changeset 53 61bc0f252b2b
parent 50 f54ad444594d
child 54 bac7acad7cb3
equal deleted inserted replaced
50:f54ad444594d 53:61bc0f252b2b
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Implements container for the user scene setup list.*
    15 */
    19 #include "CamUserSceneSetupContainer.h"
    20 #include "CamUserSceneSetupItemArray.h"
    21 #include "CamAppController.h"
    22 #include "CamSettings.hrh"
    23 #include "Cam.hrh"
    24 #include "CamPanic.h"
    25 #include <aknlists.h>
    26 #include <AknIconArray.h>
    27 #include <barsread.h>
    28 #include <aknview.h>
    29 #include "CameraUiConfigManager.h"
    31 #include "CamUtility.h"
    34 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    36 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    37 // CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::NewLC
    38 // Symbian two-phased constructor.
    39 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    40 //
    41 CCamUserSceneSetupContainer* CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::NewLC
    42 ( const TRect& aRect, TInt aResourceId, 
    43     CCamAppController& aController, 
    44     CAknView& aView )
    45     {
    46     CCamUserSceneSetupContainer* self =
    47         new ( ELeave ) CCamUserSceneSetupContainer( aController, 
    48         aView );
    49     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    50     self->ConstructL( aRect, aResourceId );
    51     return self;
    52     }
    54 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    55 // CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::NewL
    56 // Symbian two-phased constructor.
    57 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    58 //
    59 CCamUserSceneSetupContainer* CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::NewL
    60 ( const TRect& aRect, TInt aResourceId, 
    61     CCamAppController& aController, 
    62     CAknView& aView )
    63     {
    64     CCamUserSceneSetupContainer* self = 
    65         CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::NewLC
    66         ( aRect, aResourceId, aController, 
    67        aView );
    68     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    69     return self;
    70     }
    72 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    73 // CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::~CCamUserSceneSetupContainer
    74 // Destructor
    75 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    76 //
    77 CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::~CCamUserSceneSetupContainer()
    78   {
    79   PRINT( _L("Camera => ~CCamUserSceneSetupContainer" ))  
    80   delete iUserSceneSetupList;
    81   delete iUserSceneSetupItemArray;
    82   PRINT( _L("Camera <= ~CCamUserSceneSetupContainer" ))  
    83   }
    85 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    86 // CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::HandleChangeInItemArrayOrVisibilityL
    87 // Handles a change in the item list visibility.
    88 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    89 //
    90 void CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::UpdateDisplayL()
    91     {
    92     ListBox()->DrawNow();
    93     }
    95 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    96 // CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::TitlePaneTextResourceId
    97 // Returns the resource Id of the title for this container.
    98 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    99 //
   100 TInt CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::TitlePaneTextResourceId()
   101     {
   102     return iTitleResourceId;
   103     }
   105 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   106 // CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::UpdateListItems
   107 // Updates the list items with the settings model values.
   108 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   109 //
   110 void CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::UpdateListItems( void )
   111     {
   112     TInt listItemCount = iUserSceneSetupItemArray->Count();
   113     TInt i;
   114     for ( i = 0; i < listItemCount; ++i )
   115         {
   116         UpdateListItem( i );
   117         }
   118     }
   120 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   121 // CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::UpdateCurrentListItem
   122 // Updates the current list item with it's associated
   123 // settings model value.
   124 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   125 //
   126 void CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::UpdateCurrentListItem()
   127     {
   128     CEikButtonGroupContainer* cba = CEikButtonGroupContainer::Current();   
   129     if ( cba )
   130         {
   131         CEikCba* eikCba = static_cast<CEikCba*>( cba->ButtonGroup() );
   132         if( eikCba )
   133             {
   134             // Hide LSK for single clickable settings
   135             eikCba->EnableItemSpecificSoftkey( ETrue );
   136             }
   137         }  
   138     TInt selectedItemIndex = iUserSceneSetupList->CurrentItemIndex();
   139     UpdateListItem( selectedItemIndex );
   140     }
   142 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   143 // CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::HandleListBoxEventL
   144 // Handles a list box event.
