Bug 3539. Update localisation mappings.
* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Imps engine wbxml message encoder
#ifndef CImpsEncodeWbXml_H
#define CImpsEncodeWbXml_H
#include <e32base.h>
#include "ImpsMessageInterpreterApi.h"
#include "nw_encoder_domencoder.h"
#include "ImpsXmlUtils.h"
#include "impscommonenums.h"
const TInt KImpsMaxDictionaries = 2;
const TInt KImpsValueListAlternative = 0x01;
const TInt KImpsValueListOptional = 0x02;
const TInt KImpsValueListMultiple = 0x04;
const TInt KImpsValueListOnceOrMore = 0x08;
const TInt KImpsValueListEnd = 0x10;
const TInt KImpsValueListEmpty = 0x20;
const TInt KImpsSubList = 0x40;
const TInt KImpsMaxTextItemCount = 2;
const TInt KImpsExtraElemEnd = -2;
class MImpsKey;
class CImpsEncodeWbXml :public CBase, public MImpsEncoder
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CImpsEncodeWbXml* NewL();
* Destructor.
virtual ~CImpsEncodeWbXml();
public: // New functions
* method builds wbxml encoded message based on data
* included in class aImpsData
* @param aImpsData reference to MImpsDataAccessor class.
* @param aEncodeBuffer buffer to hold the encoded message,
* @return (parser) error code
void EncodeMessageL(
MImpsDataAccessor& aImpsData,
CBufFlat& aEncodeBuffer );
* Destructor
virtual void Destroy();
* wbxml message MIME type
* @return MIME type
virtual TPtrC8 MimeType();
struct SImpsValueList {
TInt Begin;
TInt Length;
TInt Next;
TInt Current;
TInt CurrentLength;
TInt Flags;
* C++ default constructor.
CImpsEncodeWbXml( );
* By default constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
// By default, prohibit copy constructor
CImpsEncodeWbXml( const CImpsEncodeWbXml& );
// Prohibit assigment operator
CImpsEncodeWbXml& operator= ( const CImpsEncodeWbXml& );
* method adds one element to DOM tree
* @param aElement element name
* @param aNode parent DOM node
* @param aNode element index if may exist multiple times
* @return error code
TInt EncodeElementL(TDesC &aElement, NW_DOM_ElementNode_t* aNode, TInt aIndex);
* method creates dictionary, which maps WBXML tokens to DTD tags
* @return error code
TInt CreateDictionary( );
* method reads one element declaration from DTD
* @param aElement element name
* @return error code
TPtrC ReadElementDeclaration(TDesC &aElement);
* method stores node value to DOM tree
* @param aToken element WBXML token value
* @param aNode element DOM node
* @param aValue element value
* @return error code
TInt EncodeValueL(TInt aToken, NW_DOM_TextNode_t* aNode,TInt aValue);
* method reads next value in element declaration
* @param aValueList
* @return value
TPtrC ReadNextValue(SImpsValueList* aValueList,TPtrC aValues);
* method adds attribute values to element DOM node
* @param aToken element WBXML token value
* @param aNode element DOM node
* @return error code
TInt EncodeAttributes(TInt aToken, NW_DOM_ElementNode_t* aNode);
* method encodes alternative values in WV element decralation
* @param aToken element WBXML token value
* @param aNode parent DOM node
* @return error code
TInt EncodeSubListL(TPtrC aValue, NW_DOM_TextNode_t* aNode);
* method encodes multibyte integer value
* @param aValue integer value
* @param aBuffer for encoded value
void StoreInteger(TUint32 aValue, TPtr8 aBuffer);
* method sets DTD pointer
* @param aOffset offset in DTD buffer
* @param aLength string length
* @return new pointer value
TPtrC SetPointer(TInt aOffset,TInt aLength );
* method count string length
* @param aPtr contains string
* @return string length
TInt CountContentSize(TDesC*& aPtr);
* method counts message content size
* @param aToken content size token
* @return success code
TInt SetContentSizeL(TInt aToken, NW_DOM_ElementNode_t* aNode);
* method selects alternative value
* @param aToken element token
* @param aValue
* @return alternative value
// TInt SelectAlternativeValueL(TInt aToken, TPtrC aValue);
* method updates data accessor key
* @param aToken element token
void PopAccessKeyL(TInt aToken);
* method fetches next element
* @param aValueList
* @param aElementCounter
* @param aRcode
* @param aElementList
* @param aCurrentElement
* @return next element
TPtrC FetchNextElement(SImpsValueList* aValueList,TInt& aElementCounter,TInt& aRcode,
TPtrC aElementList,TPtrC aCurrentElement);
* method updates data accessor key
* @param aToken element token
* @param aIndex element index
TInt SetDataAccessorKeyL(TInt aToken,TInt aIndex);
* method reads sub element list
* @param aElement
* @param aValueList
void ReadElementList(TPtrC aElement, SImpsValueList* aValueList);
* method reads wbxml token value
* @param aElement
* @return wbxml token
TInt ReadToken(TPtrC aElement);
* method stores 8 bit string to DOM node
* @param aToken element token
* @param aElemCount
* @return
TInt EncodeString8L(TInt aToken,TInt& aElemCount);
* method stores extension value to DOM node
* @param aToken element token
* @param aElemCount
* @return
TInt EncodeExtL(TInt aToken,TInt& aElemCount);
* method stores string to DOM node
* @param aToken element token
* @param aElemCount
* @return
TInt EncodeStringL(TInt aToken,TInt& aElemCount);
* method stores integer value to DOM node
* @param aToken element token
* @param aElemCount
* @return
TInt EncodeIntegerL(TInt aToken,TInt& aElemCount);
* method stores boolean value to DOM node
* @param aToken element token
* @param aElemCount
* @return
TInt EncodeBooleanL(TInt aToken,TInt& aElemCount);
* method searches possible prefix from string
* @param aString is given string
* @param aOffset
* @return possible prefix
TInt SearchPrefix(TPtrC8 aString,TInt& aOffset);
private: // Data
TInt iError;
CBufFlat* iEncodeBuffer;
MImpsDataAccessor* iImpsData;
MImpsKey* iAccessKey;
NW_DOM_DocumentNode_t* iDocument;
TInt iPosition;
TInt iCurrentDictionary;
HBufC* iCspDtd;
HBufC* iContentDtd;
HBufC* iPresenceDtd;
TInt iValuePosition;
TInt iElementPosition;
TInt iDictionaryCount;
NW_WBXML_Dictionary_t* iDictionaries[KImpsMaxDictionaries];
CImpsWbXmlData* iWbXmlData;
HBufC* iElementValue;
HBufC8* iStoreValue;
NW_String_t iString;
NW_WBXML_Opaque_t iOpaque;
NW_DOM_TextItem_t iTextItem[KImpsMaxTextItemCount];
NW_DOM_AttrVal_t iAttribute;
TInt iNameSpace;
TImpsKeyType iKeyType;
TInt iPEC;
CImpsXmlUtils* iXmlUtils;
TImpsCspVersion iCspVersion;
#endif // ?INCLUDE_H
// End of File