changeset 37 fd64c38c277d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/phonebookengines/mobcntmodel/src/cntcache_p.cpp	Thu May 27 12:45:19 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Private data and helper classes used by class CntCache.
+#include <qtcontacts.h>
+#include <qcontactmanager.h>
+#include <hbapplication.h>
+#include <thumbnailmanager_qt.h>
+#include <hbicon.h>
+#include <QTimer>
+#include "cntcache.h"
+#include "cntcache_p.h"
+#include "cntinfoprovider.h"
+#include "cntdefaultinfoprovider.h"
+// maximum amount of info and icon jobs respectively -- if there are more jobs,
+// then the oldest job is skipped and the client informed that this happened
+// in this way the client can request the job again if wanted
+static const int CntMaxInfoJobs = 20;
+static const int CntMaxIconJobs = 20;
+// amount of milliseconds to postpone the jobs if the UI is very active
+static const int PostponeJobsMilliSeconds = 300;
+// the event for starting to do all the outstanding jobs
+static const QEvent::Type DoAllJobsEvent = QEvent::User;
+// the id that states that no icon is currently pending from thumbnail manager
+static const int NoIconRequest = -1;
+// TODO: Provide a way (cenrep keys?) for UI to set which provider to use for
+//       what info field (and what info fields are indeed even in use).
+    Creates a new thread for fetching contact info and icons in the background.
+ */
+    : mContactManager(new QContactManager()),
+      mJobLoopRunning(false),
+      mPostponeJobs(false),
+      mIconRequestId(NoIconRequest)
+    DP_IN("CntCacheThread::CntCacheThread()");
+    // create static provider plugins
+    mDataProviders.insert(new CntDefaultInfoProvider(), ContactInfoAllFields);
+    // TODO: create more static provider plugins
+    // TODO: load dynamic provider plugins using QPluginLoader
+    // connect the providers
+    QMapIterator<CntInfoProvider*, ContactInfoFields> i(mDataProviders);
+    while (i.hasNext()) {
+        connect(qobject_cast<CntInfoProvider*>(i.key()),
+                SIGNAL(infoFieldReady(CntInfoProvider*, int, ContactInfoField, const QString&)),
+                this,
+                SLOT(onInfoFieldReady(CntInfoProvider*, int, ContactInfoField, const QString&)));
+    }
+    // create & connect the thumbnail manager
+    mThumbnailManager = new ThumbnailManager(this);
+    mThumbnailManager->setMode(ThumbnailManager::Default);
+    mThumbnailManager->setQualityPreference(ThumbnailManager::OptimizeForPerformance);
+    mThumbnailManager->setThumbnailSize(ThumbnailManager::ThumbnailSmall);
+    connect(mThumbnailManager, SIGNAL(thumbnailReady(QPixmap, void *, int, int)),
+             this, SLOT(onIconReady(QPixmap, void *, int, int)));
+    // this thread should interfere as little as possible with more time-critical tasks,
+    // like updating the UI during scrolling
+    start(QThread::IdlePriority);
+    DP_OUT("CntCacheThread::CntCacheThread()");
+    Cleans up and destructs the thread.
+ */
+    DP_IN("CntCacheThread::~CntCacheThread()");
+    disconnect(this);
+    mJobMutex.lock();
+    mInfoJobs.clear();
+    mCancelledInfoJobs.clear();
+    mIconJobs.clear();
+    mCancelledIconJobs.clear();
+    if (mIconRequestId != NoIconRequest) {
+        mThumbnailManager->cancelRequest(mIconRequestId);
+        mIconRequestId = NoIconRequest;
+    }
+    QMapIterator<CntInfoProvider*, ContactInfoFields> i(mDataProviders);
+    while (i.hasNext()) {
+        delete i.key();
+    }
+    mDataProviders.clear();
+    mJobMutex.unlock();
+    exit();
+    wait();
+    DP_OUT("CntCacheThread::~CntCacheThread()");
+    Starts the event loop for this thread.
+ */
+void CntCacheThread::run()
+    DP_IN("CntCacheThread::run()");
+    exec();
+    DP_OUT("CntCacheThread::run()");
+    Schedules a info to be fetched for a contact. When info has been fetched
+    infoFieldUpdated() signals will be emitted, once for each field.
