changeset 0 6663340f3fc9
child 22 b7e488c49d0d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/omap3530/beagleboard/bootstrap/beagle.s	Thu Oct 15 12:59:54 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+; Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+; All rights reserved.
+; This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+; under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+; which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+; at the URL "".
+; Initial Contributors:
+; Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+; Contributors:
+; Description:
+; omap3530/beagleboard/bootstrap/beagle.s
+; Template for platform specific boot code
+		GBLL	__VARIANT_S__		; indicates that this is platform-specific code
+		GBLL	__BEAGLEBOARD_S__	; indicates which source file this is
+; Platform specific constant definitions
+DRamBankBase		EQU		0x80000000 ; 128M of DRAM
+DRamBankMaxSize		EQU		0x08000000
+; HW used by bootstrap
+Serial0PhysBase		EQU		0x4806A000
+Serial1PhysBase		EQU		0x4806C000
+Serial2PhysBase		EQU		0x49020000
+PrimaryIOBase       EQU     0xC6000000 ; c.f. KPrimaryIOBase in mmboot.h
+Serial0LinBase		EQU		PrimaryIOBase + 0x0006A000
+Serial1LinBase		EQU		PrimaryIOBase + 0x0006C000
+Serial2LinBase		EQU		PrimaryIOBase + 0x00420000
+SuperPageAddr		EQU		0x85000000 ; boot stack goes just after this
+TheHwvd             EQU     0x09080001 ; this is arbitary 0908 are CPU and ASSP 01 is variant
+        AREA |Boot$$Code|, CODE, READONLY, ALIGN=6
+; Initialise Hardware
+;	Initialise CPU registers
+;	Determine the hardware configuration
+;	Determine the reset reason. If it is wakeup from a low power mode, perform
+;		whatever reentry sequence is required and jump back to the kernel.
+;	Set up the memory controller so that at least some RAM is available
+;	Set R10 to point to the super page or to a temporary version of the super page
+;		with at least the following fields valid:
+;		iBootTable, iCodeBase, iActiveVariant, iCpuId
+;	In debug builds initialise the debug serial port
+; Enter with:
+;	R12 points to TRomHeader
+;	R14 = return address (as usual)
+; All registers may be modified by this call
+	IF	CFG_BootLoader
+	; For bootloader we only get here on a full reset
+	; Other resets will simply jump back into the previously-loaded image
+	EXPORT	DoInitialiseHardware
+DoInitialiseHardware	ROUT
+	EXPORT	InitialiseHardware
+InitialiseHardware	ROUT
+		MOV		r13, lr										; save return address
+		ADRL	r1, ParameterTable							; pass address of parameter table
+		BL		InitCpu										; initialise CPU/MMU registers
+		; Put your hardware initialising code here
+	IF	CFG_DebugBootRom
+		BL		InitDebugPort
+; Set up the required super page values
+		LDR		r10, =SuperPageAddr							; initial super page
+		LDR		r0, =TheHwvd								; variant code
+		STR		r0, [r10, #SSuperPageBase_iActiveVariant]
+		STR		r0, [r10, #SSuperPageBase_iHwStartupReason]	; reset reason (from hardware)
+		ADD		r1, r10, #CpuPageOffset
+		STR		r1, [r10, #SSuperPageBase_iMachineData]
+		ADRL	r0, BootTable
+		STR		r0, [r10, #SSuperPageBase_iBootTable]		; Set the boot function table
+		STR		r12, [r10, #SSuperPageBase_iCodeBase]		; Set the base address of bootstrap code
+		MRC		p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 0						; read CPU ID from CP15 (remove if no CP15)
+		STR		r0, [r10, #SSuperPageBase_iCpuId]
+		MOV		pc, r13										; return
+; Notify an unrecoverable error during the boot process
+; Enter with:
+;	R14 = address at which fault detected
+; Don't return
+	EXPORT	Fault
+Fault	ROUT
+		B		BasicFaultHandler	; generic handler dumps registers via debug
+									; serial port
+; Reboot the system
+; Enter with:
+;		R0 = reboot reason code
+; Don't return (of course)
+	ALIGN	32, 0
+	EXPORT	RestartEntry
+RestartEntry	ROUT
+		; save R0 parameter in HW dependent register which is preserved over reset
+		; put HW specific code here to reset system
+		SUB		pc, pc, #8
+; Get a pointer to the list of RAM banks
+; The pointer returned should point to a list of {BASE; MAXSIZE;} pairs, where
+; BASE is the physical base address of the bank and MAXSIZE is the maximum
+; amount of RAM which may be present in that bank. MAXSIZE should be a power of
+; 2 and BASE should be a multiple of MAXSIZE. The generic code will examine the
+; specified range of addresses and determine the actual amount of RAM if any
+; present in the bank. The list is terminated by an entry with zero size.
