changeset 86 56c9b613f311
parent 85 d93b485c1325
child 112 fdfa12d9a47a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/omap3530/omap3530_drivers/spi/master.cpp	Fri Oct 08 13:00:25 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,907 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Implementation of IIC master channel for a SPI bus.
+#define DBGPRINT(x)
+#define DBG_ERR(x) x
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#define DEBUG_ONLY(x) //x
+#define DEBUG_ONLY(x)
+// DO NOT CHANGE THESE- trying to tune the driver (unless you really know what you're doing)
+// as this this is only for development purpose to tune the driver. Fifo mode is not yet enabled, but this
+// doesn't affect operation. After development has been finished - these macros and #ifdefs will be removed
+// entirely. For now only SINGLE_MODE should ever be defined.
+//#define USE_TX_FIFO
+#define SINGLE_MODE
+#include <assp/omap3530_assp/omap3530_assp_priv.h>
+#include <assp/omap3530_assp/omap3530_prcm.h>
+#include <drivers/iic.h>
+#include "omap3530_spi.h"
+#include "psl_init.h"
+#include "master.h"
+DSpiMasterBeagle::DSpiMasterBeagle(TInt aChannelNumber, TBusType aBusType, TChannelDuplex aChanDuplex) :
+	DIicBusChannelMaster(aBusType, aChanDuplex),
+	iTransferEndDfc(TransferEndDfc, this, KIicPslDfcPriority)
+	{
+	iChannelNumber = aChannelNumber;
+	iIrqId  = KMcSpiIrqId[iChannelNumber];
+	iHwBase = KMcSpiRegBase[iChannelNumber];
+	iState  = EIdle;
+	iCurrSS = -1; // make sure channel will be fully configured on the first use
+	DBGPRINT(Kern::Printf("DSpiMasterBeagle::DSpiMasterBeagle: at 0x%x, iChannelNumber = %d", this, iChannelNumber));
+	}
+TInt DSpiMasterBeagle::DoCreate()
+	{
+	DBGPRINT(Kern::Printf("\nDSpiMasterBeagle::DoCreate() McSPI%d \n", iChannelNumber+1));
+	DBGPRINT(Kern::Printf("HW revision is %x", AsspRegister::Read32(iHwBase + MCSPI_REVISION)));
+	TInt r = KErrNone;
+	// Create the DFCQ to be used by the channel
+	if(!iDfcQ)
+		{
+		TBuf8<KMaxName> threadName (KIicPslThreadName);
+		threadName.AppendNum(iChannelNumber);
+		r = Kern::DfcQCreate(iDfcQ, KIicPslThreadPriority, &threadName);
+		if(r != KErrNone)
+			{
+			DBG_ERR(Kern::Printf("DFC Queue creation failed, channel number: %d, r = %d\n", iChannelNumber, r));
+			return r;
+			}
+		}
+	// PIL Base class initialization - this must be called prior to SetDfcQ(iDfcQ)
+	r = Init();
+	if(r == KErrNone)
+		{
+		// Call base class function to set DFCQ pointers in the required objects
+		// This also enables the channel to process transaction requests
+		SetDfcQ(iDfcQ);
+		// PSL DFCQ initialisation for local DFC
+		iTransferEndDfc.SetDfcQ(iDfcQ);
+		// Bind interrupts.
+		r = Interrupt::Bind(iIrqId, Isr, this);
+		if(r < KErrNone)
+			{
+			DBG_ERR(Kern::Printf("ERROR: InterruptBind error.. %d", r));
+			return r;
+			}
+		}
+	// Make sure clocks are enabled (TBD: this could go to 'PowerUp/PowerDown' if using PRM)
+	Prcm::SetClockState( Prcm::EClkMcSpi3_F, Prcm::EClkOn );
+	Prcm::SetClockState( Prcm::EClkMcSpi3_I, Prcm::EClkOn );
+	// TODO:consider auto-idle for PRCM.CM_AUTOIDLE1_CORE
+	// setup default spi pins. For channel 2 (McSPI3) it can be configured dynamically
+	SetupSpiPins(iChannelNumber);
+	return r;
+	}
+// A static method used to construct the DSpiMasterBeagle object.
+DSpiMasterBeagle* DSpiMasterBeagle::New(TInt aChannelNumber, const TBusType aBusType, const TChannelDuplex aChanDuplex)
+	{
+	DBGPRINT(Kern::Printf("DSpiMasterBeagle::NewL(): ChannelNumber = %d, BusType =%d", aChannelNumber, aBusType));
+	DSpiMasterBeagle *pChan = new DSpiMasterBeagle(aChannelNumber, aBusType, aChanDuplex);
+	TInt r = KErrNoMemory;
+	if(pChan)
+		{
+		r = pChan->DoCreate();
+		}
+	if(r != KErrNone)
+		{
+		delete pChan;
+		pChan = NULL;
+		}
+	return pChan;
+	}
+// This method is called by the PIL to initiate the transaction. After finishing it's processing,
+// the PSL calls the PIL function CompleteRequest to indicate the success (or otherwise) of the request
+TInt DSpiMasterBeagle::DoRequest(TIicBusTransaction* aTransaction)
+	{
+	DBGPRINT(Kern::Printf("\n=>DSpiMasterBeagle::DoRequest (aTransaction=0x%x)\n", aTransaction));
+	// If the pointer to the transaction passed in as a parameter, or its associated pointer to the
+	// header information is NULL, return KErrArgument
+	if(!aTransaction || !GetTransactionHeader(aTransaction))
+		{
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	// The PSL operates a simple state machine to ensure that only one transaction is processed
+	// at a time - if the channel is currently busy, reject the request (PIL should not try that!)
