Bug 3539. Update localisation mappings.
* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Contact list model implementation
#include "MPEngContactListAdvance.h"
#include "CPEngStoreEntry.h"
#include "MPEngContactListSettingsObserver.h"
#include "MPEngContactListModStore.h"
#include "TPEngContactListBaseSettings.h"
#include <e32base.h>
class CPEngContactListModItemContainer;
class CPEngContactListModChangeMonitor;
class CPEngContactListSettings;
class MPEngContactListSettingsManager;
* Reference owning pointer array.
template<class T>
class RReffArray : public RPointerArray<T>
* Overwritten Close() behaviour.
* Closes access to items.
inline void Close()
TInt count( RPointerArray<T>::Count() );
for ( TInt x( 0 ) ; x < count ; ++x )
RPointerArray<T>::operator[]( x )->Close();
* Contact list model
* Main implementation of the Contact List model.
* @lib PEngListLib2
* @since 3.0
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CPEngContactListModBase ) :
public CPEngStoreEntry,
public MPEngContactListAdvance,
public MPEngContactListSettingsObserver,
public MPEngContactListModStore
public: // Constructors, destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CPEngContactListModBase* NewL(
CPEngContactListSettings& aListSetting,
MPEngStorageManager& aStorageManager,
MPEngContactListSettingsManager& aCntLstSettingsManager );
* Two-phased constructor.
static CPEngContactListModBase* NewLC(
CPEngContactListSettings& aListSetting,
MPEngStorageManager& aStorageManager,
MPEngContactListSettingsManager& aCntLstSettingsManager );
* Destructor
protected: // Constructors
* C++ constructor.
CPEngContactListSettings& aListSettings,
MPEngContactListSettingsManager& aCntLstSettingsManager );
* Symbian constructor.
void ConstructL( MPEngStorageManager& aStorageManager );
public: // From MPEngContactListAdvance
* Gets Reference to the once item of the contact lists
* @see <MPEngContactListAdvance.h>
MPEngContactItemAdvance& ContactItemAdvance(
TInt aIndex,
TPEngContactListView aView = EPEngCntListLocalView );
public: // From MPEngContactList2
* Inserts a Contact into the Contact list.
* @see <MPEngContactList2>
TInt AddContactL( const TDesC& aContact,
const TDesC& aNickName = KNullDesC );
* Removes Contact from the Contact list
* @see <MPEngContactList2>
void RemoveContactL( const TDesC& aContact );
* Find Contact in the contact list
* @see <MPEngContactList2>
TInt FindContact( const TDesC& aContact,
TPEngContactListView aView = EPEngCntListLocalView ) const;
* Count of the Contacts of the Contact list view
* @see <MPEngContactList2>
TInt Count( TPEngContactListView aView = EPEngCntListLocalView ) const;
* Contact Item of the Contact list
* @see <MPEngContactList2>
MPEngContactItem& ContactItem(
TInt aIndex,
TPEngContactListView aView = EPEngCntListLocalView );
const MPEngContactItem& ContactItem(
TInt aIndex,
TPEngContactListView aView = EPEngCntListLocalView ) const;
* Contacts which were removed from the contact list
* @see <MPEngContactList2>
const MDesCArray& RemovedContacts( ) const;
* Contacts which were added to the contact list
* @see <MPEngContactList2>
const MDesCArray& AddedContacts( ) const;
* Contact list Settings
* @see <MPEngContactList2>
MPEngContactListProperties& ListProperties();
* Remove all contacts from the contact list
* @see <MPEngContactList2>
void RemoveAllContactsL( );
* Suspend contact list update notifications
* @see <MPEngContactList2>
void SuspendUpdateNotification( );
* Release sending of the contact list update notifications
* @see <MPEngContactList2>
void ReleaseUpdateNotification( );
* Roll back all changes
* @see <MPEngContactList2>
TInt RollBackAllChangesL( );
* Contact list locked by other client
* @see <MPEngContactList2>
TBool UpdateInProgress( ) const;
* Update of the contact list required
* @see <MPEngContactList2>
TBool UpdateRequired() const;
public: // Functions from CPEngStoreEntry
* ExternalizeL provides way to externalize data from store entry.
* @see <MPEngStoreEntry.h>
void ExternalizeL( RWriteStream& aStream,
TPEngStorageType aStorageType ) const;
* InternalizeL provides way to internalise data to store entry.
* @see <MPEngStoreEntry.h>
void InternalizeL( RReadStream& aStream,
TPEngStorageType aStorageType );
* Store Id of the contact list
* @see <MPEngStoreEntry.h>
virtual const TDesC& StorageId() const;
* Store size of the contact list
* @see <MPEngStoreEntry.h>
virtual TUint32 EntrySize() const;
public: // CPEngStoreEntry / MPEngSIDChangeObserver
* Handle change of the Storage IDs
* @see <MPEngSIDChangeObserver.h>
void HandleSIDsChangeL( CPtrCArray& aChangedSIDs );
* Called when SIDs notifier fails
* @see <MPEngSIDChangeObserver.h>
void HandleSIDNotifyError( TInt aError );
public: // MPEngContactListModStore
* Gets reference to the store entry size
* Size can be modified through this reference
* @see <MPEngContactListModStore.h>
TInt& StoreSizeCount( );
* Stores entry to the store
* @see <MPEngContactListModStore.h>
void StoreEntryL();
public: // function of the MPEngContactListSettingsObserver
* Refresh contact list settings reference
* @see <MPEngContactListSettingsObserver.h>
void RefreshSettingsReference( );
public: // New functions used for ListLib private use
* Maps contact list type to storage type.
