changeset 0 5de814552237
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/navienginebsp/ne1_tb/bootstrap/miniboot.s	Tue Sep 28 18:00:05 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+; Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+; All rights reserved.
+; This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+; under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+; which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+; at the URL "".
+; Initial Contributors:
+; Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+; Contributors:
+; Description:  
+; \ne1_tb\bootstrap\miniboot.s
+; Code to retrieve the core loader image from the NAND flash and
+; run it. Expects that the system is in a state where NAND can be
+; read and SDRAM can be written.
+; See for the variant specfic constants 
+; Where in RAM should the core loader be copied to (LINKBASE of coreldr)
+; There is a companion to this value in the coreloader makefile, they must
+; match!
+KMinibootStackAddr              EQU     0x820003FC
+KRAMBase						EQU		0x80000000		; base of ram
+KNandPageSize	EQU	2048
+KPageByteShift	EQU	11
+;Command Set Reg Bits
+KNandBusyBit	 EQU 0x0100
+KNandPageReadBM  EQU 0x0101
+KNandResetBM	 EQU 0x0106
+;ECC Reg Bits
+KNandECCDRC		 EQU 0x0080
+; NAND Register Addresses
+KNandDataWndw		EQU 0x18019000;
+KNandPgeAdr1Reg 	EQU 0x18019840;
+KNandPgeAdr2Reg 	EQU 0x18019842;
+KNandPgeAdrMskReg0 	EQU 0x18019844;
+KNandPgeAdrMskReg1 	EQU 0x18019846;
+KNandPgeAdrMskReg2 	EQU 0x18019848;
+KNandPgeAdrMskReg3 	EQU 0x1801984A;
+KNandCmdSetReg	  	EQU 0x1801984E;
+KNandDataAreaECCReg EQU 0x18019850;
+KNandROMTypeSetup1	EQU 0x18019852;
+KNandROMTypeSetup2	EQU 0x18019854;
+KNandChipSelect	  	EQU 0x18019856;
+; Which page in NAND holds the Coreldr image
+KSymbianCoreldrPage			EQU		1 	;
+KSymbianCoreldrSizePages	EQU		64	; 64 * 2048B = 128KB
+; Export the miniboot's only entry point
+	EXPORT	GetCoreldr
+; Area definition for ARMLD linker
+; Boot Entry point for bootloader's miniboot code
+;	Always runs
+;		after the bootloader has initialised the memory subsystem
+;		with the SRAM/SDRAM devices available. (RAM >0x8000.0000)
+;	Tasks
+;		Confirm NAND device is as expected
+;		read TOC structure at the start of the NAND (in page 0)
+;		search TOC array for coreloader image entry
+;		load coreloader sized image from NAND offset (from TOC)
+;		jump to coreloader entry point
+	; create a stack so that we can use ordinary function calls
+	ldr		r13, =KMinibootStackAddr
+	LDR		r4, =KNandCmdSetReg	; XROMC
+	STRH	r0, [r4]
+	LDR		r4, =KNandCmdSetReg  	
+	LDRH	r0, [r4]				; Get contents of Command setup register
+	TST		r0, #KNandBusyBit
+	BNE		%B1	
+	; Start from a clean, ready system state
+	LDR		r0, =0xF000	;Unmask address for XROMM0-3
+	LDR		r4, =KNandPgeAdrMskReg0 
+	STRH	r0,	[r4]
+	LDR		r4, =KNandPgeAdrMskReg1 
+	STRH	r0,	[r4]
+	LDR		r4, =KNandPgeAdrMskReg2 
+	STRH	r0,	[r4]
+	LDR		r4, =KNandPgeAdrMskReg3 
+	STRH	r0,	[r4]
+	;Configure the NAND Type
+	;CS1 NAND Config: 8bit, 2K
+	;CS2 NAND Config: 8bit, 2K
+	LDR		r0,	=0x0101
+	LDR		r4,	=KNandROMTypeSetup1
+	STRH	r0,	[r4]
+	;CS3 NAND Config: 8bit, 2K
+	LDR		r0,	=0x01
+	LDR		r4,	=KNandROMTypeSetup2
+	STRH	r0,	[r4]
+	; Select chipset 0 to be used (navi supports upto 4 NAND chips)
+	LDR		r0, =0x0000	;Select ChipSet 0
+	LDR		r4, =KNandChipSelect 
+	STRH	r0,	[r4]
+	LDR 	r4,=KNandDataAreaECCReg
+	LDRH	r0,	[r4] ; get contents of register
+	BIC		r0, r0, #0x1
+	STRH	r0, [r4] 
+	; Normally Read the device ID and confirm nand device is as expected