+	if(iState != EIdle)
+		{
+		return KErrInUse;
+		}
+	// copy pointer to the transaction
+	iCurrTransaction = aTransaction;
+	// Configure the hardware to support the transaction
+	TInt r = PrepareConfiguration();
+	if(r == KErrNone)
+		{
+		r = ConfigureInterface();
+		if(r == KErrNone)
+			{
+			// start processing transfers of this transaction.
+			r = ProcessNextTransfers();
+			}
+		}
+	return r;
+	}
+TInt DSpiMasterBeagle::PrepareConfiguration()
+	{
+	TConfigSpiV01 &newHeader = (*(TConfigSpiBufV01*) (GetTransactionHeader(iCurrTransaction)))();
+	// get the slave address (i.e. known as a 'channel' for the current SPI module)
+	TInt busId       = iCurrTransaction->GetBusId();
+	TInt slaveAddr   = GET_SLAVE_ADDR(busId);
+	TInt slavePinSet = 0;
+	if(slaveAddr >= KMcSpiNumSupportedSlaves[iChannelNumber]) // address is 0-based
+		{
+		DBG_ERR(Kern::Printf("Slave address for McSPI%d should be < %, was: %d !",
+				iChannelNumber + 1, KMcSpiNumSupportedSlaves[iChannelNumber], slaveAddr));
+		return KErrArgument; // Slave address out of range
+		}
+	// Slave addresses > 1 for McSPI3 (iChannel2) really means alternative pin settings,
+	// so adjust it in such case. *Pin set indexes are +1 to skip over the pin set for McSPI4
+	// channel in the pin configuration table.
+	if(iChannelNumber == 2 && slaveAddr > 1)
+		{
+		slavePinSet  =  slaveAddr > 3 ?  3 : 2; // slaveAddr: 2-3: pin set 2(1*); 4-5: pin set 3(2*)
+		slaveAddr &= 1; // modulo 2 (i.e. 2 CS for McSPI3)
+		}
+	// reconfigure pins if needed..
+	if(slavePinSet != iCurrSlavePinSet)
+		{
+		iCurrSlavePinSet = slavePinSet;
+		SetupSpiPins(iChannelNumber, iCurrSlavePinSet);
+		}
+	// store configuration parameters
+	iCurrSS          = slaveAddr;
+	iCurrHeader      = newHeader; //copy the header..
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+// Init the hardware with the data provided in the transaction and slave-address field
+// (these values are already stored in the iCurrHeader)
+TInt DSpiMasterBeagle::ConfigureInterface()
+	{
+	DBGPRINT(Kern::Printf("ConfigureInterface()"));
+	// soft reset the SPI..
+	TUint val = AsspRegister::Read32(iHwBase + MCSPI_SYSCONFIG);
+	val = MCSPI_SYSCONFIG_SOFTRESET;  // issue reset
+	val = 0; // TODO will add here this 'smart-wait' stuff that was proposed earlier..
+		val = AsspRegister::Read32(iHwBase + MCSPI_SYSSTATUS);
+	// disable and clear all interrupts..
+	AsspRegister::Write32(iHwBase + MCSPI_IRQENABLE, 0);
+	AsspRegister::Write32(iHwBase + MCSPI_IRQSTATUS,
+	                      MCSPI_IRQ_RX_FULL(iCurrSS) |
+	                      MCSPI_IRQ_RX_FULL(iCurrSS) |
+	                      MCSPI_IRQ_TX_UNDERFLOW(iCurrSS) |
+	                      MCSPI_IRQ_TX_EMPTY(iCurrSS) |
+	                      MCSPI_IRQ_RX_OVERFLOW);
+	// channel configuration
+	//	Set the SPI1.MCSPI_CHxCONF[18] IS bit to 0 for the spi1_somi pin in receive mode.
+	//	val = MCSPI_CHxCONF_IS; // pin selection (somi - simo)
+	// TODO configuration of PINS could also be configurable on a 'per SPI module' basis..
+	// Set the SPI1.MCSPI_CHxCONF[17] DPE1 bit to 0 and the SPI1.MCSPI_CHxCONF[16] DPE0 bit to 1 for the spi1.simo pin in transmit mode.
+	// Set transmit & | receive mode for transmit only mode here. If needed - it will be changed dynamically.
+	// set word length.
