changeset 17 a941bc465d9f
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equal deleted inserted replaced
16:6ca72c0fe49a 17:a941bc465d9f
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  One Storage folder management
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #ifndef __CPENGSTORAGEFOLDER_H__
    21 #define __CPENGSTORAGEFOLDER_H__
    23 //  INCLUDES
    24 #include <e32base.h>
    25 #include <bamdesca.h>
    26 #include "MPEngStorageFolder.h"
    27 #include "TPEngStorageServerBTreeKeys.h"
    28 #include "TPEngStorageServerMessages.h"
    31 class CPEngRequestHandler;
    32 class RPEngMessage;
    33 class RFs;
    34 class CPEngSessionSlotState;
    35 class CPEngSessionSlotEvent;
    37 /**
    38  *  One Storage folder management
    39  *  Manages data in one storage folder
    40  *
    41  *  @since 3.0
    42  */
    43 class CPEngStorageFolder : public CObject,
    44             public MPEngStorageFolder
    45     {
    46     public:  // Constructors and destructor
    48         /**
    49          * Two-phased constructor.
    50          */
    51         static CPEngStorageFolder* NewL( RFs& aFs,
    52                                          const TDesC& aTempFolder,
    53                                          RBuf16& aCommBuff );
    55         /**
    56          * Two-phased constructor.
    57          */
    58         static CPEngStorageFolder* NewLC( RFs& aFs,
    59                                           const TDesC& aTempFolder,
    60                                           RBuf16& aCommBuff );
    62         /**
    63          * Destructor.
    64          */
    65         virtual ~CPEngStorageFolder();
    67     public:	// Overwritten virtual functions of the CObject
    69         /**
    70          *	Close reference to this reference counted object
    71          *	if state of folder is active, do not delete it
    72          *
    73          *  @since 3.0
    74          */
    75         void Close ();
    77     public: // new from MPEngStorageFolder
    79         /**
    80          * Get data entry
    81          * @see MPEngStorageFolder
    82          */
    83         CPEngDataEntry* DataEntryL( const TDesC& aSId );
    86     public:	// New functions used by the Server
    88         /**
    89          *	Session slot state
    90          *
    91          *  @since 3.0
    92          *  @return returns session slot state
    93          */
    94         CPEngSessionSlotState& SessionSlotState();
    96         /**
    97          *	Set Session slot state
    98          *	Ownership of the parameter is transfered
    99          *
   100          *  @since 3.0
   101          *  @param	aState state of session, ownership is transfered
   102          */
   103         void SetSessionSlotState( CPEngSessionSlotState& aState );
   105         /**
   106          *	Set Session Slot base folder
   107          *	Ownership of the parameter is transfered
   108          *
   109          *  @since 3.0
   110          *  @param	aFolder des buffer with the base folder
   111          *			ownership is transfered
   112          */
   113         void SetSessionFolder( HBufC& aFolder );
   115         /**
   116          *	Commited folder session state update
   117          *	It does necessary cleaning of the folder
   118          *
   119          *  @since 3.0
   120          */
   121         void CommiteStateUpdate();
   124     public: // New Functions of Storage Engine
   126         /**
   127           *	Store store entry into the store
   128           *
   129          *	@since 3.0
   130          *	@param aMessage message from client, which carries
   131          *		Store ID, store type and buffer of store entry
   132          *	@param aNotifyActive flag if notification is active
   133          *		if ETrue, change if notified to listeners
   134          *	@return data entry which was stored
   135          */
   136         const CPEngDataEntry* WriteStoreEntryL(
   137             const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
   138             TBool aNotifyActive,
   139             TUint32 aSessionId,
   140             TInt aSubSessionId );
   142         /**
   143           *	Read store entry from the store
   144           *
   145          *	@since 3.0
   146          *	@param aMessage message from client, which carries
   147          *		Store ID, store type and buffer of store entry
   148          */
   149         void ReadStoreEntryL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage );
   151         /**
   152          *	Get store entry length
   153          *
   154          *	@since 3.0
   155          *	@param aMessage message from client, which carries
   156          *		Store ID, store type
   157          */
   158         void GetStoreEntryLengthL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage );
   160         /**
   161          *	Remove store entry from the store
   162          *
   163          *	@since 3.0
   164          *	@param aMessage message from client, which carries
   165          *		Store ID, store type