   145 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   146 //
   147 void CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::HandleListBoxEventL
   148 ( CEikListBox* /*aListBox*/, TListBoxEvent aEventType )
   149 	{
   150 	switch( aEventType )
   151 		{
   152 		case EEventEnterKeyPressed: // fallthrough
   153 		case EEventItemDoubleClicked: 
   154         case EEventItemSingleClicked:
   155 			{
   156             HandleSelectionL();
   157             }
   158 			break;
   160 		default:
   161 			break;			
   162 		}
   163 	}
   165 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   166 // CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::HandleSelectionL
   167 // Handles the user selection of a list item.
   168 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   169 //
   170 void CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::HandleSelectionL( void )
   171     {
   172     TInt CommandId = CommandIdForActivatingCurrentItemControl();
   173     CEikButtonGroupContainer* cba = CEikButtonGroupContainer::Current();
   174     if ( cba && CommandId != ECamCmdCaptureSetupFlashUser )
   175         {
   176         CEikCba* eikCba = static_cast<CEikCba*>( cba->ButtonGroup() );
   177         if( eikCba )
   178             {
   179             // Make LSK visible for the sliders.
   180             // Sliders, like exposure compensation, are not listboxes, 
   181             // thus single click cannot be disabled for those.
   182             // All setting items, except flash, are double clickable and
   183             // they have a visible LSK
   184             eikCba->EnableItemSpecificSoftkey( EFalse );
   185             }    
   186         }
   187     iView.HandleCommandL( CommandId );
   188     }
   192 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   193 // CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::CCamUserSceneSetupContainer
   194 // C++ constructor
   195 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   196 //
   197 CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::CCamUserSceneSetupContainer
   198 ( CCamAppController& aController, 
   199     CAknView& aView )
   200 : CCamContainerBase( aController, aView )
   201     {
   203     }
   205 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   206 // CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::ConstructL
   207 // 2nd phase constructor
   208 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   209 //
   210 void CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::ConstructL
   211 ( const TRect& aRect, TInt aResourceId )
   212     {
   213     const TInt KSettingItemArrayGranularity = 5;
   215     CCamContainerBase::BaseConstructL( aRect );
   217     //CreateWindowL();
   219     // Create the listbox in the right style
   220     iUserSceneSetupList = new ( ELeave ) CAknSettingStyleListBox;
   221     iUserSceneSetupList->ConstructL( this, CEikListBox::ELeftDownInViewRect );
   223     TPoint pos = iEikonEnv->EikAppUi()->ClientRect().iTl;
   224     TSize size = iUserSceneSetupList->MinimumSize();
   225     SetExtent( pos, size ); 
   228     // Setup the scroll bar
   229     iUserSceneSetupList->CreateScrollBarFrameL( ETrue );
   230     iUserSceneSetupList->ScrollBarFrame()->
   231     SetScrollBarVisibilityL( CEikScrollBarFrame::EOn, 
   232             CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto );
   234     iTitleResourceId = aResourceId;
   237     // get array of supported resources from psi
   238     RArray<TInt> userSceneResourceIds;
   239     CleanupClosePushL( userSceneResourceIds );
   241     User::LeaveIfError( CamUtility::GetPsiIntArrayL( ECamPsiUserSceneResourceIds, userSceneResourceIds ) );
   243     // ...get the number of items in this user scene setup list.
   244     TInt itemCount = userSceneResourceIds.Count(); 
   245 	iUserSceneSetupItemArray = new ( ELeave ) 
   246         CCamUserSceneSetupItemArray( itemCount );
   247     iUserSceneSetupItemArray->ConstructL();
   249 	// Make the icon array
   250 	CArrayPtrFlat<CGulIcon>* iconArray = new ( ELeave )
   251         CAknIconArray( KSettingItemArrayGranularity );
   252 	CleanupStack::PushL( iconArray );
   254     // Create all the user scene setup list items defined in the resource.