+	val |= SpiWordWidth(iCurrHeader.iWordWidth);
+	// use the appropriate word with (assuming the data is aligned to bytes).
+	if(iCurrHeader.iWordWidth > ESpiWordWidth_16)
+		{
+		iWordSize = 4;
+		}
+	else if (iCurrHeader.iWordWidth > ESpiWordWidth_8)
+		{
+		iWordSize = 2;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iWordSize = 1;
+		}
+	// set Slave Select / Chip select signal mode
+	val |= iCurrHeader.iSSPinActiveMode == ESpiCSPinActiveLow ? MCSPI_CHxCONF_EPOL_LOW : 0;
+	// set the CLK POL and PHA (clock mode)
+	val |= SpiClkMode(iCurrHeader.iClkMode);
+	// Set clock. Note that CheckHdr() will be called prior to this function for this header,
+	// so the value iClkSpeedHz is valid at this point, the KErrNotSupported is not possible
+	// so the return value check can be ommited here
+	val |= SpiClkValue(iCurrHeader.iClkSpeedHz);
+	// __ASSERT_DEBUG(val >= KErrNone, Kern::Fault("spi/master.cpp, line: ", __LINE__));
+#ifdef USE_TX_FIFO
+	// enable fifo for transmission..
+	// Update me: this can only set in a 'single' mode.. or for only one channel
+	// but at the momment IIC SPI is used in 'single' mode onlny..
+//	val |= MCSPI_CHxCONF_FFER; // fifo enable for receive.. (TODO)
+	val |= (iCurrHeader.iTransactionWaitCycles & 3) << MCSPI_CHxCONF_TCS_SHIFT;
+	// update the register..
+	AsspRegister::Write32(iHwBase + MCSPI_CHxCONF(iCurrSS), val);
+	// set spim_somi pin direction to input
+	// drive csx pin to inactive state
+	if(iCurrHeader.iSSPinActiveMode == ESpiCSPinActiveLow)
+		{
+		AsspRegister::Modify32(iHwBase + MCSPI_SYST, 1u << iCurrSS, 0);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		AsspRegister::Modify32(iHwBase + MCSPI_SYST, 0, (1u << iCurrSS));
+		}
+	// Set the MS bit to 0 to provide the clock (ie. to setup as master)
+#ifndef SINGLE_MODE
+	// change the pad config - now the SPI drives the line appropriately..
+	SetCsActive(iChannelNumber, iCurrSS, iCurrSlavePinSet);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+TInt DSpiMasterBeagle::ProcessNextTransfers()
+	{
+	DBGPRINT(Kern::Printf("DSpiMasterBeagle::ProcessNextTransfers():%s", iState==EIdle ? "first" : "next"));
+	// Since new transfers are strating, clear exisiting flags
+	iOperation.iValue = TIicOperationType::ENop;
+	// If this is the first transfer in the transaction the channel will be in state EIdle
+	if(iState == EIdle)
+		{
+		// Get the pointer to half-duplex transfer object..
+		iHalfDTransfer = GetTransHalfDuplexTferPtr(iCurrTransaction);
+		// Get the pointer to full-duplex transfer object..
+		iFullDTransfer = GetTransFullDuplexTferPtr(iCurrTransaction);
+		// Update the channel state to EBusy and initialise the transaction status
+		iState = EBusy;
+		iTransactionStatus = KErrNone;
+		// start timeout timer for this transaction
+		StartSlaveTimeOutTimer(iCurrHeader.iTimeoutPeriod);
+		}
+	else
+	// If not in state EIdle, get the next transfer in the linked-list held by the transaction
+		{
+		// Get the pointer the next half-duplex transfer object..
+		iHalfDTransfer = GetTferNextTfer(iHalfDTransfer);
+		// Get the pointer to the next half-duplex transfer object..
+		if(iFullDTransfer)
+			{
+			iFullDTransfer = GetTferNextTfer(iFullDTransfer);
+			}
+		}
+	TInt r = KErrNone;
+	if(!iFullDTransfer && !iHalfDTransfer)
+		{
+		// There is no more to transfer - and all previous were were completed,
+		DBGPRINT(Kern::Printf("All transfers completed successfully"));
+		ExitComplete(KErrNone);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// Process next transfers
+		TInt8 hDTrType = (TInt8) GetTferType(iHalfDTransfer);
+		if(iFullDTransfer)
+			{
+			// For full-duplex transfer setup the read transfer first, as it doesn't
+			// really start anything - SPI master starts operation when Tx (or clocks)starts..
