Bug 3539. Update localisation mappings.
* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* class for imps key.
#include <e32base.h>
#include "impskey.h"
#include "impserrors.h"
#include "impsconst.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#include <f32file.h>
const TInt KDefaultKeySize = 20;
const TInt KAddRoom = 20;
// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
CImpsKey::CImpsKey() :
// Symbian OS default constructor can leave.
void CImpsKey::ConstructL( )
iBuffer = HBufC16::NewL( KDefaultKeySize ); // Insert room for the elements
// Two-phased constructor.
EXPORT_C CImpsKey* CImpsKey::NewL( )
CImpsKey* self = new (ELeave) CImpsKey;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructL( );
CleanupStack::Pop( );
return self;
// Two-phased constructor.
EXPORT_C CImpsKey* CImpsKey::NewLC( )
CImpsKey* self = new (ELeave) CImpsKey;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructL( );
return self;
// Destructor
EXPORT_C CImpsKey::~CImpsKey()
delete iBuffer;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsKey::AddL
// Adds new element value the key
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsKey::AddL(
const TInt aElemvalue ,
enum TImpsKeyType aKeyType)
if( iBuffer->Length( ) + 2 > iBuffer->Des().MaxLength() )
iBuffer = iBuffer->ReAllocL( iBuffer->Length( ) + KAddRoom ); // Insert room
TPtr16 buffer = iBuffer->Des();
buffer.AppendFill( 0,2 );
TUint16 val = STATIC_CAST(TUint16,GET_INDEX(aElemvalue));
if(aKeyType == EImpsKeyTypeIM)
val &= 0x7FFF; // High bit is zero
val |= 0x8000; // High bit is one
buffer[iCount*2] = val; // Index value
buffer[iCount*2+1] = STATIC_CAST(TUint16,GET_ENUM(aElemvalue)); // Enum value
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsKey::PopL
// Remove the last item from the key
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsKey::PopL( TInt aCount )
if( iCount - aCount < 0 )
User::Leave( KImpsErrorKeyEmpty );
TPtr16 buffer = iBuffer->Des( );
TInt size = buffer.Length( );
buffer.SetLength( size - 2*aCount );
iCount -= aCount;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsKey::GetElementL
// Remove the last item from the key
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CImpsKey::GetElementL(
const TInt aIndex, TImpsKeyType& aKeyType ) const
if( aIndex < 0 )
User::Leave( KImpsErrorKeyIndexInvalid );
if( iCount == 0 )
User::Leave( KImpsErrorKeyEmpty );
if( aIndex>=iCount )
User::Leave( KImpsErrorKeyIndexTooLarge );
TInt highval = (*iBuffer)[aIndex*2];
if( IS_PRESENCE( highval*0x10000 ) )
aKeyType = EImpsKeyTypePre;
aKeyType = EImpsKeyTypeIM;
highval &= 0x7FFF; // Leave out the high bit
TInt ret = STATIC_CAST( TInt, highval * 0x10000 + (*iBuffer)[aIndex*2+1] );
return ret;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsKey::ReplaceLastL
// Replace last with new key
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsKey::ReplaceLastL(
const TInt aElemvalue,
enum TImpsKeyType aKeyType )
PopL( );
AddL( aElemvalue, aKeyType );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsKey::Reset
// Reset to empty key
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsKey::Reset()
TPtr16 buffer = iBuffer->Des( );
buffer.SetLength( 0 );
iCount = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsKey::Compare
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CImpsKey::Compare( MImpsKey& aKey )
CImpsKey& alien = (CImpsKey&)aKey;
return (*this==alien);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsKey::Copy
// Copy the key
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CImpsKey* CImpsKey::CopyL( ) const
CImpsKey* newKey = new (ELeave) CImpsKey;
CleanupStack::PushL( newKey );
HBufC16* newString = iBuffer->AllocL( );
newKey->iBuffer = newString;
newKey->iCount = iCount;
CleanupStack::Pop( );
return newKey;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsKey::CheckKey
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CImpsKey::CheckKey(
const CImpsKey *aKey,
TImpsKeyOptions aOptions ) const
// Find the string from the buffer
// if the string is not found return EFalse
TInt index = iBuffer->Find( aKey->iBuffer->Des() );
if(index == KErrNotFound )
return EFalse;
// If aOptions is PARTIALKEY and index is 0 we know that the
// key matched to the start of the key.
