Bug 3539. Update localisation mappings.
* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This file defines an interface for sending and receiving data
* from CSP session as well as opening and closing methods.
#include "impsservercommon.h"
class CImpsFields;
class TImpsServices;
* MImpsDataReceiver
* Abstract interface for handling responses from CSP Sessoin.
class MImpsCSPSession
public: // New functions
* Login WV server
* @param aUser User-id (max 50 characters)
* @param aPsw password (max 50 characters)
* @param aClientId client id used to log in server.
* The client-id having prefix '+' or number is considered
* as MSISDN number (E.164),
* otherwise it is handled as URL (max 200 character).
* This MAY be used for CIR addressing if SAP is not able to
* detect MSISDN number in other way
* @param aServer SAP URI, may include port number
* @param aAP CommDb id for access point
* @param aAnyAP ETrue if any other open access point is accepted
* @param aKey1 future option
* @param aKey2 future option
* @param aExpiryTime expiry time of this request
* @param aReactive reactive presence auth negotiation
* @return TID
virtual TPtrC LoginL(
const TDesC& aUser,
const TDesC& aPassword,
const TDesC& aClientId,
const TDesC& aSAP,
TUint32 aAP,
const TDesC& aKey1,
const TDesC& aKey2,
TTime aExpiryTime,
TBool aReactive ) = 0;
* Logout SAP
* @param aCancel ETrue if login cancel functionaliy wanted
* @return TID
virtual TPtrC LogoutL( TBool aCancel ) = 0;
* Receive terminal off_line/on_line indication
* @param aParam True if connections allowed, else False.
virtual void SetConnAllowed( TBool aParam ) = 0;
* CIR message handler. OPa: Both server and MSession.
* @param aCookie entire session cookie message
virtual void CirMessageL( const TDesC8& aCookie ) = 0;
* Send data from session current data to WV server.
* Login must have been done.
* @param aFields data
* @param aExpiry expiry time in seconds, if 0, then time in gerarated.
* @param aOwnerCh OUTPUT ETrue is ownership of aFields is changed
* @return transaction-id
virtual TPtrC SendDataL(
CImpsFields* aFields,
TInt aExpiry,
TBool& aOwnerChange ) = 0;
* Callback for response from transport watcher
* @param aDataPtr data received. It must be set to NULL after data is consumed.
virtual void TransportResponseL( HBufC8** aDataPtr ) = 0;
* Callback for error from transport watcher
* @param aTID transaction-id, 0 means undefined
* @param aError error code. KImpsErrorNoIAP means lost PDP context.
virtual void TransportErrorL(
const TDesC& aTID,
TInt aError ) = 0;
* Cancel active data channel requests.
virtual void CancelData() = 0;
* Close All. MServer::TransportStatus( NO_IAP ) is the result.
virtual void CloseAll() = 0;
* Close PDP context only.
virtual void ClosePDP() = 0;
* Open PDP context only.
* @return error code
virtual TInt OpenPDP() = 0;
* Transport status change indicator
* @param aConnectionState new status, on_line, off_line or no_iap
virtual void TransportStatus(
EImpsInternalStatus aConnectionState ) = 0;
* Get next message to be sent.
* Validates first the expiry time and discards a message is necessary.
virtual void GetNextMessageL() = 0;
* Send Poll request
virtual void SendPollL() = 0;
* Send KeepAlive request
* @return TID of KeepAlive request
virtual TPtrC SendAliveL( ) = 0;
* Send KeepAlive request when GPRS resumes
virtual void SendAliveInResume( ) = 0;
* Is the server logging in curretly
* @return ETrue if log in active
virtual TBool IsLogging() = 0;
* Is the server logged in
* @return ETrue if logged in
virtual TBool IsLogged() = 0;
* Is the CSP session capabilities negotiated
* @return ETrue if negotiated
virtual TBool IsNegotiated() = 0;
* Current User-id accessor
* @return UserId
virtual TPtrC UserId() = 0;
* Current SAP accessor
* @return SAP
virtual TPtrC SAP() = 0;
* Current CSP Session-id accessor
* @return Session-id
virtual TPtrC SID() = 0;
* Current CSP Session password accessor
* @return password
virtual TPtrC Password() = 0;
* active services accessor
* @return current WV services
virtual TImpsServices* Services() = 0;
* Is engine shutting down
* @return ETrue if shutting down
virtual TBool IsShuttingDown() = 0;
* Is there pendig login operation
* @return ETrue if yes
virtual TBool IsPendingLogin() = 0;
* Cancel a transaction. OPa: Server myös.
* Removes request from server's transaction queue and
* asks transport to cancel the request too.
* @param aTID transaction id to identify the request.
virtual void CancelTrans( const TDesC& aTID ) = 0;
* Send so many queued client requests as possible to transport.
virtual void DoSendAllQueuedL() = 0;
* Do the internal logout routines immediately
virtual void DoLogout( ) = 0;
* Ip-Cir-channel opened callback
virtual void CirChOpened() = 0;
* Ip-Cir-channel error callback
virtual void CirChError() = 0;
* Check exiparation of current requests and asks server to
* remove requests from client sessions if necessary
* @param sType service types
* @param aExpiry expiration time for requests
virtual void CheckExpiry(
TImpsEventType aType,
const TTime aExpiry ) = 0;
* Destructor
virtual void Destroy() = 0;
* Maximum parser size
virtual TInt MaxParserSize() = 0;
* Maximum IM message size
virtual TInt MaxMessageSize() = 0;
#endif // ?INCLUDE_H
// End of File