+			if(hDTrType == TIicBusTransfer::EMasterRead)
+				{
+				r = StartTransfer(iHalfDTransfer, TIicBusTransfer::EMasterRead);
+				if(r != KErrNone)
+					{
+					return r;
+					}
+				r = StartTransfer(iFullDTransfer, TIicBusTransfer::EMasterWrite);
+				}
+			else // hDTrType == TIicBusTransfer::EMasterWrite)
+				{
+				r = StartTransfer(iFullDTransfer, TIicBusTransfer::EMasterRead);
+				if(r != KErrNone)
+					{
+					return r;
+					}
+				r = StartTransfer(iHalfDTransfer, TIicBusTransfer::EMasterWrite);
+				}
+			}
+		else
+		// This is a HalfDuplex transfer - so just start it
+			{
+			r = StartTransfer(iHalfDTransfer, hDTrType);
+			}
+		}
+	return r;
+	}
+TInt DSpiMasterBeagle::StartTransfer(TIicBusTransfer* aTransferPtr, TUint8 aType)
+	{
+	DBGPRINT(Kern::Printf("DSpiMasterBeagle::StartTransfer() @0x%x, aType: %s",
+			               aTransferPtr, aType == TIicBusTransfer::EMasterWrite ? "write" : "read"));
+	if(aTransferPtr == NULL)
+		{
+		DBG_ERR(Kern::Printf("DSpiMasterBeagle::StartTransfer - NULL pointer\n"));
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	TInt r = KErrNone;
+	switch(aType)
+		{
+		case TIicBusTransfer::EMasterWrite:
+			{
+			DBGPRINT(Kern::Printf("Starting EMasterWrite, duplex=%x", iFullDTransfer));
+			// Get a pointer to the transfer object's buffer, to facilitate passing arguments to DoTransfer
+			const TDes8* desBufPtr = GetTferBuffer(aTransferPtr);
+			DBGPRINT(Kern::Printf("Length %d, iWordSize %d", desBufPtr->Length(), iWordSize));
+			// Store the current address and ending address for Transmission - they are required by the ISR and DFC
+			iTxData    = (TInt8*)  desBufPtr->Ptr();
+			iTxDataEnd = (TInt8*) (iTxData + desBufPtr->Length());
+			if ((TInt)iTxDataEnd % iWordSize)
+				{
+				DBG_ERR(Kern::Printf("Wrong configuration - word size does not match buffer length"));
+				return KErrArgument;
+				}
+			DBGPRINT(Kern::Printf("Tx: Start: %x, End %x, bytes %d", iTxData, iTxDataEnd, desBufPtr->Length()));
+			// Set the flag to indicate that we'll be transmitting data
+			iOperation.iOp.iIsTransmitting = ETrue;
+			// initiate the transmission..
+			r = DoTransfer(aType);
+			if(r != KErrNone)
+				{
+				DBG_ERR(Kern::Printf("Starting Write failed, r = %d", r));
+				}
+			break;
+			}
+		case TIicBusTransfer::EMasterRead:
+			{
+			DBGPRINT(Kern::Printf("Starting EMasterRead, duplex=%x", iFullDTransfer));
+			// Get a pointer to the transfer object's buffer, to facilitate passing arguments to DoTransfer
+			const TDes8* aBufPtr = GetTferBuffer(aTransferPtr);
+			// Store the current address and ending address for Reception - they are required by the ISR and DFC
+			iRxData = (TInt8*) aBufPtr->Ptr();
+			iRxDataEnd = (TInt8*) (iRxData + aBufPtr->Length());
+			DBGPRINT(Kern::Printf("Rx: Start: %x, End %x, bytes %d", iRxData, iRxDataEnd, aBufPtr->Length()));
+			// Set the flag to indicate that we'll be receiving data
+			iOperation.iOp.iIsReceiving = ETrue;
+			// initiate the reception
+			r = DoTransfer(aType);
+			if(r != KErrNone)
+				{
+				DBG_ERR(Kern::Printf("Starting Read failed, r = %d", r));
+				}
+			break;
+			}
+		default:
+			{
+			DBG_ERR(Kern::Printf("Unsupported TransactionType %x", aType));
+			r = KErrArgument;
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	return r;
+	}
+// Method called by StartTransfer to actually initiate the transfers.
+TInt DSpiMasterBeagle::DoTransfer(TUint8 aType)
+	{
+	DBGPRINT(Kern::Printf("\nDSpiMasterBeagle::DoTransfer()"));
+	TInt r = KErrNone;
+	AsspRegister::Write32(iHwBase + MCSPI_IRQSTATUS, ~0);
+	switch(aType)
+		{
+		case TIicBusTransfer::EMasterWrite:
+			{
+			// enable the channel here..
+			AsspRegister::Write32(iHwBase + MCSPI_CHxCTRL(iCurrSS), MCSPI_CHxCTRL_EN);
+			AsspRegister::Modify32(iHwBase + MCSPI_IRQSTATUS, 0,
+			                       MCSPI_IRQ_TX_EMPTY(iCurrSS) /*| MCSPI_IRQ_TX_UNDERFLOW(iCurrSS)*/);
+			AsspRegister::Modify32(iHwBase + MCSPI_IRQENABLE, 0,
+			                       MCSPI_IRQ_TX_EMPTY(iCurrSS) /*| MCSPI_IRQ_TX_UNDERFLOW(iCurrSS)*/);
+			// in SINGLE mode needs to manually assert CS line for current
+			AsspRegister::Modify32(iHwBase + MCSPI_CHxCONF(iCurrSS), 0, MCSPI_CHxCONF_FORCE);
+			// change the pad config - now the SPI drives the line appropriately..
