--- a/camerauis/cameraapp/generic/src/audioplayer/camaudioplayerwrapper.cpp Thu Aug 19 09:36:57 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Implementation of Wrapper for Audio Player Utility
-// ===========================================================================
-// includes
-#include <mdaaudiosampleplayer.h>
-#include <AudioPreference.h>
-#include "Cam.hrh"
-#include "CamPanic.h"
-#include "camlogging.h"
-#include "CamUtility.h" // for resource id's of sounds
-#include "mcamplayerobserver.h"
-#include "camaudioplayerwrapper.h"
-#include "CamPerformance.h"
-#include "OstTraceDefinitions.h"
-#include "camaudioplayerwrapperTraces.h"
-// ===========================================================================
-// Constants
-const TReal32 KCamSoundVol = 0.75f;
-// Migrated directly from old sound player.
-#ifndef __WINSCW__
- static const TUint KAudioPriority = KAudioPriorityCameraTone;
- static const TUint KAudioPriority = KAudioPriorityVideoRecording;
-#endif // __WINSCW__
-// ===========================================================================
-// public constructors and destructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// NewL <<static>>
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::NewL( MCamPlayerObserver& aObserver,
- TInt aSoundId )
- {
- PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::NewL()") );
- CCamAudioPlayerWrapper* self =
- new (ELeave) CCamAudioPlayerWrapper( aObserver, aSoundId );
- CleanupStack::PushL( self );
- self->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop( self );
- PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::NewL()") );
- return self;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// destructor <<virtual>>
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- if( iPlayer )
- {
- iPlayer->Stop();
- iPlayer->Close();
- delete iPlayer;
- iPlayer = NULL;
- }
- }
-// ===========================================================================
-// from CCamPlayerWrapperBase
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Id <<virtual>><<const>>
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::Id() const
- {
- return iSoundId;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// IsEqualSound <<virtual>><<const>>
-// Compare if two sounds are equal.
-// If the ids or filenames match, the sounds are considered to be equal.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::IsEqualSound( TInt aSoundId ) const
- {
- TInt eq( EFalse );
- {
- eq = aSoundId == iSoundId
- || MapSoundId2FilenameL( aSoundId ) == MapSoundId2FilenameL( iSoundId );
- });
- return eq;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Play <<virtual>>
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::Play( TBool aCallback )
- {
- PRINT2( _L("Camera => CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::Play, callback:%d iState[%s]"),
- aCallback,
- KCamAudioPlayerWrapperStateNames[iState] );
- switch( iState )
- {
- case CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::EReady:
- iPlayRequested = EFalse;
- iState = CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::EPlaying;
- iCallback = aCallback;
- iPlayer->SetVolume( static_cast<TInt>( iPlayer->MaxVolume()* KCamSoundVol ) );
- iPlayer->Play();
- break;
- case CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::EInitializing:
- iPlayRequested = ETrue;
- iCallback = aCallback;
- break;
- case CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::ECorrupt:
- // Notify observer rigth away as init has failed.
- iCallback = aCallback;
- NotifyPlayComplete( KErrCorrupt );
- break;
- case CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::EPlaying:
- PRINT( _L("Camera <> WARNING: Still playing old sound, need to stop early") );
- iPlayer->Stop();
- // Notify observer that playing was interrupted (if callback was requested for previous play).
- // Sets state to idle so that we are ready to play again.
- NotifyPlayComplete( KErrAbort );
- // Now we can repeat the call as the state is right.
- Play( aCallback );
- break;
- case CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::EIdle:
- default:
- //Set state and ignore otherwise...
- PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::Play invalid state") );
- iState = CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::ECorrupt;
- break;
- }
- PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::Play") );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CancelPlay <<virtual>>
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::CancelPlay, id:%d"), iSoundId );
- switch( iState )
- {
- case CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::EPlaying:
- PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::CancelPlay .. iState == EPlaying, call Stop()..") );
- iPlayer->Stop();
- NotifyPlayComplete( KErrAbort );
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- // Make sure pending Play() is cancelled.
- iPlayRequested = EFalse;
- PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::CancelPlay") );
- }
-// ===========================================================================
-// from MMdaAudioPlayerCallback
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MapcInitComplete <<virtual>>
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-::MapcInitComplete( TInt aStatus,
- const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& /*aDuration*/ )
- {
- PRINT2( _L("Camera => CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::MapcInitComplete, id:%d status:%d"), iSoundId, aStatus );
- if( KErrNone != aStatus )
- {
- // If we encounter an error in init phase,
- // we'll notify observer once Play gets called.
- iState = CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::ECorrupt;
- }
- else
- {
- iState = CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::EReady;
- }
- // If play has been called before init has finished
- // try to play now. If we had an error in init,
- // Play() will handle this based on iState.
