumResourcesL (const RMessage2 &aMessage)
CSecureServerSubSessionCounterFromHandle (const RMessage2 &aMessage, TInt aHandle)
void DeleteCounter (TInt aHandle)
TInt CountResources ()
void PanicClient (const RMessage2 &aMessage, TInt aPanic) const
 CSecureServerSession ()

Static Public Member Functions

static CSecureServerSessionNewL ()

Detailed Description

The class that represents a session with the server. When a client connects to the server, a session object is created by the server. The class provides functions that respond to client messages. A session can own any number of subsession objects.

Definition at line 220 of file secureserver.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CSecureServerSession::CSecureServerSession (  ) 

Constructor of the CSecureServerSession class.

Definition at line 28 of file secureserverccountsession.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void CSecureServerSession::CreateL (  ) 

Creates the object index and object container for the session.

Definition at line 35 of file secureserverccountsession.cpp.

void CSecureServerSession::ServiceL ( const RMessage2 &  aMessage  ) 

Handles the servicing of a client request that has been passed to the server. This function dispatches requests to the appropriate handler. Some messages are handled by the session itself, and are implemented as CSecureServerSession member functions. Other messages are handled by the subsession, and are implemented as CSecureServerSubSession member functions. Note that the server calls this function after a client request has passed the security checks.

aMessage The message containing the details of the client request.

Definition at line 77 of file secureserverccountsession.cpp.

void CSecureServerSession::NewCounterL ( const RMessage2 &  aMessage  ) 

Creates a new sub session for the current session.

aMessage The message containing the details of the client request.

Definition at line 149 of file secureserverccountsession.cpp.

void CSecureServerSession::CloseSession (  ) 

Closes the session. This function deletes the object index and object container.

Definition at line 45 of file secureserverccountsession.cpp.

void CSecureServerSession::NumResourcesL ( const RMessage2 &  aMessage  ) 

Returns the resource count to the client by writing the resource count value into the client message.

aMessage The message containing the details of the client request.

Definition at line 192 of file secureserverccountsession.cpp.

CSecureServerSubSession * CSecureServerSession::CounterFromHandle ( const RMessage2 &  aMessage,
TInt  aHandle 

Returns the appropriate CCountSubSession object given a client's sub session handle.

aMessage The request message.
aHandle Client's sub session handle.
The CCountSubSession object.

Definition at line 59 of file secureserverccountsession.cpp.

void CSecureServerSession::DeleteCounter ( TInt  aHandle  ) 

Deletes the sub session object.

aHandle The handle to the sub session object.

Definition at line 172 of file secureserverccountsession.cpp.

TInt CSecureServerSession::CountResources (  ) 

Gets the number of resources held by the session.

The number of resources held by the session.

Definition at line 183 of file secureserverccountsession.cpp.

void CSecureServerSession::PanicClient ( const RMessage2 &  aMessage,
TInt  aPanic 
) const

Panics the client.

aMessage The message containing the details of the client request.
aPanic The reason for the panic.

Definition at line 203 of file secureserverccountsession.cpp.

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