+			SetCsActive(iChannelNumber, iCurrSS, iCurrSlavePinSet);
+#endif /*SINGLE_MODE*/
+#ifdef USE_TX_FIFO
+			const TInt KTxFifoThreshold = 8;
+			TUint numWordsToTransfer = (iTxDataEnd - iTxData);
+			TUint wordsToWrite = Min(numWordsToTransfer/iWordSize, KTxFifoThreshold/iWordSize);
+			TInt iAlmostFullLevel = 0;
+			TInt iAlmostEmptyLevel = 1; //KTxFifoThreshold;
+			// setup FIFOs
+			AsspRegister::Write32(iHwBase + MCSPI_XFERLEVEL,
+								  MCSPI_XFERLEVEL_WCNT(0) | // total num words
+								  MCSPI_XFERLEVEL_AFL(iAlmostFullLevel)     | // Rx almost full
+								  MCSPI_XFERLEVEL_AEL(iAlmostEmptyLevel) );   // Tx almost empty
+			// copy data to fifo..
+			for (TInt i = 0; i < wordsToWrite; i++)
+				{
+				iTxData += iWordSize;
+				AsspRegister::Write32(iHwBase + MCSPI_TXx(iCurrSS), *(iTxData -iWordSize));
+				}
+#else /*USE_TX_FIFO*/
+			TUint val = 0;
+			for (TInt i = 0; i < iWordSize; i++)
+				{
+				val |= (*iTxData++) << i * 8;
+				}
+			DEBUG_ONLY(DumpCurrentStatus("DoTransfer(Write)"));
+			AsspRegister::Write32(iHwBase + MCSPI_TXx(iCurrSS), val);
+#endif /*USE_TX_FIFO*/
+			// enable system interrupt
+			Interrupt::Enable(iIrqId);
+			break;
+			}
+		case TIicBusTransfer::EMasterRead:
+			{
+			// enable transmit and receive..
+			AsspRegister::Modify32(iHwBase + MCSPI_CHxCONF(iCurrSS), MCSPI_CHxCONF_TRM_NO_RECEIVE, 0);
+			// for single read (not duplex) one way to to allow clock generation is to enable Tx
+			// and write '0' to Txregister (just like in duplex transaction). We also need to assert Cs line.
+			if(!iFullDTransfer)
+				{
+				// enable the channel..
+				AsspRegister::Write32(iHwBase + MCSPI_CHxCTRL(iCurrSS), MCSPI_CHxCTRL_EN);
+				// enable TX and RX Empty interrupts
+				AsspRegister::Modify32(iHwBase + MCSPI_IRQSTATUS, 0, MCSPI_IRQ_TX_EMPTY(iCurrSS) | MCSPI_IRQ_RX_FULL(iCurrSS));
+				AsspRegister::Modify32(iHwBase + MCSPI_IRQENABLE, 0, MCSPI_IRQ_TX_EMPTY(iCurrSS) | MCSPI_IRQ_RX_FULL(iCurrSS));
+				// in SINGLE mode needs to manually assert CS line for current
+				AsspRegister::Modify32(iHwBase + MCSPI_CHxCONF(iCurrSS), 0, MCSPI_CHxCONF_FORCE);
+				// change the pad config - now the SPI drives the line appropriately..
+				SetCsActive(iChannelNumber, iCurrSS, iCurrSlavePinSet);
+#endif /*SINGLE_MODE*/
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// enable only interrupts for RX here. Tx is handled in EMasterWrite case above.