+; The pointer returned will usually be to constant data, but could equally well
+; point to RAM if dynamic determination of the list is required.
+; Enter with :
+;		R10 points to super page
+;		R12 points to ROM header
+;		R13 points to valid stack
+; Leave with :
+;		R0 = pointer
+;		Nothing else modified
+GetRamBanks	ROUT
+		ADR		r0, %FT1
+		MOV		pc, lr
+		; DRAM has been set-up by boot loader so no need to configure or probe
+		DCD		DRamBankBase | RAM_VERBATIM, DRamBankMaxSize
+		DCD		0,0				; terminator
+; Get a pointer to the list of ROM banks
+; The pointer returned should point to a list of entries of SRomBank structures,
+; usually declared with the ROM_BANK macro.
+; The list is terminated by a zero size entry (four zero words)
+; PB = physical base address of bank
+; SIZE = size of bank
+; LB = linear base if override required - usually set this to 0
+; W = bus width (ROM_WIDTH_8, ROM_WIDTH_16, ROM_WIDTH_32)
+; T = type (see TRomType enum in kernboot.h)
+; RS = random speed
+; SS = sequential speed
+; Only PB, SIZE, LB are used by the rest of the bootstrap.
+; The information given here can be modified by the SetupRomBank call, if
+; dynamic detection and sizing of ROMs is required.
+; Enter with :
+;		R10 points to super page
+;		R12 points to ROM header
+;		R13 points to valid stack
+; Leave with :
+;		R0 = pointer
+;		Nothing else modified
+GetRomBanks	ROUT
+		ADR		r0, %FT1
+		MOV		pc, lr
+		DCD		0,0,0,0			; terminator
+; Get a pointer to the list of hardware banks
+; The pointer returned should point to a list of hardware banks declared with
+; the HW_MAPPING and/or HW_MAPPING_EXT macros. A zero word terminates the list.
+; For the direct memory model, all hardware on the system should be mapped here
+; and the mapping will set linear address = physical address.
+; For the moving or multiple model, only the hardware required to boot the kernel
+; and do debug tracing needs to be mapped here. The linear addresses used will
+; start at KPrimaryIOBase and step up as required with the order of banks in
+; the list being maintained in the linear addresses used.
+;	This declares a block of I/O with physical base PB and address range SIZE
+;	blocks each of which has a size determined by MULT. The page size used for
+;	the mapping is determined by MULT. The linear address base of the mapping
+;	will be the next free linear address rounded up to the size specified by
+;	MULT.
+;	The permissions used for the mapping are the standard I/O permissions (BTP_Hw).
+;	This declares a block of I/O with physical base PB and address range SIZE
+;	blocks each of which has a size determined by MULT. The page size used for
+;	the mapping is determined by MULT. The linear address base of the mapping
+;	will be the next free linear address rounded up to the size specified by
+;	MULT.
+;	The permissions used for the mapping are determined by a BTP_ENTRY macro
+;	immediately following this macro in the HW bank list or by a DCD directive
+;	specifying a different standard permission type.