// If aOptionms is PARTIALKEYLONGER we want the key to little bit more
// than just the plain key. The key is not wholekey
// If aOptions is EWholeKey and the index is 0 and also the
// lengths must be the same then we have macthed whole key
switch ( aOptions )
case EPartialKey:
if( index==0 )
return ETrue;
case EPartialKeyLonger:
if( index==0 && aKey->Count( ) < Count( ))
return ETrue;
case EWholeKey:
if( index == 0 && aKey->Count( ) == Count( ) )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsKey::Size
// Size of the key
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CImpsKey::Size( ) const
TInt size = sizeof (TInt); // iCount
size += iBuffer->Size( );
return size;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsKey::Pack
// Pack the key
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CImpsKey::Pack(
const TUint8*& aPtrStart ) const
Mem::Copy( (void*)aPtrStart, &iCount, sizeof( iCount ) );
aPtrStart = aPtrStart + sizeof( iCount );
if( iCount )
// TInt32 tempSize = 0;
tempSize = iBuffer->Size();
Mem::Copy( (void*)aPtrStart, &tempSize, sizeof( tempSize) );
aPtrStart = aPtrStart + sizeof( tempSize );
if ( iCount )
Mem::Copy( (void*)aPtrStart, iBuffer->Ptr(), tempSize);
aPtrStart = aPtrStart + tempSize ;
// tempSize = iBuffer->Size();
// Mem::Copy( (void*)aPtrStart, &tempSize, sizeof( tempSize) );
// aPtrStart = aPtrStart + sizeof( tempSize );
if ( iCount )
Mem::Copy( (void*)aPtrStart, iBuffer->Ptr(), iCount*4);
aPtrStart = aPtrStart + iCount*4 ;
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsKey::UnPackL
// Pack the key
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsKey::UnPackL(
TUint8*& aPtr )
Mem::Copy( &iCount, aPtr, sizeof( iCount ) );
aPtr += sizeof( iCount );
if( iCount )
const TUint8* textPtr = aPtr;
// TInt32 tempSize = 0;
Mem::Copy( &tempSize, textPtr, sizeof( tempSize) );
textPtr = textPtr + sizeof( tempSize );
if ( iCount > 0 )
delete iBuffer;
iBuffer = NULL;
iBuffer = HBufC16::NewL( tempSize );
Mem::Copy( (void*)iBuffer->Ptr(), textPtr, tempSize );
iBuffer->Des().SetLength( tempSize );
textPtr = textPtr + tempSize;
// Mem::Copy( &tempSize, textPtr, sizeof( tempSize) );
// textPtr = textPtr + sizeof( tempSize );
if ( iCount > 0 )
delete iBuffer;
iBuffer = NULL;
iBuffer = HBufC16::NewL( iCount*2 );
Mem::Copy( (void*)iBuffer->Ptr(), textPtr, iCount*4 );
iBuffer->Des().SetLength( iCount*2 );
textPtr = textPtr + iCount*4;
if ( iCount < 0 )
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
aPtr = (TUint8*) textPtr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsKey::Destroy
// Destroy the key
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsKey::Destroy()
delete this;
#ifdef _DEBUG
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsKey::DumpToFileL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsKey::DumpToFileL( RFile& aFile ) const
_LIT8( KImpsKeyDumpBegin, " ImpsKey dump begin\r\n");
aFile.Write( KImpsKeyDumpBegin );
TInt count = iCount;
TBuf8<256> message;
_LIT8(KCount," Impskey number of elements = %d\r\n");
_LIT8(KElement," Impskey element %d\r\n");
_LIT8(KElementIndex," Impskey element index %d\r\n");
_LIT8(KElementEnum," Impskey element enum %x\r\n");
message.Format( KCount, count );
aFile.Write( message );
for( TInt k = 0; k< count; k++ )
TImpsKeyType keyType;
TInt elem = GetElementL( k, keyType );
message.Format( KElement, k );
aFile.Write( message );
if( keyType == EImpsKeyTypeIM )
_LIT8( KImpsKeyTypeIM, " ImpsKey type = EImpsKeyTypeIM\r\n");
aFile.Write( KImpsKeyTypeIM );
_LIT8( KImpsKeyTypePresence, " ImpsKey type = EImpsKeyTypePre\r\n");
aFile.Write( KImpsKeyTypePresence );
message.Format( KElementIndex, GET_INDEX(elem) );
aFile.Write( message );
message.Format( KElementEnum, GET_ENUM(elem) );
aFile.Write( message );
_LIT8( KImpsKeyDumpEnd, " ImpsKey dump end\r\n");
aFile.Write( KImpsKeyDumpEnd );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsKey::SetElementIndex
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsKey::SetElementIndex( TInt aCount, TInt aNewIndex )
if( iCount == 0 )
if( aCount < 0 )
if( aCount >= iCount )
TInt highval = (*iBuffer)[aCount*2];
TUint16 val = STATIC_CAST(TUint16,aNewIndex );
if( IS_PRESENCE( highval*0x10000 ) )
val |= 0x8000;
val &= 0x7FFF;
TPtr16 buffer = iBuffer->Des();
buffer[aCount*2] = val; // Index value
// End of File