+				AsspRegister::Write32(iHwBase + MCSPI_IRQSTATUS, MCSPI_IRQ_RX_FULL(iCurrSS));
+				AsspRegister::Write32(iHwBase + MCSPI_IRQENABLE, MCSPI_IRQ_RX_FULL(iCurrSS));
+				}
+			DEBUG_ONLY(DumpCurrentStatus("DoTransfer(Read)"));
+			// and enable system interrupts
+			if(!iFullDTransfer)
+				Interrupt::Enable(iIrqId);
+			break;
+			}
+		default:
+			{
+			DBG_ERR(Kern::Printf("Unsupported TransactionType %x", aType));
+			r = KErrArgument;
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	return r;
+	}
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+static TInt IsrCnt = 0;
+void DSpiMasterBeagle::DumpCurrentStatus(const TInt8* aWhere /*=NULL*/)
+	{
+	if(aWhere)
+		Kern::Printf("------ Status (%s)--------", aWhere);
+	else
+		Kern::Printf("------ Status --------");
+	Kern::Printf("\niTransactionStatus: %d", iTransactionStatus);
+	Kern::Printf("iTransferEndDfc %s queued", iTransferEndDfc.Queued() ? "" : "NOT");
+	if(iOperation.iOp.iIsTransmitting)
+		{
+		Kern::Printf("TX STATUS:");
+		Kern::Printf("  iTxData    %x", iTxData);
+		Kern::Printf("  iTxDataEnd %x", iTxDataEnd);
+		Kern::Printf("  left to write: %x (words)", (iTxDataEnd - iTxData)/iWordSize);
+		}
+	if(iOperation.iOp.iIsReceiving)
+		{
+		Kern::Printf("RX STATUS:");
+		Kern::Printf("  iRxData    %x", iRxData);
+		Kern::Printf("  iRxDataEnd %x", iRxDataEnd);
+		Kern::Printf("  left to read: %x (words)", (iRxDataEnd - iRxData)/iWordSize);
+		}
+	Kern::Printf("  iCurrSS %d",iCurrSS);
+	Kern::Printf("IsrCnt %d", IsrCnt);
+	TUint status = AsspRegister::Read32(iHwBase + MCSPI_IRQSTATUS);
+	Kern::Printf("MCSPI_IRQSTATUS (0x%x):", status);
+	if(status & MCSPI_IRQ_TX_EMPTY(iCurrSS))
+		Kern::Printf("   MCSPI_IRQ_TX_EMPTY");
+	if(status & MCSPI_IRQ_TX_UNDERFLOW(iCurrSS))
+		Kern::Printf("   MCSPI_IRQ_TX_UNDERFLOW");
+	if(!iCurrSS && status & MCSPI_IRQ_RX_OVERFLOW)
+		Kern::Printf("   MCSPI_IRQ_RX_OVERFLOW");
+	if(status & MCSPI_IRQ_RX_FULL(iCurrSS))
+		Kern::Printf("   MCSPI_IRQ_RX_FULL");
+	Kern::Printf("MCSPI_CHxSTAT(%d):", iCurrSS);
+	status = AsspRegister::Read32(iHwBase + MCSPI_CHxSTAT(iCurrSS));
+	if(status & MCSPI_CHxSTAT_RXFFF)
+		Kern::Printf("   MCSPI_CHxSTAT_RXFFF");
+	if(status & MCSPI_CHxSTAT_RXFFE)
+		Kern::Printf("   MCSPI_CHxSTAT_RXFFE");
+	if(status & MCSPI_CHxSTAT_TXFFF)
+		Kern::Printf("   MCSPI_CHxSTAT_TXFFF");
+	if(status & MCSPI_CHxSTAT_TXFFE)
+		Kern::Printf("   MCSPI_CHxSTAT_TXFFE");
+	if(status & MCSPI_CHxSTAT_EOT)
+		Kern::Printf("   MCSPI_CHxSTAT_EOT");
+	if(status & MCSPI_CHxSTAT_TXS)
+		Kern::Printf("   MCSPI_CHxSTAT_TXS");
+	if(status & MCSPI_CHxSTAT_RXS)
+		Kern::Printf("   MCSPI_CHxSTAT_RXS");
+	Kern::Printf("MCSPI_XFERLEVEL:");
+	status = AsspRegister::Read32(iHwBase + MCSPI_XFERLEVEL);
+	Kern::Printf("   MCSPI_XFERLEVEL_AFL %d", (status >> MCSPI_XFERLEVEL_AFL_OFFSET) & 0x3F);
+	Kern::Printf("   MCSPI_XFERLEVEL_AEL %d\n", (status >> MCSPI_XFERLEVEL_AEL_OFFSET) & 0x1F);
+	Kern::Printf("---------------------------------------/*\n\n\n");
+	}
+void DSpiMasterBeagle::Isr(TAny* aPtr)
+	{
+	DSpiMasterBeagle *a = (DSpiMasterBeagle*) aPtr;
+	DEBUG_ONLY(IsrCnt++);
+	DEBUG_ONLY(a->DumpCurrentStatus("Isr entry"));
+	TUint32 status = AsspRegister::Read32(a->iHwBase + MCSPI_IRQSTATUS);
+	AsspRegister::Write32(a->iHwBase + MCSPI_IRQSTATUS, status); // clear status bits..
+	// TX_EMPTY - when an item (or number of items if FIFO is used) was transmitted..
+	if(status & MCSPI_IRQ_TX_EMPTY(a->iCurrSS))
+		{
+		if(a->iOperation.iOp.iIsTransmitting)
+			{
+#ifdef USE_TX_FIFO
+			// when FIFO is used - should write (at least) the MCSPI_XFERLEVEL_AFL + 1 words to this register..
+			while(a->iTxData != a->iTxDataEnd)
+				{
+				AsspRegister::Write32(a->iHwBase + MCSPI_TXx(a->iCurrSS), *a->iTxData);
+				a->iTxData += a->iWordSize;	// Then increment the pointer to the data.s
+				if(AsspRegister::Read32(a->iHwBase + MCSPI_CHxSTAT(a->iCurrSS)) & MCSPI_CHxSTAT_TXFFF)
+					{
+					break;
+					}
+				}
+			// transfer next word..
