changeset 37 fd64c38c277d
equal deleted inserted replaced
31:2a11b5b00470 37:fd64c38c277d
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: Private data and helper classes used by class CntCache.
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include <qtcontacts.h>
    19 #include <qcontactmanager.h>
    20 #include <hbapplication.h>
    21 #include <thumbnailmanager_qt.h>
    22 #include <hbicon.h>
    23 #include <QTimer>
    24 #include "cntcache.h"
    25 #include "cntcache_p.h"
    26 #include "cntinfoprovider.h"
    27 #include "cntdefaultinfoprovider.h"
    29 // maximum amount of info and icon jobs respectively -- if there are more jobs,
    30 // then the oldest job is skipped and the client informed that this happened
    31 // in this way the client can request the job again if wanted
    32 static const int CntMaxInfoJobs = 20;
    33 static const int CntMaxIconJobs = 20;
    34 // amount of milliseconds to postpone the jobs if the UI is very active
    35 static const int PostponeJobsMilliSeconds = 300;
    36 // the event for starting to do all the outstanding jobs
    37 static const QEvent::Type DoAllJobsEvent = QEvent::User;
    38 // the id that states that no icon is currently pending from thumbnail manager
    39 static const int NoIconRequest = -1;
    41 // TODO: Provide a way (cenrep keys?) for UI to set which provider to use for
    42 //       what info field (and what info fields are indeed even in use).
    44 /*!
    45     Creates a new thread for fetching contact info and icons in the background.
    46  */
    47 CntCacheThread::CntCacheThread()
    48     : mContactManager(new QContactManager()),
    49       mJobLoopRunning(false),
    50       mPostponeJobs(false),
    51       mIconRequestId(NoIconRequest)
    52 {
    53     DP_IN("CntCacheThread::CntCacheThread()");
    55     // create static provider plugins
    56     mDataProviders.insert(new CntDefaultInfoProvider(), ContactInfoAllFields);
    57     // TODO: create more static provider plugins
    59     // TODO: load dynamic provider plugins using QPluginLoader
    61     // connect the providers
    62     QMapIterator<CntInfoProvider*, ContactInfoFields> i(mDataProviders);
    63     while (i.hasNext()) {
    65         connect(qobject_cast<CntInfoProvider*>(i.key()),
    66                 SIGNAL(infoFieldReady(CntInfoProvider*, int, ContactInfoField, const QString&)),
    67                 this,
    68                 SLOT(onInfoFieldReady(CntInfoProvider*, int, ContactInfoField, const QString&)));
    69     }
    71     // create & connect the thumbnail manager
    72     mThumbnailManager = new ThumbnailManager(this);
    73     mThumbnailManager->setMode(ThumbnailManager::Default);
    74     mThumbnailManager->setQualityPreference(ThumbnailManager::OptimizeForPerformance);
    75     mThumbnailManager->setThumbnailSize(ThumbnailManager::ThumbnailSmall);
    76     connect(mThumbnailManager, SIGNAL(thumbnailReady(QPixmap, void *, int, int)),
    77              this, SLOT(onIconReady(QPixmap, void *, int, int)));
    79     // this thread should interfere as little as possible with more time-critical tasks,
    80     // like updating the UI during scrolling
    81     start(QThread::IdlePriority);
    83     DP_OUT("CntCacheThread::CntCacheThread()");
    84 }
    86 /*!
    87     Cleans up and destructs the thread.
    88  */
    89 CntCacheThread::~CntCacheThread()
    90 {
    91     DP_IN("CntCacheThread::~CntCacheThread()");
    93     disconnect(this);
    95     mJobMutex.lock();
    96     mInfoJobs.clear();
    97     mCancelledInfoJobs.clear();
    98     mIconJobs.clear();
    99     mCancelledIconJobs.clear();
   101     if (mIconRequestId != NoIconRequest) {
   102         mThumbnailManager->cancelRequest(mIconRequestId);
   103         mIconRequestId = NoIconRequest;
   104     }
   106     QMapIterator<CntInfoProvider*, ContactInfoFields> i(mDataProviders);
   107     while (i.hasNext()) {
   109         delete i.key();
   110     }
   111     mDataProviders.clear();
   113     mJobMutex.unlock();
   115     exit();
   116     wait();
   118     DP_OUT("CntCacheThread::~CntCacheThread()");
   119 }
   121 /*!
