* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: One Storage folder management
#include <e32base.h>
#include <bamdesca.h>
#include "MPEngStorageFolder.h"
#include "TPEngStorageServerBTreeKeys.h"
#include "TPEngStorageServerMessages.h"
class CPEngRequestHandler;
class RPEngMessage;
class RFs;
class CPEngSessionSlotState;
class CPEngSessionSlotEvent;
* One Storage folder management
* Manages data in one storage folder
* @since 3.0
class CPEngStorageFolder : public CObject,
public MPEngStorageFolder
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CPEngStorageFolder* NewL( RFs& aFs,
const TDesC& aTempFolder,
RBuf16& aCommBuff );
* Two-phased constructor.
static CPEngStorageFolder* NewLC( RFs& aFs,
const TDesC& aTempFolder,
RBuf16& aCommBuff );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CPEngStorageFolder();
public: // Overwritten virtual functions of the CObject
* Close reference to this reference counted object
* if state of folder is active, do not delete it
* @since 3.0
void Close ();
public: // new from MPEngStorageFolder
* Get data entry
* @see MPEngStorageFolder
CPEngDataEntry* DataEntryL( const TDesC& aSId );
public: // New functions used by the Server
* Session slot state
* @since 3.0
* @return returns session slot state
CPEngSessionSlotState& SessionSlotState();
* Set Session slot state
* Ownership of the parameter is transfered
* @since 3.0
* @param aState state of session, ownership is transfered
void SetSessionSlotState( CPEngSessionSlotState& aState );
* Set Session Slot base folder
* Ownership of the parameter is transfered
* @since 3.0
* @param aFolder des buffer with the base folder
* ownership is transfered
void SetSessionFolder( HBufC& aFolder );
* Commited folder session state update
* It does necessary cleaning of the folder
* @since 3.0
void CommiteStateUpdate();
public: // New Functions of Storage Engine
* Store store entry into the store
* @since 3.0
* @param aMessage message from client, which carries
* Store ID, store type and buffer of store entry
* @param aNotifyActive flag if notification is active
* if ETrue, change if notified to listeners
* @return data entry which was stored
const CPEngDataEntry* WriteStoreEntryL(
const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
TBool aNotifyActive,
TUint32 aSessionId,
TInt aSubSessionId );
* Read store entry from the store
* @since 3.0
* @param aMessage message from client, which carries
* Store ID, store type and buffer of store entry
void ReadStoreEntryL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage );
* Get store entry length
* @since 3.0
* @param aMessage message from client, which carries
* Store ID, store type
void GetStoreEntryLengthL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage );
* Remove store entry from the store
* @since 3.0
* @param aMessage message from client, which carries
* Store ID, store type
void RemoveStoreEntryL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage );
* Lock store entry in the store
* @since 3.0
* @param aMessage message from client, which carries
* Store ID, store type
void LockStoreEntryL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
TUint32 aSessionId,
TInt aSubSessionId );
* Un Lock store entry in the store
* @since 3.0
* @param aMessage message from client, which carries
* Store ID, store type
const CPEngDataEntry* UnlockStoreEntryL(
const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
TBool aNotifyActive,
TUint32 aSessionId,
TInt aSubSessionId );
* Un Lock store entry in the store
* @since 3.0
* @param aMessage message from client, which carries
* Store ID, store type
void IsStoreEntryLockedL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage );
public: // New Functions of Notification Engine
* Start listening of defined Storage IDs
* @since 3.0
* @param aMessage message with request details
* @param aSessionId Session ID
* @param aSubSessionId Sub Session ID
void ListenSIDsChangesL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
TUint32 aSessionId,
TInt aSubSessionId );
* Update Listen Storage IDs Request handler with new SIDs
* @since 3.0
* @param aMessage message with request details
* @param aSessionId Session ID
* @param aSubSessionId Sub Session ID
void UpdateListenSIDsScoutL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
TUint32 aSessionId,
TInt aSubSessionId );
* Fetch Changed Storage IDs Indexes