+	; NAND Controller on NaviEngine doesn't allow the Device id to be read
+	bl		readhdr16						; read header of 16bit device
+	; Readhdr16 -> parse_header -> find/load Symbian coreldr -> run coreldr
+; strcmp - bytewise compare of two strings
+;	r0->string A
+;	r1->string B
+;	r3->size of string A
+;	if string A == string B return 0 in r0
+;	else returns non zero in r0
+strcmp	ROUT
+	stmfd	r13!, {r4-r6,lr}
+	mov		r4, r0
+	mov		r5, r1
+	mov		r6, r3
+	ldrb	r2, [r4], #1
+	ldrb	r3, [r5], #1
+	subs	r0, r2, r3
+	cmp		r2, #0
+	beq		strreturn
+	subs	r6, r6, #1
+	bne		strloop
+	ldmfd	r13!, {r4-r6,pc}
+; readpage16
+;	read 1 page (2048KB) of NAND device,
+;	starting at page (r0)
+;	put data into address (r1)
+readpage16	ROUT
+	stmfd	r13!, {r4-r7,lr}
+	; set the page start addresss [r0]
+	; need multiple by page size to get correct address
+	MOV		r6, #KNandPageSize ; 2048
+	;Set Address Reg1 (lower range)
+	MUL		r7, r0, r6
+	LDR		r4, =KNandPgeAdr1Reg 
+	STRH	r7,	[r4]
+	;Set Address Reg2 (upper range)
+	;MUL		r7, r0, r6
+	LSR		r7, r7, #0x10;
+	LDR		r4, =KNandPgeAdr2Reg 
+	STRH	r7,	[r4]
+	; Issue Read Command
+	LDR		r4, =KNandCmdSetReg	; XROMC
+	STRH	r5, [r4]
+	; Poll Busy Bit
+	LDRH	r5, [r4]				; Get contents of Command setup register
+	TST		r5, #KNandBusyBit
+	BNE		%B1	
+	; Poll status DRC(Data Read Complete)
+	LDR		r4, =KNandDataAreaECCReg  	
+	LDRH	r5, [r4]				; Get contents of ECC register
+	TST		r5, #KNandECCDRC
+	BNE		%B2
+	;Copy page (2048) into address [r1]
+	LDR		r4, =KNandDataWndw
+	MOV		r6, #KNandPageSize ; 2048
+	LDRH	r5, [r4]
+	STRH	r5, [r1], #2	; save at target
+	ADD		r4, r4, #2		; move data wndw pointer
+	SUBS	r6, r6, #2		; end of page?
+	BNE		read			; no => copy some more ;)
+	ldmfd	r13!, {r4-r7,pc}				; yes, return
+; readpages16
+; read <r2> pages of NAND,
+; starting at page <r0>
+; placing data starting at <r1>
+readpages16	ROUT
+	stmfd	r13!, {r4-r6,lr}
+	mov		r4, r0
+	mov		r5, r1
+	mov		r6, r2
+	bl		readpage16
+	subs	r6, r6, #1
+	ldmeqfd	r13!, {r4-r6,pc}
+	add		r0, r0, #1
+	b		loop16
+; readhdr16
+; Read the NAND header from flash into ram so it may be examined for a Symbian
+; signature.
+	; read the header of a 16b device
+	;Print page
+	ldr		r0, =0x0		; header pag
+	ldr		r1, =KCoreLoaderAddress			;
+	bl		readpage16
+	b		parse_header
+; At this point the header buffer contains the first NAND page
+; Determine whether the NAND device has been formatted according to the
+; new style Symbian FBR layout
+	bl		find_symbian_coreldr
+	cmp		r0, #0
+	beq		load_symbian_coreldr
+	; Use a label rather than a SUB/PC as it makes a symbol for a debugger.
+	b		SymbianCoreldrNotFound			; spin forever
+; find_symbian_coreldr
+; searches for the Symbian1 signature in the FBR then assumes
+; that the coreldr will be stored in the 30 pages (15k) starting
+; at page 4.
+Symbian_Signature		DCB		"1naibmyS"
+Symbian_Signature_size  EQU		8
+find_symbian_coreldr	ROUT
+		stmfd	r13!, {r4,lr}
+		ldr		r0, =KCoreLoaderAddress
+		add		r0, r0, #4						; signature at byte 4 in page 0
+		ADR		r1, Symbian_Signature 
+		ldr		r3, =Symbian_Signature_size
+		bl		strcmp
+		ldmfd	r13!, {r4,pc}
+; load_symbian_coreldr
+; Assumses Coreloader starts at page 1 and can be as big as 64 pages (128KB)
+load_symbian_coreldr	ROUT
+		mov		r0, #KSymbianCoreldrPage
+		ldr		r1, =KCoreLoaderAddress
+		mov		r2, #KSymbianCoreldrSizePages
+		bl		readpages16
+		; restart CPUs, by calling restart vertor.
+		mov		r0, #KtRestartReasonCoreLdr 
+		add		pc, r12,  #TRomHeader_iRestartVector