   166          */
   167         void RemoveStoreEntryL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage );
   169         /**
   170          *	Lock store entry in the store
   171          *
   172          *	@since 3.0
   173          *	@param aMessage message from client, which carries
   174          *		Store ID, store type
   175          */
   176         void LockStoreEntryL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
   177                               TUint32 aSessionId,
   178                               TInt aSubSessionId );
   180         /**
   181          *	Un Lock store entry in the store
   182          *
   183          *	@since 3.0
   184          *	@param aMessage message from client, which carries
   185          *		Store ID, store type
   186          */
   187         const CPEngDataEntry* UnlockStoreEntryL(
   188             const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
   189             TBool aNotifyActive,
   190             TUint32 aSessionId,
   191             TInt aSubSessionId );
   193         /**
   194          *	Un Lock store entry in the store
   195          *
   196          *	@since 3.0
   197          *	@param aMessage message from client, which carries
   198          *		Store ID, store type
   199          */
   200         void IsStoreEntryLockedL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage );
   202     public: // New Functions of Notification Engine
   204         /**
   205          *	Start listening of defined Storage IDs
   206          *
   207          *	@since 3.0
   208          *	@param aMessage message with request details
   209          *	@param aSessionId Session ID
   210          *	@param aSubSessionId Sub Session ID
   211          */
   212         void ListenSIDsChangesL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
   213                                  TUint32 aSessionId,
   214                                  TInt aSubSessionId );
   216         /**
   217           *	Update Listen Storage IDs Request handler with new SIDs
   218          *
   219          *	@since 3.0
   220          *	@param aMessage message with request details
   221          *	@param aSessionId Session ID
   222          *	@param aSubSessionId Sub Session ID
   223          */
   224         void UpdateListenSIDsScoutL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
   225                                      TUint32 aSessionId,
   226                                      TInt aSubSessionId );
   228         /**
   229          *	Fetch Changed Storage IDs Indexes
   230          *
   231          *	@since 3.0
   232          *	@param aMessage message with request details
   233          *	@param aSessionId Session ID
   234          *	@param aSubSessionId Sub Session ID
   235          */
   236         void FetchChangedIdsIndexesL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
   237                                       TUint32 aSessionId,
   238                                       TInt aSubSessionId );
   240         /**
   241           *	Reload Asynchronou request with new Message( TRequestStatus)
   242           *
   243          *	@since 3.0
   244          *	@param aMessage message with request details
   245          *	@param aSessionId Session ID
   246          *	@param aSubSessionId Sub Session ID
   247          */
   248         void ReloadAsyncScoutL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
   249                                 TUint32 aSessionId,
   250                                 TInt aSubSessionId );
   253         /**
   254          *
   255          *
   256          *	@since 3.0
   257          *	@param aSessionId Session ID
   258          *	@param aSubSessionId Sub Session ID
   259          */
   260         void CancelSubSessionRequests( TUint32  aSessionId,
   261                                        TInt aSubSessionId );
   263         /**
   264          *	Cancel defined pending asynchronous request
   265          *
   266          *	@since 3.0
   267          *	@param aSessionId session ID
   268          *	@param aSubSessionId sub-session ID
   269          *	@param aRequest request to be canceled
   270          */
   271         void CancelRequest( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
   272                             TUint32  aSessionId,
   273                             TInt aSubSessionId );
   275         /**
   276          *	Notify about change of the Storage ID, except the
   277          *	session from which request came
   278          *
   279          *	@since 3.0
   280          *	@param aMessage message with request details
   281          *	@param aNotifyActive flag if notification is active
   282          *		   if ETrue, change if notified to listeners
   283          *	@return data entry which was stored
   284          */
   285         const CPEngDataEntry* NotifyChangedStorageIdL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
   286                                                        TBool aNotifyActive );
   289         /**