+;	This declares a block of I/O with physical base PB and address range SIZE
+;	blocks each of which has a size determined by MULT. The page size used for
+;	the mapping is determined by MULT. The linear address base of the mapping
+;	is specified by the LIN parameter.
+;	The permissions used for the mapping are the standard I/O permissions (BTP_Hw).
+;	This declares a block of I/O with physical base PB and address range SIZE
+;	blocks each of which has a size determined by MULT. The page size used for
+;	the mapping is determined by MULT. The linear address base of the mapping
+;	is specified by the LIN parameter.
+;	The permissions used for the mapping are determined by a BTP_ENTRY macro
+;	immediately following this macro in the HW bank list or by a DCD directive
+;	specifying a different standard permission type.
+; Configurations without an MMU need not implement this function.
+; Enter with :
+;		R10 points to super page
+;		R12 points to ROM header
+;		R13 points to valid stack
+; Leave with :
+;		R0 = pointer
+;		Nothing else modified
+GetHwBanks	ROUT
+		ADR		r0, %FT1
+		MOV		pc, lr
+		HW_MAPPING		0x48000000,	 4,	HW_MULT_1M	; L4-Core                             KPrimaryIOBase
+		HW_MAPPING		0x49000000,	 1,	HW_MULT_1M	; L4-Per                              KPrimaryIOBase + 0x00400000
+        HW_MAPPING      0x50000000,  1, HW_MULT_64K ; SGX Graphic accelerator slave port  KPrimaryIOBase + 0x00500000
+		HW_MAPPING		0x54000000,	 8,	HW_MULT_1M	; L4-Emu                              KPrimaryIOBase + 0x00600000
+		HW_MAPPING		0x68000000,	 1,	HW_MULT_1M	; L3 Control Registers                KPrimaryIOBase + 0x00E00000
+		HW_MAPPING		0x6E000000,	 1,	HW_MULT_1M	; GPMC registers                      KPrimaryIOBase + 0x00F00000
+;		HW_MAPPING		0x5C000000,	48,	HW_MULT_1M	; IVA2.2 SS                           KPrimaryIOBase + 0x01910000
+;		HW_MAPPING		0x70000000,128,	HW_MULT_1M	; SDRC-SMS virtual address space 0    KPrimaryIOBase + 0x08910000
+;		HW_MAPPING		0x78000000,128,	HW_MULT_1M	; Continued
+		DCD			0											; terminator
+; Set up RAM bank
+; Do any additional RAM controller initialisation for each RAM bank which wasn't
+; done by InitialiseHardware.
+; Called twice for each RAM bank :-
+;	First with R3 = 0xFFFFFFFF before bank has been probed
+;	Then, if RAM is present, with R3 indicating validity of each byte lane, ie
+;	R3 bit 0=1 if D0-7 are valid, bit1=1 if D8-15 are valid etc.
+; For each call R1 specifies the bank physical base address.
+; Enter with :
+;		R10 points to super page
+;		R12 points to ROM header
+;		R13 points to stack
+;		R1 = physical base address of bank
+;		R3 = width (bottom 4 bits indicate validity of byte lanes)
+;			 0xffffffff = preliminary initialise
+; Leave with :
+;		No registers modified
+SetupRamBank	ROUT
+		MOV		pc, lr
+; Set up ROM bank
+; Do any required autodetection and autosizing of ROMs and any additional memory
+; controller initialisation for each ROM bank which wasn't done by
+; InitialiseHardware.
+; The first time this function is called R11=0 and R0 points to the list of
+; ROM banks returned by the BTF_RomBanks call. This allows any preliminary setup
+; before autodetection begins.
+; This function is subsequently called once for each ROM bank with R11 pointing
+; to the current information held about that ROM bank (SRomBank structure).
