--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/emailuis/uicomponents/src/fstextureloader.cpp Thu Dec 17 08:39:21 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,800 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: This file implements class CFsTextureLoader.
+#include "emailtrace.h"
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <eikenv.h>
+#include <imageconversion.h>
+//<cmail> removed __FS_ALFRED_SUPPORT flag
+//#include <fsconfig.h>
+//</cmail> removed __FS_ALFRED_SUPPORT flag
+#include "fstexture.h"
+#include "fsbitmapprovider.h"
+#include "fstextureloader.h"
+const TInt KGranularity = 5;
+// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS =============================
+// ============================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =============================
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::TView::operator= ( const CFsTextureLoader::TView& )
+// Operator =
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CFsTextureLoader::TView& CFsTextureLoader::TView::operator=( const CFsTextureLoader::TView& aView )
+ {
+ iStart = aView.iStart;
+ iLength = aView.iLength;
+ return *this;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor
+// (static, may leave)
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CFsTextureLoader* CFsTextureLoader::NewL( CAlfTextureManager& aManager,
+ MFsTextureObserver& aObserver
+ )
+ {
+ CFsTextureLoader* loader = new (ELeave) CFsTextureLoader( aManager,
+ aObserver
+ );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( loader );
+ loader->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop( loader );
+ return loader;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::~CFsTextureLoader
+// C++ Destructor
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ SetDefaultTimeOut( TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32( 0 ) );
+ iManager.RemoveLoadObserver( this );
+ if ( iTextures )
+ {
+ const TInt count = iTextures->Count();
+ for ( TInt i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i )
+ {
+ delete iTextures->At( i );
+ }
+ delete iTextures;
+ iTextures = NULL;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::TextureLoadingCompleted
+// Loader callback
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFsTextureLoader::TextureLoadingCompleted( CAlfTexture& aTexture,
+ TInt /* aTextureId */,
+ TInt /* aErrorCode */
+ )
+ {
+ TInt index = 0;
+ HBufC* fn = aTexture.FileName();
+ TFileName fileName;
+ if ( fn )
+ {
+ fileName.Copy( fn->Des() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fileName.Zero();
+ }
+ CFsTexture* p = SearchByImageName( fileName, &index );
+ while ( p )
+ {
+ iObserver.FsTextureEvent( MFsTextureObserver::EUpdated, *p );
+ fn = aTexture.FileName();
+ if ( fn )
+ {
+ fileName.Copy( fn->Des() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fileName.Zero();
+ }
+ p = SearchByImageName( fileName, &index );
+ }
+ TRAP_IGNORE( UnloadL() )
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE( LoadL() )
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::SetView
+// Set current view area
+// (may leave)
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFsTextureLoader::SetViewL( const TInt& aStart,
+ const TInt& aLength
+ )
+ {
+ iView.iStart = aStart;
+ iView.iLength = aLength;
+ UnloadL();
+ LoadL();
+ return;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::SetView
+// Set current view area
+// (may leave)
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFsTextureLoader::SetViewL( const TView& aView )
+ {
+ SetViewL( aView.iStart, aView.iLength );
+ return;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::CFsTextureLoader
+// C++ Constructor
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CFsTextureLoader::CFsTextureLoader( CAlfTextureManager& aManager,
+ MFsTextureObserver& aObserver
+ )
+ : iManager( aManager ),
+ iFs( CEikonEnv::Static()->FsSession() ),
+ iTextures( NULL ),
+ iObserver( aObserver ),
+ iId( 0 ),
+ iDefaultTimeOut( 10000000 ) // 10 sec.