   290          *	Notify changed SIDs to the listening clients
   291          *
   292          *	@since 3.0
   293          *	@param aEntries
   294          *	@param aSessionId
   295          */
   296         void NotifySIDChanges( const RPointerArray<CPEngDataEntry>& aEntries );
   298     private: // New Private Functions of the class
   300         /**
   301           *	Find Request Handler
   302           *
   303           *	@since 3.0
   304           * 	@param aSessionId Session ID
   305           *	@param aSubSessionId Sub Session ID
   306           *	@param aFunction request function
   307           *	@return pointer to Request Handler it it exists or NULL
   308           */
   309         CPEngRequestHandler* FindRequestHandler(
   310             TUint32 aSessionId,
   311             TInt aSubSessionId,
   312             TPEngStorageServerMessages aFunction );
   314         /**
   315          *	Get Store Entry instance
   316          *	If request store Entry does not exists, it will be created
   317          *
   318          *	@since 3.0
   319          *	@param aMessage clients message with Store ID and store type
   320          *	@param aCreateIfNotPressent flag if store entry shall be
   321          *			created if it does not exists ( ETrue = Yes )
   322          *	@return pointer to the Data entry
   323          */
   324         CPEngDataEntry* GetStoreEntryL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
   325                                         TBool aCreateIfNotPressent,
   326                                         TBtreePos& aPos,
   327                                         TBool aTrueSearch = EFalse );
   329         /**
   330          *	Load Store entry and add it to the tree
   331          *	If store entry does not exists in the store, created it
   332          *	if flag is switched on
   333          *
   334          *	@since 3.0
   335          *	@param aKey key of the Storage Entry
   336          *	@param aCreateIfNotPressent flag if store entry shall be
   337          *			created if it does not exists ( ETrue = Yes )
   338          * 	@return pointer to the Data entry
   339          */
   340         CPEngDataEntry* LoadStoreEntryL( TDesC& aKey,
   341                                          TBool aCreateIfNotPressent,
   342                                          TBtreePos& aPos,
   343                                          const RPEngMessage& aMessage );
   345         /**
   346          * Notify observer that all observer SIds changed
   347          *
   348          * @since 3.0
   349          */
   350         void NofifyAllAboutAll();
   352         /**
   353          * Look in buffered data entries
   354          *
   355          */
   356         CPEngDataEntry* CheckBufferedDataEntries( const TDesC& aKey );
   358         /**
   359          * Add buffered data entry pointer
   360          */
   361         void AddBufferedDataEntry( CPEngDataEntry* aDataEntry );
   363     private:  // New private Functions of the class
   364         /**
   365          *	Clean B tree from all entries
   366          *	It will remove all entries from the B tree
   367          *
   368          *	@since 3.0
   369          */
   370         void CleanTreeFromAllEntriesL();
   372     private:
   374         /**
   375          * C++ default constructor.
   376          */
   377         CPEngStorageFolder( RFs& aFs,
   378                             const TDesC& aTempFolder,
   379                             RBuf16& aCommBuff );
   381         /**
   382          * Symbian 2nd phase constructor
   383          */
   384         void ConstructL();
   386     private:    // Data
   388         /// REF: File server, owned by the server class
   389         RFs&											iFs;
   391         /// REF: Temp folder of the Storage
   392         const TDesC&									iTempFolder;
   394         /// REF: buffer used for communication, to minimize
   395         RBuf16&											iBuffer;
   398         /// OWN: Folder name, Hashed
   399         HBufC*											iSessionFolder;
   401         /// OWN: Session slot state, also has session Identification
   402         CPEngSessionSlotState*							iSessionState;
   404         /// OWN: B-tree with cached entries
   405         TBtreeFix<CPEngDataEntry*, TDesC*>				iDataEntryTree;
   407         /// OWN: Key for ordering of B-tree of cached entries
   408         TPEngDataEntryKey								iDataEntryTreeKey;
   410         /// OWN: Handles memory management for B-Tree
   411         CMemPagePool*									iPool;
   413         /// OWN: Flag if B-tree is connected
   414         TBool											iTreeConnected;
   416         /// OWN: Container with the Observers, owned and also members are owned
   417         CObjectCon*										iObservers;
   419         /// REF: Last used data entries
   420         CPEngDataEntry*									iBuffDataEntry0;
   421         CPEngDataEntry*									iBuffDataEntry1;
   422         CPEngDataEntry*									iBuffDataEntry2;
   423     };
   425 #endif      // __CPENGSTORAGEFOLDER_H__
   427 // End of File