- if( iPlayRequested )
- {
- Play( iCallback );
- }
- PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::MapcInitComplete") );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MapcPlayComplete <<virtual>>
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::MapcPlayComplete( TInt aStatus )
- {
- NotifyPlayComplete( aStatus );
- }
-// ===========================================================================
-// other public
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MapSoundId2FilenameL <<static>>
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::MapSoundId2FilenameL( TInt aSoundId )
- {
- PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::MapSoundId2FilenameL, id:%d"), aSoundId );
- TPtrC filename( KNullDesC );
- switch( aSoundId )
- {
- case ECamVideoStartSoundId: filename.Set( KCamVideoStartTone ); break;
- case ECamVideoStopSoundId: filename.Set( KCamVideoStopTone ); break;
- case ECamVideoPauseSoundId: filename.Set( KCamVideoPauseTone ); break;
- case ECamVideoResumeSoundId: filename.Set( KCamVideoStartTone ); break;
- case ECamAutoFocusFailed: User::Leave( KErrNotSupported ); break;
- case ECamAutoFocusComplete: filename.Set( KCamAutoFocusComplete ); break;
- case ECamStillCaptureSoundId1: filename.Set( KCamCaptureTone1 ); break;
- case ECamStillCaptureSoundId2: filename.Set( KCamCaptureTone2 ); break;
- case ECamStillCaptureSoundId3: filename.Set( KCamCaptureTone3 ); break;
- case ECamStillCaptureSoundId4: filename.Set( KCamCaptureTone4 ); break;
- case ECamBurstCaptureSoundId1: filename.Set( KCamBurstCaptureTone1 ); break;
- case ECamBurstCaptureSoundId2: filename.Set( KCamBurstCaptureTone2 ); break;
- case ECamBurstCaptureSoundId3: filename.Set( KCamBurstCaptureTone3 ); break;
- case ECamBurstCaptureSoundId4: filename.Set( KCamBurstCaptureTone4 ); break;
- case ECamSelfTimerSoundId: filename.Set( KCamSelfTimerTone ); break;
- default:
- __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, CamPanic( ECamPanicNotSupported ) );
- break;
- }
- PRINT1( _L("Camera <= CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::MapSoundId2FilenameL, return [%S]"), &filename );
- return filename;
- }
-// ===========================================================================
-// other private
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// InitL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::InitL") );
- if( CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::EIdle == iState )
- {
- iState = CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::EInitializing;
- // Our process uses multiple players. Ensure they
- // (or their internal controllers) share the same
- // heap so we don't run out of memory chunks.
- iPlayer->UseSharedHeap();
- iPlayer->OpenFileL( MapSoundId2FilenameL( iSoundId ) );
- }
- else
- {
- CamPanic( ECamPanicInvalidState );
- PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::InitL invalid state") );
- iState = CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::ECorrupt;
- User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
- }
- PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::InitL") );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// NotifyPlayComplete
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::NotifyPlayComplete( TInt aStatus )
- {
- PRINT1( _L("Camera => CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::NotifyPlayComplete, status:%d"), aStatus );
- switch( iState )
- {
- // Problem initializing.
- // Init is not tried again as it could slow down the capturing.
- case CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::ECorrupt:
- break;
- // Normal case where the playing has completed.
- // Set state to EReady to indicate we are ready
- // for new play request.
- case CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::EPlaying:
- iState = CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::EReady;
- break;
- // Other states not allowed here.
- default:
- // Make this player ready that we can play new sound.
- PRINT( _L("Camera <> CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::NotifyPlayComplete invalid state") );
- iState = CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::EReady;
- break;
- }
- // Clear flag just in case.
- iPlayRequested = EFalse;
- // Notify observer with our sound id and received status.
- if( iCallback )
- iObserver.PlayComplete( aStatus, iSoundId );
- PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::NotifyPlayComplete") );
- }
-// ===========================================================================
-// private constructors
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ConstructL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- PRINT( _L("Camera => CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::ConstructL()") );
- iPlayer = CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::NewL(
- *this,
- KAudioPriority ,
- TMdaPriorityPreference( KAudioPrefCamera ) );
- InitL();
- PRINT( _L("Camera <= CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::ConstructL()") );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++ constructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-::CCamAudioPlayerWrapper( MCamPlayerObserver& aObserver,
- TInt aSoundId )
- : iObserver ( aObserver ),
- iSoundId ( aSoundId ),
- iPlayer ( NULL ),
- iState ( CCamAudioPlayerWrapper::EIdle ),
- iPlayRequested( EFalse ),
- iCallback ( EFalse )
- {
- }
-// ===========================================================================
-// end of file