   122     Starts the event loop for this thread.
   123  */
   124 void CntCacheThread::run()
   125 {
   126     DP_IN("CntCacheThread::run()");
   127     exec();
   128     DP_OUT("CntCacheThread::run()");
   129 }
   131 /*!
   132     Schedules a info to be fetched for a contact. When info has been fetched
   133     infoFieldUpdated() signals will be emitted, once for each field.
   135     /param contactId the contact for which the info is wanted
   136  */
   137 void CntCacheThread::scheduleInfoJob(int contactId)
   138 {
   139     DP_IN("CntCacheThread::scheduleInfoJob(" << contactId << ")");
   141     Q_ASSERT(contactId > 0 && !mInfoJobs.contains(contactId));
   143     mJobMutex.lock();
   145     if (!mJobLoopRunning) {
   146         // new job => restart job loop
   147         mJobLoopRunning = true;
   148         HbApplication::instance()->postEvent(this, new QEvent(DoAllJobsEvent));
   149     }
   151     if (mInfoJobs.count() >= CntMaxInfoJobs) {
   152         // the queue of jobs is full, so remove the oldest job
   153         mCancelledInfoJobs.append(mInfoJobs.takeFirst());
   154         DP("CntCacheThread::scheduleInfoJob() :" << mCancelledInfoJobs.last() << "removed from joblist");
   155     }
   157     mInfoJobs.append(contactId);
   158     DP("CntCacheThread::scheduleInfoJob() :" << contactId << "appended @" << mInfoJobs.indexOf(contactId));
   160     // since this job has now been scheduled, remove it from the list of
   161     // cancelled jobs in case it is there
   162     mCancelledInfoJobs.removeOne(contactId);
   164     mJobMutex.unlock();
   166     DP_OUT("CntCacheThread::scheduleInfoJob(" << contactId << ")");
   167 }
   169 /*!
   170     Schedules an icon to be fetched. An iconUpdated() signal will be emitted when the icon
   171     has been fetched.
   173     /param iconName the name of the icon to be fetched
   174  */
   175 void CntCacheThread::scheduleIconJob(const QString& iconName)
   176 {
   177     DP_IN("CntCacheThread::scheduleIconJob(" << iconName << ")");
   179     mJobMutex.lock();
   181     Q_ASSERT(!iconName.isEmpty() && !mIconJobs.contains(iconName));
   183     if (!mJobLoopRunning) {
   184         // new job, so restart job loop
   185         mJobLoopRunning = true;
   186         HbApplication::instance()->postEvent(this, new QEvent(DoAllJobsEvent));
   187     }
   189     if (mIconJobs.count() >= CntMaxIconJobs) {
   190         // the queue of jobs is full, so remove the oldest job
   191         mCancelledIconJobs.append(mIconJobs.takeLast());
   192         DP("CntCacheThread::scheduleIconJob() :" << mCancelledIconJobs.last() << "removed from joblist");
   193     }
   195     mIconJobs.append(iconName);
   196     DP("CntCacheThread::scheduleIconJob() :" << iconName << "appended @" << mIconJobs.indexOf(iconName));
   198     // since this job has now been rescheduled, remove it from the list of
   199     // cancelled jobs in case it is there
   200     mCancelledIconJobs.removeOne(iconName);
   202     mJobMutex.unlock();
   204     DP_OUT("CntCacheThread::scheduleIconJob(" << iconName << ")");
   205 }
   207 /*!
   208     Postpones outstanding jobs for a few tenths of a second. This should be called if
   209     the client wants to reserve more CPU time for some urgent task.