+; The structure pointed to by R11 should be updated with the size and width
+; determined. The size should be set to zero if there is no ROM present in the
+; bank.
+; Enter with :
+;		R10 points to super page
+;		R12 points to ROM header
+;		R13 points to stack
+;		R11 points to SRomBank info for this bank
+;		R11 = 0 for preliminary initialise (all banks)
+; Leave with :
+;		Update SRomBank info with detected size/width
+;		Set the size field to 0 if the ROM bank is absent
+;		Can modify R0-R4 but not other registers
+SetupRomBank	ROUT
+		MOV		pc, lr
+; Reserve physical memory
+; Reserve any physical RAM needed for platform-specific purposes before the
+; bootstrap begins allocating RAM for page tables/kernel data etc.
+; There are two methods for this:
+;	1.	The function ExciseRamArea may be used. This will remove a contiguous
+;		region of physical RAM from the RAM bank list. That region will never
+;		again be identified as RAM.
+;	2.	A list of excluded physical address ranges may be written at [R11].
+;		This should be a list of (base,size) pairs terminated by a (0,0) entry.
+;		This RAM will still be identified as RAM by the kernel but will not
+;		be allocated by the bootstrap and will subsequently be marked as
+;		allocated by the kernel immediately after boot.
+; Enter with :
+;		R10 points to super page
+;		R11 indicates where preallocated RAM list should be written.
+;		R12 points to ROM header
+;		R13 points to stack
+; Leave with :
+;		R0-R3 may be modified. Other registers should be preserved.
+ReservePhysicalMemory	ROUT
+		MOV		pc, lr
+; Return parameter specified by R0 (see TBootParam enum)
+; Enter with :
+;		R0 = parameter number
+; Leave with :
+;		If parameter value is supplied, R0 = value and N flag clear
+;		If parameter value is not supplied, N flag set. In this case the
+;		parameter may be defaulted or the system may fault.
+;		R0,R1,R2 modified. No other registers modified.
+GetParameters ROUT
+		ADR		r1, ParameterTable
+		B		FindParameter
+		; Include any parameters specified in TBootParam enum here
+		; if you want to override them.
+		DCD		BPR_UncachedLin,	0			; parameter number, parameter value
+        DCD     BPR_FinalMMUCRSet,      ExtraMMUCR + MMUCR_FI
+        DCD     BPR_AuxCRSet,           DefaultAuxCRSet + 0x80000000
+		DCD		-1								; terminator
+; Do final platform-specific initialisation before booting the kernel
+; Typical uses for this call would be:
+;	1.	Mapping cache flushing areas
+;	2.	Setting up pointers to routines in the bootstrap which are used by
+;		the variant or drivers (eg idle code).
+; Enter with :
+;		R10 points to super page
+;		R11 points to TRomImageHeader for the kernel
+;		R12 points to ROM header
+;		R13 points to stack
+; Leave with :
+;		R0-R9 may be modified. Other registers should be preserved.