* @since 3.0
static TPEngStorageType StoreTypeForListType( TPEngContactListType aListType );
* Reference count support
* @since 3.0
void Open();
* Reference count support
* @since 3.0
void Close();
* Stores contact list content to the store
* @since 3.0
void StoreContactListL( );
* Fill give array with contacts need to be updated.
* Depends on the function, either contacts which need to be updated
* are added. Or contacts which needs to be deleted are added.
* Ownership of appended contact items is not returned.
* @since 3.0
* @param array to be filled with contacts
void FillAddNickListL(
RPointerArray<CPEngContactListModItemContainer>& aAddNickList );
void FillRemoveNickListL(
RPointerArray<CPEngContactListModItemContainer>& aRemoveNickList );
* Commit changes after successful update request
* Request can either update new or edited contacts
* "CommitAddContactsL" or removed contacts "CommitRemoveContactsL"
* @since 3.0
void CommitAddContactsL();
void CommitRemoveContactsL();
* Roll back all changes
* Content of the local view is set same as network one
* @since 3.0
void RollbackL();
* Look for contact among all contact views.
* @since 3.0
* @param aContact to loook for
* @return contact item if found, or NULL pointer
CPEngContactListModItemContainer* FindContactInAll( const TDesC& aContact );
* Check if Contact is valid on the Network server
* @since 3.0
* @param aContact contact to check
* @return ETrue if contact exist on network server
TBool ContactExistsOnServer( CPEngContactListModItemContainer& aContact );
* Adopt new set of contacts.
* Contacts are either adopted for both views ( Local, network)
* "AdoptNewContactsL"
* or only for network view "AddoptNetworkViewL" which leaves
* contact list in state needed for update
* Passed array owns reference to the member items.
* Once item is adopted it is removed from passed array
* @since 3.0
* @param aContacts list of contacts to be adopted
void AdoptNewContactsL(
RPointerArray<CPEngContactListModItemContainer>& aContacts );
void AdoptNetworkViewL(
RPointerArray<CPEngContactListModItemContainer>& aContacts );
* Remove bad contact from the contact list
* @since 3.0
* @param aContact contact Id
void RemoveBadContactL( const TDesC& aContact );
* Reset content of the contact list
* @since 3.0
virtual void Reset();
* Reset Local/Network view List
* @since 3.0
void ResetLocalView();
void ResetNetworkView();
* Leaves with KErrInUse if the contact list
* update is progress.
* @since 3.0
void LeaveIfListUpdateInProgressL() const;
* Get ChangeMonitor reference.
* @since 3.0
* @return change monitor
CPEngContactListModChangeMonitor& ChangeMonitor();
* Get Contact List Settings
* @since 3.0
* @return contact list settings
CPEngContactListSettings& Settings( );
* Server Ordered Contacts
* @since 3.0
* @return List of server ordered contacts
const RPointerArray<CPEngContactListModItemContainer>& ServerOrderedContacts() const;
* Find contact in the array
* @since 3.0
* @param aContact contact name
* @return index in the array, or KErrNotFound
TInt DoFindContact(
const RPointerArray<CPEngContactListModItemContainer>& aArray,
const TDesC& aContact,
TInt& aIndex,
TBool aFirstPrefered = EFalse ) const;
TInt DoFindContact(
const RPointerArray<CPEngContactListModItemContainer>& aArray,
const TDesC& aContact ) const;
private: // Helpers
* Externalize all contacts
* @since 3.0
* @param aStream stream to externalize to
* @param aType storage type of externalize
void ExternalizeContactsL( RWriteStream& aStream,
TPEngStorageType aStorageType ) const;
* Internalize all contacts
* @since 3.0
* @param aStream stream to store internalize from
* @param aType storage type of internalize
void InternalizePermanentContactsL( RReadStream& aStream );
* Internalize all contacts
* @since 3.0
* @param aStream stream to store internalize from
* @param aType storage type of internalize
void InternalizeCachedContactsL( RReadStream& aStream );
* Restore server ordered array
void RestoreServerOrderedArray();
* Reorganizes network view's server order indexes
void ReorganizeServerIndexOrder( TInt aIndex );
private: // Data
/// OWN: Local view of the contacts
/// Elements OWNed
RReffArray<CPEngContactListModItemContainer> iLocalView;
/// OWN: Network view of the contacts
/// Elements OWNed
RReffArray<CPEngContactListModItemContainer> iNetworkView;
/// OWN: Contacts ordered in the order as network server sent it
/// Elements references, same content as iNetworkView
RPointerArray<CPEngContactListModItemContainer> iServerOrder;
/// OWN: Monitor of the changes
CPEngContactListModChangeMonitor* iChangesMonitor;
/// OWN: Access count of the model
TInt iAccessCount;
/// REF: Setting of the contact list
CPEngContactListSettings* iSettings;
/// REF: Contact List settings manager
MPEngContactListSettingsManager& iCntLstSettingsManager;
/// OWN: Storage Id of the contact list
HBufC* iStorageId;
// End of File