* @since 3.0
* @param aMessage message with request details
* @param aSessionId Session ID
* @param aSubSessionId Sub Session ID
void FetchChangedIdsIndexesL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
TUint32 aSessionId,
TInt aSubSessionId );
* Reload Asynchronou request with new Message( TRequestStatus)
* @since 3.0
* @param aMessage message with request details
* @param aSessionId Session ID
* @param aSubSessionId Sub Session ID
void ReloadAsyncScoutL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
TUint32 aSessionId,
TInt aSubSessionId );
* @since 3.0
* @param aSessionId Session ID
* @param aSubSessionId Sub Session ID
void CancelSubSessionRequests( TUint32 aSessionId,
TInt aSubSessionId );
* Cancel defined pending asynchronous request
* @since 3.0
* @param aSessionId session ID
* @param aSubSessionId sub-session ID
* @param aRequest request to be canceled
void CancelRequest( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
TUint32 aSessionId,
TInt aSubSessionId );
* Notify about change of the Storage ID, except the
* session from which request came
* @since 3.0
* @param aMessage message with request details
* @param aNotifyActive flag if notification is active
* if ETrue, change if notified to listeners
* @return data entry which was stored
const CPEngDataEntry* NotifyChangedStorageIdL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
TBool aNotifyActive );
* Notify changed SIDs to the listening clients
* @since 3.0
* @param aEntries
* @param aSessionId
void NotifySIDChanges( const RPointerArray<CPEngDataEntry>& aEntries );
private: // New Private Functions of the class
* Find Request Handler
* @since 3.0
* @param aSessionId Session ID
* @param aSubSessionId Sub Session ID
* @param aFunction request function
* @return pointer to Request Handler it it exists or NULL
CPEngRequestHandler* FindRequestHandler(
TUint32 aSessionId,
TInt aSubSessionId,
TPEngStorageServerMessages aFunction );
* Get Store Entry instance
* If request store Entry does not exists, it will be created
* @since 3.0
* @param aMessage clients message with Store ID and store type
* @param aCreateIfNotPressent flag if store entry shall be
* created if it does not exists ( ETrue = Yes )
* @return pointer to the Data entry
CPEngDataEntry* GetStoreEntryL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
TBool aCreateIfNotPressent,
TBtreePos& aPos,
TBool aTrueSearch = EFalse );
* Load Store entry and add it to the tree
* If store entry does not exists in the store, created it
* if flag is switched on
* @since 3.0
* @param aKey key of the Storage Entry
* @param aCreateIfNotPressent flag if store entry shall be
* created if it does not exists ( ETrue = Yes )
* @return pointer to the Data entry
CPEngDataEntry* LoadStoreEntryL( TDesC& aKey,
TBool aCreateIfNotPressent,
TBtreePos& aPos,
const RPEngMessage& aMessage );
* Notify observer that all observer SIds changed
* @since 3.0
void NofifyAllAboutAll();
* Look in buffered data entries
CPEngDataEntry* CheckBufferedDataEntries( const TDesC& aKey );
* Add buffered data entry pointer
void AddBufferedDataEntry( CPEngDataEntry* aDataEntry );
private: // New private Functions of the class
* Clean B tree from all entries
* It will remove all entries from the B tree
* @since 3.0
void CleanTreeFromAllEntriesL();
* C++ default constructor.
CPEngStorageFolder( RFs& aFs,
const TDesC& aTempFolder,
RBuf16& aCommBuff );
* Symbian 2nd phase constructor
void ConstructL();
private: // Data
/// REF: File server, owned by the server class
RFs& iFs;
/// REF: Temp folder of the Storage
const TDesC& iTempFolder;
/// REF: buffer used for communication, to minimize
RBuf16& iBuffer;
/// OWN: Folder name, Hashed
HBufC* iSessionFolder;
/// OWN: Session slot state, also has session Identification
CPEngSessionSlotState* iSessionState;
/// OWN: B-tree with cached entries
TBtreeFix<CPEngDataEntry*, TDesC*> iDataEntryTree;
/// OWN: Key for ordering of B-tree of cached entries
TPEngDataEntryKey iDataEntryTreeKey;
/// OWN: Handles memory management for B-Tree
CMemPagePool* iPool;
/// OWN: Flag if B-tree is connected
TBool iTreeConnected;
/// OWN: Container with the Observers, owned and also members are owned
CObjectCon* iObservers;
/// REF: Last used data entries
CPEngDataEntry* iBuffDataEntry0;
CPEngDataEntry* iBuffDataEntry1;
CPEngDataEntry* iBuffDataEntry2;
// End of File