   210  */
   211 void CntCacheThread::postponeJobs()
   212 {
   213     DP_IN("CntCacheThread::postponeJobs()");
   215     mPostponeJobs = true;
   217     DP_OUT("CntCacheThread::postponeJobs()");
   218 }
   220 /*!
   221     Handles a class-specific event that is sent by the scheduleOrUpdate functions
   222     when there are jobs.
   223  */
   224 bool CntCacheThread::event(QEvent* event)
   225 {
   226     if (event->type() == DoAllJobsEvent) {
   227         doAllJobs();
   228         return true;
   229     }
   231     return QThread::event(event);
   232 }
   234 /*!
   235     Does the jobs. The loop runs until all jobs are done. It pauses
   236     for a while if new info jobs appear -- this means that the UI is
   237     updating and so the CPU is yielded to the UI. If there are again
   238     new jobs after the pause, then it pauses again, and so on.
   239  */
   240 void CntCacheThread::doAllJobs()
   241 {
   242     DP_IN("CntCacheThread::doAllJobs()");
   244     forever {
   245         mJobMutex.lock();
   246         int infoJobs = mInfoJobs.count();
   247         int iconJobs = mIconJobs.count();
   248         int totalJobs = infoJobs + iconJobs + mCancelledInfoJobs.count() + mCancelledIconJobs.count();
   249         DP_IN("CntCacheThread::doAllJobs() : infojobs=" << infoJobs << ", iconjobs=" << iconJobs << ",icon_request=" << mIconRequestId << ", cancelledinfojobs=" << mCancelledInfoJobs.count() << ", cancellediconjobs=" << mCancelledIconJobs.count());
   251         if (totalJobs == 0 || totalJobs == iconJobs && mIconRequestId != NoIconRequest || mPostponeJobs) {
   252             if (mPostponeJobs) {
   253                 // client has requested a pause in activies (e.g. due to high UI activity)
   254                 mPostponeJobs = false;
   255                 if (totalJobs > 0) {
   256                     QTimer::singleShot(PostponeJobsMilliSeconds, this, SLOT(doAllJobs()));
   257                     DP("CntCacheThread::doAllJobs() : postponing for" << PostponeJobsMilliSeconds << "ms");
   258                 }
   259                 else {
   260                     mJobLoopRunning = false;
   261                 }
   262             }
   263             else {
   264                 mJobLoopRunning = false;
   265             }
   267             mJobMutex.unlock();
   269             if (totalJobs == 0) {
   270                 DP("CntCacheThread::doAllJobs() : emitting all jobs done");
   271                 emit allJobsDone();
   272             }
   274             break;
   275         }
   277         bool doInfoJobs = infoJobs > 0 && (iconJobs == 0 || mIconRequestId != NoIconRequest || qrand() % (infoJobs + iconJobs) < infoJobs);
   279         if (doInfoJobs) {
   280             // get next job
   281             int contactId = mInfoJobs.takeLast();
   282             mJobMutex.unlock();
   284             // fetch qcontact
   285             QStringList definitionRestrictions;
   286             definitionRestrictions.append(QContactName::DefinitionName);
   287             definitionRestrictions.append(QContactAvatar::DefinitionName);
   288             definitionRestrictions.append(QContactPhoneNumber::DefinitionName);
   289             definitionRestrictions.append(QContactOrganization::DefinitionName);
   290             QContactFetchHint restrictions;
   291             restrictions.setDetailDefinitionsHint(definitionRestrictions);
   292             restrictions.setOptimizationHints(QContactFetchHint::NoRelationships);
   293 			QContact contact = mContactManager->contact(contactId, restrictions);
   295             // request contact info from providers
   296             DP("CntCacheThread::doAllJobs() : fetching info for" << contact.displayLabel() << " (id=" << contactId << ")");
   297             QMapIterator<CntInfoProvider*, ContactInfoFields> i(mDataProviders);
   298             while (i.hasNext()) {
   299       ;
   300                 if (i.value() != 0) {