   255 	TInt i;
   256 	for ( i=0; i < itemCount; ++i )
   257 		{
   258         CCamUserSceneSetupListItem* listItem = 
   259             CCamUserSceneSetupListItem::NewL( userSceneResourceIds[i] );
   260         CleanupStack::PushL( listItem );
   261         // Ownership is transferred
   262         iUserSceneSetupItemArray->AppendL( listItem ); 
   263         CleanupStack::Pop( listItem );
   264 		}
   267 	// Update the display
   268 	UpdateDisplayL();
   270 	// Looks like we have no choice but to give ownership 
   271     // of this to the listbox.
   272 	// There is no flag as there is for the item data
   273 	ListBox()->ItemDrawer()->FormattedCellData()->SetIconArrayL( iconArray ); 
   275     // iconArray now has ownership transferred
   276 	CleanupStack::Pop( iconArray );  
   278     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &userSceneResourceIds );	
   280 	CTextListBoxModel* model= iUserSceneSetupList->Model();
   281 	model->SetItemTextArray( iUserSceneSetupItemArray );
   282     // Ownership retained by SettingItemList
   283 	model->SetOwnershipType( ELbmDoesNotOwnItemArray ); 
   285    	TAknLayoutRect layoutRect;
   286 	layoutRect.LayoutRect( TRect( 
   287         TPoint( 0, 0 ), iAvkonAppUi->ClientRect().Size() ), 
   288         AKN_LAYOUT_WINDOW_list_gen_pane( 0 ) );
   289 	iUserSceneSetupList->SetRect( layoutRect.Rect() );
   291 	ListBox()->SetCurrentItemIndex( 0 );
   292 	ListBox()->SetListBoxObserver( this );
   293 	ListBox()->UpdateScrollBarsL();
   295     SetRect( aRect );
   296     ActivateL();
   298     UpdateListItems();
   299     }
   303 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   304 // CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::UpdateListItem
   305 // Updates a list item with its corresponding settings model value.
   306 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   307 //
   308 void CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::UpdateListItem( TInt aIndex )
   309     {     
   310     // Get the current value for this list item from the settings model.
   311     // ...get settings model id for list item.
   312     TInt settingsModelId = 
   313             iUserSceneSetupItemArray->At( aIndex )->SettingsModelTypeId();
   314     if ( settingsModelId != ECamSettingItemUserSceneReset )
   315         {
   316         // ...use id to get current value.
   317         TInt currentVal = iController.IntegerSettingValue( settingsModelId );
   319         // Update list item with the current value.
   320         iUserSceneSetupItemArray->At( aIndex )->SetCurrentValue( currentVal );
   321         }
   322     }
   325 // ----------------------------------------------------
   326 // CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::CommandIdForActivatingCurrentItemControl
   327 // Returns the command id for activating the current list item control.
   328 // ----------------------------------------------------
   329 //
   330 TInt CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::CommandIdForActivatingCurrentItemControl()
   331     {
   332     // Get the settings model type id for the selected item.
   333     // ...get settings model id for list item.  
   334     TInt currentIndex = iUserSceneSetupList->CurrentItemIndex();
   336     // ...get settings model id for list item.
   337     TInt settingsModelId = 
   338         iUserSceneSetupItemArray->At( currentIndex )->
   339             SettingsModelTypeId();
   340     // Convert settings model id to command id that activates the
   341     // control for the selected item.