+			if(a->iTxData != a->iTxDataEnd)
+				{
+				TUint val = 0;
+				for (TInt i = 0; i < a->iWordSize; i++)
+					{
+					val |= (*a->iTxData++) << i * 8;
+					}
+				AsspRegister::Write32(a->iHwBase + MCSPI_TXx(a->iCurrSS), val);
+				}
+			// check again - if this was the last one..and we're not waiting for rx - end transfer
+			if(a->iTxData == a->iTxDataEnd && !a->iOperation.iOp.iIsReceiving)
+				{
+				Interrupt::Disable(a->iIrqId);
+				a->iTransferEndDfc.Add();
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// writing a 'dummy' word (for read only transferss (writing 0 doesn't change line state)
+			AsspRegister::Write32(a->iHwBase + MCSPI_TXx(a->iCurrSS), 0);
+			}
+		}
+	if(status & MCSPI_IRQ_RX_FULL(a->iCurrSS))
+		{
+		if(a->iOperation.iOp.iIsReceiving)
+			{
+			if(a->iRxDataEnd != a->iRxData)
+				{
+				TUint8 nextRxValue = AsspRegister::Read32(a->iHwBase + MCSPI_RXx(a->iCurrSS));
+				*a->iRxData = nextRxValue;
+				a->iRxData += a->iWordSize;
+				}
+			// If the Rx buffer is now full, finish the transmission.
+			if(a->iRxDataEnd == a->iRxData)
+				{
+				Interrupt::Disable(a->iIrqId);
+				a->iTransferEndDfc.Add();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+#if 0 // TODO - probably master, as it creates CLK for slave - will never have to bother with this..
+	if(status & MCSPI_IRQ_TX_UNDERFLOW(a->iCurrSS))
+		{
+		DBG_ERR(Kern::Printf("Underflow"));
+		a->iTransactionStatus = KErrUnderflow;
+		// disable the channel..
+		AsspRegister::Modify32(a->iHwBase + MCSPI_CHxCTRL(0), MCSPI_CHxCTRL_EN, 0);
+		Interrupt::Disable(a->iIrqId);
+		DEBUG_ONLY(a->DumpCurrentStatus("TxUnderflow"));
+		DBG_ERR(Kern::Fault("TxUnderflow", 0));
+		}
+#if defined(USE_TX_FIFO) && defined(USING_TX_COUNTER)
+	if(status & MCSPI_IRQSTATUS_EOW)
+		{
+		Kern::Printf("EOW");
+		// TODO: end of transfer..
+		}
+	// end of ISR processing
+	DEBUG_ONLY(a->DumpCurrentStatus("Isr end"));
+	}
+void DSpiMasterBeagle::TransferEndDfc(TAny* aPtr)
+	{
+	DBGPRINT(Kern::Printf("DSpiMasterBeagle::TransferEndDfc"));
+	DSpiMasterBeagle *a = (DSpiMasterBeagle*) aPtr;
+	TUint chanStatus = AsspRegister::Read32(a->iHwBase + MCSPI_CHxSTAT(a->iCurrSS));
+	if(a->iOperation.iOp.iIsTransmitting)
+		{
+#ifdef USE_TX_FIFO
+		while(!AsspRegister::Read32(a->iHwBase + MCSPI_CHxSTAT(a->iCurrSS)) & MCSPI_CHxSTAT_TXFFE);
+		while(chanStatus & expected != expected)
+			{
+			chanStatus = AsspRegister::Read32(a->iHwBase + MCSPI_CHxSTAT(a->iCurrSS));
+			}
+		}
+	if(a->iOperation.iOp.iIsReceiving)
+		{
+		TUint expected = MCSPI_CHxSTAT_RXS;
+		while(chanStatus & expected != expected)
+			{
+			chanStatus = AsspRegister::Read32(a->iHwBase + MCSPI_CHxSTAT(a->iCurrSS));
+			}
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG(a->iRxDataEnd == a->iRxData,
+		               Kern::Fault("SPI master: exiting not having received all?", 12));
+		}
+	// manually de-assert CS line for this channel
+	AsspRegister::Modify32(a->iHwBase + MCSPI_CHxCONF(a->iCurrSS), MCSPI_CHxCONF_FORCE, 0);
+	// put the CS signal to 'inactive' state (as on channel disable it would have a glitch)
+	SetCsInactive(a->iChannelNumber, a->iCurrSS, a->iCurrHeader.iSSPinActiveMode, a->iCurrSlavePinSet);
+	// disable the channel
+	AsspRegister::Modify32(a->iHwBase + MCSPI_CHxCTRL(0), MCSPI_CHxCTRL_EN, 0);
+	// Start the next transfer for this transaction, if any remain
+	if(a->iState == EBusy)
+		{
+		TInt err = a->ProcessNextTransfers();
+		if(err != KErrNone)
+			{
+			// If the next transfer could not be started, complete the transaction with
+			// the returned error code
+			a->ExitComplete(err);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void DSpiMasterBeagle::ExitComplete(TInt aErr, TBool aComplete /*= ETrue*/)
+	{
+	DBGPRINT(Kern::Printf("DSpiMasterBeagle::ExitComplete, aErr %d, aComplete %d", aErr, aComplete));
+	// in the case of error - make sure to reset the channel
+	if(aErr != KErrNone)
+		{
+		// make sure CS is in inactive state (for the current / last transaction) on error
+		// TODO: add extendable transaction support (..i.e. with no de-assertion of CS pin between such transactions)
+		SetCsInactive(iChannelNumber, iCurrSS, iCurrHeader.iSSPinActiveMode, iCurrSlavePinSet);
+		// disable this channel
+		AsspRegister::Modify32(iHwBase + MCSPI_CHxCTRL(iCurrSS), MCSPI_CHxCTRL_EN, 0);
+		iCurrSS = -1; // make sure the interface will be re-configured at next transaction
+		}
+	// Disable interrupts for the channel
+	Interrupt::Disable(iIrqId);
+	// Cancel any timers and DFCs..