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::ConstructL
+// 2nd phase contructor
+// (may leave)
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFsTextureLoader::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iManager.AddLoadObserverL( this );
+ iTextures = new ( ELeave ) CArrayPtrFlat<CFsTexture>( KGranularity );
+ return;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::TimerExpiredL
+// Timer callback passed from texture
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFsTextureLoader::TimerExpiredL( CFsTexture& aTexture )
+ {
+ Unload( aTexture );
+ return;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::TextureCount
+// Return number of textures
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CFsTextureLoader::TextureCount() const
+ {
+ const TInt count = iTextures ? iTextures->Count() : 0;
+ return count;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::TextureAtIndex
+// Return texture
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CFsTexture* CFsTextureLoader::TextureAtIndex( const TInt& aIndex )
+ {
+ CFsTexture* texture = NULL;
+ if ( iTextures &&
+ aIndex >= 0 &&
+ aIndex < TextureCount()
+ )
+ {
+ texture = iTextures->At( aIndex );
+ }
+ return texture;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::Unload
+// Unload texture
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFsTextureLoader::Unload( CFsTexture& aTexture )
+ {
+ const TInt c = iTextures->Count();
+ TInt refCount = 0;
+ TInt index = KErrNotFound;
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < c; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( iTextures->At( i ) == &aTexture )
+ {
+ index = i;
+ }
+ if ( &iTextures->At( i )->Texture() == &aTexture.Texture() )
+ {
+ refCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( refCount == 1 )
+ {
+ HBufC* p = aTexture.Texture().FileName();
+ if ( p )
+ {
+ iManager.UnloadTexture( p->Des() );
+ delete &(aTexture.Texture());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( index != KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ CFsTexture* p = iTextures->At( index );
+ CFsBitmapProvider* provider = p->Provider();
+ if ( provider )
+ {
+ const TInt flags = p->TextFlags();
+ if ( !( flags & CFsTexture::EFlagPreserveProvider ) )
+ {
+ iManager.UnloadTexture( provider->Id() );
+ delete &(aTexture.Texture());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::SearchByImageName
+// Search textures by filename
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CFsTexture* CFsTextureLoader::SearchByImageName( const TDesC& aImageFileName,
+ TInt* aIndex
+ )
+ {
+ CFsTexture* r = NULL;
+ const TInt c = iTextures->Count();
+ TInt i; // Temporaly index
+ for ( i = aIndex ? *aIndex : 0; i < c && !r; i++ )
+ {
+ CFsTexture* tmp = iTextures->At( i );
+ CAlfTexture& texture = tmp->Texture();
+ HBufC* p = texture.FileName();
+ if ( p && !p->Des().Compare( aImageFileName ) )
+ {
+ r = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ // Update index
+ if ( aIndex )
+ {
+ *aIndex = i;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::SearchByPos
+// Search textures by position
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CFsTexture* CFsTextureLoader::SearchByPos( const TInt& aPos,
+ TInt* aIndex )
+ {
+ CFsTexture* r = NULL;
+ const TInt c = iTextures->Count();
+ TInt i; // Temporaly index
+ for ( i = aIndex ? *aIndex : 0; i < c && !r; i++ )
+ {
+ CFsTexture* tmp = iTextures->At( i );
+ const TInt pos = tmp->Pos();
+ CAlfTexture& texture = tmp->Texture();
+ if ( pos >= 0 && pos == aPos )
+ {
+ r = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ // Update index
+ if ( aIndex )
+ {
+ *aIndex = i;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::SearchById
+// Search textures by id
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CFsTexture* CFsTextureLoader::SearchById( TInt aId )
+ {
+ CFsTexture* r = NULL;
+ const TInt c = iTextures->Count();
+ TInt i; // Temporaly index
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < c && !r ; ++i )
+ {
+ CFsTexture* tmp = iTextures->At( i );
+ if ( tmp->Id() == aId )
+ {
+ r = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::LoadTextureL
+// Create texture from file
+// (may leave)
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CFsTexture& CFsTextureLoader::LoadTextureL( const TDesC& aImageFileName,
+ TSize aTextureMaxSize,
+ TAlfTextureFlags aFlags,
+ TInt aId,
+ const TInt& aLoaderFlags
+ )
+ {
+ // If id's not given by user, generate unique id
+ if ( !aId )
+ {
+ aId = GetId();
+ }
+ CAlfTexture& texture = iManager.LoadTextureL( aImageFileName,
+ aTextureMaxSize,
+ aFlags,
+ aId
+ );
+ CFsTexture* holder = CFsTexture::NewL( texture, *this, NULL, aId );
+ // Verify if this has been previously loaded or was loaded syncronously
+ if ( texture.HasContent() )
+ {
+ iObserver.FsTextureEvent( MFsTextureObserver::EUpdated, *holder );
+ }
+ // Pass flagging
+ if ( aLoaderFlags & EFlagSetStatic )
+ {
+ holder->SetTextFlags( holder->TextFlags() | CFsTexture::EFlagStatic );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PushL( holder );
+ iTextures->AppendL( holder );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( holder );
+ return *holder;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::AppendBitmapL
+// Create texture from bitmap(s)
+// (may leave)
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CFsTexture& CFsTextureLoader::AppendBitmapL( CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,
+ CFbsBitmap* aBitmapMask,
+ TAlfTextureFlags aFlags,
+ TInt aId,
+ const TInt& aLoaderFlags
+ )
+ {
+ // If id's not given by user, generate unique id
+ if ( !aId )
+ {
+ aId = GetId();
+ }
+ CFsBitmapProvider* provider = CFsBitmapProvider::NewL( aBitmap,
+ aBitmapMask,
+ aId
+ );
+ CAlfTexture& texture = iManager.CreateTextureL( aId,
+ provider,
+ aFlags
+ );
+ CFsTexture* holder = CFsTexture::NewL( texture, *this, provider, aId );
+ // Pass flagging
+ if ( aLoaderFlags & EFlagSetStatic )
+ {