+    /param contactId the contact for which the info is wanted
+ */
+void CntCacheThread::scheduleInfoJob(int contactId)
+    DP_IN("CntCacheThread::scheduleInfoJob(" << contactId << ")");
+    Q_ASSERT(contactId > 0 && !mInfoJobs.contains(contactId));
+    mJobMutex.lock();
+    if (!mJobLoopRunning) {
+        // new job => restart job loop
+        mJobLoopRunning = true;
+        HbApplication::instance()->postEvent(this, new QEvent(DoAllJobsEvent));
+    }
+    if (mInfoJobs.count() >= CntMaxInfoJobs) {
+        // the queue of jobs is full, so remove the oldest job
+        mCancelledInfoJobs.append(mInfoJobs.takeFirst());
+        DP("CntCacheThread::scheduleInfoJob() :" << mCancelledInfoJobs.last() << "removed from joblist");
+    }
+    mInfoJobs.append(contactId);
+    DP("CntCacheThread::scheduleInfoJob() :" << contactId << "appended @" << mInfoJobs.indexOf(contactId));
+    // since this job has now been scheduled, remove it from the list of
+    // cancelled jobs in case it is there
+    mCancelledInfoJobs.removeOne(contactId);
+    mJobMutex.unlock();
+    DP_OUT("CntCacheThread::scheduleInfoJob(" << contactId << ")");
+    Schedules an icon to be fetched. An iconUpdated() signal will be emitted when the icon
+    has been fetched.
+    /param iconName the name of the icon to be fetched
+ */
+void CntCacheThread::scheduleIconJob(const QString& iconName)
+    DP_IN("CntCacheThread::scheduleIconJob(" << iconName << ")");
+    mJobMutex.lock();
+    Q_ASSERT(!iconName.isEmpty() && !mIconJobs.contains(iconName));
+    if (!mJobLoopRunning) {
+        // new job, so restart job loop
+        mJobLoopRunning = true;
+        HbApplication::instance()->postEvent(this, new QEvent(DoAllJobsEvent));
+    }
+    if (mIconJobs.count() >= CntMaxIconJobs) {
+        // the queue of jobs is full, so remove the oldest job
+        mCancelledIconJobs.append(mIconJobs.takeLast());
+        DP("CntCacheThread::scheduleIconJob() :" << mCancelledIconJobs.last() << "removed from joblist");
+    }
+    mIconJobs.append(iconName);
+    DP("CntCacheThread::scheduleIconJob() :" << iconName << "appended @" << mIconJobs.indexOf(iconName));
+    // since this job has now been rescheduled, remove it from the list of
+    // cancelled jobs in case it is there
+    mCancelledIconJobs.removeOne(iconName);
+    mJobMutex.unlock();
+    DP_OUT("CntCacheThread::scheduleIconJob(" << iconName << ")");
+    Postpones outstanding jobs for a few tenths of a second. This should be called if
+    the client wants to reserve more CPU time for some urgent task.
+ */
+void CntCacheThread::postponeJobs()
+    DP_IN("CntCacheThread::postponeJobs()");
+    mPostponeJobs = true;
+    DP_OUT("CntCacheThread::postponeJobs()");
+    Handles a class-specific event that is sent by the scheduleOrUpdate functions
+    when there are jobs.
+ */
+bool CntCacheThread::event(QEvent* event)
+    if (event->type() == DoAllJobsEvent) {
+        doAllJobs();
+        return true;
+    }
+    return QThread::event(event);
+    Does the jobs. The loop runs until all jobs are done. It pauses
+    for a while if new info jobs appear -- this means that the UI is
+    updating and so the CPU is yielded to the UI. If there are again
+    new jobs after the pause, then it pauses again, and so on.
+ */
+void CntCacheThread::doAllJobs()
+    DP_IN("CntCacheThread::doAllJobs()");
+    forever {
+        mJobMutex.lock();
+        int infoJobs = mInfoJobs.count();
+        int iconJobs = mIconJobs.count();
+        int totalJobs = infoJobs + iconJobs + mCancelledInfoJobs.count() + mCancelledIconJobs.count();
+        DP_IN("CntCacheThread::doAllJobs() : infojobs=" << infoJobs << ", iconjobs=" << iconJobs << ",icon_request=" << mIconRequestId << ", cancelledinfojobs=" << mCancelledInfoJobs.count() << ", cancellediconjobs=" << mCancelledIconJobs.count());
+        if (totalJobs == 0 || totalJobs == iconJobs && mIconRequestId != NoIconRequest || mPostponeJobs) {
+            if (mPostponeJobs) {
+                // client has requested a pause in activies (e.g. due to high UI activity)
+                mPostponeJobs = false;
+                if (totalJobs > 0) {
+                    QTimer::singleShot(PostponeJobsMilliSeconds, this, SLOT(doAllJobs()));
+                    DP("CntCacheThread::doAllJobs() : postponing for" << PostponeJobsMilliSeconds << "ms");
+                }
+                else {
+                    mJobLoopRunning = false;
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                mJobLoopRunning = false;
+            }
+            mJobMutex.unlock();
+            if (totalJobs == 0) {
+                DP("CntCacheThread::doAllJobs() : emitting all jobs done");
+                emit allJobsDone();