+	CancelTimeOut();
+	iTransferEndDfc.Cancel();
+	// Change the channel state back to EIdle
+	iState = EIdle;
+	// Call the PIL method to complete the request
+	if(aComplete)
+		{
+		CompleteRequest(aErr);
+		}
+	}
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+void DumpHeader(TConfigSpiV01& aHeader)
+	{
+	Kern::Printf("header:");
+	Kern::Printf("iWordWidth %d (%d bits)", aHeader.iWordWidth, (SpiWordWidth(aHeader.iWordWidth)) >> MCSPI_CHxCONF_WL_OFFSET + 1);
+	Kern::Printf("iClkSpeedHz %d", aHeader.iClkSpeedHz);
+	Kern::Printf("iClkMode %d", aHeader.iClkMode);
+	Kern::Printf("iTimeoutPeriod %d", aHeader.iTimeoutPeriod);
+	Kern::Printf("iBitOrder %d", aHeader.iBitOrder);
+	Kern::Printf("iTransactionWaitCycles %d", aHeader.iTransactionWaitCycles);
+	Kern::Printf("iSSPinActiveMode %d", aHeader.iSSPinActiveMode);
+	}
+// virtual method called by the PIL when a transaction is queued (with QueueTransaction).
+// This is done in the context of the Client's thread.
+// The PSL is required to check that the transaction header is valid for this channel.
+TInt DSpiMasterBeagle::CheckHdr(TDes8* aHdrBuff)
+	{
+	TInt r = KErrNone;
+	if(!aHdrBuff)
+		{
+		r = KErrArgument;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TConfigSpiV01 &header = (*(TConfigSpiBufV01*) (aHdrBuff))();
+		// check if word width and clock are supported
+		if(SpiWordWidth(header.iWordWidth) < KMinSpiWordWidth ||
+		   SpiClkValue(header.iClkSpeedHz) < 0 || // == KErrNotSupported
+		   header.iBitOrder == ELsbFirst ||  // this SPI only transmits MSB fist
+		   (TUint)header.iTransactionWaitCycles > KMaxTransactionWaitTime) // max 3(+.5) cycles between words
+			{
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+			if(header.iBitOrder == ELsbFirst)
+				DBG_ERR(Kern::Printf("iClkSpeedHz value (%d) is not supported", header.iClkSpeedHz));
+			if(SpiClkValue(header.iClkSpeedHz) < 0)
+				DBG_ERR(Kern::Printf("iClkSpeedHz: %d is not supported", header.iClkSpeedHz));
+			if((SpiWordWidth(header.iWordWidth)+ 1) >> MCSPI_CHxCONF_WL_OFFSET < KMinSpiWordWidth)
+				DBG_ERR(Kern::Printf("iWordWidth: %d is not supported, min value is: %d",
+						             SpiWordWidth(header.iWordWidth), KMinSpiWordWidth));
+			if((TUint)header.iTransactionWaitCycles > 3)
+				DBG_ERR(Kern::Printf("iTransactionWaitCycles: %d is not supported, value should be from 0 to %d",
+				                     header.iTransactionWaitCycles, KMaxTransactionWaitTime));
+			DumpHeader(header);
+			r = KErrNotSupported;
+			DBG_ERR(Kern::Printf("DSpiMasterBeagle::CheckHdr()failed, r = %d", r));
+			}
+		}
+	return r;
+	}
+// This method is called by the PIL in the case of expiry of a timer for a transaction.
+// TODO: this name is confusing - it could be changed in the PIL to reflect it's real purpose(TBD)
+// It has NOTHING to do with a Slave (i.e. slave might be completely silent for SPI-and master won't notice it!)
+TInt DSpiMasterBeagle::HandleSlaveTimeout()
+	{
+	DBG_ERR(Kern::Printf("HandleSlaveTimeout"));
+	// Stop the PSL's operation, and inform the PIL of the timeout
+	ExitComplete(KErrTimedOut, EFalse);
+	return KErrTimedOut;
+	}