   301                     i.key()->requestInfo(contact, i.value());
   302                 }
   303             }
   304         }
   305         else if (iconJobs > 0 && mIconRequestId == NoIconRequest) {
   306             // request icon from thumbnail manager
   307             QString iconName = mIconJobs.takeFirst();
   308             DP("CntCacheThread::doAllJobs() : fetching icon" << iconName);
   309             mIconRequestId = mThumbnailManager->getThumbnail(iconName, NULL, 0);
   310             mIconRequestName = iconName;
   311             mJobMutex.unlock();
   312         }
   313         else {
   314             if (mCancelledInfoJobs.count() > 0) {
   315                 int contactId = mCancelledInfoJobs.takeLast();
   316                 mJobMutex.unlock();
   317                 DP("CntCacheThread::doAllJobs() : emitting cancelled info job" << contactId);
   318                 emit infoCancelled(contactId);
   319             }
   320             else if (mCancelledIconJobs.count() > 0) {
   321                 QString iconName = mCancelledIconJobs.takeFirst();
   322                 mJobMutex.unlock();
   323                 DP("CntCacheThread::doAllJobs() : emitting cancelled icon job" << iconName);
   324                 emit iconCancelled(iconName);
   325             }
   326         }
   328         // allow signals to be passed from providers and from the client
   329         HbApplication::processEvents();
   330     }
   332     DP_OUT("CntCacheThread::doAllJobs()");
   333 }
   335 /*!
   336     Passes an info field from a data provider up to the client via signals. The
   337     client is not in the same thread, so Qt passes the signal as an event.
   338  */
   339 void CntCacheThread::onInfoFieldReady(CntInfoProvider* sender, int contactId,
   340                                       ContactInfoField field, const QString& text)
   341 {
   342     DP_IN("CntCacheThread::onInfoFieldReady( CntInfoProvider*," << contactId << "," << field << "," << text << ")");
   344     // there can be 3rd party providers, so we cannot blindly trust them;
   345     // info is emitted only if:
   346     // 1) the sender is in the list of providers
   347     // 2) exactly one field bit is set in parameter 'field'
   348     // 3) the field bit has been assigned to this provider
   349     if (mDataProviders.contains(sender)
   350         && ((field & (field - 1)) == 0)
   351         && ((field & mDataProviders.value(sender)) != 0)) {
   352         DP("CntCacheThread::onInfoFieldReady(" << contactId << "," << field << "," << text << ") : emitting infoFieldUpdated()");
   353         emit infoFieldUpdated(contactId, field, text);
   354     }
   356     DP_OUT("CntCacheThread::onInfoFieldReady(" << contactId << "," << field << "," << text << ")");
   357 }
   359 /*!
   360     Passes an icon from thumbnail manager up to the client via a signal. The
   361     client is not in the same thread, so Qt passes the signal as an event.
   362  */
   363 void CntCacheThread::onIconReady(const QPixmap& pixmap, void *data, int id, int error)
   364 {
   365     DP_IN("CntCacheThread::onIconReady( QPixMap, void*, " << id << "," << error << ")");
   366     Q_UNUSED(data);
   368     mJobMutex.lock();
   369     Q_ASSERT(id == mIconRequestId && !mIconRequestName.isEmpty());
   370     if (!mJobLoopRunning) {
   371         // job loop quit while waiting for this icon, so restart it
   372         mJobLoopRunning = true;
   373         HbApplication::instance()->postEvent(this, new QEvent(DoAllJobsEvent));
   374     }
   375     mIconRequestId = NoIconRequest;
   376     mJobMutex.unlock();
   378     if (error == 0) {
   379         DP("CntCacheThread::onIconReady() : emitting iconUpdated(" << mIconRequestName << ")");
   380         emit iconUpdated(mIconRequestName, HbIcon(pixmap));
   381     }
   383     DP_OUT("CntCacheThread::onIconReady( QPixMap, void*, " << id << "," << error << ")");
   384 }