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+        bool doInfoJobs = infoJobs > 0 && (iconJobs == 0 || mIconRequestId != NoIconRequest || qrand() % (infoJobs + iconJobs) < infoJobs);
+        if (doInfoJobs) {
+            // get next job
+            int contactId = mInfoJobs.takeLast();
+            mJobMutex.unlock();
+            // fetch qcontact
+            QStringList definitionRestrictions;
+            definitionRestrictions.append(QContactName::DefinitionName);
+            definitionRestrictions.append(QContactAvatar::DefinitionName);
+            definitionRestrictions.append(QContactPhoneNumber::DefinitionName);
+            definitionRestrictions.append(QContactOrganization::DefinitionName);
+            QContactFetchHint restrictions;
+            restrictions.setDetailDefinitionsHint(definitionRestrictions);
+            restrictions.setOptimizationHints(QContactFetchHint::NoRelationships);
+			QContact contact = mContactManager->contact(contactId, restrictions);
+            // request contact info from providers
+            DP("CntCacheThread::doAllJobs() : fetching info for" << contact.displayLabel() << " (id=" << contactId << ")");
+            QMapIterator<CntInfoProvider*, ContactInfoFields> i(mDataProviders);
+            while (i.hasNext()) {
+      ;
+                if (i.value() != 0) {
+                    i.key()->requestInfo(contact, i.value());
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else if (iconJobs > 0 && mIconRequestId == NoIconRequest) {
+            // request icon from thumbnail manager
+            QString iconName = mIconJobs.takeFirst();
+            DP("CntCacheThread::doAllJobs() : fetching icon" << iconName);
+            mIconRequestId = mThumbnailManager->getThumbnail(iconName, NULL, 0);
+            mIconRequestName = iconName;
+            mJobMutex.unlock();
+        }
+        else {
+            if (mCancelledInfoJobs.count() > 0) {
+                int contactId = mCancelledInfoJobs.takeLast();
+                mJobMutex.unlock();
+                DP("CntCacheThread::doAllJobs() : emitting cancelled info job" << contactId);
+                emit infoCancelled(contactId);
+            }
+            else if (mCancelledIconJobs.count() > 0) {
+                QString iconName = mCancelledIconJobs.takeFirst();
+                mJobMutex.unlock();
+                DP("CntCacheThread::doAllJobs() : emitting cancelled icon job" << iconName);
+                emit iconCancelled(iconName);
+            }
+        }
+        // allow signals to be passed from providers and from the client
+        HbApplication::processEvents();
+    }
+    DP_OUT("CntCacheThread::doAllJobs()");
+    Passes an info field from a data provider up to the client via signals. The
+    client is not in the same thread, so Qt passes the signal as an event.
+ */
+void CntCacheThread::onInfoFieldReady(CntInfoProvider* sender, int contactId,
+                                      ContactInfoField field, const QString& text)
+    DP_IN("CntCacheThread::onInfoFieldReady( CntInfoProvider*," << contactId << "," << field << "," << text << ")");
+    // there can be 3rd party providers, so we cannot blindly trust them;
+    // info is emitted only if:
+    // 1) the sender is in the list of providers
+    // 2) exactly one field bit is set in parameter 'field'
+    // 3) the field bit has been assigned to this provider
+    if (mDataProviders.contains(sender)
+        && ((field & (field - 1)) == 0)
+        && ((field & mDataProviders.value(sender)) != 0)) {
+        DP("CntCacheThread::onInfoFieldReady(" << contactId << "," << field << "," << text << ") : emitting infoFieldUpdated()");
+        emit infoFieldUpdated(contactId, field, text);
+    }
+    DP_OUT("CntCacheThread::onInfoFieldReady(" << contactId << "," << field << "," << text << ")");
+    Passes an icon from thumbnail manager up to the client via a signal. The
+    client is not in the same thread, so Qt passes the signal as an event.
+ */
+void CntCacheThread::onIconReady(const QPixmap& pixmap, void *data, int id, int error)
+    DP_IN("CntCacheThread::onIconReady( QPixMap, void*, " << id << "," << error << ")");
+    Q_UNUSED(data);
+    mJobMutex.lock();
+    Q_ASSERT(id == mIconRequestId && !mIconRequestName.isEmpty());
+    if (!mJobLoopRunning) {
+        // job loop quit while waiting for this icon, so restart it
+        mJobLoopRunning = true;
+        HbApplication::instance()->postEvent(this, new QEvent(DoAllJobsEvent));
+    }
+    mIconRequestId = NoIconRequest;
+    mJobMutex.unlock();
+    if (error == 0) {
+        DP("CntCacheThread::onIconReady() : emitting iconUpdated(" << mIconRequestName << ")");
+        emit iconUpdated(mIconRequestName, HbIcon(pixmap));
+    }
+    DP_OUT("CntCacheThread::onIconReady( QPixMap, void*, " << id << "," << error << ")");