--- a/nettools/conntest/Engine/SocketsEngine.cpp Wed Mar 31 21:08:37 2010 +0300
+++ b/nettools/conntest/Engine/SocketsEngine.cpp Thu Jul 15 18:19:27 2010 +0300
@@ -547,6 +547,50 @@
User::Panic( KPanicConnTest, EConnTestHttpClientInitializationFailed );
+ /*
+ * In case roaming, socket needs to be restarted in following cases.
+ */
+ if ( iEngineStatus == EConnecting ||
+ iEngineStatus == ELookingUp )
+ {
+ // Cancel and then re-connect
+ DoCancel();
+ ConnectL();
+ }
+ else if ( iEngineStatus == EConnected )
+ {
+ // Cancel write socket
+ iSocketsWrite->Cancel();
+ // Cancel read socket
+ TBool isSocketActive( EFalse );
+ if ( iSocketsRead->IsActive() )
+ {
+ iSocketsRead->Cancel();
+ isSocketActive = ETrue;
+ }
+ // Re-connect
+ ChangeStatus( EInterfaceUp );
+ ConnectL();
+ // Start read socket again
+ if ( isSocketActive )
+ {
+ Read();
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( iEngineStatus == EListening )
+ {
+ DoCancel();
+ ListenL();
+ }
+ else if ( iEngineStatus == EDisconnecting )
+ {
+ DoCancel();
+ }
iConsole.PrintNotify( text );
--- a/nettools/conntest/probe/src/prt.cpp Wed Mar 31 21:08:37 2010 +0300
+++ b/nettools/conntest/probe/src/prt.cpp Thu Jul 15 18:19:27 2010 +0300
@@ -307,18 +307,20 @@
const TInt KMicrosInASecond = 1000000;
- //TUint32 micros = interval.Int64().Low();
- TUint32 micros = I64LOW(interval.Int64());//.Low(); x.Low() -> I64LOW(x)
- TUint32 secs = micros / KMicrosInASecond;
- micros -= (secs * KMicrosInASecond);
+ // To avoid possible overflow caused by microsecond accuracy (32 bits
+ // of microseconds is just a bit over an hour), use 64-bit variables
+ // in calculation of timestamp
+ TInt64 secs = interval.Int64() / KMicrosInASecond;
// Reuse the protocol and flags fields of
// RMBufPktInfo to store the time-stamp
RMBufPktInfo* info = RMBufPacket::PeekInfoInChain(copy);
- info->iProtocol = static_cast<TInt>(secs);
- info->iFlags = static_cast<TUint>(micros);
+ // Just let the seconds overflow in case of timestamp is over the
+ // integer scope (nothing reasonable to do in this case anyway)
+ info->iProtocol = static_cast<TInt>( secs );
+ info->iFlags = static_cast<TUint>( interval.Int64() - ( secs * KMicrosInASecond ));