+FinalInitialise ROUT
+		STMFD	sp!, {lr}
+		LDMFD	sp!, {pc}
+KHwUartSsr              EQU     0x44    ; Supplementary status register
+KTxFifoFullMask            EQU  0x01
+KHwUartThr              EQU     0x00    ; Transmit holding register
+KHwUartSysC             EQU     0x54    ; System configuration register
+KSoftResetMask             EQU  0x02
+KHwUartLcr              EQU     0x0C    ; Line control register
+KConfigurationModeB        EQU  0xBF
+KConfigurationModeA        EQU  0x80
+KOperationMode             EQU  0x00
+K8BitsNoParity1Stop        EQU  0x03
+KHwUartEfr              EQU     0x08    ; Enhanced feature register
+KEnhancedEnMask            EQU  0x10
+KHwUartMcr              EQU     0x10
+KTcrTlr                    EQU  0x40
+KHwUartFcr              EQU     0x08
+KFifoConfiguration         EQU  0x01    ; 8 deep Rx, 8 deep Tx, FIFO Enable
+KHwUartDll              EQU     0x00    ; Divisor latch low
+K115k2L                    EQU  0x1A
+K230k4L                    EQU  0x0D
+K460k8L                    EQU  0x08
+K921k6L                    EQU  0x04
+KHwUartMdr1             EQU     0x20    ; Mode definition register 1
+KUART16XMode               EQU  0x00
+; Output a character to the debug port
+; Enter with :
+;		R0 = character to output
+;		R13 points to valid stack
+; Leave with :
+;		nothing modified
+DoWriteC	ROUT
+	IF	CFG_DebugBootRom
+		STMFD	sp!, {r1,lr}
+		BL		GetDebugPortBase
+1		LDR		lr, [r1, #KHwUartSsr]		; Check status
+		TST		lr, #KTxFifoFullMask		; If transmit data full, wait
+		BNE		%BT1
+		STR		r0, [r1, #KHwUartThr]		; Store to data register
+		LDMFD	sp!, {r1,pc}
+		MOV		pc, lr
+	IF	CFG_DebugBootRom
+; Initialise the debug port
+; Enter with :
+;		R12 points to ROM header
+;		There is no valid stack
+; Leave with :
+;		R0-R2 modified
+;		Other registers unmodified
+InitDebugPort	ROUT ; Based on the OMAP3530TRM Quick Start
+		MOV     r0, lr
+		BL		GetDebugPortBase			; r1 = base address of debug port
+		MOV     lr, r0
+		MOV     r2, #KSoftResetMask
+		STR		r2, [r1, #KHwUartSysC]		; Perform a soft reset of the UART
+		MOV     r2, #KConfigurationModeB
+		STR     r2, [r1, #KHwUartLcr]       ; UART to configuration mode B
+		LDR     r2, [r1, #KHwUartEfr]
+		ORR     r2, #KEnhancedEnMask
+		STR     r2, [r1, #KHwUartEfr]       ; Enable the IER, FCR, MCR
+		MOV     r2, #KConfigurationModeA
+		STR     r2, [r1, #KHwUartLcr]       ; UART to configuration mode A
+		LDR     r2, [r1, #KHwUartMcr]
+		ORR     r2, #KTcrTlr
+		STR     r2, [r1, #KHwUartMcr]       ; Enable the TCR, TLR
+		MOV     r2, #KFifoConfiguration
+		STR     r2, [r1, #KHwUartFcr]       ; FIFO
+		MOV     r2, #KConfigurationModeB
+		STR     r2, [r1, #KHwUartLcr]       ; UART to configuration mode B
+		LDR     r2, [r1, #KHwUartEfr]
+		AND     r2, #~KEnhancedEnMask
+		STR     r2, [r1, #KHwUartEfr]       ; Disable the IER, FCR, MCR
+		MOV     r2, #KConfigurationModeA
+		STR     r2, [r1, #KHwUartLcr]       ; UART to configuration mode A
+		LDR     r2, [r1, #KHwUartMcr]
+		AND     r2, #~KTcrTlr
+		STR     r2, [r1, #KHwUartMcr]       ; Disable the TCR, TLR
+		MOV     r2, #KOperationMode
+		STR     r2, [r1, #KHwUartLcr]       ; UART to operation mode
+		;
+		; MDR1[2:0] is 0x7(Disable) from reset
+		MOV     r2, #KConfigurationModeB
+		STR     r2, [r1, #KHwUartLcr]       ; UART to configuration mode B
+		LDR     r2, [r1, #KHwUartEfr]
+		ORR     r2, #KEnhancedEnMask
+		STR     r2, [r1, #KHwUartEfr]       ; Enable the IER, FCR, MCR
+		; IER is clear from Reset
+		MOV     r2, #K115k2L
+		STR     r2, [r1, #KHwUartDll]       ; Set baud rate
+		; DLH is 00 from Reset
+		; IER is clear from Reset
+		MOV     r2, #K8BitsNoParity1Stop
+		STR     r2, [r1, #KHwUartLcr]
+		MOV     r2, #KUART16XMode
+		STR     r2, [r1, #KHwUartMdr1]
+		MOV     r1, #0x19000                    ; Set up delay loop to allow line to settle
+		SUBS	r1, r1, #1
+		SUBNE	pc, pc, #12
+		MOV		pc, lr
+; Get the base address of the debug UART
+; Enter with :
+;		R12 points to ROM header
+;		There may be no stack
+; Leave with :
+;		R1 = base address of port
+;		No other registers modified
+GetDebugPortBase	ROUT
+		LDR		r1, [r12, #TRomHeader_iDebugPort]
+		CMP		r1, #42							; JTAG?