   342     TInt commandId = -1;
   343     switch ( settingsModelId )
   344         {
   345         case ECamSettingItemUserSceneBasedOnScene:
   346             {
   347             commandId = ECamCmdCaptureSetupSceneUser;
   348             }
   349             break;
   350         case ECamSettingItemUserSceneWhitebalance:
   351             {
   352             commandId = ECamCmdCaptureSetupWhiteBalanceUser;
   353             }
   354             break;
   355         case ECamSettingItemUserSceneExposure:
   356             {
   357             commandId = ECamCmdCaptureSetupExposureUser;
   358             }
   359             break;
   360         case ECamSettingItemUserSceneColourFilter:
   361             {
   362             commandId = ECamCmdCaptureSetupColourFilterUser;
   363             }
   364             break;
   365         case ECamSettingItemUserSceneFlash:
   366             {
   367             commandId = ECamCmdCaptureSetupFlashUser;
   368             }
   369             break;
   370         case ECamSettingItemUserSceneReset:
   371             {
   372             commandId = ECamCmdUserSceneReset;
   373             }
   374             break;
   375         case ECamSettingItemUserSceneBrightness:
   376             {
   377             commandId = ECamCmdCaptureSetupBrightnessUser;
   378             }
   379             break;
   380         case ECamSettingItemUserSceneContrast:
   381             {
   382             commandId = ECamCmdCaptureSetupContrastUser;
   383             }
   384             break;
   386         case ECamSettingItemUserSceneImageSharpness:
   387             {
   388             commandId = ECamCmdCaptureSetupImageSharpnessUser;
   389             }
   390             break;
   392         case ECamSettingItemUserSceneLightSensitivity:
   393             {
   394             commandId = ECamCmdCaptureSetupLightSensitivityUser;
   395             }
   396             break;
   397         case ECamSettingItemUserSceneDefault: 
   398             {
   399             commandId = ECamCmdSetUserDefault;
   400             }
   401             break;
   402         default:
   403             {
   404             CamPanic( ECamPanicCaptureSetupMenuUnknownItem );
   405             }
   406         }
   407     return commandId;
   408     }
   412 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   413 // CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::CountComponentControls
   414 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   415 //
   416 TInt CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::CountComponentControls() const
   417     {
   418 	return CCamContainerBase::CountComponentControls() + 1;
   419 	}
   421 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   422 // CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::ComponentControl
   423 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   424 //
   425 CCoeControl* CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::ComponentControl
   426 ( TInt aIndex ) const
   427     {
   428     CCoeControl* control = CCamContainerBase::ComponentControl( aIndex );
   429     if( control )
   430         return control;
   431     switch( aIndex )
   432         {
   433         case 1:
   434             {
   435             control = iUserSceneSetupList;
   436             }
   437             break;
   438         default:
   439             break;            
   440         }
   442     return control;
   443     }
   445 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   446 // CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::OfferKeyEventL
   447 // Key event handling
   448 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   449 //
   450 TKeyResponse CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::OfferKeyEventL(
   451     const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
   452     TEventCode aType )
   453     {
   454     if ( aType == EEventKey &&
   455            ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyEnter || 
   456                aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyNkpEnter ) )
   457         {
   458         HandleSelectionL();
   459         return EKeyWasConsumed;
   460         }
   461     else if ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyUpArrow || 
   462                 aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDownArrow )
   463         {
   464         return iUserSceneSetupList->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
   465         }
   466     else
   467         {
   468         return EKeyWasNotConsumed;    
   469         }
   470     }
   472 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   473 // CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::ListBox
   474 // Returns a pointer to the list box
   475 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   476 //
   477 CEikFormattedCellListBox* CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::ListBox()
   478 	{
   479 	return ( iUserSceneSetupList );
   480 	}
   482 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   483 // CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::IsUserSceneResetHighlighted
   484 // Returns wheather user scene restore is highlighted
   485 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   486 //
   487 TBool CCamUserSceneSetupContainer::IsUserSceneResetHighlighted()
   488 	{
   489     TInt currentIndex = iUserSceneSetupList->CurrentItemIndex();
   490     // ...get settings model id for list item.
   491     TInt settingsModelId = 
   492         iUserSceneSetupItemArray->At( currentIndex )->SettingsModelTypeId();
   493     if ( settingsModelId == ECamSettingItemUserSceneReset )
   494         {
   495         return ETrue;
   496         }
   497     else 
   498         {
   499         return EFalse;
   500         }
   501 	}
   503 // End of File