+ holder->SetTextFlags( holder->TextFlags() | CFsTexture::EFlagStatic );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PushL( holder );
+ iTextures->AppendL( holder );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( holder );
+ iObserver.FsTextureEvent( MFsTextureObserver::EUpdated, *holder );
+ return *holder;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::LoadL
+// Load next picture in queue
+// (may leave)
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFsTextureLoader::LoadL( CFsTexture* aTexture )
+ {
+ const TInt c = iTextures->Count();
+ CFsTexture* texture = aTexture;
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < c && !aTexture; i++ )
+ {
+ CFsTexture* tmp = iTextures->At( i );
+ const TInt flags = tmp->TextFlags();
+ const TInt pos = tmp->Pos();
+ const TBool hasContent = tmp->Texture().HasContent();
+ if ( !hasContent &&
+ flags & CFsTexture::EFlagStatic )
+ {
+ texture = tmp;
+ }
+ else if ( !hasContent &&
+ pos != KFsUndefined &&
+ iView.iStart <= pos &&
+ pos <= ( iView.iStart + iView.iLength )
+ )
+ {
+ texture = tmp;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Left for Lint
+ }
+ } // i
+ if ( texture )
+ {
+ const TInt id = texture->Id();
+ if ( id )
+ {
+ const TBool isLoaded = iManager.IsLoaded( id );
+ if ( !isLoaded )
+ {
+ iManager.LoadTextureL( id );
+ } // !isLoaded
+ } // id
+ } // texture
+ return;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::UnloadL
+// Unload picture when possible
+// (may leave)
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFsTextureLoader::UnloadL()
+ {
+ const TInt c = iTextures->Count();
+ CFsTexture* texture = NULL;
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < c ; i++ )
+ {
+ texture = iTextures->At( i );
+ const TBool isStatic = ( texture->TextFlags() & CFsTexture::EFlagStatic );
+ const TInt pos = texture->Pos();
+ const TBool isVisible = iView.iStart <= pos && pos <= ( iView.iStart + iView.iLength );
+ if ( texture->Texture().HasContent() &&
+ !isStatic &&
+ !isVisible
+ )
+ {
+ texture->UnloadL( EFalse );
+ }
+ else if ( isVisible )
+ {
+ texture->UnloadL( ETrue ); // cancel possible unload
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Left for Lint
+ }
+ } // i
+ return;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::View
+// Return view
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CFsTextureLoader::TView CFsTextureLoader::View() const
+ {
+ return iView;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::GetFrameInfoL
+// Extract frameinfo from picture header
+// (may leave, static)
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFsTextureLoader::GetFrameInfoL( const TDesC& aImageFileName,
+ TFrameInfo& aFrameInfo
+ )
+ {
+ CImageDecoder* imageDecoder = CImageDecoder::FileNewL( CEikonEnv::Static()->FsSession(),
+ aImageFileName
+ );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( imageDecoder );
+ aFrameInfo = imageDecoder->FrameInfo();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( imageDecoder );
+ return;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::GetId
+// Get unique id
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CFsTextureLoader::GetId()
+ {
+ TInt err;
+ TRAP( err, iManager.TextureL( ++iId ) )
+ while ( err != KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ TRAP( err, iManager.TextureL( ++iId ) )
+ } // err
+ return iId;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::SetDefaultTimeOut
+// Set default timeout
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFsTextureLoader::SetDefaultTimeOut( const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aTimeOut )
+ {
+ iDefaultTimeOut = aTimeOut;
+ return;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::DefaultTimeOut
+// From MFsTextureLoaderObserver
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFsTextureLoader::DefaultTimeOut( TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aTimeOut )
+ {
+ aTimeOut = iDefaultTimeOut;
+ return;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::PosUpdated
+// From MFsTextureLoaderObserver
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFsTextureLoader::PosUpdated( CFsTexture& aTexture )
+ {
+ iObserver.FsTextureEvent( MFsTextureObserver::EPositionUpdated, aTexture );
+ const TInt newPos = aTexture.Pos();
+ if ( newPos < iView.iStart ||
+ newPos > ( iView.iStart + iView.iLength )
+ )
+ {
+ const TInt flags = aTexture.TextFlags();
+ if ( !( flags & CFsTexture::EFlagStatic ) )
+ {
+ Unload( aTexture );
+ } // flags
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const TInt id = aTexture.Id();
+ if ( !iManager.IsLoaded( id ) )
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iManager.LoadTextureL( id ) )
+ }
+ TRAP_IGNORE( aTexture.UnloadL( ETrue ) ) // cancel possible unload
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::Deleted
+// From MFsTextureLoaderObserver
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFsTextureLoader::Deleted( CFsTexture& aTexture )
+ {
+ Unload( aTexture );
+ const TInt c = iTextures->Count();
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < c; i++ )
+ {
+ CFsTexture* p = iTextures->At( i );
+ if ( p == &aTexture )
+ {
+ iTextures->Delete( i );
+ i = ( c + 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::FlagsUpdated
+// From MFsTextureLoaderObserver
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFsTextureLoader::FlagsUpdated( CFsTexture& aTexture )
+ {
+ const TInt flags = aTexture.TextFlags();
+ if ( flags & CFsTexture::EFlagStatic )
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE( LoadL() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE( UnloadL() );
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFsTextureLoader::SizeUpdated
+// From MFsTextureLoaderObserver
+// Status : Draft
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFsTextureLoader::SizeUpdated( CFsTexture& aTexture )
+ {
+ // Forward observation
+ iObserver.FsTextureEvent( MFsTextureObserver::EUpdated, aTexture );
+ return;
+ }
+// ========================= OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =========================
+// End of file