+		MOVEQS	r1, #0
+		MOVEQ	pc, lr							; yes - return 0 and set Z
+		CMP		r1, #2
+		BNE		%FA1							; skip if not port 2
+		GET_ADDRESS	r1, Serial2PhysBase, Serial2LinBase
+		MOVS	r1, r1							; clear Z
+		MOV		pc, lr
+		CMP		r1, #1
+		BNE		%FA1							; skip if not port 1
+		GET_ADDRESS	r1, Serial1PhysBase, Serial1LinBase
+		MOVS	r1, r1							; clear Z
+		MOV		pc, lr
+		GET_ADDRESS	r1, Serial0PhysBase, Serial0LinBase
+		MOVS	r1, r1							; clear Z
+		MOV		pc, lr
+	ENDIF	; CFG_DebugBootRom
+		DCD	DoWriteC				; output a debug character
+		DCD	GetRamBanks				; get list of RAM banks
+		DCD	SetupRamBank				; set up a RAM bank
+		DCD	GetRomBanks				; get list of ROM banks
+		DCD	SetupRomBank				; set up a ROM bank
+		DCD	GetHwBanks				; get list of HW banks
+		DCD	ReservePhysicalMemory			; reserve physical RAM if required
+		DCD	GetParameters				; get platform dependent parameters
+		DCD	FinalInitialise				; Final initialisation before booting the kernel
+		DCD HandleAllocRequest				; allocate memory		
+		DCD	GetPdeValue				; usually in generic code
+		DCD	GetPteValue				; usually in generic code
+		DCD	PageTableUpdate				; usually in generic code
+		DCD	EnableMmu				; Enable the MMU (usually in generic code)
+; These entries specify the standard MMU permissions for various areas
+; They can be omitted if MMU is absent
+    BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RWNO, MEMORY_FULLY_CACHED,       	0,  1,  0,  0   ; kernel data/stack/heap
+    BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RWNO, MEMORY_FULLY_CACHED,       	0,  1,  0,  0   ; super page/CPU page
+    BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RWNO, MEMORY_FULLY_CACHED,  	0,  1,  0,  0   ; page directory/tables
+    BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RONO, MEMORY_FULLY_CACHED,       	1,  1,  0,  0   ; exception vectors
+    BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RWNO, MEMORY_STRONGLY_ORDERED,      0,  1,  0,  0   ; hardware registers
+    DCD         0                                                           ; unused (minicache flush)
+    DCD         0                                                           ; unused (maincache flush)
+    BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RWNO, MEMORY_FULLY_CACHED,       	0,  1,  0,  0   ; page table info
+    BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RWRW, MEMORY_FULLY_CACHED,       	1,  1,  0,  0   ; user RAM
+    BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, PERM_RONO, MEMORY_STRONGLY_ORDERED,      1,  1,  0,  0   ; temporary identity mapping
+    BTP_ENTRY   CLIENT_DOMAIN, UNC_PERM,  MEMORY_STRONGLY_ORDERED,      0,  1,  0,  0   ; uncached
+		END